I don't know, maybe PVE realms have a nicer communtiy or something, an occasional wow talk here and there, immature comments once in a while. I haven't seen any really vicious people like I did the first time I played Eve. So, I don't think the in-game community is really mean, I'd give the community a B grade if it was just in-game.
However, I've seen a lot of mean fanboys going in the Rift forums, but more importantly they are all over these forums and other game forums. Those people bug me the most. These people make the Rift players look horrible, these people drag the community grade to a D-...ugh.
Happy Birthday to you!! I hope the rest of the day was better for you. Don't feel as though you are not young anymore just accept the world changes, and so do we. I am about to turn 40 and sure there are times I feel I can no longer keep up but I still have that fire in my heart and I bet you do too. Just remember how you saw people our age when you were 13.
As for those people with the bad attitudes, we all started from the beginning, we all had to learn it by asking questions andtrying things out. Sure they might pretend they know it all, and if they do, then they obviously are spending dfar too much time in cyber space. Don't let a bunch of kids who think they know it all and pretend to do so get you down. Just remember they are busy trying not to look stupid to their friends you don't have to worry about things like that. Poor poor kids
Oh and ps. If you want some help just ask me I'll be glad to help. I am on the blightweald or brightweald server, whatever it's called (erm bad memory....too much acid in the 90s) Eahlswyth is my toon. If you have to start a new toon there, I have plenty od toons I tried out that are still young
yeah most points of rift it doesnt do alot of new stuff but the old stuff it does do, is done so much better than the rest, Dungeons are a challenge, you actually have tactics.
the tree's are awesome, so many different specs you can roll.
the community you have been seeing is completely different to previous beta tests, and it is reflecing badly on the game,
the trolls have been out in force of late with, but its mainly low level children, arguing over whether wow was the very first MMO or not, and for 20 minutes today all someone did was spam "wow best and first MMO" best bet, once your in game try /leave 5 and /leave 4
It's most likely already been said but I didn't want to sift through the pages of quotes and rants.
Once the game launches and the betas end, quite a few of these instigators and antagonizers will disappear. After a few months even more of the scum will be wiped away, leaving a thin layer of scum and a lot of dedicated players.
This is typical beta behavior, even typical MMO behavior. A large number of people that are all anonymous feel like they have the right to scream their beliefs and burn anyone who disagrees at the stake. With so many other people there is naturally going to be a crowd behind him/her jumping on the bandwagon.
I'd advise you to wait a couple months into launch and try it again. If you feel that strongly and are adamant about leaving, I wish you luck in your ventures.
It's most likely already been said but I didn't want to sift through the pages of quotes and rants.
Once the game launches and the betas end, quite a few of these instigators and antagonizers will disappear. After a few months even more of the scum will be wiped away, leaving a thin layer of scum and a lot of dedicated players.
This is typical beta behavior, even typical MMO behavior. A large number of people that are all anonymous feel like they have the right to scream their beliefs and burn anyone who disagrees at the stake. With so many other people there is naturally going to be a crowd behind him/her jumping on the bandwagon.
I'd advise you to wait a couple months into launch and try it again. If you feel that strongly and are adamant about leaving, I wish you luck in your ventures.
Only thing that will change come launch, is that people wont be able to use beta as the excuse for the terrible community.
That, or there isnt going to be a lot of players come launch, wich i dont think is the case.
Rift is getting the good community that blessed another, very populair game. Its here to stay...for one month, then they move back. Yes that was sarcastic. You think all those players from that other game are going to want to do the same endgame gear grind they just came from?
Ill be drastically more interested in the game after that happens.
I am done with Rift. I really wanted to like the game, it looks great, Trion is putting great effort into it, but today is really the last nail in the coffin.
I know people say WOW has a bad community, and going into it's dungeon browser really shows you the scum of humanity. But this... no matter what little you ask or critizise, I haven't EVER seen such an amount of hate, harrasment, flaming and attack than in the Rift chat channels. Why is it so difficult to just discuss different opinions WITHOUT 30 people jumping at my throat? I just don't want to spent my limited lifetime in an environment with such amounts of hate and agression around me.
It just is the last straw on many issues. Boring "Kill 10 Goblin" quests all over, difficulty & respawn rates, recent rise of bugs and issues... but more than all this the community looks terrible to me. I was just saying my Ranger/Marksman was constantly dying in some places, and the sheer amount of mockery, hate and whatnot was just... depressing.
