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So far I have seen:
1. Human
2. Blue Human
3. Blind folded Human
4. Human with spikes on head
5. Trandoshan (finally something non-human)
6. Sith Pure Blood....
7. Twi-Lek (nice to see more aliens)
There are so many aliens species in the Star Wars universe why have they chosen to cheese out 5 that are pretty much humans with face paint on? I mean the blind folded human... come on give me a break and Sith Pure Blood.. Why would they be born evil thats lame, they aren't vampires. I'm just mad because I wanted to play as a Jawa or an Ewok and I understand the Ewok thing wont work because of the timeline but still I would like to see many more species.
"I'm sorry but your mmo has been diagnosed with EA and only has X number of days to live."
/facepalm Blue Human, rly?
They said that there wont be non-humanoid species cause love-scenes don't look pretty good with Hutts or something involved.
Here ya go:
Thanks, doesn't look to good for us real Star Wars fans.
"I'm sorry but your mmo has been diagnosed with EA and only has X number of days to live."
You obviously didn't' notice the sarcasm in the OP's post. All the races just are like humanoids. Just with different colors.
This is a real Star Wars game...Unless you are talking about one that takes place in the middle of all the mess between Episodes 1 and beyond..
Edit: pretty much all of the sentiant species in Star Wars are humanoid.
I mean one that doesn't make you feel like you are being hand-cuffed and tied to a rollercoaster that has been welded to the rails.
I don't care what time frame it's suposed to be in, if you can't play as a wookie its not Star Wars its just using an IP to make a quick buck off the younger Clone WarsWoW generation.
"I'm sorry but your mmo has been diagnosed with EA and only has X number of days to live."
Well looks like your still looking for a game to play.
Is that why your trolling so hard?
Yeah and I'm mad because Jawa isn't playable.
"I'm sorry but your mmo has been diagnosed with EA and only has X number of days to live."
No offense, I actually mean this constructively, but it may not sound like it. This has been a known subject for a LONG time now. Maybe I could sympathize when it was first announced, but not now. Too late for that. Still though, maybe you should try sending a note directly to BioWare with your grievance, since they are the only ones that can fix the situation, instead of posting here were many (if not most) are just going to shake their heads while muttering "Old news" and move on.
See the problem is that BioWare explained this pretty well and I (plus many others) can understand their point of view, even agree with it. It would after all be a little sick watching Princess Leia making out with a Wookie, wouldn't it? (I feel disgusting even typing that statement, btw.)
Now would I like to see more playable species in a future update/expansion when they have had to time to expand upon the class quests even more and make branches that do not force us into beastiality type situations? Definitely! But until then I will be more than happy with the mostly human playable races.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
The races they choose are fine though there seemed to be a lot of wierd but sentient creatures they could have chosen from based just on what we saw in the bar on tatooine alone. Rodians at least would be nice.
But seriously, I would pay double for a Jedi jawa.
All die, so die well.
Please tell me your joking. Love scenes? Bioware really needs to stop making 'days of our lives the game'. It'd be nice to *not* have drama in a videogame.
That was a joke by Daniel Erickson. The real reason they won't have non-humanoid species as in giant slugs or something like that, is because they feel those would be hard to relate to for the player and they want the player to step into a big weird world, not to be the weirdest thing in it from the beginning.
The other reasons should be obvious as well: armour design troubles, combat animations troubles and generally too much work for too little gain.
There are more races coming still though.
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!
Pretty much what the orange portion says. It's entirely possible that in future expansions we'll see more alien species, but for now we're getting various humanoids. Get over it.
The part I'm highlighting in red I'm betting is George Lucas' influence. Aliens are called alien for a reason, it should not be easy for us to relate to them in a very meaningful way. Their culture and way of thinking would be so different that it should be hard for a human to grasp. Which is just the way I imagine George Lucas wants it. Oh, and by the way, we don't know if the Trandoshans or Gormaks are playabe or not. Just because they're on the humanoid list don't assume they're playable.
In any case it doesn't bother me that much. Afterall it's not all that different from what I'm used to playing. It's not like all the humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, gnomes, halflings, etc., etc. are all that different. They're all humanoid as well.
Kotor had only playable human and it's one of the best Star Wars titles overall ever. It was an amazing game for a true Star Wars fan. I dont want odd races if it makes the story / gameplay / whatever even slightly bad.
Which Star Wars movie it was again, that had non-human main character? At least now you have a choise to NOT BE A HUMAN.
Your opinion does not make you a REAL Star Wars Fan or us less of a fan because we don;t agree. it just makes you look as if you didn't do any research because this is old news. Good news, you might be able to find a SWG download and play that instead while the rest of us who love similar games like KOTOR will be having a blast with our different playable species with their own unique stories.
There Is Always Hope!
To the last line, this complaint that i don't want to play near humans is getting kind of old when you use the same idea the OP did with other games.
Dwarves: short humans
Elves: Humans with long ears
Orcs: green humans with big teeth
Gnomes: really short humans
Halfling: short humans that are generally fatter then normal.
In almost every game (save for a few) most of the races are humanoid in one form or another. It's the background that makes them far more interesting.
