With your general way of thinking - EverQuest 1 is a WoW clone.
But seriously - if you were making a game, had hundreds of people to employ, offices to run, servers and computers to buy and maintain, and you had to pay for this for a few years before even selling one copy - are you going to talk in the press about how "Its very exclusive, only WH40K hardcore players are going to like it" or are you going to try and stimulate some interest amongst the 14 million paying Warcraft subscribers in the hope of snagging 8% of them at launch and recouping your costs?
Cos lets be honest - the hardcore WH40K people are going to try it anyway, its those who dont know about he needs to sell it to.
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
If you're really confident that your game has enough of "the hook" to keep players logging in, you'll say/do whatever you need to to drive box sales and have faith that the subs will come as a result of your hard work/innovation/story/game design, etc.
Rely on good 'ol spin first and foremost, eh?
Worry about box sales first and subs last? Heheh, that worked out real well for some of the big name MMOs in the last few years. STO started strong and now they've been greatly diminished. WAR also started strong. Lots of people at the start, but that bled off.
But nothing beats AoC. AoC easily had a s**tload of people at the beginning that it was ridiculous. "Box sales" driven by the immense hype, previews, interviews, etc. leading to the release. And they failed to live up to their end of the bargain, i.e. having even a half-decent MMORPG at launch.
So many MMORPGs in recent years have been touted as the next big thing, or worse, the "WoW Killer." Yet once players actually see for themselves what the REAL deal is, they'll leave. Subscriptions will not stick. Again, the titles I mentioned are a few examples that came readily in mind with big initial box sales but couldn't retain players due to a variety of reasons.
Seriously... you didn't even read my post, did you? The FIRST FREAKIN' LINE that you quoted says it all. I didn't say anything about relying on box sales first and subs last. I said the exact opposite of that.
Originally posted by TheMaelstrom
If you're really confident that your game has enough of "the hook" to keep players logging in, you'll say/do whatever you need to to drive box sales <snip>
Buying the box doesn't keep players logging in. Having an awesome game does. How could you quote my post to make your point and then try to argue against a point I didn't even make? Seriously... I'm baffled.
No godless person can comprehend those minute distinctions in doctrine that provide true believers excuse for mayhem. -Glen Cook
With your general way of thinking - EverQuest 1 is a WoW clone.
But seriously - if you were making a game, had hundreds of people to employ, offices to run, servers and computers to buy and maintain, and you had to pay for this for a few years before even selling one copy - are you going to talk in the press about how "Its very exclusive, only WH40K hardcore players are going to like it" or are you going to try and stimulate some interest amongst the 14 million paying Warcraft subscribers in the hope of snagging 8% of them at launch and recouping your costs?
Cos lets be honest - the hardcore WH40K people are going to try it anyway, its those who dont know about he needs to sell it to.
A well-thought-out and concise comment that makes excellent business sense. Too bad the people filling this thread with "wow clone" crap won't understand the (very valid) point you're making.
Regardless, my hat's off to you!
No godless person can comprehend those minute distinctions in doctrine that provide true believers excuse for mayhem. -Glen Cook
Maybe War40k (the boardgame) players are 24 millions? and if someone made a simulation that plays very similar to the real game, these 24 millions would storm the servers?
How can you decide what people want? Just out of the ordinary "mass want dumb entertainment, niches want simulations" common conception? Are you 100% sure there's not a HUGE mass willing to play a really good simulation like EVE but with no ships? And this simulation COULD be in War40k universe?
As i see it, if there's a very well done simulation, with top-notch graphics, top-notch production, that really brings virtual worlds to a new level(finally abandonning the feel of a "gamey"), i THINK THAT would be the real WoW killer, a real MMO of the next generation.
It never ceases to amaze me how brain dead exec's can muck up what should be a sure fire win with thier idiocy.
It's essentialy the equivalent of an Eye Surgery practice coming out and saying "We're really targeting our practice to emulate the McDonalds franchise."