You know, I didnt want to say this, but I had my 40th birthday today, I feel it's like "ok I am officially not young anymore" and having more days behind me than ahead of me, I made one decision today: I WONT stay in places with mean and inpolite people. I am mortal, my time is limited and life is too precious to waste it in places with unfriendly people. So while in past years I was more willing to "fight over things", debate all over and taking all bad manners, I decided from today I will avoid such places.
Maybe you think about this one time.
I get where you're coming from, but you might try playing on Faeblight or Shadefallen (RP servers). We've had great communities in both servers (both factions) since forever ago. And interestingly enough it's only gotten better in Open Beta.
I am done with Rift. I really wanted to like the game, it looks great, Trion is putting great effort into it, but today is really the last nail in the coffin.
I know people say WOW has a bad community, and going into it's dungeon browser really shows you the scum of humanity. But this... no matter what little you ask or critizise, I haven't EVER seen such an amount of hate, harrasment, flaming and attack than in the Rift chat channels. Why is it so difficult to just discuss different opinions WITHOUT 30 people jumping at my throat? I just don't want to spent my limited lifetime in an environment with such amounts of hate and agression around me.
It just is the last straw on many issues. Boring "Kill 10 Goblin" quests all over, difficulty & respawn rates, recent rise of bugs and issues... but more than all this the community looks terrible to me. I was just saying my Ranger/Marksman was constantly dying in some places, and the sheer amount of mockery, hate and whatnot was just... depressing.
You know, I didnt want to say this, but I had my 40th birthday today, I feel it's like "ok I am officially not young anymore" and having more days behind me than ahead of me, I made one decision today: I WONT stay in places with mean and inpolite people. I am mortal, my time is limited and life is too precious to waste it in places with unfriendly people. So while in past years I was more willing to "fight over things", debate all over and taking all bad manners, I decided from today I will avoid such places.
Maybe you think about this one time.
How you would have loved the EQ1 community or in my case, Dark Age of Camelot's RP community - back when GMs even monitored general chat to ensure that while no one has ever been expected to speak in broken Shakespearian - people were (a) expected to be curteous (b) on rp servers they had to at leat maintain their own character's perceptions of reality, hence while you wouldn't say thee and thou, you would as well not say dude, pwn, l33t, penis along with resounding typed giggles and further immaturity; point is:
After 2004, a lot of players from other Blizzard titles (Diablo), and other non mmorpg games in general such as counterstrike and so forth, along with just kids who were 14 or so in 2004 who are now 20 and still at home and pissed at life no matter how stoned they get - are looking for that next fresh mmorpg that they can dominate with the most "Over Powered" classes possible - until they rage quit and move on.
The industry has opened the floodgates for these players because they will help swell initial sales which in turns help some of the investment issues that developers have to pay back fairly quickly from launch. The result is that the older or at least the more mature community (I've met friend's kids in WoW who type and speak well and carry themselves better than 25 year olds in Age of Conan) players like you and I get the the shaft. No housing, no complex lore and divisive politics, nothing to really give us an mmorpg feel - just eye candy and a slew of immediate gratifcation dungeon finder programs.
However, give it a few months, it might weed out. My advice?
1. TURN OFF GENERAL CHAT (if at all possible).
2. Play on an RP - PVE server. Not as fun as pvp but you will dodge a lot of arse hats off the bat because if there's two things Johnny Griefer loves, it's lolerskating over Role Players by dumming down their community through a cloud of ignorance, a failed lifestyle, and pot smoke, and (2) killing people who come home to families from full time jobs who can't hit end game in 1 week.
All I can say friend - grats on your 40th birthday. Oh, and that part where you said the majority of your life has already passed? That may be so if you go by an average life span cap for a United States male of average health (74-80 years), but your future will be seen by eyes that have been conditioned by experience, and the wisdom that is a subsequence of that time well spent. You will thusly make much better use of your time and in effect get much more out of your future than you ever gained from the natural bumbling and cognititve fumbling that comes from the naivity of youth
/my two cents - get that PVE RP server and stick with it.
All I can say friend - grats on your 40th birthday. Oh, and that part where you said the majority of your life has already passed? That may be so if you go by an average life span cap for a United States male of average health (74-80 years), but your future will be seen by eyes that have been conditioned by experience, and the wisdom that is a subsequence of that time well spent. You will thusly make much better use of your time and in effect get much more out of your future than you ever gained from the natural bumbling and cognititve fumbling that comes from the naivity of youth
/my two cents - get that PVE RP server and stick with it.
Just to be that guy...life expectancy estimates are severly skewed due to factoring in early life deaths. That means that someone living in Angola probably has the same life expectancy as someone in norway, but the people in angol have more early childhood deaths, mostly at birth. They factor in the life of the child, being near zero, and get some crazy life expectancy of like 45 or 50, when those who do live past childhood live very long in those societies. Basically life expectancy estimates are bullshit because of this.
