So its like this, at the start of the week you begin playing Conjurer:
The first hr nets you 180% XP per mob.
Hour 2 ~ 170%
Hour 3 ~ 160%
Hour 4 ~ 150%
Hour 5 ~ 140%
Hour 6 ~ 130%
Hour 7 ~ 120%
Hour 8 ~ 110%
After 8 hrs of playing Conjurer you then only get 100% of normal XP and you can continue to play this class for as long as you want and never switch classes, and then after 7 days it will reset and the process starts all over again. about at the start of the week you get 100% per mob, and then it dwindles by 6% every hour up to 52% minimum, and you have to wait?
seriously guys, for gods shake, wake up already, thats the most hilarious and sad spin I have EVER read. So he reverses the situation and tells you that you were actually getting bonus exp?
how do i know it was a bonus?
how do i know that the first hour I wasnt getting the normal exp and it just decreases more and more?
lets think about this for a second, shall we? apparently this system was put in place to stop power players and keep casuals on equal foot ingame....seriously, what? how is THAT gonna do what they claim?
bonus exp will stop power players and help casuals keep on with them? is this opposites day?
and please, 8 hours a week? I can play that in 2 days, so I have to play another class that i might not like because the class I prefer will be getting a ~50% xp penalty for 5 more days?
dunno what is more ridiculous, the explanation, or the fact that there are fanbois blind and gullible enough to buy such a worthless failed attempt at spin...
Your out on a witch hunt, surplus is nothin more than rested exp, but it resets diferently than the rest of rested exp in the rest of mmos.
So exactly whats the problem now ? nothin to bitch at so we bitch at everythin ?. You loose rested exp after played for x ammount of time, then every week you get that rested exp back again . Everyone , casual and hardcore have a limited ammount of playtime/rested exp, that resets every week.
You dont need to know anythin, you havent payed a dime for the game, if you whant to know every single aspect of the game to play it , then wait -5 months when there is a complete wikky for it. SE wont give a lot of info out , they rather let you explore and learn by yourself. Im fine by this , and yea im a fanboy of SE, becouse i do apreciate what they do right , and not bitch at every single thin they do wrong.I wait , give feed back and try to understand why and how of thins.
To make it short, the door to GW2 is right around the corner.
Your XP bar gets 'charged' if you log out in specific zones (inns, cities, safe spots, etc), awarding you bonus XP time for your next play session. The longer you are logged out, the longer you will have bonus XP when you come back.
When you log back on, you get bonus XP until the bar charge runs out, then its normal XP. If you only play weekends you pretty much always have bonus XP. Power players almost never have their xp bar charged.
The 'Surplus' system sounds like pretty much the same thing, as well as it can be applied to the game systems FFXIV employs.
So whats the big deal?
Exactly. The big deal is the amount of people who spread misinformation based on assumptions and who never even experienced the system on sites like this acting like girls without a prom date swearing to cancel their preorders which I am sure don't even exist...
This is an example of why "mystery" in a beta = bad, bad... let me repeat bad. If they put a system like this in Beta they must explain that system clearly and stomp on NDA breakers (if NDA applies).
So I have 8 hours of surplus XP - basically "rested" right? 150% XP gain or whatever, after 8+ gameplay hours in a 7 day period I earn 100% XP. Well, that sounds totally fine no big deal at all. Is that correct? Do I have it now?
They didn't just shoot themselves in the foot they got stepped on by a Adamantoise. Hate to meme but L2Communicate Square - people freaking out over nothing. Jeez you'd think this is Square's first adventure in the lands of the Internet.
One more comment I'm no game developer and don't think I know more than Square PM's but. Discoverability - if you put things in the game for players to figure out you better have some fresh breadcrumbs to help when it's a dominant game system. Let the weather be a mystery, let the moon cycle be a mystery. End game chr advancement, mid-game boss/dungeons. All of these things are fine to allow lots of mystery. But something that affects a lvl 1 character that there is no documentation or basic understanding of is... Square I guess. Cue Huey Lewis...
You are reading into this wrong. Your surplus experience drops to 0% after a certain amount of time but you still gain normal experience at 100%. They are not penalizing you for playing, they are rewarding you for playing more than one class. You can play one class all the time you just won't get the bonus experience. Hope this clears this up.
