We already know we are the far superior gender. We can make men do as we please by just revealing parts of our skin. You are all doomed to be ruled by boobs FOREVER!! Mwahahah!!
Tell that the many raped women who "ruled men" with their naked skin.
Excuse me? Tell that to who? Myself? When I was raped as a child, I was fully clothed thank you. Whether or not we show our skin has nothing to do with a creaton raping a woman. For that to be used as a justification of rape, is excusing the perp not endorsing self control.
I never said that.
But even so you should be aware of a society which treats women like objects. Running around in scantly dressed costumes just reinforces men to give into their stone age cavemen doings. People should not toy with sexuality. It creates an atmosphere were bad things can be at the end.
I don;t care if I run around naked, that gives no man the signal that a woman wants to be raped. That is ridiculous that you even attempt to use that as a justification for raping a woman. Men need to utilize self control. They are in control of their own actions, and responsible for their own actions. That is utter BULLSHIT that you would even attempt to say thatmen should not be able to control themselves in the presense of a naked woman. Do you even realize how ridiculous the premise that a woman is responsible for a mans actions by her attire even is?!
Devil read my post in this tread and tell me what you think, i spent some time on the concepts.
But your 100% right here, why would you even relate rape with clothing? Its so illogical.
Some people just don't understand the natural value that all humans have and what it is to be prejudice agianst another group/people/culture.
(facitious IN BAD TASTE comment FOLLOWING)
I know if a women was ever naked in front of me, like in a store. I would have to unzip my pants right there and go for it, because i lack the ability to be responcible and control my actions being a male.
But no really the argument that it is her fault, is so sexist and old it honestly is more upsetting then if those underwear clad blizzcon ladies were humping poles and whatever they saw. AT least that would be their choice and not used as a justification of rape/abuse/ or bad behavior.
I did read your post and I agree with what you had to say. The whole premise that someone elses clothing is responsible for another persons actions is absurd.
Thanks for sharing your opinion on this subject Elikal, but as you can see it's just that, your opinion.
People will continue to do as they please with their bodies because that is what they choose, its called freedom last time i checked.
i guess you can continue with your crusade but it won't get anywhere and people will continue to do whatever makes them happy.
I can not change the world. And apparently not people. But I feel I need to speak up when something troubles my conscience. I say what I think, then people follow or disagree. But I felt it was the obligation to my code of honor to speak up, despite the expected harrasment and anger for disturbing people's complacency.
That is an honorable thing to do, and this topic is not addressed much so its a fun one to get different views from.
I disagree. When he frames it as disturbing people's complacency, he is doing a disservice not only to everyone reading or writing in the thread, but also to himself. Saying straight up that the reason people are disagreeing with him is because they are complacent is the least honorable thing he could do. Yet, here he is with all his honor and conscience claiming that what he says is the right way and because other people don't agree they are complacent.
Obviously I'm not being complacent. Obviously Devil isn't being complacent. Obviously you aren't being complacent. These are actually real issues to all of the people here.
Thanks for sharing your opinion on this subject Elikal, but as you can see it's just that, your opinion.
People will continue to do as they please with their bodies because that is what they choose, its called freedom last time i checked.
i guess you can continue with your crusade but it won't get anywhere and people will continue to do whatever makes them happy.
I can not change the world. And apparently not people. But I feel I need to speak up when something troubles my conscience. I say what I think, then people follow or disagree. But I felt it was the obligation to my code of honor to speak up, despite the expected harrasment and anger for disturbing people's complacency.
That is an honorable thing to do, and this topic is not addressed much so its a fun one to get different views from.
I disagree. When he frames it as disturbing people's complacency, he is doing a disservice not only to everyone reading or writing in the thread, but also to himself. Saying straight up that the reason people are disagreeing with him is because they are complacent is the least honorable thing he could do. Yet, here he is with all his honor and conscience claiming that what he says is the right way and because other people don't agree they are complacent.
Obviously I'm not being complacent. Obviously Devil isn't being complacent. Obviously you aren't being complacent. These are actually real issues to all of the people here.
He's not being honorable at all in my opinion.
I feel as though he is trying to force women to submit to what men deem appropriate attire based on his narrowminded point of view. Using assault on women as a justification for furthering his agenda rather than see it for what it is:
Threatening women with assault for not obeying what a man deems appropriate.
That IS what it is and I see no honor in that whatsoever.
Thanks for sharing your opinion on this subject Elikal, but as you can see it's just that, your opinion.
People will continue to do as they please with their bodies because that is what they choose, its called freedom last time i checked.
i guess you can continue with your crusade but it won't get anywhere and people will continue to do whatever makes them happy.
I can not change the world. And apparently not people. But I feel I need to speak up when something troubles my conscience. I say what I think, then people follow or disagree. But I felt it was the obligation to my code of honor to speak up, despite the expected harrasment and anger for disturbing people's complacency.
That is an honorable thing to do, and this topic is not addressed much so its a fun one to get different views from.
I disagree. When he frames it as disturbing people's complacency, he is doing a disservice not only to everyone reading or writing in the thread, but also to himself. Saying straight up that the reason people are disagreeing with him is because they are complacent is the least honorable thing he could do. Yet, here he is with all his honor and conscience claiming that what he says is the right way and because other people don't agree they are complacent.
Obviously I'm not being complacent. Obviously Devil isn't being complacent. Obviously you aren't being complacent. These are actually real issues to all of the people here.
He's not being honorable at all in my opinion.
I feel as though he is trying to force women to submit to what men deem appropriate attire based on his narrowminded point of view. Using assault on women as a justification for furthering his agenda rather than see it for what it is:
Threatening women with assault for not obeying what a man deems appropriate.
That IS what it is and I see no honor in that whatsoever.
I explain the causualities and relations of things as I see them. You are free to deal with that as you want. Of the consequences of our actions and behavior we are, however, never free. That is no oppression from my side, it is the natural relation of cause and effect in society.
You may define your modern liberalism. Reality alas does not always follow wishful idealism. Trust me. I know, because I tried. I was once just as liberal and trusting as you. Just that it doesn't function in reality in the long run. But I guess we (as a human civilization) will have to learn - again - the hard way.
I am neither conservative, but nor am I liberal. But what I see is a society torn between the extremes. Total nihilistic liberals vs right wing extremists. Look at our western countries! Don't you see what's going on? We are torn between nihilistic destruction and the oppression of the religious right, and there seems to be no balance or self-control, no in between. That is what I think to fight. Alas, it makes me the enemy for both. For the liberal I will be the conservative evil, for the conservative the liberal evil. It is what is lost to us: a decend balance between liberty and ethics. And as all overly liberal and nihilistic eras, ours will swing to the other extreme again and right wing extremists will gain the power, alas Reaction and counter reaction.
How foolish of me to try to break this circle, indeed. But how little the chances are, I feel it my obligation to duty and ethics to say my thing nonetheless and ignore all the threats of being cast as outsider and ridiculous.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I disagree. When he frames it as disturbing people's complacency, he is doing a disservice not only to everyone reading or writing in the thread, but also to himself. Saying straight up that the reason people are disagreeing with him is because they are complacent is the least honorable thing he could do. Yet, here he is with all his honor and conscience claiming that what he says is the right way and because other people don't agree they are complacent.
Obviously I'm not being complacent. Obviously Devil isn't being complacent. Obviously you aren't being complacent. These are actually real issues to all of the people here.
He's not being honorable at all in my opinion.
I didn't say he was right only that he is coming from the correct prespective (he wants to protect/ help women out). there is nothign wrong with trying to help. Now we may disagree with his methods, values, rationalization, and ideas however, to come to the aid of a person is honourable. (Even if that aid is misplaced)
Additionally, talkign /discussing this is great, becuase thats how people are informed and new ideas are generated.
Some of this retourts were not honest or illrational. But this is a hard topic to adress and here he was trying to help females only to be acused as part of the real problems regarding treatment of females. It would put any of us on defense (most likely myself included, heck my large post was on defense becuase he does have an error in thought). Thats not in my opinion it true, but don't all of us in someway somewhere?
I think it fair to say, he is being honorable in his efforts, however, many females would not view those efforts honorable [and i with them]. But really the efforts are more wrong/dated then lacking honor or not.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
We already know we are the far superior gender. We can make men do as we please by just revealing parts of our skin. You are all doomed to be ruled by boobs FOREVER!! Mwahahah!!
Tell that the many raped women who "ruled men" with their naked skin.
Excuse me? Tell that to who? Myself? When I was raped as a child, I was fully clothed thank you. Whether or not we show our skin has nothing to do with a creaton raping a woman. For that to be used as a justification of rape, is excusing the perp not endorsing self control.
I never said that.
But even so you should be aware of a society which treats women like objects. Running around in scantly dressed costumes just reinforces men to give into their stone age cavemen doings. People should not toy with sexuality. It creates an atmosphere were bad things can be at the end.
I am greatly offended by what you just wrote there. By your statement you're equating just about every man to a RAPIST who can not control his "caveman urges" as you call it. Are you serious?
Nobody asked you to speak for me, or for any other men out there that can and in fact do control any and all urges on a daily basis, live long lives, and more importantly get those urges fulfiled not because they force themselves on women but because the women are there willingly.
Nobody has forced you to click that link about Blizzcon and it's many women dressed in costumes which some created themselves and ultimately chose to wear all by themselves. Some actually do that sort of thing for a living. Are you going to call the WHORES now because they're gettin paid?
It is people like you that has twisted a natural biological function that just so happens to feel good into something shameful which needs to be hidden from the world. LIke I said before, you don't speak for me, and I doubt very much that most of the people here share your feelings on the issue.
Pleas refrain from such further comments lest I beforeced to make equally generic, broad sweeping assumptions that are nothing more then losely veiled insults simply becaus today you woke up and decided to jump on the Puritan bandwagon.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Thanks for sharing your opinion on this subject Elikal, but as you can see it's just that, your opinion.
People will continue to do as they please with their bodies because that is what they choose, its called freedom last time i checked.
i guess you can continue with your crusade but it won't get anywhere and people will continue to do whatever makes them happy.
I can not change the world. And apparently not people. But I feel I need to speak up when something troubles my conscience. I say what I think, then people follow or disagree. But I felt it was the obligation to my code of honor to speak up, despite the expected harrasment and anger for disturbing people's complacency.
That is an honorable thing to do, and this topic is not addressed much so its a fun one to get different views from.
I disagree. When he frames it as disturbing people's complacency, he is doing a disservice not only to everyone reading or writing in the thread, but also to himself. Saying straight up that the reason people are disagreeing with him is because they are complacent is the least honorable thing he could do. Yet, here he is with all his honor and conscience claiming that what he says is the right way and because other people don't agree they are complacent.
Obviously I'm not being complacent. Obviously Devil isn't being complacent. Obviously you aren't being complacent. These are actually real issues to all of the people here.
He's not being honorable at all in my opinion.
I feel as though he is trying to force women to submit to what men deem appropriate attire based on his narrowminded point of view. Using assault on women as a justification for furthering his agenda rather than see it for what it is:
Threatening women with assault for not obeying what a man deems appropriate.
That IS what it is and I see no honor in that whatsoever.
I explain the causualities and relations of things as I see them. You are free to deal with that as you want. Of the consequences of our actions and behavior we are, however, never free. That is no oppression from my side, is tha the natural relation of cause and effect in society.
You may define your modern liberalism. Reality alas does not always follow wishful idealism. Trust me. I know, because I tried. I was once just as liberal and trusting as you. Just that it doesn't function in reality in the long run. But I guess we (as a human civilization) will have to learn - again - the hard way.
I am neither conservative, but nor am I liberal. But what I see is a society torn between the extremes. Total nihilistic liberals vs right wing extremists. Look at our western countries! Don't you see what's going on? We are torn between nihilistic destruction and the oppression of the religious right, and there seems to be no balance or self-control, no in between. That is what I think to fight. Alas, it makes me the enemy for both. For the liberal I will be the conservative evil, for the conservative the liberlist evil. It is what is lost to us: a decend balance between liberty and ethics. And as all overly liberal and nihilistic era, ours will swing to the other extreme again and right wing extremists will gain the power. Reaction and counter reaction.
How foolish of me to try to break this circle, indeed. But how little the chances are, I feel it my obligation to duty and ethics to say my thing nonetheless and ignore all the threats of being cast as outsider and ridiculous.