All I can say friend - grats on your 40th birthday. Oh, and that part where you said the majority of your life has already passed? That may be so if you go by an average life span cap for a United States male of average health (74-80 years), but your future will be seen by eyes that have been conditioned by experience, and the wisdom that is a subsequence of that time well spent. You will thusly make much better use of your time and in effect get much more out of your future than you ever gained from the natural bumbling and cognititve fumbling that comes from the naivity of youth
/my two cents - get that PVE RP server and stick with it.
Just to be that guy...life expectancy estimates are severly skewed due to factoring in early life deaths. That means that someone living in Angola probably has the same life expectancy as someone in norway, but the people in angol have more early childhood deaths, mostly at birth. They factor in the life of the child, being near zero, and get some crazy life expectancy of like 45 or 50, when those who do live past childhood live very long in those societies. Basically life expectancy estimates are bullshit because of this.
You are absolutely correct. However, in grad school I had a professor that used to bang his fist and say, "undergrads have opinions based on a broad grasp of general knowledge, graduate students, however, are held to a higher standard. Therefore (and here's my point) you must always cite your sources."
That being said, 76-78 years seems to be the average. (I was off by 2 years).
In an August 2009 issue of the National Vital Statistics Reports (NVSR), the average lifespan for a male has been taken into account without many of the factors that you pointed out that change the position of said information on a bell curve; and I quote:
For certain causes of death such as unintentional injuries, homicides, suicides, drug-induced deaths, and sudden infant death syndrome, preliminary and final data may differ because of the truncated nature of the preliminary file
"Over the past decade, life expectancy has increased 1.4 years -- from 76.5 in 1997 to 77.9 in 2007..." from a Washington Post report on the same article.
What server are you on? I've been on Faeblight - PVE-RP.
Generally, if you pick an RP server the community is better. But yes, you need a thicker skin these days if you are going to ask for help on a public channel.
As for your Marksman/Ranger dying all the time - L2P. ;^)
dear guys, another old guy (Im 35 years old) will share his wisdom with you.
and its pretty simple: 95 % of the world population is dumb like a piece of wood.
its the absence of intelligence, education and manners you are able to see in
a MMO chat nowadays.
in former times, MMOs were games for computer nerds - who I think have usually
a higher IQ than the average WoW player. nowadays the uneducated masses flood
our games.
an example: yesterday I played my necromancer and challenged a warrior to a duel.
I won (it was pretty close) and then we had this kind of conversation:
me: thanks 4 duel
dumb mmo guy: yu ran around u stupid ?
me: lol - its called kiting
dumb mmo guy: you stupid noob 2 versus 1
me: errr.. you know.. thats my pet.. Im a necro.. thats not a pl..
dumb mmo guy: STFU NOOB (runs off)
me: 0.o
what you can do is just PLAY and ignore the main chat. look for a guild for adult people -> have fun
pps. english is not my native language
LOL That's classic stuff right there! I play on a RP server as well and haven't run into idiots like these yet... *knocks on wood*... Joining an adult guild was excellent advice, and as you don't need chat for jumping from rift to rift or stopping an invasion you should be good to go.
With each passing day, as people who were just showing up in game to troll, (or who found the game over their heads or just not to their taste), have left, the community has become better and better. You could even see it the day after OB started and it has progressed daily. I think it's a good indication of the type of players who will be left in game once the tourists are gone for good.
I agree, I turned off general chat after the 5th day, and yes I did see the demographics chart claiming (supposedly) that the majority of the players were over 25 but than where all these 13 year olds came from? (and not the bright and intelligent 13 year olds)
When someone enters the game for the first time and makes an innocent comment that this game is similar to WoW at least 5 others starts to make deragatory coments about him in CAPS, like "I WANT TO D...E ON YOUR GRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!"
I played on 6 different servers, its all the same, and those ppl are here as well.I made a post here that the game is fun for a short time, it is polished and bug free but I found it shallow and I will not purchase the game.After 7 pages of totally immature comments the mods locked up the page! Some posters even accused of me being some kind of a secret agent for WoW trying to ruin RIFT! btw I did play WoW in beta, I was on the fence but I ended up not buying the game...
I am done with Rift. I really wanted to like the game, it looks great, Trion is putting great effort into it, but today is really the last nail in the coffin.
