The Bible can be easily misinterpreted and misused. In the New Testament (NT) it even says there will be people who do this out of their ignorance of the meaning. The OT and the NT represent two distinct situations of the relationship between man and God. Take Romans 12:18 for example (that's in the NT): "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (NIV translation)
The OT included many acts like those mentioned above because man was judged by his actions and deeds directly by God. In the NT, we exist in a new covenant started in Abraham that was fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Christ. Now Christ's blood is the price paid to rescue us from the damnnation we all deserve, based on Adam and Eve's sin. Now if we believe on Christ, His blood makes us clean and righteous. But to enjoy all the benefits of God's blessing in sending Christ, we must have faith (believing without physical proof, based on the Holy Spirit inside of us) and obey His commands. The chief command in the NT is this, spoken by Jesus Himself in John 13:34: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
There is a very short explanation of why there were acts of mass death and terrible happenings in the OT, but that is gone with the NT for those who believe. I did my best to explain, but to grasp even a small understanding of the Scriptures, one must spend much time hearing, reading, and studying the Bible.
The Bible can be easily misinterpreted and misused. In the New Testament (NT) it even says there will be people who do this out of their ignorance of the meaning. The OT and the NT represent two distinct situations of the relationship between man and God. Take Romans 12:18 for example (that's in the NT): "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (NIV translation)
The OT included many acts like those mentioned above because man was judged by his actions and deeds directly by God. In the NT, we exist in a new covenant started in Abraham that was fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Christ. Now Christ's blood is the price paid to rescue us from the damnnation we all deserve, based on Adam and Eve's sin. Now if we believe on Christ, His blood makes us clean and righteous. But to enjoy all the benefits of God's blessing in sending Christ, we must have faith (believing without physical proof, based on the Holy Spirit inside of us) and obey His commands. The chief command in the NT is this, spoken by Jesus Himself in John 13:34: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
There is a very short explanation of why there were acts of mass death and terrible happenings in the OT, but that is gone with the NT for those who believe. I did my best to explain, but to grasp even a small understanding of the Scriptures, one must spend much time hearing, reading, and studying the Bible.
They are basing the game on the old testament. Honestly, it will make for a far more interesting game. (Assuming they go directly to the bible for inspiration).
There are a great deal of monsters such as the Nephilum (sp?), giants, leviathan, etc. I can imagine playing a minor role in a well known story could be quite satisfying. I'm not sure about the rts aspect though, as it seems like they may be just making another village builder.
As far as all of the other arguments over Christianity poster here, look into how many prophesies were fulfilled in the bible, and continue to come to pass. The most famous example may be Soddam and Gommorah. So far apart, and simultaneously destroyed by fire just as predicted. Look into prophesies of the bible, and you will realize there is absolutely NO other book like it in the history of our existence. Nostradamus doesn't even come close to matching the Bible for prophesy. Nothing does.
Isn't there not much of a challenge if god is on your side? Still, the memes could be great.
"Yahweh is my Raid Leader" You know you want it!
Important facts: 1. Free to Play games are poorly made. 2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals. 3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE. 4. Community is more important than you think.
There are a great deal of monsters such as the Nephilum (sp?), giants, leviathan, etc. I can imagine playing a minor role in a well known story could be quite satisfying. I'm not sure about the rts aspect though, as it seems like they may be just making another village builder.
As far as all of the other arguments over Christianity poster here, look into how many prophesies were fulfilled in the bible, and continue to come to pass. The most famous example may be Soddam and Gommorah. So far apart, and simultaneously destroyed by fire just as predicted. Look into prophesies of the bible, and you will realize there is absolutely NO other book like it in the history of our existence. Nostradamus doesn't even come close to matching the Bible for prophesy. Nothing does.
I wonder if you realize how crazy that sounds. The fact that the bible never prophesied about Sodom and Gommorah being destroyed at any time in the future only makes it sound even more far fetched. I mean, it happened in biblical times. It doesn't say anywhere it would happen again.
But then again, why even try to reason with someone believes prophesies from the bible are taking shape (in the form of destruction) all around them.