Trusting? Far from it, I HAVE been assaulted by a man who is apprently one of those that think they entitled to take what they please. Yes it is about The premise that a woman should obey a man. I trust men as far as I can throw them, and since I am a petite female, that isn;t very far.
You view things from a perspective that women dress to a mans whims, where I say women dress to their own whims disregarding men. The idea that women should " hide" themselves in fear of what man would do to them is cowardly and absurd and has NO place in modern society. Think what you will when you see female flesh, men are entitled to their own thoughts, but when you act upon those thoughts that becomes a different matter all together.
It would more honorable to endorse self control, rather than " hide the women" from the men. There is a huge difference. I do not find it ethical to hide the women because the men cannot control themselves. Rather than teach women to hide and be cowards, we should teach them to defend themslves and be brave.
Moral values are the same for men and women. I don't run around in underwear in the streets and I don't want anyone else to do that, male or female. Period. Anything else you read into my sayings is in YOUR mind, not mine.
People have to keep their naked flesh where others chose to see it, not where they are forced. Such an oversexed civilzation will just degenerate. That's my opinion, take it or leave it.
What kind of horse shit is this?
You've heard of plenty of amazonian native tribes that don't necesserily wear clothes. The walk around naked regardless of gender and they get along quite well as a society.
Same with quite a few tribes roaming the plains of Africa.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Thanks for sharing your opinion on this subject Elikal, but as you can see it's just that, your opinion.
People will continue to do as they please with their bodies because that is what they choose, its called freedom last time i checked.
i guess you can continue with your crusade but it won't get anywhere and people will continue to do whatever makes them happy.
I can not change the world. And apparently not people. But I feel I need to speak up when something troubles my conscience. I say what I think, then people follow or disagree. But I felt it was the obligation to my code of honor to speak up, despite the expected harrasment and anger for disturbing people's complacency.
That is an honorable thing to do, and this topic is not addressed much so its a fun one to get different views from.
I disagree. When he frames it as disturbing people's complacency, he is doing a disservice not only to everyone reading or writing in the thread, but also to himself. Saying straight up that the reason people are disagreeing with him is because they are complacent is the least honorable thing he could do. Yet, here he is with all his honor and conscience claiming that what he says is the right way and because other people don't agree they are complacent.
Obviously I'm not being complacent. Obviously Devil isn't being complacent. Obviously you aren't being complacent. These are actually real issues to all of the people here.
He's not being honorable at all in my opinion.
I feel as though he is trying to force women to submit to what men deem appropriate attire based on his narrowminded point of view. Using assault on women as a justification for furthering his agenda rather than see it for what it is:
Threatening women with assault for not obeying what a man deems appropriate.
That IS what it is and I see no honor in that whatsoever.
I explain the causualities and relations of things as I see them. You are free to deal with that as you want. Of the consequences of our actions and behavior we are, however, never free. That is no oppression from my side, it is the natural relation of cause and effect in society.
You may define your modern liberalism. Reality alas does not always follow wishful idealism. Trust me. I know, because I tried. I was once just as liberal and trusting as you. Just that it doesn't function in reality in the long run. But I guess we (as a human civilization) will have to learn - again - the hard way.
I am neither conservative, but nor am I liberal. But what I see is a society torn between the extremes. Total nihilistic liberals vs right wing extremists. Look at our western countries! Don't you see what's going on? We are torn between nihilistic destruction and the oppression of the religious right, and there seems to be no balance or self-control, no in between. That is what I think to fight. Alas, it makes me the enemy for both. For the liberal I will be the conservative evil, for the conservative the liberal evil. It is what is lost to us: a decend balance between liberty and ethics. And as all overly liberal and nihilistic eras, ours will swing to the other extreme again and right wing extremists will gain the power, alas Reaction and counter reaction.
How foolish of me to try to break this circle, indeed. But how little the chances are, I feel it my obligation to duty and ethics to say my thing nonetheless and ignore all the threats of being cast as outsider and ridiculous.
What is "modern liberalism" to you ? progressivism or traditional american liberalism?
Your views are that of the religious right and liberal left on this issue. The liberal left also holds this same view (femenists). That hardly seems to be a large fight, seeing as there is a consensus on the issue, women with few cloths on = bad.
Now i am a liberatian or a traditional american liberal, who says let you be the judge of your own morals and let governent stay out of my way. All western countries, save the US, no longer have a religious any side.
YOU CANNOT PURSUE LIBERTY WHILE DICTATING MORALS. Such an idea is at odds with itself. Liberty is the ability to be free and do as you see fit , exclusing tangiable damage to others. Dictating morals has a group or person determining how others should behave and what they are allowed to do, using the threat of force, persecution, or other means. These are opposing goals, that you somehow want to achive. If you pursue both, sooner or later one side will win.
Lets look at thsi statement, "a decend balance between liberty and ethics. " How is this achieved? Well liberty is easy let people do as they wish. What about ethics? Well thats an issues, WHOS ETHICS DO YOU MEAN? Mine? Your's? Hitler's? Gondhi's? WHO GETS TO DETERMINE WHAT IS ETHICAL OR MORAL AND WHAT IS NOT?
The answer is quite easy, because no man or group can do this correctly, let the individal decide this for themselves, and thus that is why the US was fashiond around the concept of liberty and limited governement; to prevent one group telling another group how to live their lives. It was conceptual at that time sadly and even then did not have enough support to become very practical.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Based on his assumptions about how sexuality affects society, I'm going to assume that he blames the fall of Rome on naked dudes having sex with each other in community bath houses.
We already know we are the far superior gender. We can make men do as we please by just revealing parts of our skin. You are all doomed to be ruled by boobs FOREVER!! Mwahahah!!
Tell that the many raped women who "ruled men" with their naked skin.
Excuse me? Tell that to who? Myself? When I was raped as a child, I was fully clothed thank you. Whether or not we show our skin has nothing to do with a creaton raping a woman. For that to be used as a justification of rape, is excusing the perp not endorsing self control.
I never said that.
But even so you should be aware of a society which treats women like objects. Running around in scantly dressed costumes just reinforces men to give into their stone age cavemen doings. People should not toy with sexuality. It creates an atmosphere were bad things can be at the end.
I don;t care if I run around naked, that gives no man the signal that a woman wants to be raped. That is ridiculous that you even attempt to use that as a justification for raping a woman. Men need to utilize self control. They are in control of their own actions, and responsible for their own actions. That is utter BULLSHIT that you would even attempt to say thatmen should not be able to control themselves in the presense of a naked woman. Do you even realize how ridiculous the premise that a woman is responsible for a mans actions by her attire even is?!
We already know we are the far superior gender. We can make men do as we please by just revealing parts of our skin. You are all doomed to be ruled by boobs FOREVER!! Mwahahah!!
We already know we are the far superior gender. We can make men do as we please by just revealing parts of our skin. You are all doomed to be ruled by boobs FOREVER!! Mwahahah!!
Tell that the many raped women who "ruled men" with their naked skin.
That's kind of an assanine thing to say. Do you believe that these women asked for this to happen regardless of how they were dressed?
Elikal, you are just in boob denial. Rather than fear the boobs you should submit like the rest of the male population. Now go get your loin cloth and do your chores!
Excuse me? Tell that to who? Myself? When I was raped as a child, I was fully clothed thank you. Whether or not we show our skin has nothing to do with a creaton raping a woman. For that to be used as a justification of rape, is excusing the perp not endorsing self control.
I never said that.
But even so you should be aware of a society which treats women like objects. Running around in scantly dressed costumes just reinforces men to give into their stone age cavemen doings. People should not toy with sexuality. It creates an atmosphere were bad things can be at the end.
Oh, sweet Jesus.
"Did you she what she was wearing? She was asking for it!"
You twist around what I say to suit your purpose. I did not say that, so stop putting it in my mouth.
I didn't want to comment on this, because it is so ridiculous. Unfortunately that didn't happen.
Dear OP,
If you do not like what you see, then why not go to another website? You do understand that the girls made a conscientious choice to dress the way they did long before the event, correct? If you are against their choice, you might not wish to be commenting on this forum and take it to somewhere more appropriate (Like Westburrow Church, or Stormfront, or some sort of pro-veiled community site).
These girls have a right to dress how they wish, and if they did not want their pictures taken, they could have easily said no. The images were not some sort of perverted upskirt garbage, but outfits that they chose, they designed, they made, and they wore. This whole b*llsh*t about sexism and gentleman is nothing more then trolling.
If you were a true gentleman, you would allow the women to do as they wish and not be treated like some sort of property that needs to be locked away.
Now go back to your religious study, burquas and ignorance.
Also if a woman be it a real one or fantasy wants to wear just a loincloth and nipple clamps its HER choice. Denying her that is like a religion saying women should not show any skin at all because she would get punished if she did.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Why dont we attack the game, that make female characters dressed like that in the first place?
Anyway,my gf did really enjoy looking at those vids here. She loved the costumes.
I think they did a great job on their costumes as well.
Why would you attack a game about what female characters are wearing when it has been shown repeatedly that women LIKE the sexy female characters. The truth is we are women, we love our curves, our breasts, and wouldn;t wnat it any other way. It is men who seem to have a problem when they see breasts, not the other way around. LOL
We look at breasts every day. They are attached to us. Why men try to make them out to be a bad thing, that should be hidden is beyond me.
Don't push your backward Christian views on us. I laughed about the irony when you called tribesmen 'backward' and 'heathens'. Do you realise your opinion is seen as backward as well? Not just 'old-fashioned' in a jolly-good sense, but plain old archaic and outdated. Your bronze age mythology norms and values actually outdates by far most of those cultures.
Again, who is the backward heathen?
I actually agree with deviliscious to some extent. Not the Xena-esque 'men are untrustworthy' posts, and wherever she implies that women are somehow better than men. This coming from someone whose nephew was repeatedly abused and raped by two female kindergarten teachers. But other than that, her opinion is much more valid than you. If anything, you are sexist.
Why dont we attack the game, that make female characters dressed like that in the first place?
Anyway,my gf did really enjoy looking at those vids here. She loved the costumes.
I think they did a great job on their costumes as well.
Why would you attack a game about what female characters are wearing when it has been shown repeatedly that women LIKE the sexy female characters. The truth is we are women, we love our curves, our breasts, and wouldn;t wnat it any other way. It is men who seem to have a problem when they see breasts, not the other way around. LOL
We look at breasts every day. They are attached to us. Why men try to make them out to be a bad thing, that should be hidden is beyond me.
ha ha : )
I just ment that (OP) instead of attacking MMORPG.com for showing the women dressed like those characters......could attack the game instead. The girls have no choice when the outfits are already made. They just follow the "instructions" from the game.
I did also love that video. And i also try and watch boobs everyday if i can.
EDIT: I think the other video from ComicCon was much better.
I did read your post and I agree with what you had to say. The whole premise that someone elses clothing is responsible for another persons actions is absurd.
I disagree. When he frames it as disturbing people's complacency, he is doing a disservice not only to everyone reading or writing in the thread, but also to himself. Saying straight up that the reason people are disagreeing with him is because they are complacent is the least honorable thing he could do. Yet, here he is with all his honor and conscience claiming that what he says is the right way and because other people don't agree they are complacent.
Obviously I'm not being complacent. Obviously Devil isn't being complacent. Obviously you aren't being complacent. These are actually real issues to all of the people here.
He's not being honorable at all in my opinion.
I feel as though he is trying to force women to submit to what men deem appropriate attire based on his narrowminded point of view. Using assault on women as a justification for furthering his agenda rather than see it for what it is:
Threatening women with assault for not obeying what a man deems appropriate.
That IS what it is and I see no honor in that whatsoever.
I explain the causualities and relations of things as I see them. You are free to deal with that as you want. Of the consequences of our actions and behavior we are, however, never free. That is no oppression from my side, it is the natural relation of cause and effect in society.
You may define your modern liberalism. Reality alas does not always follow wishful idealism. Trust me. I know, because I tried. I was once just as liberal and trusting as you. Just that it doesn't function in reality in the long run. But I guess we (as a human civilization) will have to learn - again - the hard way.
