Well i have a question i really need answered due to a know it all friend of mine who claims he was in beta but left because he claimed combat was broken, talent trees arent fully finished yet, and at 85 certain classes are too OP and can 2 shot any other class. I am in beta (still updating launcher) but is any of that true?
Your friend sounds like he sucks, to be frank. The 85 zones have the same degree of difficulty as your first time in Northend or Outland. Talent trees are still being tweaked, Blizzard has said this NUMEROUS times. Also, a level 80 can two-shot a level 75, so the last remark seams reasonable. I don't gank
Blizzards been claiming for a while that they didnt like the Talent Trees anymore, so they were gonna drastically reduce the points available and change many abilities from passive to more "practical" or in-the-field abilities.
1. Are the talent trees operational yet, and if so, what are the changes looking like? Are they looking better or worse?
And 2. What does the dk talent trees look like? They said theyd be doing some rather big revamps to the dk trees, how are they looking?
I'm really sick of the whole "There's a massive fanbase for X", or "Y would be a WoW-killer if it just had a chance".
There is no massive conspiracy waiting in the MMO playerbase.
There are no "sleeper-agent fans" waiting to convert once the X or Y is unleashed on the world.
Blizzards been claiming for a while that they didnt like the Talent Trees anymore, so they were gonna drastically reduce the points available and change many abilities from passive to more "practical" or in-the-field abilities.
1. Are the talent trees operational yet, and if so, what are the changes looking like? Are they looking better or worse?
And 2. What does the dk talent trees look like? They said theyd be doing some rather big revamps to the dk trees, how are they looking?
1. Don't know about better or worse, as I have not done any heavy leveling nor heavy raiding. Just different. They did reduce the amount of talents. You get a point every 2 levels now instead of every level. You also have to specialise in one tree (meaning you can only spend points in that one tree) until your specialisation is maxed, or you purchase a dual spec. I think this was done to allow new players to focus more on their class, or role (for example, your a shadow priest? stay a shadow priest, as your healing abilities would suck in dungeons).
2. Like the other trees, you have to specialise in a particular tree. When you specialise in a tree, you earn passives that are only available to your tree specialisation. For example, only Frost DKs can get Frost Strike. Only Blood DK's can get Heart Strike. So on and so forth. My DK is a blood spec for tanking, and is still quite fun. Granted I have far less talents to work with (at 85 you only have 31 talents available) , but they're still fun to play. I find a lot less "baddies" now as it's much harder to make a completely gimped spec with only 31 talents.
1. Any updates on Shadowfang Keep heroic? Have you tried the new classic heroics? If so, what're they like, and how does the loot differ from the original?
2. What does the new Azshara look like? Blizzard hosted an interview on it, and it looked really good. Whats the player perspective on it?
3. Which races look more fun to play? Goblin or Worgen? What would you rate their starting areas?
And 4. Does the Troll starting area look ok?
Sunwell Plateau Rules.
I'm really sick of the whole "There's a massive fanbase for X", or "Y would be a WoW-killer if it just had a chance".
There is no massive conspiracy waiting in the MMO playerbase.
There are no "sleeper-agent fans" waiting to convert once the X or Y is unleashed on the world.
1. Any updates on Shadowfang Keep heroic? Have you tried the new classic heroics? If so, what're they like, and how does the loot differ from the original?
2. What does the new Azshara look like? Blizzard hosted an interview on it, and it looked really good. Whats the player perspective on it?
3. Which races look more fun to play? Goblin or Worgen? What would you rate their starting areas?
And 4. Does the Troll starting area look ok?
Sunwell Plateau Rules.
1. They're not released yet, nor will be until a patch (I'm 75% sure on that one).
2. Take the old Azshara, raise the tide level by about 20 meters, and add a giant goblin fortress in the middle of the bay. It looks like an old English coastal fort, but Goblin themed with roads and a GIGANTIC goblin cannon at the front of it pointing towards the ocean. Azshara now looks much more inviting from a questing standpoint, instead of the current deserted woodland it is.