There are a great deal of monsters such as the Nephilum (sp?), giants, leviathan, etc. I can imagine playing a minor role in a well known story could be quite satisfying. I'm not sure about the rts aspect though, as it seems like they may be just making another village builder.
As far as all of the other arguments over Christianity poster here, look into how many prophesies were fulfilled in the bible, and continue to come to pass. The most famous example may be Soddam and Gommorah. So far apart, and simultaneously destroyed by fire just as predicted. Look into prophesies of the bible, and you will realize there is absolutely NO other book like it in the history of our existence. Nostradamus doesn't even come close to matching the Bible for prophesy. Nothing does.
How does Soddam and Gommorah classify as a prophesy? Other than some guy wrote that a higher power told him he would burn the cities down? And I believe later historians have proved these cities existed or have found cities that they believe may be those? I find a lot othese stories to be just that ... stories. Who even knows when it was written? Maybe it was written afterward ...
I believe a good deal of what is in the bible to reflect on events that did happen ... but with somewhat exagerated details. I mean really ... who was going to question anyone back then, especially a religous leader? Not to mention, at that time .. alot of the things these people made up (IMO), were still in the realm of possibilities.
I went to church for many years ... then I grew older. I find it hard to believe any of the things I read or was taught. But for the life of me, I can not come to say it is not true ... it's one of those things that really can't be disproven. Guess it's good to start on kids while they are young, If anyone else did that they would call it a cult and brain washing.
Here is a passage that could lead to a stealth unit:
Exodus 2:11-12
And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren.
And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.
Exodus 2:11-12 , What really happened.
Moses: Yo Motherf@#$er I saw how you gave my boy the beat down back there!
Egyptian Punk: No way man it didn’t go down like that!?!?
Moses: Oh no! Well maybe it went down like this bitch! (stabbing sounds)
God: Moe! WTF! Dude.
Moses: What!?!
God: You just wacked that guy!
Moses: Oh hell no…you remember that talk we had about this whole free the people bit?
God: ah…ya…
Moses: I tolt you that this was goin down my way…old tabernacle style!
God: cool…
Moses: And what about that covenant thing we talked about…If some dudes show up centuries later speaking Latin I need to know your going to take care of my descendants!
God: Dude, chill..I got Judea’s back no worries. Now hurry up and bury that punk the bitches just started a cat fight in the mud pit!
There are a great deal of monsters such as the Nephilum (sp?), giants, leviathan, etc. I can imagine playing a minor role in a well known story could be quite satisfying. I'm not sure about the rts aspect though, as it seems like they may be just making another village builder.
As far as all of the other arguments over Christianity poster here, look into how many prophesies were fulfilled in the bible, and continue to come to pass. The most famous example may be Soddam and Gommorah. So far apart, and simultaneously destroyed by fire just as predicted. Look into prophesies of the bible, and you will realize there is absolutely NO other book like it in the history of our existence. Nostradamus doesn't even come close to matching the Bible for prophesy. Nothing does.
How does Soddam and Gommorah classify as a prophesy? Other than some guy wrote that a higher power told him he would burn the cities down? And I believe later historians have proved these cities existed or have found cities that they believe may be those? I find a lot othese stories to be just that ... stories. Who even knows when it was written? Maybe it was written afterward ...
I believe a good deal of what is in the bible to reflect on events that did happen ... but with somewhat exagerated details. I mean really ... who was going to question anyone back then, especially a religous leader? Not to mention, at that time .. alot of the things these people made up (IMO), were still in the realm of possibilities.
I went to church for many years ... then I grew older. I find it hard to believe any of the things I read or was taught. But for the life of me, I can not come to say it is not true ... it's one of those things that really can't be disproven. Guess it's good to start on kids while they are young, If anyone else did that they would call it a cult and brain washing.
i've no doubt that some of it is based on actual events, but i also have no doubt that quite a bit of it is also a work of fiction.. by various authors.. which would also explain why some of it is so contradictory.. whether they can make a successful game out of it is ... debateable.. it might just be another way for them to try and influence the younger generation again, christianity.. along with other religions, is becoming less relevant in modern society.. can't see that a game about it will really change things though, it might even have the opposite effect, i mean, its not like anyone believes that the gods etc, in World of Warcraft are real, and putting the bible on the same footing as games of that nature, might really cause people to categorise them in the same way. bit risky either way i'd say.