Most of the races in Rift are near human. Now granted you do get things that are sometimes not human at all in games like Tera (being a panda) but i don't know if i'd call that a game breaker.
As for the reason they aren't in star wars?
First like has been stated, You could have a hard time connecting to the character and for the common person, it could be difficult to understand why someone reacts the way they do to you. Also your character has to go just about anywhere. Correct me if i'm wrong but i don't recall jawas being anywhere else other then tatoonie and certainly were not part of a the big star wars hero thing. Jawas were mostly traders. Also Jawas never went on bounties (rules out bounty hunter) they were never part of the republic force (You remember that in movies? yeah i never saw that part either ), so that rules them out of the trooper line and i've never seen one weilding a lightsaber, so that rules out the 2 force classes, and uh do you really honestly think anyone in the sith empire is going to allow a jawa to do any kind of fighting? So that rules out the entire empire side all together. Jawas were mostly traders (hardly even crafters). I will go and say i would have liked to play a jawa or an ithorian (yeah i played one in galaxies) but it's just not going to happen.
As for wookies. Yeah i can understand wanting to play one, but the problem is, in the old republic time (least the one the game is based off of) wookies are generally either on the run (from Czerka or the exchange), in their home town under the rule of czerka/exchange) or under someones life debt. You had one, if i recall wookie in kotor 2 (not a BW game btw) that was hunting another person. But even that one soon came with you on yur journies (and even he was under a life debt). What i'm trying to say is wookies are generally either hunted or enslaved or bound to someone at this time period, it's very rare at least from what i've seen for a wookie to be completely free to do whatever they want, you also run into the fact they are not basic speaking creatures which if you start talking normal human language it might come off strange, Also there are a few other problems for the wookie alone. Lets take jet packs (i've don't recall seeing a wookie on a jet pack), i don't know star wars lore very well, but i don't recall a wookie weilding a lightsaber, and they are also prone to violence (remember han's quote about wookies losing?) so that rules out 4 of the 8 classes right there. For each species/class combo it always seem to revolve around two things why they don't do it, at least for now. It's gotta fit the story, and it's gotta fit the lore of the world. If you playing a race can break the lore or the story for some reason. It's generally going to be taken out.
There is always a chance more races could be put in, even Daniel Erickson said at one point that it might be possible for more races to be put in later when we can get to it.
As for launch? Yep this is all you get, which is a darn sight more then you get in other games.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Daniel Erickson also hinted at cyborgs
Far as i heard on cyborgs was, that you could have cybernetic implants, but they wouldn't be visual (kinda like how AO did them) unless i heard wrong. As for the race? haven't heard anything about that either, though i'd say i remember hearing Daniel talking about that.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Actually: Elves and dwarves: Norse demi gods, more or less immortal. Too bad that MMOs are based on Forgotten realms version that is a watered down version of Tolkiens that in itself are watered down from norse mythology.
Orcs: One of Tolkiens own few inventions together with Hobbits. Far from human but humanoid, like Mon Calamari and whatever Jar jar is.
Gnomes: Another norse thing that is supposed to take care of farm animals. Made weird in Dragonlance and now build weird stuff.
You are right about the halflings.
MMOs do have a habit of making all playable races closer to humans than they are in the lore they are taken from. Call it lazyness or something the players want to be able to identify with the character. But all games should have at least one and preferably a few clearly non human races, no matter if they are fantasy or not. Using elves as snobby humans with pointy ears are useless, I rather have more diverse humans than that.
Still, Bioware should add wookie at least. One of the heroes of the original series were that so it should be worth the effort. I can live without Javas or Ewoks.
Expansions. Players will see more races after launch, I'm sure. Whether the new races be part of free updates (doubt it) or with expansions. I'd love to see more species as well. Plenty of options out there for bioware/LA to choose from.
It was more about the looks of the characters then the backstory and unique features like immortal life. What i was doing was the same thing the OP was doing for ToR, except i applied it to the normal characters of other games where playable characters never seem to be a problem.
Basically in each game most of the characters are humanoid with a few extra features to make them not human. I was trying to invalidate the OP by showing how other games do the same thing and why this is really no exception. Granted there are a few exceptions most notably the orc but it's still humanoid in nature and how it reacts to things.
I would like to see wookies as well. But chewie which is the one i think your referring to was always with Han as a companion. From which you will indeed have a wookie companion if you pick smuggler (which ironically is what han was)
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
1. We need Wookies.
2. Have they explained how Sith Purebloods are a race? IIRC during the Old Republic timeline the Sith had already been erradicated.
3. Hooaray for Twi'lek!
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Well said. I'm glad that there won't be any Wookie Jedi in this game. We already have a Star Wars MMORPG that allows crap like that. The Op can play that.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Just went and took a look at the timeline. I guess depending on when in the looooong Old Republic timeline the game falls that it could make sense to have Sith. They say that the game is 3.500 years before the movies which would be around 3,500 BBY. The Resurgent Sith Empire lasted around 4,970 BBY to right before 2,000 BBY, so yeah, I guess it actually works. I'd never really paid attention to how long the old republic period actually lasted.
Edited for fat fingers.