3. Worgen = lore. Goblin = stupid fun stuff (ala explosions). I enjoyed Worgen more at the start, then it deteriorated. The opposite can be said for the Goblin. It was boring at the start and a few levels in gets funner. The goblin zones keep changing and shifting, so it's hard to rate them all, but easily an 8/10 for each. The worgen zone is gorgeous, and looks more haunted than any zone in-game currently.
4. Yes. Not as good as Worgen or Goblin, but polished. No where near as much phasing. It's more like a classic starting zone thats...new.
Honesty, in your experience from raiding in WoTLK (and BC/Vanilla if you did), how much has the PvE scale changed? Are dungeons going to be still challeging even when people are out of noob greens? (I guess I'm asking on bare mechanics and requirement of attention from each group member...how hard is it)
I'm really looking forward to the approach requiring more CC. And, dungeons requiring more attention from each individual group member (aka: healer can't go AFK for 15 minutes, can't lose a DPS, etc.)
I want a *real* PvE challenge back, aside from the endless raiding scheme Blizzard has been using for years.
Honesty, in your experience from raiding in WoTLK (and BC/Vanilla if you did), how much has the PvE scale changed? Are dungeons going to be still challeging even when people are out of noob greens? (I guess I'm asking on bare mechanics and requirement of attention from each group member...how hard is it)
I'm really looking forward to the approach requiring more CC. And, dungeons requiring more attention from each individual group member (aka: healer can't go AFK for 15 minutes, can't lose a DPS, etc.)
I want a *real* PvE challenge back, aside from the endless raiding scheme Blizzard has been using for years.
1. Yes and yes. Vanilla is still hardest, easily. WotLK is easiest, by far. I'd say Cataclysm in beta right now is about in between WotLK and TBC for difficulty. IN reality, it depends on your instance. Some require more crowd control (and thus more like vanilla) than others. Greens will make it difficult. It will be easy, but nothing on the scale of WotLK.
hey, just reading your thread regarding Cataclysm.
I have a couple questions... How is tanking different for DK's? I hear Frost DK's are pretty much obsolete due to the diff elemental areas? Is this true and how did you change your spec?
Also, I read somewhere that you will be able to go to a few different elemental planes? Is this similar to Outland but smaller? Or is it a huge instanced dungeon like MC? That was never really explained.
Also, If the different elemental planes are just dungeon instances, are there going to be new land masses to level from 80-85? I'd really hate to see the new exp be nothing more than a azeroth facelift with just new dungeon instances.. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy all the dungeons, but I also enjoy new land masses to explore.
I recieved the above message in a PM.
1. I play a blood DK, so I'm really not qualified to answer that. Never even made a frost spec. Blood DK will be the tanking spec in Cataclysm though. The the other two are for DPS now. Here is a good article outlining the details.
2. The elemental planes are the different levels of the World of Warcraft. The top level is Skywall. The middle level is Azeroth. The bottom level is Deepholm. Skywall will be a 5-man and 25-man dungeon. Deepholm is an 82-83 leveling zone. Deepholm is a lore-heavy area, as it is where Deathwing flew out of causing the Cataclysm. They're just a dungeon and a zone instance, nothing more.
3. 80-85 takes place in Azeroth and Deepholm. All 80-85 zones except Deepholm are on the Azeroth continents (Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms). Vash'jir is an underwater zone off the coast of Ironforge/Elywnn area to the west. Hyjal and Uldum are in Kalimdor's landmass. Deepholm is accessed through the Maelstrom in the middle of the ocean. Twilight Highlands is the final leveling zone, east of Loch Modan.
You don't have any giant continent to explore on the scale of Northrend or the Outland. However, the new zones are massive especially Twilight Highlands and Vash'jir. Almost all of the zones have been majorly changed too. You'll find plenty to explore, even in the "old" world.