Adding to this to make it a little more clear from the way I understand it now. You will always be getting 100% of normal XP from every mob you kill, but with Surplus you are getting a bonus for a period of time.
So its like this, at the start of the week you begin playing Conjurer:
* The first 8 hrs nets you 200% XP
* Then after those 8 hrs for the next 7 it slowly drops too 100% normal XP
* Hour 1 ~ 186%
* Hour 2 ~ 162%
* Hour 3 ~ 148%
* Hour 4 ~ 134%
* Hour 5 ~ 120%
* Hour 6 ~ 106%
* Hour 7 ~ 100%
* After those final 7 hrs of playing Conjurer you then only get 100% of normal XP and you can continue to play this class for as long as you want and never switch classes.
Now of course after 8 hours of playing Conjurer you can switch to another class if you want too ~ lets say Pugilist, which you havn't yet played this week, and it still has 80% additonal surplus XP for that week and it'll work the same as above:
* The first 8 hrs nets you 200% XP
* Then after those 8 hrs for the next 7 it slowly drops too 100% normal XP
* Hour 1 ~ 186%
* Hour 2 ~ 162%
* Hour 3 ~ 148%
* Hour 4 ~ 134%
* Hour 5 ~ 120%
* Hour 6 ~ 106%
* Hour 7 ~ 100%
* After those final 7 hrs of playing Pugilist you then only get 100% of normal XP and you can continue to play this class or switch back to Conjuror that is at 100% normal XP, or change to another class that still has its 200% of surplus XP.
After 7 days, this suplus XP will reset across the board for all classes, and you can then get that additional XP for 8 hrs all over again and just the classes you want to play.
Personally I think this is an awesome system that is very rewarding, and has absolutely no negative feedback from it after you use it all up on one class that week. For those of us that have played FFXI, think of it an automatic XP ring that lasts for 8hrs on every class each week. Now the only thing left to determine is how its counted down, so does just standing around on said class make it start to countdown?
Or what I'm thinking it'll only countdown when your weapon is out and in active mode, but when you sheath it and enter passive mode the countdown stops....thats my theory until we know more!
THIS is the type of shit a friggin dev needs to sit down and take the time to post. Good god i mean can they not even be bothered to explain something. That one idiot just wrote a letter bitching about people getting it wrong and doesn't even bother to try to explain it. Thanks so much for taking the time to explain this better...even though since they haven't even officially said what the hell it is, we still can't be 100% for sure that this is actually correct either. Either way, they should do something like this if they want everyone to quit speculating instead of having some producer or whatever write a bitchy note about getting it about professionalism.
So its like this, at the start of the week you begin playing Conjurer:
The first hr nets you 180% XP per mob.
Hour 2 ~ 170%
Hour 3 ~ 160%
Hour 4 ~ 150%
Hour 5 ~ 140%
Hour 6 ~ 130%
Hour 7 ~ 120%
Hour 8 ~ 110%
After 8 hrs of playing Conjurer you then only get 100% of normal XP and you can continue to play this class for as long as you want and never switch classes, and then after 7 days it will reset and the process starts all over again. about at the start of the week you get 100% per mob, and then it dwindles by 6% every hour up to 52% minimum, and you have to wait?
seriously guys, for gods shake, wake up already, thats the most hilarious and sad spin I have EVER read. So he reverses the situation and tells you that you were actually getting bonus exp?
how do i know it was a bonus?
how do i know that the first hour I wasnt getting the normal exp and it just decreases more and more?
lets think about this for a second, shall we? apparently this system was put in place to stop power players and keep casuals on equal foot ingame....seriously, what? how is THAT gonna do what they claim?
bonus exp will stop power players and help casuals keep on with them? is this opposites day?
and please, 8 hours a week? I can play that in 2 days, so I have to play another class that i might not like because the class I prefer will be getting a ~50% xp penalty for 5 more days?
dunno what is more ridiculous, the explanation, or the fact that there are fanbois blind and gullible enough to buy such a worthless failed attempt at spin...