The thing that people really fail to understand about WOW is that it is successfull at what it does largely because Blizzard went out and made a game that very much fit the subject matter/genre that they were working with. Warcraft IS cartoonish, casual, somewhat whimisical, very beer and pretzelish, and really not much grey matter as far as tactics go. Blizzard made a game that VERY MUCH FITS that subject matter. It's a coherent experience, both within itself and the subject matter it is based upon.
I played WOW for 1.5 years, enjoyed my time in it and really had no complaints about it. Just like McDonalds, it's good at being what it is.... it doesn't try to pretend something else.... thus it lives up well to the experience the user expects from it.
Yet just like the experience people get at McDonalds doesn't translate well into the sort of qualities people are looking for in an Eye Surgeon..... the WOW experience doesn't translate well to the kind of expectations people have when they look for game based on WH40K.
It's kinda like trying to produce a "light hearted sitcom about the Holocaust"...... the format just doesn't mesh with the subject matter.
That's why SO many games which try to be WOW fail so miserably..... You don't win by emulating the 500 lb guerilla...you win by delivering an experience that is authentic to the subject matter you are trying to represent.
For WH40K, I believe that would be Dark, Gritty, Visceral and very tactical.
I have never heard of Warhammer 40k: Dark Millennium Online until I saw this thread in the "Recent Forum Discussion" on the MMORPG.com home page. I saw the title"WAR40K decides to pursue the WoW clone path" and then immediately told myself that this is going to be just another shit game. I then watched the trailer and I saw many types of vehicles being used and some sort of Third-Person Shooter interface. Right now, I'm just wondering how something like that can be a WoW clone. Just because they want to pursue a game that will be attractive to current WoW players, that doesn't make it a WoW clone. Many people don't like WoW because it is too simple. WAR40K looks similar in that aspect, that shouldn't mean that it will suck though. WAR40K can follow a similar path, but as long as they don't use the cookie-cutter formula I'm okay with what they are doing.
With your general way of thinking - EverQuest 1 is a WoW clone.
But seriously - if you were making a game, had hundreds of people to employ, offices to run, servers and computers to buy and maintain, and you had to pay for this for a few years before even selling one copy - are you going to talk in the press about how "Its very exclusive, only WH40K hardcore players are going to like it" or are you going to try and stimulate some interest amongst the 14 million paying Warcraft subscribers in the hope of snagging 8% of them at launch and recouping your costs?
Cos lets be honest - the hardcore WH40K people are going to try it anyway, its those who dont know about he needs to sell it to.
A well-thought-out and concise comment that makes excellent business sense. Too bad the people filling this thread with "wow clone" crap won't understand the (very valid) point you're making.
Regardless, my hat's off to you!
There is a huge audience that enjoys light-hearted sitcoms..... but you aren't going to be very successfull trying to sell that audience on a light-hearted sitcom about the Holocaust.....and herein lies the core issue.
People aren't one dimensional about the type of entertainment they enjoy. Most of the huge audience that watches light-hearted sitcoms enjoy other types of entertainment as well. Many of them will sit down and enjoy a good tear-jerker as well.... but they AREN'T going to want a tear-jerker that follows the same format as a sit-com... it just doesn't fit.
I played WOW for 1.5 years and enjoyed my time there. I have nothing bad to say about that game. However the things that made WOW entertaining are VERY different then the things which make the WH40K setting entertaining. I don't want a WH40K game that's just like WOW any more then I want a light-hearted sitcom about the Holocaust.
It's not that I don't like light-hearted sitcoms...I do... it's just that I like OTHER forms of entertainment as well.... and the things that work well sit-coms usualy DON'T fit very well into those other forms.
That's what is brain-dead about the exec's statement.... he clearly doesn't have a good grasp on the difference between what makes Warcraft entertaining and what makes WH40K entertaining.
I have never heard of Warhammer 40k: Dark Millennium Online until I saw this thread in the "Recent Forum Discussion" on the MMORPG.com home page. I saw the title"WAR40K decides to pursue the WoW clone path" and then immediately told myself that this is going to be just another shit game. I then watched the trailer and I saw many types of vehicles being used and some sort of Third-Person Shooter interface. Right now, I'm just wondering how something like that can be a WoW clone. Just because they want to pursue a game that will be attractive to current WoW players, that doesn't make it a WoW clone. Many people don't like WoW because it is too simple. WAR40K looks similar in that aspect, that shouldn't mean that it will suck though. WAR40K can follow a similar path, but as long as they don't use the cookie-cutter formula I'm okay with what they are doing.