I know people say WOW has a bad community, and going into it's dungeon browser really shows you the scum of humanity. But this... no matter what little you ask or critizise, I haven't EVER seen such an amount of hate, harrasment, flaming and attack than in the Rift chat channels. Why is it so difficult to just discuss different opinions WITHOUT 30 people jumping at my throat? I just don't want to spent my limited lifetime in an environment with such amounts of hate and agression around me.
It just is the last straw on many issues. Boring "Kill 10 Goblin" quests all over, difficulty & respawn rates, recent rise of bugs and issues... but more than all this the community looks terrible to me. I was just saying my Ranger/Marksman was constantly dying in some places, and the sheer amount of mockery, hate and whatnot was just... depressing.
You know, I didnt want to say this, but I had my 40th birthday today, I feel it's like "ok I am officially not young anymore" and having more days behind me than ahead of me, I made one decision today: I WONT stay in places with mean and inpolite people. I am mortal, my time is limited and life is too precious to waste it in places with unfriendly people. So while in past years I was more willing to "fight over things", debate all over and taking all bad manners, I decided from today I will avoid such places.
Maybe you think about this one time.
I know exactly what you are saying in reference to rude people. In real life, people do not act this terrible towards one another for no reason. It can make your blood boil when people insult you just for the sake of insulting. But that's the way it is. My friend handles it best by simply ignoring everything everybody says to him except his close friends. I do not have that will power
MMOs are a pretty horrible social environment if you think about it. Group mentalities that outshine logical thinking. No face to face interaction. The ability to remain anonymous and not be held responsible for your action. Funny thing is Blizzard tried to fix this in the WoW forums with their Real IDs only but that got shot down.
As well it should have been. Real ID was a MASSIVE security flaw, just looking for a place to happen. Not to mention, Blizzard doesn't really care about the state of the player base(forums) or they would hire sufficient CM's/GM's to handle it. They certainly have the money for that. What they wanted was to tie in to the Face Book crowd(better known as FacePalm), in the hopes of even more money. Your friend shows wisdom. I usually just ignore anyone not in my guild myself.
Real ID was not a "MASSIVE" security flaw but i'm not going bother to explain why. However, just think about how common your name is already placed on things like Facebook, Twitter, your mail, and the store cards you use. True, there was at one point a flaw with Real ID names being exposed due to addon use, but that was quickly pointed out and fixed. In reality, things were blown out of proportion because people simply didn't want their real life names posted and enjoyed remaining anonymous, specially when it involved playing online fantasy games. This article touches on that subject.
Additionally, Blizzard mentioned in a Conference call in 2008 that their upkeep cost is $200 million and that their largest department is customer service. So to clarify: Customer service, the job that GMs and CMs do, is their biggest expense. I think that shows some care for the community. Kotaku touches on it here but just google it and you can find multiple sources.
I'm sorry for derailing this thread, just had to clear up some false claims
Edit: And for the record, I will be playing Rift with some RL friends.
I am done with Rift. I really wanted to like the game, it looks great, Trion is putting great effort into it, but today is really the last nail in the coffin.
I know people say WOW has a bad community, and going into it's dungeon browser really shows you the scum of humanity. But this... no matter what little you ask or critizise, I haven't EVER seen such an amount of hate, harrasment, flaming and attack than in the Rift chat channels. Why is it so difficult to just discuss different opinions WITHOUT 30 people jumping at my throat? I just don't want to spent my limited lifetime in an environment with such amounts of hate and agression around me.
It just is the last straw on many issues. Boring "Kill 10 Goblin" quests all over, difficulty & respawn rates, recent rise of bugs and issues... but more than all this the community looks terrible to me. I was just saying my Ranger/Marksman was constantly dying in some places, and the sheer amount of mockery, hate and whatnot was just... depressing.
You know, I didnt want to say this, but I had my 40th birthday today, I feel it's like "ok I am officially not young anymore" and having more days behind me than ahead of me, I made one decision today: I WONT stay in places with mean and inpolite people. I am mortal, my time is limited and life is too precious to waste it in places with unfriendly people. So while in past years I was more willing to "fight over things", debate all over and taking all bad manners, I decided from today I will avoid such places.
Maybe you think about this one time.
While I agree that the immaturity and sometimes downright hatred in the general chat is terrible, I won't let it ruin a game for me. If I'm having fun, I just listen to guild chat and simply turn off the general chat so I can't even see it.
If you are going to avoid online games because of the terrible quality of the community in general, I'm afraid that you will have to give ALL of them up. There 's simply not a game for mature people only. Well... there are, but they charge a lot and I don't think it's that type of maturity you were looking for.
Personally I like rift enough that it will be my main mmo for the forseeable future. I tend to stick to the RP servers, which by nature attract the more mature of the community. There are griefers that show up on RP servers just to grief us RPrs, but they don't usually last long. We have the patience of Maigret and usually outlast the immature ones. They get bored and re-roll on pvp servers or even pve servers and attempt to grief there.
Real ID was not a "MASSIVE" security flaw but i'm not going bother to explain why. However, just think about how common your name is already placed on things like Facebook, Twitter, your mail, and the store cards you use. True, there was at one point a flaw with Real ID names being exposed due to addon use, but that was quickly pointed out and fixed. In reality, things were blown out of proportion because people simply didn't want their real life names posted and enjoyed remaining anonymous, specially when it involved playing online fantasy games. This article touches on that subject.
Additionally, Blizzard mentioned in a Conference call in 2008 that their upkeep cost is $200 million and that their largest department is customer service. So to clarify: Customer service, the job that GMs and CMs do, is their biggest expense. I think that shows some care for the community. Kotaku touches on it here but just google it and you can find multiple sources.
I'm sorry for derailing this thread, just had to clear up some false claims
Edit: And for the record, I will be playing Rift with some RL friends.
Yea, it was. I canceled my account over it as a long time player (blackthorne on 3.5" floppy anyone?) and never looked back. I do not have nor want a Facecrook, Twitter or any other account megaphone for idiots broadcasting my personal life. They made their system OPT OUT aka you were automatically enrolled and there was a script you could google which would allow you see both yours and other people's names in game.
I tested it myself before I quit and received a very snarky email from their "customer service people" basically trying to explain why they thought I was wrong, I didn't ask them, I just said I wanted my accounts and information removed. Having your name on a credit card used in a local store is in no way equivalent to having all of your personal information and details about your life posted for the world to see be indexed and sold to companies and others trying to exploit it for gain in any way possible.
The Saturday Night Live skits about Julian Assange vs Mark Zuckerberg couldn't be more accurate.
If Blizz is spending $200 mil on customer service they need to get their money back. As I said, I asked them to close my b.net account and all associated accounts and wipe my personal information from their system when they did this. I got an email 2 weeks ago stating that they were sorry for my account being hacked and offered me a free authenticator (I work in IT, I checked the mail headers, it was legit). I wrote them back asking why they were still emailing me and why they still had my email address in their database when I had informed them that I was terminating all business relationships with them and did not want any of my information kept. I have *still* not received a response beyond an automated message saying they're really busy and with a link to unsubscribe, I can only assume people are jumping ship, and I *know* I'm not the only one who has had a ton of issues with their customer service.
If they want to learn how to have good customer service the list is a short one for companies these days (newegg and amazon are the only ones that come to mind), especially online ones. I can only think of a couple that have really outstanding service, some are mediocre and the majority are god awful and Blizzard is among the worst. A crying orc doesn't address my issues when I go to cancel something.
As for this game, I'm still not sold, I've basically stopped playing beta after only a few days and have continued reading voraciously about the game (primarily while bored at work) and the changes being made up til launch. As I stated in another thread, I'll probably end up playing from a lack of anything better out rather than from any deep love.
TL;DR : Blizzard sucks, this game is mediocre, you are a sad individual for having an attention span shorter than than my cat's .
Currently Playing: Perpetuum MMOs Played (most time spent to least): World of Warcraft (BG/Open world PvP focused), Lord of the Rings Online (PvMP focused), Warhammer Online (BG PvP focused), Global Agenda, Age of Conan, DC Universe Online (PvP focused), Runes of Magic, Allods, Aion, Fallen Earth
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
I've read every post on this thread, and you all missed the target, or many of you rather.
The reason RIFT has bad community at the moment, is because it's a open beta on a pay to play game. People are bored, they want something to do. Probably 1/12th of the people on rift RIGHT NOW will not play the game. All those people flaming general chat won't stay. Those who do like RIFT will stay. I mean, p2p games don't have betas like this, where it is so easy to get on and play.
I don't know, maybe PVE realms have a nicer communtiy or something, an occasional wow talk here and there, immature comments once in a while. I haven't seen any really vicious people like I did the first time I played Eve. So, I don't think the in-game community is really mean, I'd give the community a B grade if it was just in-game.
However, I've seen a lot of mean fanboys going in the Rift forums, but more importantly they are all over these forums and other game forums. Those people bug me the most. These people make the Rift players look horrible, these people drag the community grade to a D-...ugh.
-I want a Platformer MMO
A D-? Coach will totally sit them for this Friday's game!
(I agree wholeheartedly.)
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
Happy Birthday to you!! I hope the rest of the day was better for you. Don't feel as though you are not young anymore just accept the world changes, and so do we. I am about to turn 40 and sure there are times I feel I can no longer keep up but I still have that fire in my heart and I bet you do too. Just remember how you saw people our age when you were 13.
As for those people with the bad attitudes, we all started from the beginning, we all had to learn it by asking questions andtrying things out. Sure they might pretend they know it all, and if they do, then they obviously are spending dfar too much time in cyber space. Don't let a bunch of kids who think they know it all and pretend to do so get you down. Just remember they are busy trying not to look stupid to their friends you don't have to worry about things like that. Poor poor kids
Oh and ps. If you want some help just ask me I'll be glad to help. I am on the blightweald or brightweald server, whatever it's called (erm bad memory....too much acid in the 90s) Eahlswyth is my toon. If you have to start a new toon there, I have plenty od toons I tried out that are still young
i do love how these threads spawn a discussion,
yeah most points of rift it doesnt do alot of new stuff but the old stuff it does do, is done so much better than the rest, Dungeons are a challenge, you actually have tactics.
the tree's are awesome, so many different specs you can roll.
the community you have been seeing is completely different to previous beta tests, and it is reflecing badly on the game,
the trolls have been out in force of late with, but its mainly low level children, arguing over whether wow was the very first MMO or not, and for 20 minutes today all someone did was spam "wow best and first MMO" best bet, once your in game try /leave 5 and /leave 4
It's most likely already been said but I didn't want to sift through the pages of quotes and rants.
Once the game launches and the betas end, quite a few of these instigators and antagonizers will disappear. After a few months even more of the scum will be wiped away, leaving a thin layer of scum and a lot of dedicated players.
This is typical beta behavior, even typical MMO behavior. A large number of people that are all anonymous feel like they have the right to scream their beliefs and burn anyone who disagrees at the stake. With so many other people there is naturally going to be a crowd behind him/her jumping on the bandwagon.
I'd advise you to wait a couple months into launch and try it again. If you feel that strongly and are adamant about leaving, I wish you luck in your ventures.
Only thing that will change come launch, is that people wont be able to use beta as the excuse for the terrible community.
That, or there isnt going to be a lot of players come launch, wich i dont think is the case.
Rift is getting the good community that blessed another, very populair game. Its here to stay...for one month, then they move back. Yes that was sarcastic. You think all those players from that other game are going to want to do the same endgame gear grind they just came from?
Ill be drastically more interested in the game after that happens.
I get where you're coming from, but you might try playing on Faeblight or Shadefallen (RP servers). We've had great communities in both servers (both factions) since forever ago. And interestingly enough it's only gotten better in Open Beta.
How you would have loved the EQ1 community or in my case, Dark Age of Camelot's RP community - back when GMs even monitored general chat to ensure that while no one has ever been expected to speak in broken Shakespearian - people were (a) expected to be curteous (b) on rp servers they had to at leat maintain their own character's perceptions of reality, hence while you wouldn't say thee and thou, you would as well not say dude, pwn, l33t, penis along with resounding typed giggles and further immaturity; point is:
After 2004, a lot of players from other Blizzard titles (Diablo), and other non mmorpg games in general such as counterstrike and so forth, along with just kids who were 14 or so in 2004 who are now 20 and still at home and pissed at life no matter how stoned they get - are looking for that next fresh mmorpg that they can dominate with the most "Over Powered" classes possible - until they rage quit and move on.
The industry has opened the floodgates for these players because they will help swell initial sales which in turns help some of the investment issues that developers have to pay back fairly quickly from launch. The result is that the older or at least the more mature community (I've met friend's kids in WoW who type and speak well and carry themselves better than 25 year olds in Age of Conan) players like you and I get the the shaft. No housing, no complex lore and divisive politics, nothing to really give us an mmorpg feel - just eye candy and a slew of immediate gratifcation dungeon finder programs.
However, give it a few months, it might weed out. My advice?
1. TURN OFF GENERAL CHAT (if at all possible).
2. Play on an RP - PVE server. Not as fun as pvp but you will dodge a lot of arse hats off the bat because if there's two things Johnny Griefer loves, it's lolerskating over Role Players by dumming down their community through a cloud of ignorance, a failed lifestyle, and pot smoke, and (2) killing people who come home to families from full time jobs who can't hit end game in 1 week.
All I can say friend - grats on your 40th birthday. Oh, and that part where you said the majority of your life has already passed? That may be so if you go by an average life span cap for a United States male of average health (74-80 years), but your future will be seen by eyes that have been conditioned by experience, and the wisdom that is a subsequence of that time well spent. You will thusly make much better use of your time and in effect get much more out of your future than you ever gained from the natural bumbling and cognititve fumbling that comes from the naivity of youth
/my two cents - get that PVE RP server and stick with it.
Just to be that guy...life expectancy estimates are severly skewed due to factoring in early life deaths. That means that someone living in Angola probably has the same life expectancy as someone in norway, but the people in angol have more early childhood deaths, mostly at birth. They factor in the life of the child, being near zero, and get some crazy life expectancy of like 45 or 50, when those who do live past childhood live very long in those societies. Basically life expectancy estimates are bullshit because of this.
You are absolutely correct. However, in grad school I had a professor that used to bang his fist and say, "undergrads have opinions based on a broad grasp of general knowledge, graduate students, however, are held to a higher standard. Therefore (and here's my point) you must always cite your sources."
That being said, 76-78 years seems to be the average. (I was off by 2 years).
In an August 2009 issue of the National Vital Statistics Reports (NVSR), the average lifespan for a male has been taken into account without many of the factors that you pointed out that change the position of said information on a bell curve; and I quote:
For certain causes of death such as unintentional injuries, homicides, suicides, drug-induced deaths, and sudden infant death syndrome, preliminary and final data may differ because of the truncated nature of the preliminary file
"Over the past decade, life expectancy has increased 1.4 years -- from 76.5 in 1997 to 77.9 in 2007..." from a Washington Post report on the same article.
Jiaquan Xu, M.D, et al., (2009). Deaths: Preliminary Data of 2007. National Vital Statistics Reports, 58, 1-51.
Just trying to give our friend the info since it's his birthday and all!
dear guys, another old guy (Im 35 years old) will share his wisdom with you.
and its pretty simple: 95 % of the world population is dumb like a piece of wood.
its the absence of intelligence, education and manners you are able to see in
a MMO chat nowadays.
in former times, MMOs were games for computer nerds - who I think have usually
a higher IQ than the average WoW player. nowadays the uneducated masses flood
our games.
an example: yesterday I played my necromancer and challenged a warrior to a duel.
I won (it was pretty close) and then we had this kind of conversation:
me: thanks 4 duel
dumb mmo guy: yu ran around u stupid ?
me: lol - its called kiting
dumb mmo guy: you stupid noob 2 versus 1
me: errr.. you know.. thats my pet.. Im a necro.. thats not a pl..
dumb mmo guy: STFU NOOB (runs off)
me: 0.o
what you can do is just PLAY and ignore the main chat. look for a guild for adult people -> have fun
pps. english is not my native language
ROFL thanks for the laugh you pretty much nailed it on the head, the industry is overrun with them, not just as gamers but as game makers too.
Would be so nice to be able to go back to when they all considered us geeks and nerds and wanted nothing to do with computers or gaming.
Yep a duel with 3 players ... they aren't only dumb they are also redifining the dictionary.
What server are you on? I've been on Faeblight - PVE-RP.
Generally, if you pick an RP server the community is better. But yes, you need a thicker skin these days if you are going to ask for help on a public channel.
As for your Marksman/Ranger dying all the time - L2P. ;^)
LOL That's classic stuff right there! I play on a RP server as well and haven't run into idiots like these yet... *knocks on wood*... Joining an adult guild was excellent advice, and as you don't need chat for jumping from rift to rift or stopping an invasion you should be good to go.
With each passing day, as people who were just showing up in game to troll, (or who found the game over their heads or just not to their taste), have left, the community has become better and better. You could even see it the day after OB started and it has progressed daily. I think it's a good indication of the type of players who will be left in game once the tourists are gone for good.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
I agree, I turned off general chat after the 5th day, and yes I did see the demographics chart claiming (supposedly) that the majority of the players were over 25 but than where all these 13 year olds came from? (and not the bright and intelligent 13 year olds)
When someone enters the game for the first time and makes an innocent comment that this game is similar to WoW at least 5 others starts to make deragatory coments about him in CAPS, like "I WANT TO D...E ON YOUR GRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!"
I played on 6 different servers, its all the same, and those ppl are here as well.I made a post here that the game is fun for a short time, it is polished and bug free but I found it shallow and I will not purchase the game.After 7 pages of totally immature comments the mods locked up the page! Some posters even accused of me being some kind of a secret agent for WoW trying to ruin RIFT! btw I did play WoW in beta, I was on the fence but I ended up not buying the game...
Well... Fan is short for fanatic. And we all know how crazy fanatics can be.
