The "miracle patch" is an extremely ironic name giving that it does this: "There are a few exciting pieces we want to mention here:
Hardware mouse support will be added for release.
Guildleve cooldown will be lowered from its current 48 hours. Anima regeneration will be increased because of the cooldown change.
Phystical attributes (str, int, mnd, vit, pie, dex) affect both crafting and gathering professions.
Notorious Monsters (NMs) are in FFXIV, but currently only accessible via guildleves.
The level cap for physical and skills is 50.
More hair styles will be available when creating your character for release. Youll also be able to change your hair in-game."
If these are the EXCITING things the patch has to offer....GG. There is no hope for you. You'd obviously buy this game if SE took a shit in the box.
Are we to assume that the extended list of other changes and additions they listed merely slipped your attention? Or are you being willfully dishonest by leaving out most of it?
Well apparently you didnt follow the link I posted. I listed exactly what they listed: "the few and exciting pieces". Are u being willfully ignorant to make my post look incomplete and foolish? apparently.
Well considering right at the bottom of the update they say: "Check out FFXIVCores article for more information from the event", and that they specifically state they listed those as "a few exciting pieces we want to mention here", it would seem clear to me that they're offering a thumbnail of the information, and not the whole picture.
So, yes, if your intention was to provide your list as all that launch will bring to the game, you were being intellectually dishonest.
If you were really interested in seeing the full list of changes so you could, you know, make a more well-informed remark about them, I would think you would have followed the link to see all of the updates... But then that wouldn't have served your purposes very well, would it?
Of course not.
If you're going to point me back to a link you provided to "prove a point", at least make sure you've covered it thoroughly yourself first, mkay?
Considering that I posted the link and quoted the front headlines AND included the line "few and exciting" (as to point out that the list is merely the FEW AND EXCITING things the patch has to offer), id say u have dyslexia. how many times do i have to point this out?
Make sure you travel to the links and read my post twice (because once wasnt enough for you) before making accusations, mkay?
Seriously, stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
The intent of your post and how you framed it is not at all clever, nor original. It's plain as day and completely intellectually dishonest. Your entire goal was to bash the game and those who might like the game, with remarks like "If these are the EXCITING things the patch has to offer....GG. There is no hope for you. You'd obviously buy this game if SE took a shit in the box." And so, citing a limited list of what considers "a few exciting details", even though they are clearly a small part of a much larger list, suited your goal perfectly.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Any game that promises this much will fail either way,
they DO impliment it and its completely untested and buggy due to the mass amount of data being implimented. FAIL
they DONT impliment anything like they said and instead is a small patch of nothingness that doesnt matter. FAIL.
they DONT impliment anything at all and laugh at all you wasting your money for beleving them.
this content should be in game more than a few weeks prior to launch, its just asking for failure. its just too much to put in too quickly. If you cant see the fail coming then you are blind.
Really? Do you understand that in Alpha / Closed Beta, The only City State available was LL. With a flip of the switch, and in less than a week between closed and open beta, they implemented 2 City States and the surrounding areas in the game, with only a 1 day delay in expected Open Beta start date.
If they can add that amount of content to the game, then obviously they have their own excellent internal testing team. Just because this stuff isn't in the beta, doesn't mean it isn't already done and being tweaked at the moment for release.
Your thought process is amusing, because you are basically saying there is nothing FFXIV can do to please you. There are plenty of other games out there for you. Might as well hop the train now.
Any game that promises this much will fail either way,
they DO impliment it and its completely untested and buggy due to the mass amount of data being implimented. FAIL
they DONT impliment anything like they said and instead is a small patch of nothingness that doesnt matter. FAIL.
they DONT impliment anything at all and laugh at all you wasting your money for beleving them.
this content should be in game more than a few weeks prior to launch, its just asking for failure. its just too much to put in too quickly. If you cant see the fail coming then you are blind.
Really? Do you understand that in Alpha / Closed Beta, The only City State available was LL. With a flip of the switch, and in less than a week between closed and open beta, they implemented 2 City States and the surrounding areas in the game, with only a 1 day delay in expected Open Beta start date.
If they can add that amount of content to the game, then obviously they have their own excellent internal testing team. Just because this stuff isn't in the beta, doesn't mean it isn't already done and being tweaked at the moment for release.
Your thought process is amusing, because you are basically saying there is nothing FFXIV can do to please you. There are plenty of other games out there for you. Might as well hop the train now.
Allow me to enlighten you. A city was in closed beta, correct? All cities are made up of the same basic features with a different layout, correct? Data used to correctly build one city therefore can be used to build multiple cities, correct? This also applies to the hunting fields that were not in closed beta also. It is all simply reused code that has already been tested.
SE didn't magically produce a massive amount of untested content... They simply do what they should have be resourcful enough to reuse what they have.... maybe a bit too much if you have paid attention to another thread that was here a while back. So SE added how much new features from CB to OB? Zero.
Any game that promises this much will fail either way,
they DO impliment it and its completely untested and buggy due to the mass amount of data being implimented. FAIL
they DONT impliment anything like they said and instead is a small patch of nothingness that doesnt matter. FAIL.
they DONT impliment anything at all and laugh at all you wasting your money for beleving them.
this content should be in game more than a few weeks prior to launch, its just asking for failure. its just too much to put in too quickly. If you cant see the fail coming then you are blind.
Really? Do you understand that in Alpha / Closed Beta, The only City State available was LL. With a flip of the switch, and in less than a week between closed and open beta, they implemented 2 City States and the surrounding areas in the game, with only a 1 day delay in expected Open Beta start date.
If they can add that amount of content to the game, then obviously they have their own excellent internal testing team. Just because this stuff isn't in the beta, doesn't mean it isn't already done and being tweaked at the moment for release.
Your thought process is amusing, because you are basically saying there is nothing FFXIV can do to please you. There are plenty of other games out there for you. Might as well hop the train now.
Allow me to enlighten you. A city was in closed beta, correct? All cities are made up of the same basic features with a different layout, correct? Data used to correctly build one city therefore can be used to build multiple cities, correct? This also applies to the hunting fields that were not in closed beta also. It is all simply reused code that has already been tested.
SE didn't magically produce a massive amount of untested content... They simply do what they should have be resourcful enough to reuse what they have.... maybe a bit too much if you have paid attention to another thread that was here a while back. So SE added how much new features from CB to OB? Zero.
This isn't really true, actually. While they all have some overlap in basic services such as retainers, the layouts are all completely different, all have unique levequests, and each city is home to only a few certain guilds. In short the cities in the game are all fairly different.
I'm still in the "Wait and see" boat. Mortal Online claimed to have a Miracle Patch too, but all they got was a delayed release. Honestly, anything is liable to change.
I havent played for a few days so I honestly dont know.
If it is, then good job SE!
If not, then you guys convincing yourself that there is a miracle patch need to wake up and smell the spin.
They had a press release today outlining the changes they are making before release..
Today is not release..
I think its a bit early to have that attitude mister.
I have no attitude at all. I mean it sincerely.
But in response, Press releases a few days before launch are nothing more than party political broadcasts a week before the election. Nothing more than spin to convince the floating voters, or to cement the wobblers.
If its not in the beta, I wouldnt expect it at launch.
Obviously some of you don't know that SE isn't a typical PC MMO developer. They have hundreds of internal testers due to their console base. They have had an internal version throughout all of beta. Or do you think they developed gigabytes of the game in less than a week between each beta phase, and doubled its size in the short time between CB and OB and in that created almost no new bugs.
Stop making assumptions and waving them around on internet. It was the same for every CB phase. 'This is it, this is the full build, there is no internal version.' Then the next phase came around adding entire classes and sweeping changes in a couple of days. 'Well this is finally it this is all we get.' Then OB came and the content was trippled, entire starting cities were added, and tons of changes implemented. 'This is OB this is the final build, this is the game. Seriously this time.' Then a press release comes with everything planned for release and one or two items that they admitted wouldn't be in at release, but soon to follow. 'It doesn't matter this is what we get. This is the final version.'