Do my eyes deceive me? Is this someone who might actually... LET THE GAME SPEAK FOR ITESELF BEFORE CONDEMNING IT?
But seriously, yes. I imagine that saying "we want to attract some WoW players" is alot more palletable to the media and the general public than "we want to attract STO players" because a)STO is already struggling and no one wants to steal food from a starving man and b) there would have to be a fairly long explaination about STO when really the "MMO we'd like to steal folks from" isn't important. He just wants some market share and WoW is least likely to miss a few players AND is easily understood to be "online game" by the non-gamer public.
It's always going to have SOME WoW-clone aspects. Map top right of screen, bar of powers at the bottom. Health bar and stamina/endurance/magic bar top left. People will say "it looks like WoW". In some ways I WOULD like it to be a WoW-clone (hear me out) because (as said above) WoW captured the feel of the IP in which they were playing and made a huge game/success while staying 100% true to the story and canon (as far as I'm aware). If 40K can be faithful to the fans of the game, be true to the canon and be a game that makes most, if not all, of the players say "Yes, this feels like playing in the 40K universe" then it will be a "WoW-clone".
But, if it looks like WoW, handles like WoW, smells like WoW and tatstes like WoW - you might as well be playing WoW and I'm out. The shots already LOOK like it's a pretty differant game. Fingers crossed.
As for the debate about which customers they should be targetting, yes there is a huge amount of 40K tabletop gamers out there already but not all of them will get a 40K MMO because, straight away being an MMO will limit the audience. Some people don't have the computer for it, or simply won't play MMOs or whatever. The people who MIGHT pick up a 40KMMO out of the fanbase will ALWAYS pick it up, though might not stay. Picking up the new crowd, who've never played 40K and who wouldn't go into a Games Workshop store to save a burning $100 note, is key. Marketing needs to bring them in... But to make em stay and actually make some money will rely on making a decent game.
Great, another reskin of WoW-standard incoming...no wonder an average MMORPG player is dumber and dumber. Soon using the acronym WoW is going to be interchangeable with MMORPG.
If I were them, I'd tried to get those millions who jumped off WAR after it was a fiasco... This is where they should be aiming and this is where their true sub base is to be found.
1 - He mentioned wanting to steal WoW players. This alone doesn't make the game a WoW clone. It mearly means they want to take away some of the players that WoW brought to the genre. Every gaming company, whether they admit it or not, wants to take some of the base that WoW has.
2 - Anybody who saw the E3 trailer and didn't notice a simialr look to WoW obviously missed the part in the middle where to UI screens popped up. This also doesn't mean the game will be a WoW clone, just that the first blush with the game will feel "familiar" to WoW people.
I'm not saying it won't be a WoW clone, it is obviously too early to tell, but just because you want their players doesn't automatically mean you are copying their gameplay and making a clone.
No one will know to which extent 40K will play and feel like a "WoW clone" until it is released / beta. However, on your second point, I have to be honest- I really could not distinguish the game from WoW. It looked just like it, like some kind of WoW xpack with weird armor.
I noticed the same thing. If WoW released an expansion where they featured 40k fluff armor it would be this MMO. Let's hope I am wrong.
Estimated 2013 release. Oo Why was it announced already?! Itll be 2012 before we will get any decent information. Im now going to check if ppl are forming guilds already so I can laugh at them
If I were them, I'd tried to get those millions who jumped off WAR after it was a fiasco... This is where they should be aiming and this is where their true sub base is to be found.
Or even go the Planetside route and make a MMOFPS that players having been looking for
Anyways, just ignore what the THQ guy said. Everytime he opens his mouth he gets dumber and dumber. I doubt he knows anything about the game at all and is just spitting it out his arse to advertise.
THQ longs to be a top player, and after a successful batch of 40k games and with Space Marine coming out, I doubt they're going to let Vigil games fail like Mythic. Also, Games Workshop is watching this game more closely than Warhammer online.
