I can't comment on this particular case, but one of the cardinal rules about the Internet that so many companies "just don't get" is that you are SO NOT in control. Yes, you MAY be in complete control of your own site and forums..... you may even have significant influence over other sites and forums on which you advertise..... but there is no monopoly over where your company/product is discussed.
The more heavy handed a company is on their own forums and the tighter they try to control the message.... the more they actualy reduce thier ability to do that. A company CAN prevent people from making negative comments on it's own sites but they can't prevent those people from going somewhere else to say those very same things. So what happens when a company is overly heavy handed in it's mods is that it actualy REDUCES the relevence of it's own sites as a place for discussing itself or it's products. Pretty soon "the word gets out" that you don't goto X (company controled/influenced site) to talk about ACME.... you goo Y (independant site where the company has ZERO influence over what is said). Smart companies realize this....and tend to be very light handed in thier moderation and subtle in thier message control. Dumb companies don't...and thier sites quickly become ghost towns and empty echo chambers.
It's a very, very tight line that a company has to walk when trying to mod what is said on it's forums.... obviously you don't need to allow utter trash talk..... on the other hand you REALLY want people talking about you on YOUR forums... not somewhere else. Which means you pretty much need to accept/allow/be tolerant of some negativity. At least if the discussion is going on in your forums you have some ability to influence it. If it's going on somewhere else...you and Bob Nerd-Rage poster are on equal footing as to how the discussion is influenced.
It amazes me how many companies fail to understand this very, very simple dynamic about how the internet really works.
They are probably watching the number of players not continuing their subs past the first month and looking for a reason. It MUST BE the forums and all the negativity there. Couldn't possibly be the game.
(I will be interested to see what sort of retention this game gets - even if it is estimated based on X-Fire data)
Its all downhill from here, it will NEVER be 19 or higher again, the game would have been better off with a Guild Wars free to play setup, seeing as how they only have one server, updates are few and far between (and from cryptic you mostly get what should have been in the game in the first place, 6+ months later)
I feel sorry for the people who bought this game.
I can't comment on this particular case, but one of the cardinal rules about the Internet that so many companies "just don't get" is that you are SO NOT in control. Yes, you MAY be in complete control of your own site and forums..... you may even have significant influence over other sites and forums on which you advertise..... but there is no monopoly over where your company/product is discussed.
The more heavy handed a company is on their own forums and the tighter they try to control the message.... the more they actualy reduce thier ability to do that. A company CAN prevent people from making negative comments on it's own sites but they can't prevent those people from going somewhere else to say those very same things. So what happens when a company is overly heavy handed in it's mods is that it actualy REDUCES the relevence of it's own sites as a place for discussing itself or it's products. Pretty soon "the word gets out" that you don't goto X (company controled/influenced site) to talk about ACME.... you goo Y (independant site where the company has ZERO influence over what is said). Smart companies realize this....and tend to be very light handed in thier moderation and subtle in thier message control. Dumb companies don't...and thier sites quickly become ghost towns and empty echo chambers.
It's a very, very tight line that a company has to walk when trying to mod what is said on it's forums.... obviously you don't need to allow utter trash talk..... on the other hand you REALLY want people talking about you on YOUR forums... not somewhere else. Which means you pretty much need to accept/allow/be tolerant of some negativity. At least if the discussion is going on in your forums you have some ability to influence it. If it's going on somewhere else...you and Bob Nerd-Rage poster are on equal footing as to how the discussion is influenced.
It amazes me how many companies fail to understand this very, very simple dynamic about how the internet really works.
XFire shows STO is now at #32, was number #28 yesterday. The highest it ever made it was #19, a few days ago it was at #24: www.xfire.com/games/sto/Star_Trek_Online/
And there's the bump.
First month subs are over.
It could be worth watching for a few more days.
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
Its all downhill from here, it will NEVER be 19 or higher again, the game would have been better off with a Guild Wars free to play setup, seeing as how they only have one server, updates are few and far between (and from cryptic you mostly get what should have been in the game in the first place, 6+ months later)
I just posted a huge post here about what happened to me (great_milenko) there: