Unless you can post a link to a valid source, I'm going to say you are spreading Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
Yes, there's an ignore feature to block gold spammers. I wonder why people buy gold when they can buy something from the cash shop and auction it off in the AH for gold which is legit?
The link was from the Scott Jennings article on Macrotransactions. I always research my MMOs especially one I am thinking about playing. Allods is currently on my "NO" list.
Looking through Allods cash shop. The most expensive thing is a crafting tool called a rune extractor. It's 3000 golden potatoes or $30.
Most potions, etc are $2.
I don't plan on spending a penny.
Come back and post your success in PvP. Good luck!
Just started playing this game today and I was blown away by how smooth it ran and how simple and fun it was. That being said, I am equally blown away by the pricing in the ishop. Granted i'll never pay a penny for any item in any game but the prices are just crazy. Sad too. I really was hoping to find something kinda good to play if I had to get rid of my Wow account. I may keep allods just to goof around on at least but if it gets to where it's required to buy from the shop in order to even really play the game then I'll drop it. Hell, they may have had a better chance at making it P2P for like $10 a month or something. If they cleaned some of the bugs up that some people have had problems with I think it could stand out as a great game.
I don't know, I have a bad experience with f2p games. If you want to get to the top and be something you have to pay in the cash shop. If you don't want to pay you'll get pawned from those who did. So I don't see them so much free anymore. Plus I tried Allods and didn't really impressed me.
Don't get to the top. Have some fun and jump ship before you need to pay.
i had VERY high hopes for allods i loved it, had a lot of fun playing till they added the cash shop.. as otehrs have said come back once you hit mid 20s + some people have more money than brains and in that game it = your "I WIN" button. 250% dmg buff from a potion is just retardedly unbalanced. you should have seen the posts here people made about the game before the cash shop was introduced. it was nothing but love for the game. i think if they tweaked the game enough they could have had enough of a following as a P2P IMO.
Allods is too expensive for me, i rather play P2P games than being forced to spend 50 bucks weekly on that "Free to Play" game
Isn't it ironic that these expensive games are the ones called "free to pay?"
On another note, isn't it funny how people keep saying, "Oh, how will they pay for the servers, and the devs, and all the fees, they need a cash shop to get money to even run the game." When they just have to think for a minute and realize that instead of a cash shop, all the developers need is a monthly fee model? What is so difficult about paying a monthly fee? Don't you have a home phone? Wireless phone? Internet? Cable/dish? satellite radio? etc? What's so difficult when all these other services charge three or four times the amount of the highest p2p monthly fee on the market today?
I don't know, you tell me, does a monthly fee model pay for the servers? Nah....Cash shops are way better because at least I have the illusion that I'm playing a free game.
/rolls eyes
__________________________________________________________________________________________ "Your pride, good sir, far exceeds your worth." -x3r0h
Oldest mmorpg.com member with the least amount of post counts. That counts for something, right?
People do the bag quest as a raid now, it increases the drop rate.
But seriously, you have to expect the company to try to make money somehow. There are artists and devs to pay, plus hardware costs, bandwidth etc.
The thing is, you chose how much you want to spend instead of mindlessly forking over $15 a month.
You can buy potions from the cash shop to buff yourself for pvp. But that's neutralized if you are in group pvp, two can most always kill one no matter what.
Incense are another more or less required item, they lessen the death penalty. People buy them from the cash shop and put them on the auction house so you can buy them with gold.
Yes, the company is trying to squeeze some money out of you. But so far, they aren't squeezing very hard.
I also like P2P's but this post sums up what I like about F2P's, another choice.
People say there isn't a choice but I effectively have a demo till I choose to opt out.
I have an upwards of a $50 box and/or limited trials to try on the P2P side.
You're paying for loot time in P2P's with monthly fees anyway. It ends up being a debate on cost there.
In the end though they're both MMOs, video games, and need not be enemies.
I'm playing Allods for almost two months, and when a game can keep me longer then a week its already a prestation. Open world PvP is probably the best feature in my opinion, no matter how many carebears scream out for "fair" PvP, the developer holds its leg stiff. Reason why i love Allods is simply because you can win 1v3 on rare occasions. And no, you don't have to spend x amount of $ for that to happen. You'd be suprised in how many ways you can outsmart your opponents in Allods. One more thing though, Priests can actually do burst damage instead of being a heal monkey in games like World of Warcraft.
Allods isn't free, it's the most expensive game on this entire site.