I suppose it entirely depends on how cynical you are whether you choose to believe that this was intended from the beginning. My personal opinion is that this was fully intended from the beginning and it was a break down in translation which obscured it. The initial misconstrued explanation goes against all previous exp dynamics so I find it easy to believe this revised 'surplus' explanation as it falls inline more so with SE's take on exp in FF11 i.e 'rechargable' emperor bands = 'surplus' exp
This will keep casuals on an equal footing with hardcore players for the reason that the surplus exp has an enhanced importance in the lvling process. With a week long cooldown any player regardless of how casual he/she is should be able to make the full use out of surplus exp. A hardcore player equally will be able to use this surplus exp but because of their character and the importance of multi-lvling they will move onto another class to make full use of the skill system. When the harcore player comes back to their initial class as the surplus refreshes so to is the casual player. It all depends on how important it turns out to be to have several lvled classes whether the casual player can keep up with the hardcore player, but given SE precendent I would imagine it would be very important. Bascially surplus exp will make it possible for the casual player to maintain 1 class parity/or close to parity with the harcore player.
Due to the skill system this is a game where you have to play 2/3 classes to bring out the full potential of each class so your argument of having to move on to another class after surplus has ended is moot. You knew you were going to have to shift characters before the surplus exp explanation. A game with 18 classes where you only enjoy 1 is probably not a game you should be playing anyway.
This is an example of why "mystery" in a beta = bad, bad... let me repeat bad. If they put a system like this in Beta they must explain that system clearly and stomp on NDA breakers (if NDA applies).
So I have 8 hours of surplus XP - basically "rested" right? 150% XP gain or whatever, after 8+ gameplay hours in a 7 day period I earn 100% XP. Well, that sounds totally fine no big deal at all. Is that correct? Do I have it now?
They didn't just shoot themselves in the foot they got stepped on by a Adamantoise. Hate to meme but L2Communicate Square - people freaking out over nothing. Jeez you'd think this is Square's first adventure in the lands of the Internet.
One more comment I'm no game developer and don't think I know more than Square PM's but. Discoverability - if you put things in the game for players to figure out you better have some fresh breadcrumbs to help when it's a dominant game system. Let the weather be a mystery, let the moon cycle be a mystery. End game chr advancement, mid-game boss/dungeons. All of these things are fine to allow lots of mystery. But something that affects a lvl 1 character that there is no documentation or basic understanding of is... Square I guess. Cue Huey Lewis...
Completly agree for the most part , as i said before idk who the person in charge of marketing is, but is definetly not doing its job right.
But then you have the other end of the rope, marketing like GW2 or aion that say stuf like " we make the game thinking in you "or " we make a game like nothin seen before " and ends up on some stupid more of the same wow clone, come on.If i balance both out. Ill stick my hand into the fire for SE, i despise this kind of advertising.Rather not having a word on whats happening and see the final product than geting banged by flashy videos and sweet talk.
Further reading the original thread on allahkazam suggest it might actually be more similar to rest exp than I thought.
If this 100% exp for 8 hours = bonus exp added to the original, than that is an entirely different story. Upon degrading for the next 15 total hours to 0%, you would be gaining 100% Normal exp, rather than the 200% exp you were getting those 8 hours.
That would make a lot more sense in supporting the game for casuals if that is the case, and would fit the term "surplus" a lot more accurately.
From what I've experienced in beta you just hit the nail on the head.
So your rested experience runs out even if you are afk or just running around looking at stuff?
Only when you gain exp on that class i think.
edit;.Could be based on a timer on how long you stay on the class as well , im not exactly sure to be honest.
I'm not sure myself I would hope that the surplus would begin as you start garnering exp but it could just as easily be as soon as you log in.
The system appears interesting tho it's going to be fun switching weps to a lvl 1 class as you move from mob to mob as you try and keep surplus exp running.
Your XP bar gets 'charged' if you log out in specific zones (inns, cities, safe spots, etc), awarding you bonus XP time for your next play session. The longer you are logged out, the longer you will have bonus XP when you come back.
When you log back on, you get bonus XP until the bar charge runs out, then its normal XP. If you only play weekends you pretty much always have bonus XP. Power players almost never have their xp bar charged.