I am neither conservative, but nor am I liberal. But what I see is a society torn between the extremes. Total nihilistic liberals vs right wing extremists. Look at our western countries! Don't you see what's going on? We are torn between nihilistic destruction and the oppression of the religious right, and there seems to be no balance or self-control, no in between. That is what I think to fight. Alas, it makes me the enemy for both. For the liberal I will be the conservative evil, for the conservative the liberal evil. It is what is lost to us: a decend balance between liberty and ethics. And as all overly liberal and nihilistic eras, ours will swing to the other extreme again and right wing extremists will gain the power, alas Reaction and counter reaction.
How foolish of me to try to break this circle, indeed. But how little the chances are, I feel it my obligation to duty and ethics to say my thing nonetheless and ignore all the threats of being cast as outsider and ridiculous.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I didn't say he was right only that he is coming from the correct prespective (he wants to protect/ help women out). there is nothign wrong with trying to help. Now we may disagree with his methods, values, rationalization, and ideas however, to come to the aid of a person is honourable. (Even if that aid is misplaced)
Additionally, talkign /discussing this is great, becuase thats how people are informed and new ideas are generated.
Some of this retourts were not honest or illrational. But this is a hard topic to adress and here he was trying to help females only to be acused as part of the real problems regarding treatment of females. It would put any of us on defense (most likely myself included, heck my large post was on defense becuase he does have an error in thought). Thats not in my opinion it true, but don't all of us in someway somewhere?
I think it fair to say, he is being honorable in his efforts, however, many females would not view those efforts honorable [and i with them]. But really the efforts are more wrong/dated then lacking honor or not.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I am greatly offended by what you just wrote there. By your statement you're equating just about every man to a RAPIST who can not control his "caveman urges" as you call it. Are you serious?
Nobody asked you to speak for me, or for any other men out there that can and in fact do control any and all urges on a daily basis, live long lives, and more importantly get those urges fulfiled not because they force themselves on women but because the women are there willingly.
Nobody has forced you to click that link about Blizzcon and it's many women dressed in costumes which some created themselves and ultimately chose to wear all by themselves. Some actually do that sort of thing for a living. Are you going to call the WHORES now because they're gettin paid?
It is people like you that has twisted a natural biological function that just so happens to feel good into something shameful which needs to be hidden from the world. LIke I said before, you don't speak for me, and I doubt very much that most of the people here share your feelings on the issue.
Pleas refrain from such further comments lest I beforeced to make equally generic, broad sweeping assumptions that are nothing more then losely veiled insults simply becaus today you woke up and decided to jump on the Puritan bandwagon.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Trusting? Far from it, I HAVE been assaulted by a man who is apprently one of those that think they entitled to take what they please. Yes it is about The premise that a woman should obey a man. I trust men as far as I can throw them, and since I am a petite female, that isn;t very far.
You view things from a perspective that women dress to a mans whims, where I say women dress to their own whims disregarding men. The idea that women should " hide" themselves in fear of what man would do to them is cowardly and absurd and has NO place in modern society. Think what you will when you see female flesh, men are entitled to their own thoughts, but when you act upon those thoughts that becomes a different matter all together.
It would more honorable to endorse self control, rather than " hide the women" from the men. There is a huge difference. I do not find it ethical to hide the women because the men cannot control themselves. Rather than teach women to hide and be cowards, we should teach them to defend themslves and be brave.
What kind of horse shit is this?
You've heard of plenty of amazonian native tribes that don't necesserily wear clothes. The walk around naked regardless of gender and they get along quite well as a society.
Same with quite a few tribes roaming the plains of Africa.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
What is "modern liberalism" to you ? progressivism or traditional american liberalism?
Your views are that of the religious right and liberal left on this issue. The liberal left also holds this same view (femenists). That hardly seems to be a large fight, seeing as there is a consensus on the issue, women with few cloths on = bad.
Now i am a liberatian or a traditional american liberal, who says let you be the judge of your own morals and let governent stay out of my way. All western countries, save the US, no longer have a religious any side.
YOU CANNOT PURSUE LIBERTY WHILE DICTATING MORALS. Such an idea is at odds with itself. Liberty is the ability to be free and do as you see fit , exclusing tangiable damage to others. Dictating morals has a group or person determining how others should behave and what they are allowed to do, using the threat of force, persecution, or other means. These are opposing goals, that you somehow want to achive. If you pursue both, sooner or later one side will win.