If anybody watched the trailer at all, they'd know that this isn't a WoW clone and is very much so Warhammer 40k.
Also, if Vigil proved one thing, they're VERY good at picking up and assimilating a bunch of games to make a very solid, enjoyable game. Such as the Legend of God of Warhammer 40k..errr I mean Darksiders.
I guess I'll just hold out for StarCraft Universe?
Like this will ever happen ... even if blizzard WERE to decide to develope this title (which may happen) they have to get out the next expansion for wow, diablo 3, the expansions for starcraft 2,the expansions for diablo 3, their unannounced MMO (which they have already stated will NOT be related to any of their current IPs) and probably 2 or 3 more expansions to WoW ... before they evewn BEGIN on developement. With blizzards track record for developemnet time, and testing schedules you can expect this game to MAYBE be released in 2020? 2025? So .... don't want to play war40k ? fine ... but don't hold your breath waiting for blizzard to rescue you from boredom.
Seriously? Fuck this shit, every game developer is just spewing out crap nowadays for a quick buck.. its really sad. Wish companys like SV and AV had more fundings so we could get some real polished games on the market.
Seriously? Fuck this shit, every game developer is just spewing out crap nowadays for a quick buck.. its really sad. Wish companys like SV and AV had more fundings so we could get some real polished games on the market.
A quick buck? You do understand this game is going to take a total of approximately 6 years to make?
As well, how is the crap you're spewing out against them any different from the very thing you're accusing them of?
Go read the facts before you post nonsensical garbage.
Otherwise, your immaturity and temper will not be missed on the battlefield.
Seriously? Fuck this shit, every game developer is just spewing out crap nowadays for a quick buck.. its really sad. Wish companys like SV and AV had more fundings so we could get some real polished games on the market.
A quick buck? You do understand this game is going to take a total of approximately 6 years to make?
As well, how is the crap you're spewing out against them any different from the very thing you're accusing them of?
Go read the facts before you post nonsensical garbage.
Otherwise, your immaturity and temper will not be missed on the battlefield.
It will be a WoW clone and proson is a Wow hater so he already scrapped this game out of his book ... Why argue with him? If he thinks SV and AV can do better let him dream about pink elephants too. Sv and Av are just another tear in the ocean, if they had more funding they would not do better, they would do Wow clones with an obscure IP.
I havnt read many posts in this thread, but why will it be a wow clone, because it wants to draw in mmo players like every mmo does? It's common knowledge that if you want people to play your mmo, you are gonna need to take some subs from wow, where 90% of mmo'ers are
With your general way of thinking - EverQuest 1 is a WoW clone.
But seriously - if you were making a game, had hundreds of people to employ, offices to run, servers and computers to buy and maintain, and you had to pay for this for a few years before even selling one copy - are you going to talk in the press about how "Its very exclusive, only WH40K hardcore players are going to like it" or are you going to try and stimulate some interest amongst the 14 million paying Warcraft subscribers in the hope of snagging 8% of them at launch and recouping your costs?
Cos lets be honest - the hardcore WH40K people are going to try it anyway, its those who dont know about he needs to sell it to.
A well-thought-out and concise comment that makes excellent business sense. Too bad the people filling this thread with "wow clone" crap won't understand the (very valid) point you're making.
Regardless, my hat's off to you!
There is a huge audience that enjoys light-hearted sitcoms..... but you aren't going to be very successfull trying to sell that audience on a light-hearted sitcom about the Holocaust.....and herein lies the core issue.
People aren't one dimensional about the type of entertainment they enjoy. Most of the huge audience that watches light-hearted sitcoms enjoy other types of entertainment as well. Many of them will sit down and enjoy a good tear-jerker as well.... but they AREN'T going to want a tear-jerker that follows the same format as a sit-com... it just doesn't fit.
I played WOW for 1.5 years and enjoyed my time there. I have nothing bad to say about that game. However the things that made WOW entertaining are VERY different then the things which make the WH40K setting entertaining. I don't want a WH40K game that's just like WOW any more then I want a light-hearted sitcom about the Holocaust.