The 'Surplus' system sounds like pretty much the same thing, as well as it can be applied to the game systems FFXIV employs.
So whats the big deal?
Exactly. The big deal is the amount of people who spread misinformation based on assumptions and who never even experienced the system on sites like this acting like girls without a prom date swearing to cancel their preorders which I am sure don't even exist...
Typically I consider your posts borderline zealotry for this game, but I agree with you here.
You know I was falling for this stuff too over the last few days. Believing that Square created a system that would turn my XP off from simply playing the game. Is that a failure in me? Or a failure in Square? Perhaps both to blame, victims of the Internet.
I feel kind of bad all the way around now. It was easy to accept they did it this way because they portray a "don't care what you think" attitude in most communication and provide fluffy bunny happy pink Sanrio look at the flowers - no substance statements.
One thing I think about, Aion may be going to the sidelines in NA but I think NCSoft was smart to have a North American group be their PR here. Not just a translation thing going on but some definite culture clash/shock too. In this "small" world we have access to every culture but forget that every culture is different because we access them the same.
I hate having to use the r-word so many times when discussing something; so I'm just going to say this is completely RIDICULOUS.
You earn xp at 100%. It works down to you making ~52%.
If they want to include a BONUS system here's how to explain it to them beta testers:
"If you want us to diversify our play, an incentive would be to allow an xp bonus to BUILD up for other classes whilst we're leveling one class. Then when we switch to another class allow some of that % to burn and start to build for other classes."
Or ya know, ask them to not use such a stupid system to delegate a player's time.
There's other ways. Like an offline progression for a set of useful skills. With one character slot it'd be particularly useful.
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
This system, if in fact they're referring to BONUS XP, incentiveses people to switch between classes every 8 hours to ensure they're getting 200% at all time within a given week.
NOTE, physical level is shared between classes, so after 15 hours, your physical level will recieve a 0% BONUS for the entire week. This is done on purpose so that people don't reach level cap by grinding.
For all intents and purposes, your physical level is your level. It's not surprising they're trying to cap your physical level for the next few months until the first content patch and the PS3 release. SE doesn't want people to reach 50 physical level and start complaining that there's nothing else to do.
SE is caught in the middle. They want to keep many things secret so that people will make their own discoveries in game. To make the matter more complicated, they're horrible at communicating when there are rumors swirlin around in the fansites and a blogosphere.
I happen to believe that SE can be an effective company at communicating with its playerbase/potential playerbase without necessarily revealing what the game is entirely about.
All SE had to do is say that SURPLUS (even though the name already suggests it) is analogous to bonus XP or rested xp in other games.
That would have pretty much quashed the issue at the outset.
The thing is regardless of what they say, it isn't how it has been working in beta. I know in beta it seems like this 8 hours isn't played time, but actual time in combat.
For example I left my Pugilist logged in for 24 hours, then jumped on and started fighting and never saw surplus. This is 8-15 hours of combat time which plays into a lot more general time than people are thinking.
This may mean that it isn't bonus XP at all, but overall XP. Although beta reports make it hard to tell exactly.
If we are lucky it counts down your 8 hours only when you are in combat, in crafting mode, or in harvesting mode. In between battles shouldnt count since the game doesnt know when you have gone afk or are just waiting.
Wow that was all so confusing that the creator got wind of it. ha ha. It would seem they too are not entirely sure how to implement what they cannot describe lol. Just havta wait
"Within the first eight hours of play, you can earn 100% experience"
From that read it seems like it counts down the entire time you are online whether you are xp'ing or not. If you value your "bonus" xp then dont go afk. I can see this making it interesting waiting on the last group member to get there.
Hey guys just wanted to chime in with real data from beta.
It is not time logged in, it appears to be time in combat. I spent over 30 hours on my Pugilist/Fisherman/Culinarian during beta in a week and never saw that 8 hour mark where surplus starts.
Basically as it stands you have 8-15 hours of in combat time to gain full benefits, and once you start seeing surplus it is smart to change class.
They are thinking of doing something with surplus XP, but are not sure.
They are tweaking the times and times related to group content.
They are still tweaking numbers/times/etc.