I mean how many times do you have to be proven wrong before you stop waving around assumptions and make yourselves look foolish?
Obviously some of you don't know that SE isn't a typical PC MMO developer. They have hundreds of internal testers due to their console base. They have had an internal version throughout all of beta. Or do you think they developed gigabytes of the game in less than a week between each beta phase, and doubled its size in the short time between CB and OB and in that created almost no new bugs.
Stop making assumptions and waving them around on internet. It was the same for every CB phase. 'This is it, this is the full build, there is no internal version.' Then the next phase came around adding entire classes and sweeping changes in a couple of days. 'Well this is finally it this is all we get.' Then OB came and the content was trippled, entire starting cities were added, and tons of changes implemented. 'This is OB this is the final build, this is the game. Seriously this time.' Then a press release comes with everything planned for release and one or two items that they admitted wouldn't be in at release, but soon to follow. 'It doesn't matter this is what we get. This is the final version.'
I mean how many times do you have to be proven wrong before you stop waving around assumptions and make yourselves look foolish?
When people are dead set on making a fool of themselves, the best thing to do is get out of their way. Sadly, the louder the misinformation is screamed and said over again, it tends to drown out the truth in politics and on
I havent played for a few days so I honestly dont know.
If it is, then good job SE!
If not, then you guys convincing yourself that there is a miracle patch need to wake up and smell the spin.
If you set the line at, "I'm going to be upset if there's not a miracle patch at release," then you've invented something to complain about that may actually pan out.
Me, I'm reasonably content with the current state of the game in Open Betaand looking forward to their fixing few remaining issues post-release, such as GUI lag and lack of means to find items on the player market, both of which have been mentioned as recognized issues to be resolved.
I feel sorry for the players that really believe there will be more content on release. Im sure there will be some but not enough.
Actually, that there will be more content in release is obviously true. Square-Enix has officially informed the players that all bu the first step of the quest-related content (having to do with the storyline that they didn't want to reveal yet) has been removed from Open Beta. Further, you can see places in the open beta where this is obviously true, such as many recipes over tier 1 are missing. Therefore, I can only feel sorry for you for making this ill-informed comment. You've apparently been playing a lot of betas run by smaller house developers that aren't capable of doing this.
I feel sorry for the players that really believe there will be more content on release. Im sure there will be some but not enough.
You feel sorry for yourself? You clearly state at the end of your second sentence that there will be new content at launch, and just previous to that you said you feel sorry for those that believe there will be more content on release.
For me, I am happy with the beta as is. Everything that was announced today, I already knew was coming. SE isn't some indie developer, they know what they are doing. They know how to take feedback and work it into their vision. They know what works and what doesn't (from FFXI), and they know how to push the envelope with new ideas.
Don't feel sorry for us. We have found our game. I feel sorry for you sir, because your never-ending wait for the "perfect game" will be just that, never-ending.
since when is internal beta testing preferred over public? more eyes mean more bugs found, even idiots find bugs that are random and the devs just dont have manpower to find. so the answer is, never. thats why bliz public tests everything and releases it with high expectations being met.
some of yo ureally need to pull of your blinders and see whats there not what you want to be there.
go ahead and pay me now and i'll send you something valuable in 6 months..
thats what you think if you beleive MMO companies. and third world third class mmos dont count, its easy to achive your target if your goal is so low a high school kid could program for you.
dont beleive it till you see it, especially with MMOs.
they are going to sit there and tell you how awesome it is and whats coming down the pike... years from now and you act as if its already tested and ready to be in game.
release it early and public test it or push the release date. but i guess some of you enjoy empty feelings. 6 months from now it might have decent content but not as much as if they would learn lessons from other games instead of trying to incorporate its successors failures just because it shares the name.
what do you expect from people who run around playing as midget babies in pajamas... midget babies in pajamas..
since when is internal beta testing preferred over public? more eyes mean more bugs found, even idiots find bugs that are random and the devs just dont have manpower to find. so the answer is, never. thats why bliz public tests everything and releases it with high expectations being met.