It's not that I don't like light-hearted sitcoms...I do... it's just that I like OTHER forms of entertainment as well.... and the things that work well sit-coms usualy DON'T fit very well into those other forms.
That's what is brain-dead about the exec's statement.... he clearly doesn't have a good grasp on the difference between what makes Warcraft entertaining and what makes WH40K entertaining.
I never like the fact of how often toted we get the "everything is a WoW clone". If I wanted to be that anal-reticular "always-be-right" a@@ I'd go around touting and saying "everything is an EQ clone" and feel I'd be even more correct! The fact of the matter is, its easy from an executive point of view to simply say "this is what I want to do, what I expect". Again, the actual reality of the event can be different and contrary to what is pulled off. Do I think Aion for example is a WoW clone? Yes, yes I do. Do I think of it as successful? Yes, yes I do. How so? Because it can still be steadily profitable and yet avoiding being a failed launch overall.<p>
I would go out there and say the simple matter of the fact is clones in one variant and another are going to be expected, games generally build off one another and typically maintain similar ideas, concepts, methodologies IF they seem to work. There is never a guarantee that cloning something WILL WORK, but its more palpable to tell your boss that it has worked before rather than going out on a limb and trying something new. In other words, you can't blame businesses for not wanting to fail and, as a result, taking a safer route, you can however blame them for lacking the balls to be bold and exciting.<p>
And if we the consumer were honest to ourselves, how many "non-WoW/non-EQ" clones have we encountered that have maintained a large degree of success for also a long period of time? I mean the only title that comes to mind currently is EvE-online. It may not have millions and millions of players BUT it finds a way to be successful at what it does and most of us can agree it went on a limb to do much of what it does. Fallen Earth is successful but in a smaller capacity vs. Eve.<p>
I can agree with the statement that WH40K and WoW maintain differing degrees when it comes to entertainment, but I also find it more common place to hear market pr use terms like "similar" or "clone" or "portability to avoid alienating player base" with the belief that it will sell the game and there is the finesse of it all. Its true you are trying to maintain subscribers but your also trying to build the most initial box purchases simply by the fact that not everyone who buys a box will stay but the overall numbers who stay will also increase if you sell more boxes. That's also an argument we can't deny. I don't expect the game to be 100% exactly like WoW, I doubt it really. But we can't also blame companies for wanting to employ similar aspects that are seen in WoW; like I said telling your boss "its worked for WoW" is probably easier than saying "its never been done but its bold and I'm sure it will work!" And at the end of the day the message seems to be "if you enjoyed WoW and need something new, try this!" I can buy that argument and see it working for the most part. More so, if ppl assume similarities with WoW even when it wasn't intended you don't get ppl flaming you for "making a WoW clone" since you somewhat confessed. I'm still undecided if this is a good pr move or bad one.<p>
Oh and I disagree about ppl and players being 1-dimensional...we CAN be! How many "reality" clones do we have? How long? Are we really fascinated with reality TV that we are now subject to Jersey Shore?!?! Its nice to assume we are "better" but only for the most part. There is enough idiocy to go around everywhere.
With your general way of thinking - EverQuest 1 is a WoW clone.
But seriously - if you were making a game, had hundreds of people to employ, offices to run, servers and computers to buy and maintain, and you had to pay for this for a few years before even selling one copy - are you going to talk in the press about how "Its very exclusive, only WH40K hardcore players are going to like it" or are you going to try and stimulate some interest amongst the 14 million paying Warcraft subscribers in the hope of snagging 8% of them at launch and recouping your costs?
Cos lets be honest - the hardcore WH40K people are going to try it anyway, its those who dont know about he needs to sell it to.
"When people don't know much about something, they tend to fill in the blanks the way they want them to be filled in. They are almost always disappointed." - Will Wright
fyi everquest 1 was released before wow.
All he is saying is that 40k online will be newb friendly.
Seriously... you didn't even read my post, did you? The FIRST FREAKIN' LINE that you quoted says it all. I didn't say anything about relying on box sales first and subs last. I said the exact opposite of that.