I do not think they are trying to pad the content, but instead give a way for casual-mid level gamers to keep up with the hardcore.
Hardcore can advance numerous classes, but someone playing 100 hours a week and someone playing 40 hours a week can both likely max out their progression in a class keeping their main classes on a level playing field.
The amount of time required to max this out in a class, a gathering profession, and a craft seems to be pretty high and I am not sure any players would actually max this out in all 3.
I am not a big fan of the system. I only play 20-40 hours a week and based on my beta play I never even hit the 8 hour threshhold where you start to see surplus. I am not sure why they want this exactly.
The only thing I can see coming out of this that would make me really happy is a reduction or inverse effect on surplus while grouped. They seem to reference it as being more realistic because in real life you have to take breaks from training something to really grow at it.
Hey guys just wanted to chime in with real data from beta.
It is not time logged in, it appears to be time in combat. I spent over 30 hours on my Pugilist/Fisherman/Culinarian during beta in a week and never saw that 8 hour mark where surplus starts.
Basically as it stands you have 8-15 hours of in combat time to gain full benefits, and once you start seeing surplus it is smart to change class.
They are thinking of doing something with surplus XP, but are not sure.
They are tweaking the times and times related to group content.
They are still tweaking numbers/times/etc.
I do not think they are trying to pad the content, but instead give a way for casual-mid level gamers to keep up with the hardcore.
Hardcore can advance numerous classes, but someone playing 100 hours a week and someone playing 40 hours a week can both likely max out their progression in a class keeping their main classes on a level playing field.
The amount of time required to max this out in a class, a gathering profession, and a craft seems to be pretty high and I am not sure any players would actually max this out in all 3.
I am not a big fan of the system. I only play 20-40 hours a week and based on my beta play I never even hit the 8 hour threshhold where you start to see surplus. I am not sure why they want this exactly.
The only thing I can see coming out of this that would make me really happy is a reduction or inverse effect on surplus while grouped. They seem to reference it as being more realistic because in real life you have to take breaks from training something to really grow at it.
Thanks for this.
Having not played enough of the Beta to be affected by the system, this is really rather quite insightful.
Your out on a witch hunt, surplus is nothin more than rested exp, but it resets diferently than the rest of rested exp in the rest of mmos.
So exactly whats the problem now ? nothin to bitch at so we bitch at everythin ?. You loose rested exp after played for x ammount of time, then every week you get that rested exp back again . Everyone , casual and hardcore have a limited ammount of playtime/rested exp, that resets every week.
You dont need to know anythin, you havent payed a dime for the game, if you whant to know every single aspect of the game to play it , then wait -5 months when there is a complete wikky for it. SE wont give a lot of info out , they rather let you explore and learn by yourself. Im fine by this , and yea im a fanboy of SE, becouse i do apreciate what they do right , and not bitch at every single thin they do wrong.I wait , give feed back and try to understand why and how of thins.
To make it short, the door to GW2 is right around the corner.
Exactly. The big deal is the amount of people who spread misinformation based on assumptions and who never even experienced the system on sites like this acting like girls without a prom date swearing to cancel their preorders which I am sure don't even exist...
This is an example of why "mystery" in a beta = bad, bad... let me repeat bad. If they put a system like this in Beta they must explain that system clearly and stomp on NDA breakers (if NDA applies).
So I have 8 hours of surplus XP - basically "rested" right? 150% XP gain or whatever, after 8+ gameplay hours in a 7 day period I earn 100% XP. Well, that sounds totally fine no big deal at all. Is that correct? Do I have it now?
They didn't just shoot themselves in the foot they got stepped on by a Adamantoise. Hate to meme but L2Communicate Square - people freaking out over nothing. Jeez you'd think this is Square's first adventure in the lands of the Internet.
One more comment I'm no game developer and don't think I know more than Square PM's but. Discoverability - if you put things in the game for players to figure out you better have some fresh breadcrumbs to help when it's a dominant game system. Let the weather be a mystery, let the moon cycle be a mystery. End game chr advancement, mid-game boss/dungeons. All of these things are fine to allow lots of mystery. But something that affects a lvl 1 character that there is no documentation or basic understanding of is... Square I guess. Cue Huey Lewis...