They didnt allow ANY feedback on open beta.
On a side note, on FFXI tarus were the third most used race. Go figure.(first mithra)
since when is internal beta testing preferred over public? more eyes mean more bugs found, even idiots find bugs that are random and the devs just dont have manpower to find. so the answer is, never. thats why bliz public tests everything and releases it with high expectations being met.
They didnt allow ANY feedback on open beta.
On a side note, on FFXI tarus were the third most used race. Go figure.(first mithra)
They actually climbed up to race #2 and almost eclipsed the mithra's if im not mistaken by year 4 or some such. Go figure indeed...
I still wonder, why SE delayed the PS3 version by 6 months. Now that the PC version is... how shall I say... more lightweighted, i.e. tube-world and such, I thought this would be enough to run it on a weaker PS3. But the problems seem to be bigger. Maybe zones or instances are unavoidable?
Well apparently you didnt follow the link I posted. I listed exactly what they listed: "the few and exciting pieces". Are u being willfully ignorant to make my post look incomplete and foolish? apparently.
Considering that I posted the link and quoted the front headlines AND included the line "few and exciting" (as to point out that the list is merely the FEW AND EXCITING things the patch has to offer), id say u have dyslexia. how many times do i have to point this out?
Make sure you travel to the links and read my post twice (because once wasnt enough for you) before making accusations, mkay?
/facepalmand the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Really? Do you understand that in Alpha / Closed Beta, The only City State available was LL. With a flip of the switch, and in less than a week between closed and open beta, they implemented 2 City States and the surrounding areas in the game, with only a 1 day delay in expected Open Beta start date.
If they can add that amount of content to the game, then obviously they have their own excellent internal testing team. Just because this stuff isn't in the beta, doesn't mean it isn't already done and being tweaked at the moment for release.
Your thought process is amusing, because you are basically saying there is nothing FFXIV can do to please you. There are plenty of other games out there for you. Might as well hop the train now.
you can read all the notes in my post.... people tend to only copy paste what they want, i did the whole damn thing.
Allow me to enlighten you. A city was in closed beta, correct? All cities are made up of the same basic features with a different layout, correct? Data used to correctly build one city therefore can be used to build multiple cities, correct? This also applies to the hunting fields that were not in closed beta also. It is all simply reused code that has already been tested.
SE didn't magically produce a massive amount of untested content... They simply do what they should have be resourcful enough to reuse what they have.... maybe a bit too much if you have paid attention to another thread that was here a while back. So SE added how much new features from CB to OB? Zero.
This isn't really true, actually. While they all have some overlap in basic services such as retainers, the layouts are all completely different, all have unique levequests, and each city is home to only a few certain guilds. In short the cities in the game are all fairly different.
Is the Miracle patch live?
I havent played for a few days so I honestly dont know.
If it is, then good job SE!
If not, then you guys convincing yourself that there is a miracle patch need to wake up and smell the spin.
They had a press release today outlining the changes they are making before release..
Today is not release..
I think its a bit early to have that attitude mister.
first of all
second of all
I have no attitude at all. I mean it sincerely.
But in response, Press releases a few days before launch are nothing more than party political broadcasts a week before the election. Nothing more than spin to convince the floating voters, or to cement the wobblers.
If its not in the beta, I wouldnt expect it at launch.
Not to say that it wont be implemented though!
No they didn't. They had a press release today where they stated some changes that would be appearing by release and others coming soon.
Although that may have been what you actually meant. So appoligies if you did.
Obviously some of you don't know that SE isn't a typical PC MMO developer. They have hundreds of internal testers due to their console base. They have had an internal version throughout all of beta. Or do you think they developed gigabytes of the game in less than a week between each beta phase, and doubled its size in the short time between CB and OB and in that created almost no new bugs.