Buying the box doesn't keep players logging in. Having an awesome game does. How could you quote my post to make your point and then try to argue against a point I didn't even make? Seriously... I'm baffled.
No godless person can comprehend those minute distinctions
in doctrine that provide true believers excuse for mayhem.
-Glen Cook
A well-thought-out and concise comment that makes excellent business sense. Too bad the people filling this thread with "wow clone" crap won't understand the (very valid) point you're making.
Regardless, my hat's off to you!
No godless person can comprehend those minute distinctions
in doctrine that provide true believers excuse for mayhem.
-Glen Cook
Maybe War40k (the boardgame) players are 24 millions? and if someone made a simulation that plays very similar to the real game, these 24 millions would storm the servers?
How can you decide what people want? Just out of the ordinary "mass want dumb entertainment, niches want simulations" common conception? Are you 100% sure there's not a HUGE mass willing to play a really good simulation like EVE but with no ships? And this simulation COULD be in War40k universe?
As i see it, if there's a very well done simulation, with top-notch graphics, top-notch production, that really brings virtual worlds to a new level(finally abandonning the feel of a "gamey"), i THINK THAT would be the real WoW killer, a real MMO of the next generation.
the best blog of the net
It never ceases to amaze me how brain dead exec's can muck up what should be a sure fire win with thier idiocy.
It's essentialy the equivalent of an Eye Surgery practice coming out and saying "We're really targeting our practice to emulate the McDonalds franchise."
The thing that people really fail to understand about WOW is that it is successfull at what it does largely because Blizzard went out and made a game that very much fit the subject matter/genre that they were working with. Warcraft IS cartoonish, casual, somewhat whimisical, very beer and pretzelish, and really not much grey matter as far as tactics go. Blizzard made a game that VERY MUCH FITS that subject matter. It's a coherent experience, both within itself and the subject matter it is based upon.
I played WOW for 1.5 years, enjoyed my time in it and really had no complaints about it. Just like McDonalds, it's good at being what it is.... it doesn't try to pretend something else.... thus it lives up well to the experience the user expects from it.
Yet just like the experience people get at McDonalds doesn't translate well into the sort of qualities people are looking for in an Eye Surgeon..... the WOW experience doesn't translate well to the kind of expectations people have when they look for game based on WH40K.
It's kinda like trying to produce a "light hearted sitcom about the Holocaust"...... the format just doesn't mesh with the subject matter.
That's why SO many games which try to be WOW fail so miserably..... You don't win by emulating the 500 lb guerilla...you win by delivering an experience that is authentic to the subject matter you are trying to represent.
For WH40K, I believe that would be Dark, Gritty, Visceral and very tactical.
I have never heard of Warhammer 40k: Dark Millennium Online until I saw this thread in the "Recent Forum Discussion" on the MMORPG.com home page. I saw the title"WAR40K decides to pursue the WoW clone path" and then immediately told myself that this is going to be just another shit game. I then watched the trailer and I saw many types of vehicles being used and some sort of Third-Person Shooter interface. Right now, I'm just wondering how something like that can be a WoW clone. Just because they want to pursue a game that will be attractive to current WoW players, that doesn't make it a WoW clone. Many people don't like WoW because it is too simple. WAR40K looks similar in that aspect, that shouldn't mean that it will suck though. WAR40K can follow a similar path, but as long as they don't use the cookie-cutter formula I'm okay with what they are doing.
There is a huge audience that enjoys light-hearted sitcoms..... but you aren't going to be very successfull trying to sell that audience on a light-hearted sitcom about the Holocaust.....and herein lies the core issue.
People aren't one dimensional about the type of entertainment they enjoy. Most of the huge audience that watches light-hearted sitcoms enjoy other types of entertainment as well. Many of them will sit down and enjoy a good tear-jerker as well.... but they AREN'T going to want a tear-jerker that follows the same format as a sit-com... it just doesn't fit.
I played WOW for 1.5 years and enjoyed my time there. I have nothing bad to say about that game. However the things that made WOW entertaining are VERY different then the things which make the WH40K setting entertaining. I don't want a WH40K game that's just like WOW any more then I want a light-hearted sitcom about the Holocaust.