Yes, if your in it to PvP so you can flash your e-peen to everyone else. Otherwise, it's free if you are simply looking for the PvE exploration side of the game. You CAN play and enjoy such games without spending a dime.
It's a pretty good, solid game. I consider it equal to Lord of the Rings Online, Aion, or EQ2. I really don't see myself paying a sub fee for these games anymore.
Would I pay to play Fallen Earth over a free to play Allods? No.
How about Darkfall, no.
Ryzom, nope.
Not for $15 a month when Allods is free.
So what is the future of pay to plays? Pretty bleak if you ask me. Assuming that the quality of future free to plays is as good as or surpasses Allods.
Does Allods have problems? Yes, the mobs are pretty brain dead. Two can be talking face to face and you can pull them one at a time. There's not a lot of variety in equipment and while the game is polished, you do run into the occasional hitch. For some reason my client causes a blue screen when I alt tab out. Customer service is absent. And there are pvp balancing problems that will no doubt be fixed with buffs and nerfs in the future.
The community? Pretty good. You get an assortment of people who wander in off the Internet to try something for free but most are mmo vets.
It's free to play, the only cost is the time it takes to download. Give it a try for yourself.
I'm not letting you guys do it to me again.
First Perfect world then Atlantica, RoM im sorry I've had enough of these low budget mmos that you guys seem to latch onto because you can't afford 15 bucks a month.
Allods got bad reviews? It was first hyped to heaven on these forums, with 90% of the people saying "it's free! I'll play it, love it and won't spend a cent!". When the cash shop prices turned up everyone suddenly hated the game (which makes sense since the didn't want to use the cash shop anyway).
Allods ain't free. No "free to play" game is free. The name is misleading. Those games have only one aim: to make you spend money. I wouldn't call that free huh. The first 10 minutes might be free. Maybe the first day too. But the more you play the game, the more the game forces you to spend money to be any good. And the more you play the game the more you are willing to play because you already invested so much time.
The point is: you like Allods? You will pay. You don't like Allods? You won't play.
I think that "pay 2 win" games suck in 90% of the time, because as the name says, you can buy your victories. That bores me.
Allods is all in all an ok game. Not horrible, not great. It will not be a killer of anything.
Do you know what I find funny? Whenever there is a free to play game with a cash shop, like Allods, people will complain like mad, warn you and be generally pretty careful to play such a game (which I can sort of understand, a lot of free to play games are much more expensive than subscription based ones), but if a MMO has BOTH, no one cares (Star Trek Online? And yes, I know, it's all just "fluff").
The rule with a free to play is to set your budget. At the beginning of the month, limit the money you want to spend on the game. Let's say, 15-20 dollar. Don't play only competitive, just enjoy. That way, you can easily play a free to play and have fun without spending your last money on it. I, personally, think Allods is an enjoyable game, though it's not the right MMO for me. A matter of opinion.
It's a pretty good, solid game. I consider it equal to Lord of the Rings Online, Aion, or EQ2. I really don't see myself paying a sub fee for these games anymore.
Would I pay to play Fallen Earth over a free to play Allods? No.
How about Darkfall, no.
Ryzom, nope.
Not for $15 a month when Allods is free.
So what is the future of pay to plays? Pretty bleak if you ask me. Assuming that the quality of future free to plays is as good as or surpasses Allods.
Does Allods have problems? Yes, the mobs are pretty brain dead. Two can be talking face to face and you can pull them one at a time. There's not a lot of variety in equipment and while the game is polished, you do run into the occasional hitch. For some reason my client causes a blue screen when I alt tab out. Customer service is absent. And there are pvp balancing problems that will no doubt be fixed with buffs and nerfs in the future.
The community? Pretty good. You get an assortment of people who wander in off the Internet to try something for free but most are mmo vets.
It's free to play, the only cost is the time it takes to download. Give it a try for yourself.
How can you even consider saying that Allods is Equal to LotRO, Aion, EQ2? Not a chance. It doesn't even have half of the content those games have. I don't know for how long you've played the best PVE games out there (LotRO, EQ2) but surely not past level 10.
I played Allods for a while, but spending fckloads of money, to enjoy the endgame content.. Sorry, but I prefer P2P.
People are always looking for reasons to explain why they lost at PvP. In WoW is because of gear. In Allods it's because they other guy used cash shop items.
If this is a pattern for you, perhaps it's you. Could it be that you're not good at PvP?
"Is it REALLY F2P?!!?!?!" argument aside because honestly, it's a dumb one (they need to make money somehow, someone is paying or the game is closing. F2P is a misnomer)
Allods is an ok game. It has an interesting background/game world, it has an interesting end game feature, decent graphics and it's considerably more polished and functional than 99.99% of f2p MMOs out there which is why it is notable. That being said however, it has a considerable number of problems. For the most part, those problems are those shared by other F2P games, namely, the fact that the game is geared more towards selling the CS, than actually promoting gameplay. Features start crippled, and there are numerous "incentives" to goad you into using the CS. On a less related note, it has issues of its own, such as skill glitches and a very unbalanced PvP system with CC issues abounding and various other things, mainly because it's PvP seems to be clashing with the PvE aspects of the game(the extreme dependence on levels/attribute points where two levels can mean the difference between a fair fight and being absolutely obliterated), as these things tend to do.
It's not exactly "bad" but there are issues that need to be addressed that keep it from really being "good" either. In addition, it will never be a "P2P killer" as it still suffers from the many fundamental problems with focus in development and development goals that all F2P games seem to suffer. In this case, instead of getting rapid fire poorly made content, the little content that has been developed for it is coming in very slowly because of the localization time and because of the numerous issues that have cropped up with them trying to enforce/advertise the CS with each new feature implemented.
All in all it's suffering from a larger problem right now, which may see it on life support as far as Gpotato is concerned, and that is population. That CS debacle seems to have hurt the game more than even I thought it would, as the game is a complete ghost town once you hit the 20s. All you ever see anymore are the same handful of people who grinded to lvl40 running around helping people out while their ships are being built, and the same small group of lvl20 players every day. It's become sparse enough that the high levels have had to start running instances for small groups of lower levels just to get them through because there's rarely enough people of the same level to do them on at any given time. It's a self fulfilling prophecy, as even I stopped toying around with it when I discovered there was simply nobody else there, and more people are going to leave as population declines, which in turn will just cause more people to leave, and so on, until you're left with only a handful of diehard hopefuls, which are not going to keep the game afloat right now. It should also be noted that this is still true weeks after the current ad campaign (see allods banners splashed across MMORPG.com) and the *ahem* "publicity" the game received from it's CS debacle.
Allods, yet another game with an IWINZ button... pricetag attached !
seriously though, there is a reason why allods has been slated as much as it has, its not unearned, and generally speaking, players are becoming more discerning about various games pitfalls etc - based on what i've read on the forums here at least .. i think the point raised that if your at all serious about playing allods that you end up paying more than if you were playing a P2P game, is an extremely valid one, you only have to visit the cash shop and do a little math to work that one out.
I really don't see Allods competing with another upcoming game without monthly fees: Guildwars 2. If any game actually can kill P2P games my bet is on it (but I still doubt that it will).
Cashshops tends to put many people off, GW2 is buy2play instead and therefor (together with programming by strain, dynamic world and many other features) I believe that it will go better with the crowd that is currently paying P2P games.
Allods might do well indeed with the F2P gamers however but many P2P players really dislike the idea of a real money shop.
People are always looking for reasons to explain why they lost at PvP. In WoW is because of gear. In Allods it's because they other guy used cash shop items.
If this is a pattern for you, perhaps it's you. Could it be that you're not good at PvP?
Before pointing the finger, how about actually looking at how broken the Allods PvP system currently is. I agree that "It's CS items!" is an excuse, but not by much, as Incense does give a rather large boost. Not a impossible one by any means but substantial.
The bigger issue is the considerable difference even a small level disparity causes, and even more importantly, how horrendously broken CC is at the moment. Namely that there are several classes than can CC someone indefinitely, either until they die, or simply hold them there until they can call someone over to kill them off. Both situations are completely ridiculous. All of this being made worse by the fact that there is no penalty system for ganking, and lvl40s are crammed in the same PvP area as lvl20s, and it's a pretty messed up system.
Try being a little less hasty with the indirect self boasting before understanding what's going on.
Allods is a great game considering what it is. But it's very expensive and most certainly not a P2P killer. If anything it's showed how much better P2P model is than the supposed "Free" model.
If there was a bit more meaningful PVP (there isnt any real large scale PVP and hardly any at lvl40 at all) and content it would probably survive as P2P. Unfortunately because it depends on its shop, developers priorities are focused on creating ways forcing you to pay. It could have been managed so much better. Lots of people are happy to spend money on the game, myself included but not on things that create massive inbalance. Personally I could see myself happyily spend real cash on cosmetic upgrades, mounts, bags, crafting stuff etc..
But because they are trying to create ways that force you to pay, they also introduce inbalance into the game. Currently with the boost you get through incense and the fact you suffer from FOD. And from what the new patch notes are telling us with gear that gets broken (who wouldnt want to fix their epic gear if it's broken?) but more so a 250% increase in dmg output.. How can you possibly have a balanced game if someone who pay can do 250% more dmg? The DMG is already massivly random as it is and even a 50% or 100% increase would mean 1-hit-your-dead.
The new patch notes doesn't give much hope.
Play: - Played: FFXIV, WAR, Allods, Aion, AoC, DDO, EQ2, GW, Lotro, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard, WoW
Allods is only the start. F2P MMOs in the future will be even closer to the quality of P2P. Many will ask why should I pay.
This will put a lot of pressure on the independent releases at least those that want to charge a monthly fee.
If you want a more challenging game, a game that requires a community, if you want slower leveling, complex talent system, a tough death penalty, why not give allods a try. If you're like me, and never break out the credit card, you'll lose nothing.
After posting in this thread I actually watch a video on the game. It seemed WoWish looking so i downloaded it.
Again this is another piece of shit p2p mmo knock off.
The orcs animations look like someone rammed a pole up their asses, the combat is terrible and Wtf no auto attack? I didnt think it was possible to create a more button spam combat system then WoWs.
See this is why I try not to listen to you f2p guys. You only get excited about these games because their new and you don't have to spend any money.
What a waste of my time.
Why not just play WoW? Or Aion? god Even WAR has better combat and graphics.
Come back and post your success in PvP. Good luck!
I wanted to love Allods, but the combat system and slow progression ruined an otherwise amazing F2P experience.
Just started playing this game today and I was blown away by how smooth it ran and how simple and fun it was. That being said, I am equally blown away by the pricing in the ishop. Granted i'll never pay a penny for any item in any game but the prices are just crazy. Sad too. I really was hoping to find something kinda good to play if I had to get rid of my Wow account. I may keep allods just to goof around on at least but if it gets to where it's required to buy from the shop in order to even really play the game then I'll drop it. Hell, they may have had a better chance at making it P2P for like $10 a month or something. If they cleaned some of the bugs up that some people have had problems with I think it could stand out as a great game.
Don't get to the top. Have some fun and jump ship before you need to pay.
Allods is too expensive for me, i rather play P2P games than being forced to spend 50 bucks weekly on that "Free to Play" game
i had VERY high hopes for allods i loved it, had a lot of fun playing till they added the cash shop.. as otehrs have said come back once you hit mid 20s + some people have more money than brains and in that game it = your "I WIN" button. 250% dmg buff from a potion is just retardedly unbalanced. you should have seen the posts here people made about the game before the cash shop was introduced. it was nothing but love for the game. i think if they tweaked the game enough they could have had enough of a following as a P2P IMO.
Isn't it ironic that these expensive games are the ones called "free to pay?"
On another note, isn't it funny how people keep saying, "Oh, how will they pay for the servers, and the devs, and all the fees, they need a cash shop to get money to even run the game." When they just have to think for a minute and realize that instead of a cash shop, all the developers need is a monthly fee model? What is so difficult about paying a monthly fee? Don't you have a home phone? Wireless phone? Internet? Cable/dish? satellite radio? etc? What's so difficult when all these other services charge three or four times the amount of the highest p2p monthly fee on the market today?
I don't know, you tell me, does a monthly fee model pay for the servers? Nah....Cash shops are way better because at least I have the illusion that I'm playing a free game.
/rolls eyes
"Your pride, good sir, far exceeds your worth." -x3r0h
Oldest mmorpg.com member with the least amount of post counts. That counts for something, right?
I also like P2P's but this post sums up what I like about F2P's, another choice.
People say there isn't a choice but I effectively have a demo till I choose to opt out.
I have an upwards of a $50 box and/or limited trials to try on the P2P side.
You're paying for loot time in P2P's with monthly fees anyway. It ends up being a debate on cost there.
In the end though they're both MMOs, video games, and need not be enemies.
Very good post OP.
AC2 Player RIP Final Death Jan 31st 2017
Refugee of Auberean
Refugee of Dereth
I'm playing Allods for almost two months, and when a game can keep me longer then a week its already a prestation. Open world PvP is probably the best feature in my opinion, no matter how many carebears scream out for "fair" PvP, the developer holds its leg stiff. Reason why i love Allods is simply because you can win 1v3 on rare occasions. And no, you don't have to spend x amount of $ for that to happen. You'd be suprised in how many ways you can outsmart your opponents in Allods. One more thing though, Priests can actually do burst damage instead of being a heal monkey in games like World of Warcraft.
Haha yeah though I feel sorry for the poor suckers.
Yes, if your in it to PvP so you can flash your e-peen to everyone else. Otherwise, it's free if you are simply looking for the PvE exploration side of the game. You CAN play and enjoy such games without spending a dime.
I'm not letting you guys do it to me again.
First Perfect world then Atlantica, RoM im sorry I've had enough of these low budget mmos that you guys seem to latch onto because you can't afford 15 bucks a month.
No thanks.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
Allods got bad reviews? It was first hyped to heaven on these forums, with 90% of the people saying "it's free! I'll play it, love it and won't spend a cent!". When the cash shop prices turned up everyone suddenly hated the game (which makes sense since the didn't want to use the cash shop anyway).
Allods ain't free. No "free to play" game is free. The name is misleading. Those games have only one aim: to make you spend money. I wouldn't call that free huh. The first 10 minutes might be free. Maybe the first day too. But the more you play the game, the more the game forces you to spend money to be any good. And the more you play the game the more you are willing to play because you already invested so much time.
The point is: you like Allods? You will pay. You don't like Allods? You won't play.
I think that "pay 2 win" games suck in 90% of the time, because as the name says, you can buy your victories. That bores me.
Allods is all in all an ok game. Not horrible, not great. It will not be a killer of anything.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
Do you know what I find funny? Whenever there is a free to play game with a cash shop, like Allods, people will complain like mad, warn you and be generally pretty careful to play such a game (which I can sort of understand, a lot of free to play games are much more expensive than subscription based ones), but if a MMO has BOTH, no one cares (Star Trek Online? And yes, I know, it's all just "fluff").
The rule with a free to play is to set your budget. At the beginning of the month, limit the money you want to spend on the game. Let's say, 15-20 dollar. Don't play only competitive, just enjoy. That way, you can easily play a free to play and have fun without spending your last money on it. I, personally, think Allods is an enjoyable game, though it's not the right MMO for me. A matter of opinion.
How can you even consider saying that Allods is Equal to LotRO, Aion, EQ2? Not a chance. It doesn't even have half of the content those games have. I don't know for how long you've played the best PVE games out there (LotRO, EQ2) but surely not past level 10.
I played Allods for a while, but spending fckloads of money, to enjoy the endgame content.. Sorry, but I prefer P2P.
Allods has been out a long time now.
People are always looking for reasons to explain why they lost at PvP. In WoW is because of gear. In Allods it's because they other guy used cash shop items.
If this is a pattern for you, perhaps it's you. Could it be that you're not good at PvP?
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
"Is it REALLY F2P?!!?!?!" argument aside because honestly, it's a dumb one (they need to make money somehow, someone is paying or the game is closing. F2P is a misnomer)
Allods is an ok game. It has an interesting background/game world, it has an interesting end game feature, decent graphics and it's considerably more polished and functional than 99.99% of f2p MMOs out there which is why it is notable. That being said however, it has a considerable number of problems. For the most part, those problems are those shared by other F2P games, namely, the fact that the game is geared more towards selling the CS, than actually promoting gameplay. Features start crippled, and there are numerous "incentives" to goad you into using the CS. On a less related note, it has issues of its own, such as skill glitches and a very unbalanced PvP system with CC issues abounding and various other things, mainly because it's PvP seems to be clashing with the PvE aspects of the game(the extreme dependence on levels/attribute points where two levels can mean the difference between a fair fight and being absolutely obliterated), as these things tend to do.
It's not exactly "bad" but there are issues that need to be addressed that keep it from really being "good" either. In addition, it will never be a "P2P killer" as it still suffers from the many fundamental problems with focus in development and development goals that all F2P games seem to suffer. In this case, instead of getting rapid fire poorly made content, the little content that has been developed for it is coming in very slowly because of the localization time and because of the numerous issues that have cropped up with them trying to enforce/advertise the CS with each new feature implemented.