THIS is the type of shit a friggin dev needs to sit down and take the time to post. Good god i mean can they not even be bothered to explain something. That one idiot just wrote a letter bitching about people getting it wrong and doesn't even bother to try to explain it. Thanks so much for taking the time to explain this better...even though since they haven't even officially said what the hell it is, we still can't be 100% for sure that this is actually correct either. Either way, they should do something like this if they want everyone to quit speculating instead of having some producer or whatever write a bitchy note about getting it about professionalism.
I suppose it entirely depends on how cynical you are whether you choose to believe that this was intended from the beginning. My personal opinion is that this was fully intended from the beginning and it was a break down in translation which obscured it. The initial misconstrued explanation goes against all previous exp dynamics so I find it easy to believe this revised 'surplus' explanation as it falls inline more so with SE's take on exp in FF11 i.e 'rechargable' emperor bands = 'surplus' exp
This will keep casuals on an equal footing with hardcore players for the reason that the surplus exp has an enhanced importance in the lvling process. With a week long cooldown any player regardless of how casual he/she is should be able to make the full use out of surplus exp. A hardcore player equally will be able to use this surplus exp but because of their character and the importance of multi-lvling they will move onto another class to make full use of the skill system. When the harcore player comes back to their initial class as the surplus refreshes so to is the casual player. It all depends on how important it turns out to be to have several lvled classes whether the casual player can keep up with the hardcore player, but given SE precendent I would imagine it would be very important. Bascially surplus exp will make it possible for the casual player to maintain 1 class parity/or close to parity with the harcore player.
Due to the skill system this is a game where you have to play 2/3 classes to bring out the full potential of each class so your argument of having to move on to another class after surplus has ended is moot. You knew you were going to have to shift characters before the surplus exp explanation. A game with 18 classes where you only enjoy 1 is probably not a game you should be playing anyway.
Completly agree for the most part , as i said before idk who the person in charge of marketing is, but is definetly not doing its job right.
But then you have the other end of the rope, marketing like GW2 or aion that say stuf like " we make the game thinking in you "or " we make a game like nothin seen before " and ends up on some stupid more of the same wow clone, come on.If i balance both out. Ill stick my hand into the fire for SE, i despise this kind of advertising.Rather not having a word on whats happening and see the final product than geting banged by flashy videos and sweet talk.
From what I've experienced in beta you just hit the nail on the head.
My theme song.
So your rested experience runs out even if you are afk or just running around looking at stuff?
Only when you gain exp on that class i think.
edit;.Could be based on a timer on how long you stay on the class as well , im not exactly sure to be honest.
I'm not sure myself I would hope that the surplus would begin as you start garnering exp but it could just as easily be as soon as you log in.
The system appears interesting tho it's going to be fun switching weps to a lvl 1 class as you move from mob to mob as you try and keep surplus exp running.
does this surplus exp refill gradually or is it like ..
Monday-8hours100%-7hourslater0%-Next Monday refilled Restart
Typically I consider your posts borderline zealotry for this game, but I agree with you here.
You know I was falling for this stuff too over the last few days. Believing that Square created a system that would turn my XP off from simply playing the game. Is that a failure in me? Or a failure in Square? Perhaps both to blame, victims of the Internet.
I feel kind of bad all the way around now. It was easy to accept they did it this way because they portray a "don't care what you think" attitude in most communication and provide fluffy bunny happy pink Sanrio look at the flowers - no substance statements.
One thing I think about, Aion may be going to the sidelines in NA but I think NCSoft was smart to have a North American group be their PR here. Not just a translation thing going on but some definite culture clash/shock too. In this "small" world we have access to every culture but forget that every culture is different because we access them the same.
I hate having to use the r-word so many times when discussing something; so I'm just going to say this is completely RIDICULOUS.
You earn xp at 100%. It works down to you making ~52%.
If they want to include a BONUS system here's how to explain it to them beta testers:
"If you want us to diversify our play, an incentive would be to allow an xp bonus to BUILD up for other classes whilst we're leveling one class. Then when we switch to another class allow some of that % to burn and start to build for other classes."