Stop making assumptions and waving them around on internet. It was the same for every CB phase. 'This is it, this is the full build, there is no internal version.' Then the next phase came around adding entire classes and sweeping changes in a couple of days. 'Well this is finally it this is all we get.' Then OB came and the content was trippled, entire starting cities were added, and tons of changes implemented. 'This is OB this is the final build, this is the game. Seriously this time.' Then a press release comes with everything planned for release and one or two items that they admitted wouldn't be in at release, but soon to follow. 'It doesn't matter this is what we get. This is the final version.'
I mean how many times do you have to be proven wrong before you stop waving around assumptions and make yourselves look foolish?
will housing be available at launch ?
What!? Beta doesn't equal release?! Who knew!?
Taru-Gallante-Blood elf-Elysean-Kelari-Crime Fighting-Imperial Agent
When people are dead set on making a fool of themselves, the best thing to do is get out of their way. Sadly, the louder the misinformation is screamed and said over again, it tends to drown out the truth in politics and on
If you set the line at, "I'm going to be upset if there's not a miracle patch at release," then you've invented something to complain about that may actually pan out.
Me, I'm reasonably content with the current state of the game in Open Beta and looking forward to their fixing few remaining issues post-release, such as GUI lag and lack of means to find items on the player market, both of which have been mentioned as recognized issues to be resolved.
I feel sorry for the players that really believe there will be more content on release. Im sure there will be some but not enough.
Actually, that there will be more content in release is obviously true. Square-Enix has officially informed the players that all bu the first step of the quest-related content (having to do with the storyline that they didn't want to reveal yet) has been removed from Open Beta. Further, you can see places in the open beta where this is obviously true, such as many recipes over tier 1 are missing. Therefore, I can only feel sorry for you for making this ill-informed comment. You've apparently been playing a lot of betas run by smaller house developers that aren't capable of doing this.
Thanks, but I think with recent news we don't need your pity. Seriously though, thanks for looking out for us.
You feel sorry for yourself? You clearly state at the end of your second sentence that there will be new content at launch, and just previous to that you said you feel sorry for those that believe there will be more content on release.
For me, I am happy with the beta as is. Everything that was announced today, I already knew was coming. SE isn't some indie developer, they know what they are doing. They know how to take feedback and work it into their vision. They know what works and what doesn't (from FFXI), and they know how to push the envelope with new ideas.
Don't feel sorry for us. We have found our game. I feel sorry for you sir, because your never-ending wait for the "perfect game" will be just that, never-ending.
since when is internal beta testing preferred over public? more eyes mean more bugs found, even idiots find bugs that are random and the devs just dont have manpower to find. so the answer is, never. thats why bliz public tests everything and releases it with high expectations being met.
some of yo ureally need to pull of your blinders and see whats there not what you want to be there.
go ahead and pay me now and i'll send you something valuable in 6 months..
thats what you think if you beleive MMO companies. and third world third class mmos dont count, its easy to achive your target if your goal is so low a high school kid could program for you.
dont beleive it till you see it, especially with MMOs.
they are going to sit there and tell you how awesome it is and whats coming down the pike... years from now and you act as if its already tested and ready to be in game.
release it early and public test it or push the release date. but i guess some of you enjoy empty feelings. 6 months from now it might have decent content but not as much as if they would learn lessons from other games instead of trying to incorporate its successors failures just because it shares the name.
what do you expect from people who run around playing as midget babies in pajamas... midget babies in pajamas..
They actually climbed up to race #2 and almost eclipsed the mithra's if im not mistaken by year 4 or some such. Go figure indeed...
Taru-Gallante-Blood elf-Elysean-Kelari-Crime Fighting-Imperial Agent
Yep by 2005 taru males were #1. HAH!
Taru-Gallante-Blood elf-Elysean-Kelari-Crime Fighting-Imperial Agent
I still wonder, why SE delayed the PS3 version by 6 months. Now that the PC version is... how shall I say... more lightweighted, i.e. tube-world and such, I thought this would be enough to run it on a weaker PS3. But the problems seem to be bigger. Maybe zones or instances are unavoidable?