Besides, we already have Tale in the Desert. It can't have much more than that except maybe Bedowen raiders burning your tent and stealing your women and stuff...well actually since back then women were considerd just stuff as well I guess they would just be stealing your stuff.
With an IP like this, this game promises to be the most brutal, bloody, gut wrenching sickening title ever made.
Do we really get to throw our concubines to ravenous mobs to have her raped and torn apart?
Can't wait for the mini games. Do we get rewards for whipping our slaves just right so they get up after two days (with a slight penalty if they die as a result! What a bs system, players' shouldn't be punished for playing the game they want to).
All I know is on release I think I'll pick it up, and mercilessly slay oceans of heathens.
I'm a Christian and I'd give it a shot if I could play it here in the States, be interesting to see what the Devs did with the property.
Which leads me to the question.....who can claim "legal intellectual property" for this? I have the Tolkien family now for LotRO, Blizzard for WoW (Warcraft lore), etc. But THIS IP......uhm......does the whole world get to sue you if you run a private server and sell items for cash? O.o
ha ha.. and they banned my comment because I "dare" say a little word about muslims, I have my doubts now about who's running all this "machine" , or is really someone full of it, political correctness I mean , ... and I see all the comments full of hatred left on line , I need to reflect now
ha ha.. and they banned my comment because I "dare" say a little word about muslims, I have my doubts now about who's running all this "machine" , or is really someone full of it, political correctness I mean , ... and I see all the comments full of hatred left on line , I need to reflect now
I forsee a huge success, or at least a very wide popularity!
And not because of the quality of the game, but the topic!
Religion.. no wonder you are not really allowed to talk about it at your work.. divides ppl, starts arguements, fights, wars.. (agreed that PVP will be awesome!)
While I have a lot of problems (read: i hate cult-based corporations proffiting from masses), the Old Testament itself has to be one of the most epic works of ficiton ever written. I mean :
- You have angry overpowered terrific god that does all sort of cool stuff.
- You have this huge lore, cool powers and characters.
- YOu have those epic huge battles between countries/tribes/etc
- Terriffic creature designs and universe that fits dark fantasy genre so well...
- Endgame/Apocalypse/etc rivalled only my norse mythology.
Heck, if someone who is not religious would just create a kick-ass game out of the whole lore, you would have one of the most epic games ever. hell, it could be a franchise:
- It would work as RTS/TBS. Sort of AgeOfMythology/Civilization/AgeofWonders style. You sacrifice stuff, win victories for your God, you war other countries in epic massive battles and use various god-powers.
- IT would work as hack'n'slash action rpg and/or platformer. With you working as demon or angel with varous mission and all culminating into massive level of apocalypse.
- It would even work as society-managment game - imagine having to build up a society, collect animals and build noahs ark in defined period of days? How about eden simulator - grow your own paradise?
- It would even work as FPS.
The possibilities are ENDLESS with such lore, sadly everyone is too affraid of the big multinational corporation that is Church, to even do something more than "enlighten" people with that lore...
The Bible can be easily misinterpreted and misused. In the New Testament (NT) it even says there will be people who do this out of their ignorance of the meaning. The OT and the NT represent two distinct situations of the relationship between man and God. Take Romans 12:18 for example (that's in the NT): "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (NIV translation)
The OT included many acts like those mentioned above because man was judged by his actions and deeds directly by God. In the NT, we exist in a new covenant started in Abraham that was fulfilled in the death and resurrection of Christ. Now Christ's blood is the price paid to rescue us from the damnnation we all deserve, based on Adam and Eve's sin. Now if we believe on Christ, His blood makes us clean and righteous. But to enjoy all the benefits of God's blessing in sending Christ, we must have faith (believing without physical proof, based on the Holy Spirit inside of us) and obey His commands. The chief command in the NT is this, spoken by Jesus Himself in John 13:34: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
There is a very short explanation of why there were acts of mass death and terrible happenings in the OT, but that is gone with the NT for those who believe. I did my best to explain, but to grasp even a small understanding of the Scriptures, one must spend much time hearing, reading, and studying the Bible.