Or ya know, ask them to not use such a stupid system to delegate a player's time.
There's other ways. Like an offline progression for a set of useful skills. With one character slot it'd be particularly useful.
I kill other players because they're smarter than AI, sometimes.
This system, if in fact they're referring to BONUS XP, incentiveses people to switch between classes every 8 hours to ensure they're getting 200% at all time within a given week.
NOTE, physical level is shared between classes, so after 15 hours, your physical level will recieve a 0% BONUS for the entire week. This is done on purpose so that people don't reach level cap by grinding.
For all intents and purposes, your physical level is your level. It's not surprising they're trying to cap your physical level for the next few months until the first content patch and the PS3 release. SE doesn't want people to reach 50 physical level and start complaining that there's nothing else to do.
SE is caught in the middle. They want to keep many things secret so that people will make their own discoveries in game. To make the matter more complicated, they're horrible at communicating when there are rumors swirlin around in the fansites and a blogosphere.
I happen to believe that SE can be an effective company at communicating with its playerbase/potential playerbase without necessarily revealing what the game is entirely about.
All SE had to do is say that SURPLUS (even though the name already suggests it) is analogous to bonus XP or rested xp in other games.
That would have pretty much quashed the issue at the outset.
The thing is regardless of what they say, it isn't how it has been working in beta. I know in beta it seems like this 8 hours isn't played time, but actual time in combat.
For example I left my Pugilist logged in for 24 hours, then jumped on and started fighting and never saw surplus. This is 8-15 hours of combat time which plays into a lot more general time than people are thinking.
This may mean that it isn't bonus XP at all, but overall XP. Although beta reports make it hard to tell exactly.
The should've just released exp rings and be done with it lol! I mean wouldn't that have been easier and far less confusing?
If we are lucky it counts down your 8 hours only when you are in combat, in crafting mode, or in harvesting mode. In between battles shouldnt count since the game doesnt know when you have gone afk or are just waiting.
Wow that was all so confusing that the creator got wind of it. ha ha. It would seem they too are not entirely sure how to implement what they cannot describe lol. Just havta wait
Updated my original post -
** Edit - Official Square-Enix translated update -
so from what i understand they are helping ppl make alts to max out also... i believe you can only have 1 toon per server on any game.
alternative characters ruins order
i dont want an alt. i want to play my guy... so i should get less cuz of it?
go back to WoW and's how the game is. I hope you whiny 8 year olds don't come play, it'll make the game so much better.
aha fanbois' are funny, esp. stupid ones. they are turning ffxiv into wow.
"Within the first eight hours of play, you can earn 100% experience"
From that read it seems like it counts down the entire time you are online whether you are xp'ing or not. If you value your "bonus" xp then dont go afk. I can see this making it interesting waiting on the last group member to get there.
Hey guys just wanted to chime in with real data from beta.
It is not time logged in, it appears to be time in combat. I spent over 30 hours on my Pugilist/Fisherman/Culinarian during beta in a week and never saw that 8 hour mark where surplus starts.
Basically as it stands you have 8-15 hours of in combat time to gain full benefits, and once you start seeing surplus it is smart to change class.
They are thinking of doing something with surplus XP, but are not sure.
They are tweaking the times and times related to group content.
They are still tweaking numbers/times/etc.
I do not think they are trying to pad the content, but instead give a way for casual-mid level gamers to keep up with the hardcore.
Hardcore can advance numerous classes, but someone playing 100 hours a week and someone playing 40 hours a week can both likely max out their progression in a class keeping their main classes on a level playing field.
The amount of time required to max this out in a class, a gathering profession, and a craft seems to be pretty high and I am not sure any players would actually max this out in all 3.
I am not a big fan of the system. I only play 20-40 hours a week and based on my beta play I never even hit the 8 hour threshhold where you start to see surplus. I am not sure why they want this exactly.
The only thing I can see coming out of this that would make me really happy is a reduction or inverse effect on surplus while grouped. They seem to reference it as being more realistic because in real life you have to take breaks from training something to really grow at it.
Thanks for this.
Having not played enough of the Beta to be affected by the system, this is really rather quite insightful.