It's not that I don't like light-hearted sitcoms...I do... it's just that I like OTHER forms of entertainment as well.... and the things that work well sit-coms usualy DON'T fit very well into those other forms.
That's what is brain-dead about the exec's statement.... he clearly doesn't have a good grasp on the difference between what makes Warcraft entertaining and what makes WH40K entertaining.
Do my eyes deceive me? Is this someone who might actually... LET THE GAME SPEAK FOR ITESELF BEFORE CONDEMNING IT?
But seriously, yes. I imagine that saying "we want to attract some WoW players" is alot more palletable to the media and the general public than "we want to attract STO players" because a)STO is already struggling and no one wants to steal food from a starving man and b) there would have to be a fairly long explaination about STO when really the "MMO we'd like to steal folks from" isn't important. He just wants some market share and WoW is least likely to miss a few players AND is easily understood to be "online game" by the non-gamer public.
It's always going to have SOME WoW-clone aspects. Map top right of screen, bar of powers at the bottom. Health bar and stamina/endurance/magic bar top left. People will say "it looks like WoW". In some ways I WOULD like it to be a WoW-clone (hear me out) because (as said above) WoW captured the feel of the IP in which they were playing and made a huge game/success while staying 100% true to the story and canon (as far as I'm aware). If 40K can be faithful to the fans of the game, be true to the canon and be a game that makes most, if not all, of the players say "Yes, this feels like playing in the 40K universe" then it will be a "WoW-clone".
But, if it looks like WoW, handles like WoW, smells like WoW and tatstes like WoW - you might as well be playing WoW and I'm out. The shots already LOOK like it's a pretty differant game. Fingers crossed.
As for the debate about which customers they should be targetting, yes there is a huge amount of 40K tabletop gamers out there already but not all of them will get a 40K MMO because, straight away being an MMO will limit the audience. Some people don't have the computer for it, or simply won't play MMOs or whatever. The people who MIGHT pick up a 40KMMO out of the fanbase will ALWAYS pick it up, though might not stay. Picking up the new crowd, who've never played 40K and who wouldn't go into a Games Workshop store to save a burning $100 note, is key. Marketing needs to bring them in... But to make em stay and actually make some money will rely on making a decent game.
Great, another reskin of WoW-standard incoming...no wonder an average MMORPG player is dumber and dumber. Soon using the acronym WoW is going to be interchangeable with MMORPG.
If I were them, I'd tried to get those millions who jumped off WAR after it was a fiasco... This is where they should be aiming and this is where their true sub base is to be found.
I noticed the same thing. If WoW released an expansion where they featured 40k fluff armor it would be this MMO. Let's hope I am wrong.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
I guess I'll just hold out for StarCraft Universe?
My theme song.
Estimated 2013 release. Oo Why was it announced already?! Itll be 2012 before we will get any decent information. Im now going to check if ppl are forming guilds already so I can laugh at them
Or even go the Planetside route and make a MMOFPS that players having been looking for
The trolls are strong in this thread...
Anyways, just ignore what the THQ guy said. Everytime he opens his mouth he gets dumber and dumber. I doubt he knows anything about the game at all and is just spitting it out his arse to advertise.
THQ longs to be a top player, and after a successful batch of 40k games and with Space Marine coming out, I doubt they're going to let Vigil games fail like Mythic. Also, Games Workshop is watching this game more closely than Warhammer online.
If anybody watched the trailer at all, they'd know that this isn't a WoW clone and is very much so Warhammer 40k.
Also, if Vigil proved one thing, they're VERY good at picking up and assimilating a bunch of games to make a very solid, enjoyable game. Such as the Legend of God of Warhammer 40k..errr I mean Darksiders.
Like this will ever happen ... even if blizzard WERE to decide to develope this title (which may happen) they have to get out the next expansion for wow, diablo 3, the expansions for starcraft 2,the expansions for diablo 3, their unannounced MMO (which they have already stated will NOT be related to any of their current IPs) and probably 2 or 3 more expansions to WoW ... before they evewn BEGIN on developement. With blizzards track record for developemnet time, and testing schedules you can expect this game to MAYBE be released in 2020? 2025? So .... don't want to play war40k ? fine ... but don't hold your breath waiting for blizzard to rescue you from boredom.