They are basing the game on the old testament. Honestly, it will make for a far more interesting game. (Assuming they go directly to the bible for inspiration).
There are a great deal of monsters such as the Nephilum (sp?), giants, leviathan, etc. I can imagine playing a minor role in a well known story could be quite satisfying. I'm not sure about the rts aspect though, as it seems like they may be just making another village builder.
As far as all of the other arguments over Christianity poster here, look into how many prophesies were fulfilled in the bible, and continue to come to pass. The most famous example may be Soddam and Gommorah. So far apart, and simultaneously destroyed by fire just as predicted. Look into prophesies of the bible, and you will realize there is absolutely NO other book like it in the history of our existence. Nostradamus doesn't even come close to matching the Bible for prophesy. Nothing does.
Isn't there not much of a challenge if god is on your side? Still, the memes could be great.
"Yahweh is my Raid Leader" You know you want it!
Important facts:
1. Free to Play games are poorly made.
2. Casuals are not all idiots, but idiots call themselves casuals.
3. Great solo and group content are not mutually exclusive, but they suffer when one is shoved into the mold of the other. The same is true of PvP and PvE.
4. Community is more important than you think.
I wonder if you realize how crazy that sounds. The fact that the bible never prophesied about Sodom and Gommorah being destroyed at any time in the future only makes it sound even more far fetched. I mean, it happened in biblical times. It doesn't say anywhere it would happen again.
But then again, why even try to reason with someone believes prophesies from the bible are taking shape (in the form of destruction) all around them.
Blessed Be-I'm Wiccan and don't believe in this, but to each their own path. Bright blessings to all.
How does Soddam and Gommorah classify as a prophesy? Other than some guy wrote that a higher power told him he would burn the cities down? And I believe later historians have proved these cities existed or have found cities that they believe may be those? I find a lot othese stories to be just that ... stories. Who even knows when it was written? Maybe it was written afterward ...
I believe a good deal of what is in the bible to reflect on events that did happen ... but with somewhat exagerated details. I mean really ... who was going to question anyone back then, especially a religous leader? Not to mention, at that time .. alot of the things these people made up (IMO), were still in the realm of possibilities.
I went to church for many years ... then I grew older. I find it hard to believe any of the things I read or was taught. But for the life of me, I can not come to say it is not true ... it's one of those things that really can't be disproven. Guess it's good to start on kids while they are young, If anyone else did that they would call it a cult and brain washing.
...The "Bible online"? That just sounds like trouble waiting to happen... I give mad props to whoever the hell had the balls to think this one up.
Playing: Ever quest 2
Played: MS,GW,EVE,LOTRO,WoW,Allods,Aion, CO,CoH,CoV,TQ Digital games, Darkfall,AoC,RS2.
Liked: Dungeon fight online, GW, Darkfall and, Runescape.
Waiting for: Link Realms(can't get my damn beta invite) KOTOR and, GW2
Exodus 2:11-12 , What really happened.
Moses: Yo Motherf@#$er I saw how you gave my boy the beat down back there!
Egyptian Punk: No way man it didn’t go down like that!?!?
Moses: Oh no! Well maybe it went down like this bitch! (stabbing sounds)
God: Moe! WTF! Dude.
Moses: What!?!
God: You just wacked that guy!
Moses: Oh hell no…you remember that talk we had about this whole free the people bit?
God: ah…ya…
Moses: I tolt you that this was goin down my way…old tabernacle style!
God: cool…
Moses: And what about that covenant thing we talked about…If some dudes show up centuries later speaking Latin I need to know your going to take care of my descendants!