Just another couple of quick questions. I've been reading up in sites like Wowwiki, Curse and Ten Ton Hammer, and I'm a bit confused. Ten ton hammer states that once you have made your way through the new level 80-82 "starting zones" (Vashj'ir and Hyjal) of your choice, you are prodded via quests towards Deepholm, where you continue your questing experience. I'm a bit confused, and so I'd like to offer up more questions:
1. What's the deal with Hyjal and Vashj'ir? Can you only really go adventuring in depth in one of them before you get whisked off to stop Deathwing in the Elemental Plane? And if so, which one is better to invest your unique, one-time-only 80-82 levelling experience in? I've gone back to Outland at level 80 to do good lore quests and stuff, but they never feel quite the same when I can zerg through anything I see there without trying. If I pick one of the new zones, for example, Vashj'ir, and then go back to Hyjal AFTER I've hit level 85 and after I've seen Deepholm, is the playing experience still exciting?
2. What's your opinion: Vashj'ir or Hyjal, fun-wise?
And 3. The new races. Do they have capital cities? Anything close to capital cities? Or are they both exiles, like the godforsaken Gnomes at start of Classic WoW?
I'm torn over which zone I should invest my playing time in, Vashj'ir or Hyjal. I'd really like some answers concerning them.
I'm really sick of the whole "There's a massive fanbase for X", or "Y would be a WoW-killer if it just had a chance".
There is no massive conspiracy waiting in the MMO playerbase.
There are no "sleeper-agent fans" waiting to convert once the X or Y is unleashed on the world.
Have you had any experience of the hunters new lvl 85 ability camouflage, looks like a good PvE ability but is is viable for PvP? I have read mixed reports that you can or cannot be targeted while in camo and only an AOE attack can break you out of it. Or that range cannot target you but melle can??!!??!
Any changes to the Nelf starting area? Undead has had lots of changes, troll, gnomes no news on nelf though.
First, thanks for doing this Q&A thread out of your precious time, greatly appreciated. Now my questions, sorry they're kind of long with personal wishes as well which you probably can't do much about haha, but anyways..
1) To be honest, I am not excited much about the revamp of old areas 1-80. Because at the end of all this leveling, for me that is, the game just becomes grinding the same dungeons / BGs and stuff over and over again to get better gear. This gear quickly gets outdated with each upcoming patch/expansion as you just get more dungeons to grind over and over. Will this game system be changed (probably not I assume)?
2) Is there anything drastically new that brings back excitement to the game? Here I'm not talking about new races / zones / revamped talent tree because these things just get boring real quick personally, but a game mechanic. I guess this is also personal preference but.. example:
In Vanilla when they added the PVP honor/dishonor system and Warsong Gulch. I think this was the start of one of the most intense upgrades to the game that made PVP become a BG grind (good and bad).
In Vanilla when they added way too many guards to cities to stop insane destruction / ganking. ( I think this killed outdoor open PVP and I hated it ). IMO they should have more mechanics that encourage players to drop opposing faction cities / defend their own when under attack for great xp / loot / whatever greatness.
1. Yes and yes. Vanilla is still hardest, easily. WotLK is easiest, by far. I'd say Cataclysm in beta right now is about in between WotLK and TBC for difficulty. IN reality, it depends on your instance. Some require more crowd control (and thus more like vanilla) than others. Greens will make it difficult. It will be easy, but nothing on the scale of WotLK.
Video showing Heroic Stonecore. Looking at that, id have to say its the toughest 5 man heroic ive ever seen and easily trumps heroic Shattered Halls and Shad Labs which were the nightmare heroics in TBC. The Bosses and even the trash seem to be much more brutal and require varying levels of co-ordination. If i remember correctly certain packs in Skywall are un-killable without cc and thats on normal.
While i wonder if the average LFD PUG will even make it past the trash without endless wipes, its good to see heroics actually living up to their name again. No doubt Blizz will nerf most of this due to incessant whining from the bads, (they have already nerfed Grim Batol trash) as long as they don't bring it down to the current snooze-fest level we should be fine.
oh and heres part 2 of that video if you wanted to see the rest of the instance.
1. Yes and yes. Vanilla is still hardest, easily. WotLK is easiest, by far. I'd say Cataclysm in beta right now is about in between WotLK and TBC for difficulty. IN reality, it depends on your instance. Some require more crowd control (and thus more like vanilla) than others. Greens will make it difficult. It will be easy, but nothing on the scale of WotLK.