Real ID was not a "MASSIVE" security flaw but i'm not going bother to explain why. However, just think about how common your name is already placed on things like Facebook, Twitter, your mail, and the store cards you use. True, there was at one point a flaw with Real ID names being exposed due to addon use, but that was quickly pointed out and fixed. In reality, things were blown out of proportion because people simply didn't want their real life names posted and enjoyed remaining anonymous, specially when it involved playing online fantasy games. This article touches on that subject.
Additionally, Blizzard mentioned in a Conference call in 2008 that their upkeep cost is $200 million and that their largest department is customer service. So to clarify: Customer service, the job that GMs and CMs do, is their biggest expense. I think that shows some care for the community. Kotaku touches on it here but just google it and you can find multiple sources.
I'm sorry for derailing this thread, just had to clear up some false claims
Edit: And for the record, I will be playing Rift with some RL friends.
While I agree that the immaturity and sometimes downright hatred in the general chat is terrible, I won't let it ruin a game for me. If I'm having fun, I just listen to guild chat and simply turn off the general chat so I can't even see it.
If you are going to avoid online games because of the terrible quality of the community in general, I'm afraid that you will have to give ALL of them up. There 's simply not a game for mature people only. Well... there are, but they charge a lot and I don't think it's that type of maturity you were looking for.
Personally I like rift enough that it will be my main mmo for the forseeable future. I tend to stick to the RP servers, which by nature attract the more mature of the community. There are griefers that show up on RP servers just to grief us RPrs, but they don't usually last long. We have the patience of Maigret and usually outlast the immature ones. They get bored and re-roll on pvp servers or even pve servers and attempt to grief there.
Yea, it was. I canceled my account over it as a long time player (blackthorne on 3.5" floppy anyone?) and never looked back. I do not have nor want a Facecrook, Twitter or any other account megaphone for idiots broadcasting my personal life. They made their system OPT OUT aka you were automatically enrolled and there was a script you could google which would allow you see both yours and other people's names in game.
I tested it myself before I quit and received a very snarky email from their "customer service people" basically trying to explain why they thought I was wrong, I didn't ask them, I just said I wanted my accounts and information removed. Having your name on a credit card used in a local store is in no way equivalent to having all of your personal information and details about your life posted for the world to see be indexed and sold to companies and others trying to exploit it for gain in any way possible.
The Saturday Night Live skits about Julian Assange vs Mark Zuckerberg couldn't be more accurate.
If Blizz is spending $200 mil on customer service they need to get their money back. As I said, I asked them to close my b.net account and all associated accounts and wipe my personal information from their system when they did this. I got an email 2 weeks ago stating that they were sorry for my account being hacked and offered me a free authenticator (I work in IT, I checked the mail headers, it was legit). I wrote them back asking why they were still emailing me and why they still had my email address in their database when I had informed them that I was terminating all business relationships with them and did not want any of my information kept. I have *still* not received a response beyond an automated message saying they're really busy and with a link to unsubscribe, I can only assume people are jumping ship, and I *know* I'm not the only one who has had a ton of issues with their customer service.
If they want to learn how to have good customer service the list is a short one for companies these days (newegg and amazon are the only ones that come to mind), especially online ones. I can only think of a couple that have really outstanding service, some are mediocre and the majority are god awful and Blizzard is among the worst. A crying orc doesn't address my issues when I go to cancel something.
As for this game, I'm still not sold, I've basically stopped playing beta after only a few days and have continued reading voraciously about the game (primarily while bored at work) and the changes being made up til launch. As I stated in another thread, I'll probably end up playing from a lack of anything better out rather than from any deep love.
TL;DR : Blizzard sucks, this game is mediocre, you are a sad individual for having an attention span shorter than than my cat's .
Currently Playing: Perpetuum
MMOs Played (most time spent to least): World of Warcraft (BG/Open world PvP focused), Lord of the Rings Online (PvMP focused), Warhammer Online (BG PvP focused), Global Agenda, Age of Conan, DC Universe Online (PvP focused), Runes of Magic, Allods, Aion, Fallen Earth
One game's fan is another game's hater.
And vice versa, one game's hater is another game's fan(boi)
Rofl. Damn, your cat is good.
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Sigh... ok, shouldn't this thread be dead by now?
Playing: Ableton Live 8
~ ragequitcancelsubdeletegamesmashcomputerkillself ~
Last time I checked, RIFT had chat filters.
I've read every post on this thread, and you all missed the target, or many of you rather.
The reason RIFT has bad community at the moment, is because it's a open beta on a pay to play game. People are bored, they want something to do. Probably 1/12th of the people on rift RIGHT NOW will not play the game. All those people flaming general chat won't stay. Those who do like RIFT will stay. I mean, p2p games don't have betas like this, where it is so easy to get on and play.