God: Dude, chill..I got Judea’s back no worries. Now hurry up and bury that punk the bitches just started a cat fight in the mud pit!
i've no doubt that some of it is based on actual events, but i also have no doubt that quite a bit of it is also a work of fiction.. by various authors.. which would also explain why some of it is so contradictory.. whether they can make a successful game out of it is ... debateable.. it might just be another way for them to try and influence the younger generation again, christianity.. along with other religions, is becoming less relevant in modern society.. can't see that a game about it will really change things though, it might even have the opposite effect, i mean, its not like anyone believes that the gods etc, in World of Warcraft are real, and putting the bible on the same footing as games of that nature, might really cause people to categorise them in the same way. bit risky either way i'd say.
Besides, we already have Tale in the Desert. It can't have much more than that except maybe Bedowen raiders burning your tent and stealing your women and stuff...well actually since back then women were considerd just stuff as well I guess they would just be stealing your stuff.
I can tell you right now, slings are going to be waaaaay overpowered.
The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave
With an IP like this, this game promises to be the most brutal, bloody, gut wrenching sickening title ever made.
Do we really get to throw our concubines to ravenous mobs to have her raped and torn apart?
Can't wait for the mini games. Do we get rewards for whipping our slaves just right so they get up after two days (with a slight penalty if they die as a result! What a bs system, players' shouldn't be punished for playing the game they want to).
All I know is on release I think I'll pick it up, and mercilessly slay oceans of heathens.
I wonder if the combat mechanics for grouping will center around the "Holy Trinity"
Can we now talk about Religion in the Pub?
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
Which leads me to the question.....who can claim "legal intellectual property" for this? I have the Tolkien family now for LotRO, Blizzard for WoW (Warcraft lore), etc. But THIS IP......uhm......does the whole world get to sue you if you run a private server and sell items for cash? O.o
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
Items for cash, the church might call those "indulgences".
Any news on any of these, you would like to share,what about this one ?
ha ha.. and they banned my comment because I "dare" say a little word about muslims, I have my doubts now about who's running all this "machine" , or is really someone full of it, political correctness I mean , ... and I see all the comments full of hatred left on line , I need to reflect now
I'm confused....what are you talking about?
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
I just hope I get to kill jesus for the endgame. That would be soo cool. especially if there were propellor jets.
dude i hope it has my fav part of the bible where god sends a she bear to slaughter a couple douzen children tottaly epic lol
What if God was one of us?!
Hahaha! Man! This is soo cool!
I forsee a huge success, or at least a very wide popularity!
And not because of the quality of the game, but the topic!
Religion.. no wonder you are not really allowed to talk about it at your work.. divides ppl, starts arguements, fights, wars.. (agreed that PVP will be awesome!)
Developing company most definitely got some ballz
Anyway, Im gonna join the dark side
Rogue, Demonologist, Stormdemon, Squig Herder & Zealot, Minstrel, Teras Kasi..
While I have a lot of problems (read: i hate cult-based corporations proffiting from masses), the Old Testament itself has to be one of the most epic works of ficiton ever written. I mean :
- You have angry overpowered terrific god that does all sort of cool stuff.
- You have this huge lore, cool powers and characters.
- YOu have those epic huge battles between countries/tribes/etc
- Terriffic creature designs and universe that fits dark fantasy genre so well...
- Endgame/Apocalypse/etc rivalled only my norse mythology.
Heck, if someone who is not religious would just create a kick-ass game out of the whole lore, you would have one of the most epic games ever. hell, it could be a franchise:
- It would work as RTS/TBS. Sort of AgeOfMythology/Civilization/AgeofWonders style. You sacrifice stuff, win victories for your God, you war other countries in epic massive battles and use various god-powers.
- IT would work as hack'n'slash action rpg and/or platformer. With you working as demon or angel with varous mission and all culminating into massive level of apocalypse.
- It would even work as society-managment game - imagine having to build up a society, collect animals and build noahs ark in defined period of days? How about eden simulator - grow your own paradise?
- It would even work as FPS.
The possibilities are ENDLESS with such lore, sadly everyone is too affraid of the big multinational corporation that is Church, to even do something more than "enlighten" people with that lore...