Lets look at thsi statement, "a decend balance between liberty and ethics. " How is this achieved? Well liberty is easy let people do as they wish. What about ethics? Well thats an issues, WHOS ETHICS DO YOU MEAN? Mine? Your's? Hitler's? Gondhi's? WHO GETS TO DETERMINE WHAT IS ETHICAL OR MORAL AND WHAT IS NOT?
The answer is quite easy, because no man or group can do this correctly, let the individal decide this for themselves, and thus that is why the US was fashiond around the concept of liberty and limited governement; to prevent one group telling another group how to live their lives. It was conceptual at that time sadly and even then did not have enough support to become very practical.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Based on his assumptions about how sexuality affects society, I'm going to assume that he blames the fall of Rome on naked dudes having sex with each other in community bath houses.
This guy is complaining about girls showing their body?
Why isn't he complaining about movies with heads being blown off and blood and guts everywhere?
The original poster is a hypocrite
Check out my nature/animal/relaxing music channel on Youtube!
My game channel on Youtube!
Lol, so I can only complain about one bad thing when I also complain about EVERY OTHER also?
I have said all there is. If you do not share the view or try put things I never said into my mouth, fine. Keep doing so alone.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Pulls up lawn chair with a bowl of popcorn
I bow to the Boob God
That's kind of an assanine thing to say. Do you believe that these women asked for this to happen regardless of how they were dressed?
Wait, I need to get mine out of the dryer
I can't resist
I totaly agree with the OP, keep girls bodies covered up in public, I don't know, maybe with a large black dress that covers them from head to toe?
Let's call it a birka? I agree with the OP 100% Let's bring radical religious ideology to mmorpg's!
I didn't want to comment on this, because it is so ridiculous.
Unfortunately that didn't happen.
Dear OP,
If you do not like what you see, then why not go to another website? You do understand that the girls made a conscientious choice to dress the way they did long before the event, correct? If you are against their choice, you might not wish to be commenting on this forum and take it to somewhere more appropriate (Like Westburrow Church, or Stormfront, or some sort of pro-veiled community site).
These girls have a right to dress how they wish, and if they did not want their pictures taken, they could have easily said no. The images were not some sort of perverted upskirt garbage, but outfits that they chose, they designed, they made, and they wore. This whole b*llsh*t about sexism and gentleman is nothing more then trolling.
If you were a true gentleman, you would allow the women to do as they wish and not be treated like some sort of property that needs to be locked away.
Now go back to your religious study, burquas and ignorance.
Also if a woman be it a real one or fantasy wants to wear just a loincloth and nipple clamps its HER choice. Denying her that is like a religion saying women should not show any skin at all because she would get punished if she did.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
Why dont we attack the game, that make female characters dressed like that in the first place?
Anyway,my gf did really enjoy looking at those vids here. She loved the costumes.
~Oops, doublepost.~
I think they did a great job on their costumes as well.
Why would you attack a game about what female characters are wearing when it has been shown repeatedly that women LIKE the sexy female characters. The truth is we are women, we love our curves, our breasts, and wouldn;t wnat it any other way. It is men who seem to have a problem when they see breasts, not the other way around. LOL
We look at breasts every day. They are attached to us. Why men try to make them out to be a bad thing, that should be hidden is beyond me.
Don't push your backward Christian views on us. I laughed about the irony when you called tribesmen 'backward' and 'heathens'. Do you realise your opinion is seen as backward as well? Not just 'old-fashioned' in a jolly-good sense, but plain old archaic and outdated. Your bronze age mythology norms and values actually outdates by far most of those cultures.
Again, who is the backward heathen?
I actually agree with deviliscious to some extent. Not the Xena-esque 'men are untrustworthy' posts, and wherever she implies that women are somehow better than men. This coming from someone whose nephew was repeatedly abused and raped by two female kindergarten teachers. But other than that, her opinion is much more valid than you. If anything, you are sexist.
ha ha : )
I just ment that (OP) instead of attacking MMORPG.com for showing the women dressed like those characters......could attack the game instead. The girls have no choice when the outfits are already made. They just follow the "instructions" from the game.
I did also love that video. And i also try and watch boobs everyday if i can.
EDIT: I think the other video from ComicCon was much better.