Video showing Heroic Stonecore. Looking at that, id have to say its the toughest 5 man heroic ive ever seen and easily trumps heroic Shattered Halls and Shad Labs which were the nightmare heroics in TBC. The Bosses and even the trash seem to be much more brutal and require varying levels of co-ordination. If i remember correctly certain packs in Skywall are un-killable without cc and thats on normal.
While i wonder if the average LFD PUG will even make it past the trash without endless wipes, its good to see heroics actually living up to their name again. No doubt Blizz will nerf most of this due to incessant whining from the bads, (they have already nerfed Grim Batol trash) as long as they don't bring it down to the current snooze-fest level we should be fine.
oh and heres part 2 of that video if you wanted to see the rest of the instance.
Yeah stonecore looks great, but we all know if it is not nerfed before it goes live it will be shortly after. But it is a good sign, grimbatol normal looks hard too.
Just another couple of quick questions. I've been reading up in sites like Wowwiki, Curse and Ten Ton Hammer, and I'm a bit confused. Ten ton hammer states that once you have made your way through the new level 80-82 "starting zones" (Vashj'ir and Hyjal) of your choice, you are prodded via quests towards Deepholm, where you continue your questing experience. I'm a bit confused, and so I'd like to offer up more questions:
1. What's the deal with Hyjal and Vashj'ir? Can you only really go adventuring in depth in one of them before you get whisked off to stop Deathwing in the Elemental Plane? And if so, which one is better to invest your unique, one-time-only 80-82 levelling experience in? I've gone back to Outland at level 80 to do good lore quests and stuff, but they never feel quite the same when I can zerg through anything I see there without trying. If I pick one of the new zones, for example, Vashj'ir, and then go back to Hyjal AFTER I've hit level 85 and after I've seen Deepholm, is the playing experience still exciting?
2. What's your opinion: Vashj'ir or Hyjal, fun-wise?
And 3. The new races. Do they have capital cities? Anything close to capital cities? Or are they both exiles, like the godforsaken Gnomes at start of Classic WoW?
I'm torn over which zone I should invest my playing time in, Vashj'ir or Hyjal. I'd really like some answers concerning them.
1. They're zones. Go where you want to. Hyjal is about dragons and stuff. Vash'jir is about Naga. Just your preference. Vash'jir also gives you a sea horse mount (only usable in Vash'jir).
2. Above.
3. No. Gilneas is a battleground/starting zone and Gnomeregan is a starting zone.
Have you had any experience of the hunters new lvl 85 ability camouflage, looks like a good PvE ability but is is viable for PvP? I have read mixed reports that you can or cannot be targeted while in camo and only an AOE attack can break you out of it. Or that range cannot target you but melle can??!!??!
Any changes to the Nelf starting area? Undead has had lots of changes, troll, gnomes no news on nelf though.
1. A pre-text to future questions: I hate Paladins, Hunters, most Druids and most other DKs. Don't ask me about the first three.
Bad guild experiences with members who played these classes. They hold a bad conotation for me.
2. New mobs. The port village has been disconnected from the tree by water. A new flight path added to Dolanaar. Not much changed.
First, thanks for doing this Q&A thread out of your precious time, greatly appreciated. Now my questions, sorry they're kind of long with personal wishes as well which you probably can't do much about haha, but anyways..
1) To be honest, I am not excited much about the revamp of old areas 1-80. Because at the end of all this leveling, for me that is, the game just becomes grinding the same dungeons / BGs and stuff over and over again to get better gear. This gear quickly gets outdated with each upcoming patch/expansion as you just get more dungeons to grind over and over. Will this game system be changed (probably not I assume)?
2) Is there anything drastically new that brings back excitement to the game? Here I'm not talking about new races / zones / revamped talent tree because these things just get boring real quick personally, but a game mechanic. I guess this is also personal preference but.. example:
In Vanilla when they added the PVP honor/dishonor system and Warsong Gulch. I think this was the start of one of the most intense upgrades to the game that made PVP become a BG grind (good and bad).
In Vanilla when they added way too many guards to cities to stop insane destruction / ganking. ( I think this killed outdoor open PVP and I hated it ). IMO they should have more mechanics that encourage players to drop opposing faction cities / defend their own when under attack for great xp / loot / whatever greatness.
1. Dungeons are harder, but the emblem system is still there. The only change is it's now streamlined. Instead of different tokens for different tiers (arena points, honor points, triumph, conquest, frost, etc.) you now have Honor Points for PvP and Justice Points for PvE. These two currencies will buy anything from any tier for their respective sides. I'd suspect they will lower prices on older tier gear as new tiers are added.
2. Crowd control, easily. Dungeon groups need a brain now (or at least until they're extremely overgeared). Flying in Azeroth is also cool.
Your friend sounds like he sucks, to be frank. The 85 zones have the same degree of difficulty as your first time in Northend or Outland. Talent trees are still being tweaked, Blizzard has said this NUMEROUS times. Also, a level 80 can two-shot a level 75, so the last remark seams reasonable. I don't gank
Another quick question.
Blizzards been claiming for a while that they didnt like the Talent Trees anymore, so they were gonna drastically reduce the points available and change many abilities from passive to more "practical" or in-the-field abilities.
1. Are the talent trees operational yet, and if so, what are the changes looking like? Are they looking better or worse?
And 2. What does the dk talent trees look like? They said theyd be doing some rather big revamps to the dk trees, how are they looking?
I'm really sick of the whole "There's a massive fanbase for X", or "Y would be a WoW-killer if it just had a chance".
There is no massive conspiracy waiting in the MMO playerbase.
There are no "sleeper-agent fans" waiting to convert once the X or Y is unleashed on the world.
1. Don't know about better or worse, as I have not done any heavy leveling nor heavy raiding. Just different. They did reduce the amount of talents. You get a point every 2 levels now instead of every level. You also have to specialise in one tree (meaning you can only spend points in that one tree) until your specialisation is maxed, or you purchase a dual spec. I think this was done to allow new players to focus more on their class, or role (for example, your a shadow priest? stay a shadow priest, as your healing abilities would suck in dungeons).
2. Like the other trees, you have to specialise in a particular tree. When you specialise in a tree, you earn passives that are only available to your tree specialisation. For example, only Frost DKs can get Frost Strike. Only Blood DK's can get Heart Strike. So on and so forth. My DK is a blood spec for tanking, and is still quite fun. Granted I have far less talents to work with (at 85 you only have 31 talents available) , but they're still fun to play. I find a lot less "baddies" now as it's much harder to make a completely gimped spec with only 31 talents.
What is the minimum level to learn cata profession recipes?
For BC you had to level the classic professions to the max (300/300).
For WOTLK you had to level 25 points below the max (350/375 was enough).
What do I need to get new recipes in Cata? 450? 425?
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
I'm not sure. I'd assume 425 or 450, like you said.
Ok, here goes: what feature/s or lack of are you most disappointed about?
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Me again...
.... with another couple of quick questions:
1. Any updates on Shadowfang Keep heroic? Have you tried the new classic heroics? If so, what're they like, and how does the loot differ from the original?
2. What does the new Azshara look like? Blizzard hosted an interview on it, and it looked really good. Whats the player perspective on it?
3. Which races look more fun to play? Goblin or Worgen? What would you rate their starting areas?
And 4. Does the Troll starting area look ok?
Sunwell Plateau Rules.
I'm really sick of the whole "There's a massive fanbase for X", or "Y would be a WoW-killer if it just had a chance".
There is no massive conspiracy waiting in the MMO playerbase.
There are no "sleeper-agent fans" waiting to convert once the X or Y is unleashed on the world.
Lower talent points, it gives a smaller sense of accomplishment whilst leveling than before. Also wish they added a ton more incentive to world PvP.
1. They're not released yet, nor will be until a patch (I'm 75% sure on that one).
2. Take the old Azshara, raise the tide level by about 20 meters, and add a giant goblin fortress in the middle of the bay. It looks like an old English coastal fort, but Goblin themed with roads and a GIGANTIC goblin cannon at the front of it pointing towards the ocean. Azshara now looks much more inviting from a questing standpoint, instead of the current deserted woodland it is.
3. Worgen = lore. Goblin = stupid fun stuff (ala explosions). I enjoyed Worgen more at the start, then it deteriorated. The opposite can be said for the Goblin. It was boring at the start and a few levels in gets funner. The goblin zones keep changing and shifting, so it's hard to rate them all, but easily an 8/10 for each. The worgen zone is gorgeous, and looks more haunted than any zone in-game currently.
4. Yes. Not as good as Worgen or Goblin, but polished. No where near as much phasing. It's more like a classic starting zone thats...new.
Honesty, in your experience from raiding in WoTLK (and BC/Vanilla if you did), how much has the PvE scale changed? Are dungeons going to be still challeging even when people are out of noob greens? (I guess I'm asking on bare mechanics and requirement of attention from each group member...how hard is it)
I'm really looking forward to the approach requiring more CC. And, dungeons requiring more attention from each individual group member (aka: healer can't go AFK for 15 minutes, can't lose a DPS, etc.)
I want a *real* PvE challenge back, aside from the endless raiding scheme Blizzard has been using for years.
1. Yes and yes. Vanilla is still hardest, easily. WotLK is easiest, by far. I'd say Cataclysm in beta right now is about in between WotLK and TBC for difficulty. IN reality, it depends on your instance. Some require more crowd control (and thus more like vanilla) than others. Greens will make it difficult. It will be easy, but nothing on the scale of WotLK.
I recieved the above message in a PM.
1. I play a blood DK, so I'm really not qualified to answer that. Never even made a frost spec. Blood DK will be the tanking spec in Cataclysm though. The the other two are for DPS now. Here is a good article outlining the details.
2. The elemental planes are the different levels of the World of Warcraft. The top level is Skywall. The middle level is Azeroth. The bottom level is Deepholm. Skywall will be a 5-man and 25-man dungeon. Deepholm is an 82-83 leveling zone. Deepholm is a lore-heavy area, as it is where Deathwing flew out of causing the Cataclysm. They're just a dungeon and a zone instance, nothing more.
3. 80-85 takes place in Azeroth and Deepholm. All 80-85 zones except Deepholm are on the Azeroth continents (Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms). Vash'jir is an underwater zone off the coast of Ironforge/Elywnn area to the west. Hyjal and Uldum are in Kalimdor's landmass. Deepholm is accessed through the Maelstrom in the middle of the ocean. Twilight Highlands is the final leveling zone, east of Loch Modan.
You don't have any giant continent to explore on the scale of Northrend or the Outland. However, the new zones are massive especially Twilight Highlands and Vash'jir. Almost all of the zones have been majorly changed too. You'll find plenty to explore, even in the "old" world.
Me again
Just another couple of quick questions. I've been reading up in sites like Wowwiki, Curse and Ten Ton Hammer, and I'm a bit confused. Ten ton hammer states that once you have made your way through the new level 80-82 "starting zones" (Vashj'ir and Hyjal) of your choice, you are prodded via quests towards Deepholm, where you continue your questing experience. I'm a bit confused, and so I'd like to offer up more questions:
1. What's the deal with Hyjal and Vashj'ir? Can you only really go adventuring in depth in one of them before you get whisked off to stop Deathwing in the Elemental Plane? And if so, which one is better to invest your unique, one-time-only 80-82 levelling experience in? I've gone back to Outland at level 80 to do good lore quests and stuff, but they never feel quite the same when I can zerg through anything I see there without trying. If I pick one of the new zones, for example, Vashj'ir, and then go back to Hyjal AFTER I've hit level 85 and after I've seen Deepholm, is the playing experience still exciting?
2. What's your opinion: Vashj'ir or Hyjal, fun-wise?
And 3. The new races. Do they have capital cities? Anything close to capital cities? Or are they both exiles, like the godforsaken Gnomes at start of Classic WoW?
I'm torn over which zone I should invest my playing time in, Vashj'ir or Hyjal. I'd really like some answers concerning them.
I'm really sick of the whole "There's a massive fanbase for X", or "Y would be a WoW-killer if it just had a chance".
There is no massive conspiracy waiting in the MMO playerbase.
There are no "sleeper-agent fans" waiting to convert once the X or Y is unleashed on the world.
Have you had any experience of the hunters new lvl 85 ability camouflage, looks like a good PvE ability but is is viable for PvP? I have read mixed reports that you can or cannot be targeted while in camo and only an AOE attack can break you out of it. Or that range cannot target you but melle can??!!??!
Any changes to the Nelf starting area? Undead has had lots of changes, troll, gnomes no news on nelf though.
Regarding the 60 to 80 content, is there a way around Outland and Northrend? I'd skip those places.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
First, thanks for doing this Q&A thread out of your precious time, greatly appreciated. Now my questions, sorry they're kind of long with personal wishes as well which you probably can't do much about haha, but anyways..
1) To be honest, I am not excited much about the revamp of old areas 1-80. Because at the end of all this leveling, for me that is, the game just becomes grinding the same dungeons / BGs and stuff over and over again to get better gear. This gear quickly gets outdated with each upcoming patch/expansion as you just get more dungeons to grind over and over. Will this game system be changed (probably not I assume)?
2) Is there anything drastically new that brings back excitement to the game? Here I'm not talking about new races / zones / revamped talent tree because these things just get boring real quick personally, but a game mechanic. I guess this is also personal preference but.. example:
In Vanilla when they added the PVP honor/dishonor system and Warsong Gulch. I think this was the start of one of the most intense upgrades to the game that made PVP become a BG grind (good and bad).
In Vanilla when they added way too many guards to cities to stop insane destruction / ganking. ( I think this killed outdoor open PVP and I hated it ). IMO they should have more mechanics that encourage players to drop opposing faction cities / defend their own when under attack for great xp / loot / whatever greatness.
Why outlands and northrend are the two most unique and fun continents in the game.
I'm only interested in the new Azeroth. WoW as it is now doesn't entice me any longer.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
excellent thread, thanks for all your answers and info
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
Video showing Heroic Stonecore. Looking at that, id have to say its the toughest 5 man heroic ive ever seen and easily trumps heroic Shattered Halls and Shad Labs which were the nightmare heroics in TBC. The Bosses and even the trash seem to be much more brutal and require varying levels of co-ordination. If i remember correctly certain packs in Skywall are un-killable without cc and thats on normal.
While i wonder if the average LFD PUG will even make it past the trash without endless wipes, its good to see heroics actually living up to their name again. No doubt Blizz will nerf most of this due to incessant whining from the bads, (they have already nerfed Grim Batol trash) as long as they don't bring it down to the current snooze-fest level we should be fine.
oh and heres part 2 of that video if you wanted to see the rest of the instance.
Yeah stonecore looks great, but we all know if it is not nerfed before it goes live it will be shortly after. But it is a good sign, grimbatol normal looks hard too.
1. They're zones. Go where you want to. Hyjal is about dragons and stuff. Vash'jir is about Naga. Just your preference. Vash'jir also gives you a sea horse mount (only usable in Vash'jir).
2. Above.
3. No. Gilneas is a battleground/starting zone and Gnomeregan is a starting zone.
1. A pre-text to future questions: I hate Paladins, Hunters, most Druids and most other DKs. Don't ask me about the first three.
Bad guild experiences with members who played these classes. They hold a bad conotation for me.
2. New mobs. The port village has been disconnected from the tree by water. A new flight path added to Dolanaar. Not much changed.
No. You have to do Outland 58-68 and Northrend from 68-80. You can't leave Northrend at 78; all new zones start at 80.
1. Dungeons are harder, but the emblem system is still there. The only change is it's now streamlined. Instead of different tokens for different tiers (arena points, honor points, triumph, conquest, frost, etc.) you now have Honor Points for PvP and Justice Points for PvE. These two currencies will buy anything from any tier for their respective sides. I'd suspect they will lower prices on older tier gear as new tiers are added.
2. Crowd control, easily. Dungeon groups need a brain now (or at least until they're extremely overgeared). Flying in Azeroth is also cool.