Seriously? Fuck this shit, every game developer is just spewing out crap nowadays for a quick buck.. its really sad. Wish companys like SV and AV had more fundings so we could get some real polished games on the market.
Currently Playing Path of Exile
A quick buck? You do understand this game is going to take a total of approximately 6 years to make?
As well, how is the crap you're spewing out against them any different from the very thing you're accusing them of?
Go read the facts before you post nonsensical garbage.
Otherwise, your immaturity and temper will not be missed on the battlefield.
It will be a WoW clone and proson is a Wow hater so he already scrapped this game out of his book ... Why argue with him? If he thinks SV and AV can do better let him dream about pink elephants too. Sv and Av are just another tear in the ocean, if they had more funding they would not do better, they would do Wow clones with an obscure IP.
Sounds pretty bad imo. Same thing WAR tried to do. WOW friendly? Yeah they will probably make money, but this is getting ridiculous.
I havnt read many posts in this thread, but why will it be a wow clone, because it wants to draw in mmo players like every mmo does? It's common knowledge that if you want people to play your mmo, you are gonna need to take some subs from wow, where 90% of mmo'ers are
WoW players are the general P2P market....
I never like the fact of how often toted we get the "everything is a WoW clone". If I wanted to be that anal-reticular "always-be-right" a@@ I'd go around touting and saying "everything is an EQ clone" and feel I'd be even more correct! The fact of the matter is, its easy from an executive point of view to simply say "this is what I want to do, what I expect". Again, the actual reality of the event can be different and contrary to what is pulled off. Do I think Aion for example is a WoW clone? Yes, yes I do. Do I think of it as successful? Yes, yes I do. How so? Because it can still be steadily profitable and yet avoiding being a failed launch overall.<p>
I would go out there and say the simple matter of the fact is clones in one variant and another are going to be expected, games generally build off one another and typically maintain similar ideas, concepts, methodologies IF they seem to work. There is never a guarantee that cloning something WILL WORK, but its more palpable to tell your boss that it has worked before rather than going out on a limb and trying something new. In other words, you can't blame businesses for not wanting to fail and, as a result, taking a safer route, you can however blame them for lacking the balls to be bold and exciting.<p>
And if we the consumer were honest to ourselves, how many "non-WoW/non-EQ" clones have we encountered that have maintained a large degree of success for also a long period of time? I mean the only title that comes to mind currently is EvE-online. It may not have millions and millions of players BUT it finds a way to be successful at what it does and most of us can agree it went on a limb to do much of what it does. Fallen Earth is successful but in a smaller capacity vs. Eve.<p>
I can agree with the statement that WH40K and WoW maintain differing degrees when it comes to entertainment, but I also find it more common place to hear market pr use terms like "similar" or "clone" or "portability to avoid alienating player base" with the belief that it will sell the game and there is the finesse of it all. Its true you are trying to maintain subscribers but your also trying to build the most initial box purchases simply by the fact that not everyone who buys a box will stay but the overall numbers who stay will also increase if you sell more boxes. That's also an argument we can't deny. I don't expect the game to be 100% exactly like WoW, I doubt it really. But we can't also blame companies for wanting to employ similar aspects that are seen in WoW; like I said telling your boss "its worked for WoW" is probably easier than saying "its never been done but its bold and I'm sure it will work!" And at the end of the day the message seems to be "if you enjoyed WoW and need something new, try this!" I can buy that argument and see it working for the most part. More so, if ppl assume similarities with WoW even when it wasn't intended you don't get ppl flaming you for "making a WoW clone" since you somewhat confessed. I'm still undecided if this is a good pr move or bad one.<p>
Oh and I disagree about ppl and players being 1-dimensional...we CAN be! How many "reality" clones do we have? How long? Are we really fascinated with reality TV that we are now subject to Jersey Shore?!?! Its nice to assume we are "better" but only for the most part. There is enough idiocy to go around everywhere.