All in all it's suffering from a larger problem right now, which may see it on life support as far as Gpotato is concerned, and that is population. That CS debacle seems to have hurt the game more than even I thought it would, as the game is a complete ghost town once you hit the 20s. All you ever see anymore are the same handful of people who grinded to lvl40 running around helping people out while their ships are being built, and the same small group of lvl20 players every day. It's become sparse enough that the high levels have had to start running instances for small groups of lower levels just to get them through because there's rarely enough people of the same level to do them on at any given time. It's a self fulfilling prophecy, as even I stopped toying around with it when I discovered there was simply nobody else there, and more people are going to leave as population declines, which in turn will just cause more people to leave, and so on, until you're left with only a handful of diehard hopefuls, which are not going to keep the game afloat right now. It should also be noted that this is still true weeks after the current ad campaign (see allods banners splashed across MMORPG.com) and the *ahem* "publicity" the game received from it's CS debacle.
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
Allods, yet another game with an IWINZ button... pricetag attached !
seriously though, there is a reason why allods has been slated as much as it has, its not unearned, and generally speaking, players are becoming more discerning about various games pitfalls etc - based on what i've read on the forums here at least .. i think the point raised that if your at all serious about playing allods that you end up paying more than if you were playing a P2P game, is an extremely valid one, you only have to visit the cash shop and do a little math to work that one out.
I really don't see Allods competing with another upcoming game without monthly fees: Guildwars 2. If any game actually can kill P2P games my bet is on it (but I still doubt that it will).
Cashshops tends to put many people off, GW2 is buy2play instead and therefor (together with programming by strain, dynamic world and many other features) I believe that it will go better with the crowd that is currently paying P2P games.
Allods might do well indeed with the F2P gamers however but many P2P players really dislike the idea of a real money shop.
Before pointing the finger, how about actually looking at how broken the Allods PvP system currently is. I agree that "It's CS items!" is an excuse, but not by much, as Incense does give a rather large boost. Not a impossible one by any means but substantial.
The bigger issue is the considerable difference even a small level disparity causes, and even more importantly, how horrendously broken CC is at the moment. Namely that there are several classes than can CC someone indefinitely, either until they die, or simply hold them there until they can call someone over to kill them off. Both situations are completely ridiculous. All of this being made worse by the fact that there is no penalty system for ganking, and lvl40s are crammed in the same PvP area as lvl20s, and it's a pretty messed up system.
Try being a little less hasty with the indirect self boasting before understanding what's going on.
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
Allods is a great game considering what it is. But it's very expensive and most certainly not a P2P killer. If anything it's showed how much better P2P model is than the supposed "Free" model.
If there was a bit more meaningful PVP (there isnt any real large scale PVP and hardly any at lvl40 at all) and content it would probably survive as P2P. Unfortunately because it depends on its shop, developers priorities are focused on creating ways forcing you to pay. It could have been managed so much better. Lots of people are happy to spend money on the game, myself included but not on things that create massive inbalance. Personally I could see myself happyily spend real cash on cosmetic upgrades, mounts, bags, crafting stuff etc..
But because they are trying to create ways that force you to pay, they also introduce inbalance into the game. Currently with the boost you get through incense and the fact you suffer from FOD. And from what the new patch notes are telling us with gear that gets broken (who wouldnt want to fix their epic gear if it's broken?) but more so a 250% increase in dmg output.. How can you possibly have a balanced game if someone who pay can do 250% more dmg? The DMG is already massivly random as it is and even a 50% or 100% increase would mean 1-hit-your-dead.
The new patch notes doesn't give much hope.
Play: -
Played: FFXIV, WAR, Allods, Aion, AoC, DDO, EQ2, GW, Lotro, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard, WoW
Allods is only the start. F2P MMOs in the future will be even closer to the quality of P2P. Many will ask why should I pay.
This will put a lot of pressure on the independent releases at least those that want to charge a monthly fee.
If you want a more challenging game, a game that requires a community, if you want slower leveling, complex talent system, a tough death penalty, why not give allods a try. If you're like me, and never break out the credit card, you'll lose nothing.
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
Damn you OP.
After posting in this thread I actually watch a video on the game. It seemed WoWish looking so i downloaded it.
Again this is another piece of shit p2p mmo knock off.
The orcs animations look like someone rammed a pole up their asses, the combat is terrible and Wtf no auto attack? I didnt think it was possible to create a more button spam combat system then WoWs.
See this is why I try not to listen to you f2p guys. You only get excited about these games because their new and you don't have to spend any money.
What a waste of my time.
Why not just play WoW? Or Aion? god Even WAR has better combat and graphics.
F2p = Failure to Produce.
A god damn quality experience.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
$15 a month
Nice troll, btw
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
May wanna re-evaluate a few things bro if the only reason you play games is to get around the monthly fee.
And no it wasn't a troll, im tried of you people swaying players to try these horrible games.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP