I have had many personal expiriences with "God" - i call him Yahweh, or The Christ, Yasu'a Al Masih
i have had physical expiriences with "demons" when i was a non christian (Muslim), and a hater of Christianity and Judaism.
I no longer have any contact with Demons as a Christian but almost everyone i know to this day who is not a christian expiriences or has expirienced "Ghosts", "spirits", "Ancestors" ect
There isn't an arguement if God exists because you cannot argue the existence of a real being..... it is just ridiculous. You can deny his existence because somehow trying to hide under the covers makes you not see him .... doesn't mean he can't see and hear you.
Bottom line is Christ doesn't have a relationship with someone who isn't willing to even speak with him. The Bible is a living text, as you read it you change, life changes, and "reality" as you know it changes. The Bible is a step in a staircase... there is much more to expirience and learn after the Bible although the Bible is so large that you can spend your whole life learning from it easily.
I have had expiriences in my life AFTER i believed that now icould never turn back from knowing that there are other beings out there.... heck even here as we speak that are in a very real and active struggle to either guide us or mislead us to or away from truth.
I have always believed in a creator but not necesarrily in the right way from the begining. I started off as a Theist (believed in a God), coverted to Islam, 9 years later became a Christian. In every stage life has dramatically changed and the control, clearity, and quality of my life is drastically different.
The primary reason most people don't believe or don't believe correctly is faith requires a lot from a person. Faith is hardship, suffering in different forms, anguish, perseverance, dedication and a willingness to put your trust in something you don't have full control over. Frankely most people don't want to do this and will care less about going through this until it's too late.
lastly, the Bible is a guide to life, faith and reason. It is a massive history book and a modern day sign of revelation and guidence all in one. Not only that but it has thousands of prophecies in plain text that have all come true and continue to keep coming true as new prophecies are fullfilled.
The Bible code predicts thousands of events ranging from political rises and falls, to terrorist attacks and battles. Sept. 11th was specifically prophesied in the Bible code in detail of the date, loction, the mastermind (Osama Bin laden) and God's feelings toward the attack. The Bible itself is unmatched and unequaled in age and scope, yet the bible code gives us modern day prophecy ina day when there are no living prophets currently.
If you don't take it seriously, that is your decision but the U.S/ Israeli government certianly do and have government code crackers working on the Bible code to help show when the next terrorist attacks wil lbe and what new world changing events are taking place.
The Bible code gives the location of the WMD from Saddam, and even when the next asteriod is going to hit the earth (2012). Yet amazing enough the Bible code gives many alternatives to each prophecy.... meaning that the outcome is in our hands in many situations. The code says that the asteriod destroys earth in 2012, yet also says humanity destroys the asteriod in 2012.... obviously God is feeding this critical information for a reason.
As time goes by life keeps getting more complex and amazing, God is inviting everyone to his path to find peace from a world full of pain. I just hope some of you take the opportunity to do some reading and see how amazing and complex the Bible really is, i was in your shoes once and i hated the Bible for no reason until i picked it up and read it. Life has never been the same since then, Praise God.
You really don't have much choice if you want to or not. You have 2 choices, Eternal Life or Death..... It might be a nice thought to you if you could just end and that's it but it won't happen. There is a better alternative to eternal death by the way, life in the Kingdom is much better friend
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life - Yasu'a Al Masih ( Jesus the Christ)
Well isn't that nice? lol It might not be something you're into, but isn't that the point of a discussion board? To talk about things and share opinions, not everyone is going to like every topic. Besides I don't think anyone is -making- you read it. JMO
The thing with Christianity is that most of it isnt original. Most things have been incorporated from older and larger relgions of the time. The bible was written by men not God.
So if you think about it logically it would make more sense to believe in the very first religion.
No I don't. Why? - Because I have never seen, heard nor experienced anything that would lead me to believe that there is a God, it's that simple.
Some people argue that someone had to create the world, and that someone has to be GOD. So how did he come into being? Well, apparently he is eternal.
My guess is that the world is eternal, it's always been here. It didn't start and it will never end. Matter cannot disappear, it just changes form. We know this for a fact. I don't see the proof of divine interference anywhere. Evolution people!
I can, however, understand the 'need' to believe in a God. It's nice to know that you're not alone, and that there is a purpose with your life. And lastly: That there is an afterlife!
- God was created by man out of this 'need' and out of fear of death.
BUT, we are alone. You have only one life, and it's this one. So please, live it to it's full extent; don't waste it. Carpe Diem y'all!
"If God did not exist it would be necessary for us to invent Him."
Well that in itself is a good theory for the existance of God, lets say the universe has been here forever or stay forever as u suggest.. Well in the 46 billion years of this planets existance a lifeform has evolved that can actually ponder the meaning of existance in a very logical way. Over the last 100 years alone man has learnt and put into practise the ability to send information at the speed of light , fly to planets 100`s of thousands of miles away, travel over 24 times the speed of sound and create a tv series of the quality of 24.. (Jack Bauer rules!! )
Now given that mankind has done all this and that technology (in our civilisation at least) increases at an exponential rate (thats faster and faster in laman terms). Assuming that mankind doesnt get wiped out, he has between 10^36 to 10^100 years ...yes thats 10 with 36 to 100 zeros on the end of it..years until the end of time...according to science and heres a url for reference (http://www.pbs.org/deepspace/timeline/)
If during this inconcievable amount of time (it takes u 30 years without sleeping just to count to a billion u know) man actually discovers how to time-travel.. or any other race for that matter on any other planets (lets not start counting planets .. approximately 100 billion stars in our galaxy and currently believed to be between 125 to 500 billion galaxies.. im not going to do the multiplication ) . The ability to do so would allow any civilization an infinite amount to further its knowledge and technology (not that 10^36 years isnt long enough).
All things considering technology is more than likely to go beyond our imagination of what is possible, just as we cant mentally comprehend or even see most of the things around us, we cannot understand the or comprehend what most of us call God. But back to the point I`d like to make.
If God isnt the beginning maybe he is the product of the end which leads to the beginning.
Originally posted by Valdemar No I don't. Why? - Because I have never seen, heard nor experienced anything that would lead me to believe that there is a God, it's that simple. Some people argue that someone had to create the world, and that someone has to be GOD. So how did he come into being? Well, apparently he is eternal. My guess is that the world is eternal, it's always been here. It didn't start and it will never end. Matter cannot disappear, it just changes form. We know this for a fact. I don't see the proof of divine interference anywhere. Evolution people! I can, however, understand the 'need' to believe in a God. It's nice to know that you're not alone, and that there is a purpose with your life. And lastly: That there is an afterlife! - God was created by man out of this 'need' and out of fear of death. BUT, we are alone. You have only one life, and it's this one. So please, live it to it's full extent; don't waste it. Carpe Diem y'all!
Well the best part about being a Christian is acceptance. Just because you don't believe in a real God which is there and present doesnt mean i can't talk or take up friendship with others (like in Islam). If you choose to ignore God by denying him than yes you will never expirience anything most likely.
You pay taxes whether you believe in them or not...... you don't believe in them for too long there will most certinaly be a penalty by the IRS which ive never seen or heard from but i know it's there and active in this world in some way. Only way i'll ever know the IRS is through the text they send me.
I can assure you i have been blessed, lucky enough, or whatever you'd like to say to see many things beyond and greater than this world, although that did not come before i believed an accepted that there was a God in this universe that created it all. I believed that before i accepted Christianity.
Anyhow, peace to you all and it's good to be in a country where we can paly MMO's and talk about freedom of thought and religion cheers!
The thing that is frustrating to me is, I have seen things that only the Bible explains in great detail. I have expirienced a relationship with God which is not easily described and have lived a life that most have not. When i try to tell people about what i have lived through so far, some take it seriously but not always in the right way and others just dismiss it as a joke or insanity or something along those lines.
It's almost like the boy who cried wolf without the lies at the begining. Seeing isn't believing because no matter what you see, if you are not willing to put your trust in God than no matter what miracle is performed in front of you or supernatural event that takes place, you will never have faith. The physical expiriences i have had never made me believe more, no matter how amazing they were.
The views most modern scientist try to throw at you are more unbelievable than intelligent design. To believe that the entire universe was created by nothing into something complex and full of wonder is just stupidity, no offense.
A scientist has not been able to provide me with a good explanation to why human beings alone in this world have a sense of morality from the day they are born. If a child was to be born on an island deserted and the mother died. Even though the child had no teachings of a moral code, when that person thought or acted out immoral things than he/she would feel guilt o remorse in some way. The Bible says from the day we are concieved the law of God is imprinted on our hearts. That is why i have always believed in good and evil even though my parents or family never talked to me about belief in a God or what is good and bad. When i was in junior high for instance, I started to get involved with a bad crowd of kids and when I or my friends were doing immoral things i would feel guilt and remorse for those things. When i talked to my parents about it they didn't tell me I was wrong, and even encouraged it to an extent.
Some of us may choose to ignore the moral law upon our hearts but no matter what kind of person you are, that will never completely disappear.
Yes the Bible was written by men but the men did not write it by their own creation or freewill, God did work divinely through them and the prophets of the New and Old testament were simple men, most uneducated by our standards yet all produced tremendous works of writting that is unmatched today even by the greatest scholars. The Bible explains why he uses men so often to do his will, a primary reason for this is he wants us to share in his Kingdom and be active by spreading it and betering it. We were given FREE WILL for a purpose so we could choose our side i nthings and proove our worth.
He uses me and the millions of other Christians to speak with you to begin the first step of communication. After that things get much better, but you won't get to step 2 without step 1.
Seeing is believing...... no no Believing IS seeing
Time to pull some things off of my blog... sigh...
My Questions to a Faithful 'God' believer. (I'll start here as defining God; 1. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.)
Let me start off by saying I am (or at least believe myself to be) extremely open-minded and I am agnostic. There may be a God but I doubt the existance of one because of a few of the following reasons:
1) How does one decide what is 'good' or 'evil' when these are just opinions? You and I may think killing another person is evil, but there are those who think this act would be an act of good- especially depending on the person (which is quite silly, I believe killing is 'bad/ evil' either way- our power to kill should only be used in self-defense if there is no other method available to defend from an attacker.)
2) We are not born knowing there is a God. We are taught- there are millions of people who live and die not hearing the word of him, her, or it, being he, she, or it, 'Allah' or 'God.' Are they to be viewed as 'inferior' if they do not even have the chance of knowing this God and the 'greater expectations' he, she, or it has of us?
3) Why would 'God' create us if he knew, for a fact, that if we went through the 'wrong' actions we would be eternally damned to suffering? This is not love, not compassion. In my humble opinion, if this is the case, the 'God' that governs all is quite a cruel being.
The point is: Even if there is some 'higher power,' I truely doubt he has much (for lack of a better word) caring for us- think about it; nothing in our lives, nothing at all, is truely 'good' or 'bad.' There are no guidelines to living- we simple are, so we might as well enjoy it (or not). If there is a 'God,' I really do doubt he/she/it would look like us, but rather, we created him/her/it in our image.
There is only one 'unverisal good' I can think of: hope. Even if you're a killer, or a baby sitter, you still have hope for the best- optimism is good . Remember the last thing that came out of Pandora's box? Hope.
I'll also end this off with another little thing taken off of my blog :P:
I say poe-tay-toe, you say poe-tah-toe; I say toe-may-toe, you say toe-mah-toe; I say universe, you say god.
Edit: I don't mean to advertise, but if you want to take a look into the rest of my blog (which is aptly titled "The Opinion of a Sentient Being" and is mostly philisophical insight into various concepts) then here it is: . There are also quite a few articles that deal with 'God,' the universe, and religion that pertain to this forum. I didn't want to clutter though by copying and pasting it all http://www.instago.blogspot.com
"I truely doubt he has much (for lack of a better word) caring for us"
why do some many people try to tell God what he cares about, what his law is, and what he is or isn't? It is amazing that he would care for us because we are all pathetic, self righteous know it all who think we know everything about the creation and the universe when we really don't know jack to be frank.
There is a great deal that happens beyond just our world, but we don't know all the ins and outs of the universe, only God does. We are provided a large book of information that pertains to our existence. God even says that the Bible is small and barely scratches the surface of all the things he knows and created. None the less he is a Being of supreme tolerance, calm, and love and no matter what we do he tolerates our rebellion against him and hopes that we seek forgiveness. After all he gave us a 3rd chance after the flood and spared from total annihilation because he had hope that we could grow to a better existence and trust in him instead of always trusting solely in ourselves.
Intead of doubting all the time, go read and see for yourself. The Bible is quite clear and i promise you it will keep you on the edge of your seat. Although it isnt the handbook to all creation it is a handbook to a great deal of human history and modern prophecy.
why do some many people try to tell God what he cares about, what his law is, and what he is or isn't? It is amazing that he would care for us because we are all pathetic, self righteous know it all who think we know everything about the creation and the universe when we really don't know jack to be frank.
I am very confused- your first paragraph contradicts your second (hell theres so much contradiction I can't even tell what contradicts what anymore...). First of all, I'm not telling what 'God' cares about, I am merely stating my opinion- I am not dead set on it, nor would I kill another because of my mere opinion.
There is a great deal that happens beyond just our world, but we don't know all the ins and outs of the universe, only God does. We are provided a large book of information that pertains to our existence. God even says that the Bible is small and barely scratches the surface of all the things he knows and created. None the less he is a Being of supreme tolerance, calm, and love and no matter what we do he tolerates our rebellion against him and hopes that we seek forgiveness. After all he gave us a 3rd chance after the flood and spared from total annihilation because he had hope that we could grow to a better existence and trust in him instead of always trusting solely in ourselves.
The bible is a book, and what do we know about books? Don't trust everything you read in books. If I was to pick up Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess and start preaching it to you, what would you do? You'd slam me for acting like a fictious book is fact (and the basis of life itself), and the same, in my opinion, goes for the bible.
Intead of doubting all the time, go read and see for yourself. The Bible is quite clear and i promise you it will keep you on the edge of your seat. Although it isnt the handbook to all creation it is a handbook to a great deal of human history and modern prophecy.
Yet more contradiction, my brain is going to explode! Also, would you mind answering the three questions I asked in the begining? Also, I'll disprove the whole 'flood' incident for everyone (yet another entry from my blog)
Debunking Noah's Ark I will start by presenting some information:
"What was the date of [the supposed]Noahs Flood?
According to the Jewish historian Josephus, Irish archbishop and chronologist James Ussher, and most conservative Christian scholars, the Flood of Noah's time occurred between 2500 BC and 2300 BC." http://www.users.bigpond.com/rdoolan/flooddate.html
Most of my argument is based off of the belief that some people have that the Earth was created approximately 6,000 years ago, at around 4,000BC. The tree 'Methuselah' is 4,767 years old- for it to be this old, it would have had to have lived underwater during the biblical flood. It is extremely improbable that a tree that is not normally submerged underwater could survive underwater for more than two weeks, nonetheless the supposed 'one year' of the biblical flood. The only way this tree could have survived at 4,767 years of age would be if there was, in fact, no biblical flood at all.
Also- if there was a biblical flood and this tree somehow miraculously survived, a core sample of the tree rings would show evidence of the massive amount of water this tree would have taken in at around the same time of the supposed biblical flood.
It took me all of thirty minutes to research, arrange, and present this information before you. Stories, also known as lies, do not hold up to the facts.
If you look at http://www.sonic.net/bristlecone/WhiteMts.html says; White Mountains rise to a respectable altitude of 14,246 feet (4342m). Might be reason those pines lived? hmm ... Personally i don't need to prove either way.
[quote]Originally posted by Sobish [b]If you look at [url=http://www.sonic.net/bristlecone/WhiteMts.html] says; White Mountains rise to a respectable altitude of 14,246 feet (4342m). Might be reason those pines lived? hmm ... Personally i don't need to prove either way.
In hell no one will hear your screams! [/b][/quote]
The entire Earth was covered in water. The keyword here is entire- it means all.
#1 All The Mountains Were Covered. The tops of all the high mountains under the entire heavens were at least 20 feet beneath the waters surface (Genesis 7:19-20). It would be absurd to think that a flood covering the highest mountains of the Middle East would not affect the rest of the world. In addition, the waters remained at this awesome, mountain-covering height for five months! (Genesis 7:18-24, 8:1-5).
Almost every time that I am involved in a lectureship on a college campus or a similar place I have people--young people usually--who will come to me and say, "Well all right, you've shown us that there is some evidence for God's existence, but if there is a God and if he is a loving and merciful God, how do you explain the problems of suffering and death and all the tragedies that happen to people?" Why is it that these things occur? I believe any question that man can ask has a reasonable answer-at least an answer that is as consistent with God's existence as it is in opposition to God's existence. And so, in the problem of human suffering and the problem of death and tragedies-things that happen to all of us--there are answers. [more]
This is the epilogue for those of you who flip to the end of the book. I did make it! I'm 62!!! The exclamation points are because I didn't think I would see 50. God is so awesome! God would
Debunking Noah's Ark I will start by presenting some information:
"What was the date of [the supposed]Noahs Flood? According to the Jewish historian Josephus, Irish archbishop and chronologist James Ussher, and most conservative Christian scholars, the Flood of Noah's time occurred between 2500 BC and 2300 BC." http://www.users.bigpond.com/rdoolan/flooddate.html ________________________________
"Earth's oldest living inhabitant "Methuselah" at 4,767 years, has lived more than a millennium longer than any other tree." http://www.sonic.net/bristlecone/intro.html Most of my argument is based off of the belief that some people have that the Earth was created approximately 6,000 years ago, at around 4,000BC. The tree 'Methuselah' is 4,767 years old- for it to be this old, it would have had to have lived underwater during the biblical flood. It is extremely improbable that a tree that is not normally submerged underwater could survive underwater for more than two weeks, nonetheless the supposed 'one year' of the biblical flood. The only way this tree could have survived at 4,767 years of age would be if there was, in fact, no biblical flood at all. Also- if there was a biblical flood and this tree somehow miraculously survived, a core sample of the tree rings would show evidence of the massive amount of water this tree would have taken in at around the same time of the supposed biblical flood. It took me all of thirty minutes to research, arrange, and present this information before you. Stories, also known as lies, do not hold up to the facts.
Many people think now that when Noah said the whole Earth was flooded he actually meant all of the known Earth to them. Also I'm pretty sure that history records a large flood in the area that Noah lived in...(I'll try to find some links for it tomorrow im tired tonight)
Many people think now that when Noah said the whole Earth was flooded he actually meant all of the known Earth to them. Also I'm pretty sure that history records a large flood in the area that Noah lived in...(I'll try to find some links for it tomorrow im tired tonight)
I'm sorry, friend, but the story shouldn't be changed to avoid the facts [and does anyone know the real story, anyway? Most of the original writings are gobbly-gook if interpreted literally]. We just need to accept that the Bible is a story (aka, not true), and the people that wrote it were writing it to help their own agendas out- the entire story of Jesus is quite tainted. It is our own fault, too.
Wow, all my posts were deleted, that's gotta be a record. It's just this God subject - reading the responses etc. gets me worked up. I would like to make a post that won't get deleted just to get my 2 cents in and so that I can feel vindicated.
God - Real or no?
Answer - I dunno
Religion in it's organized form - good for the "sheep/masses"
Spirituality - good for e'ryone
That's the basic breakdown.
My belief system revolves around the idea that nobody knows anything for sure about the after life / after death. Since we aren't dead yet - we don't really know what happens post-death.
Scary to me that some people think they do know for sure what happens after life etc.
Ignorance is bliss I hear...
Now, that's about as politically correct as I can be on this topic? What do ya think mods? Acceptable?
I have had many personal expiriences with "God" - i call him Yahweh, or The Christ, Yasu'a Al Masih
i have had physical expiriences with "demons" when i was a non christian (Muslim), and a hater of Christianity and Judaism.
I no longer have any contact with Demons as a Christian but almost everyone i know to this day who is not a christian expiriences or has expirienced "Ghosts", "spirits", "Ancestors" ect
There isn't an arguement if God exists because you cannot argue the existence of a real being..... it is just ridiculous. You can deny his existence because somehow trying to hide under the covers makes you not see him .... doesn't mean he can't see and hear you.
Bottom line is Christ doesn't have a relationship with someone who isn't willing to even speak with him. The Bible is a living text, as you read it you change, life changes, and "reality" as you know it changes. The Bible is a step in a staircase... there is much more to expirience and learn after the Bible although the Bible is so large that you can spend your whole life learning from it easily.
I have had expiriences in my life AFTER i believed that now icould never turn back from knowing that there are other beings out there.... heck even here as we speak that are in a very real and active struggle to either guide us or mislead us to or away from truth.
I have always believed in a creator but not necesarrily in the right way from the begining. I started off as a Theist (believed in a God), coverted to Islam, 9 years later became a Christian. In every stage life has dramatically changed and the control, clearity, and quality of my life is drastically different.
The primary reason most people don't believe or don't believe correctly is faith requires a lot from a person. Faith is hardship, suffering in different forms, anguish, perseverance, dedication and a willingness to put your trust in something you don't have full control over. Frankely most people don't want to do this and will care less about going through this until it's too late.
lastly, the Bible is a guide to life, faith and reason. It is a massive history book and a modern day sign of revelation and guidence all in one. Not only that but it has thousands of prophecies in plain text that have all come true and continue to keep coming true as new prophecies are fullfilled.
The Bible code predicts thousands of events ranging from political rises and falls, to terrorist attacks and battles. Sept. 11th was specifically prophesied in the Bible code in detail of the date, loction, the mastermind (Osama Bin laden) and God's feelings toward the attack. The Bible itself is unmatched and unequaled in age and scope, yet the bible code gives us modern day prophecy ina day when there are no living prophets currently.
If you don't take it seriously, that is your decision but the U.S/ Israeli government certianly do and have government code crackers working on the Bible code to help show when the next terrorist attacks wil lbe and what new world changing events are taking place.
The Bible code gives the location of the WMD from Saddam, and even when the next asteriod is going to hit the earth (2012). Yet amazing enough the Bible code gives many alternatives to each prophecy.... meaning that the outcome is in our hands in many situations. The code says that the asteriod destroys earth in 2012, yet also says humanity destroys the asteriod in 2012.... obviously God is feeding this critical information for a reason.
As time goes by life keeps getting more complex and amazing, God is inviting everyone to his path to find peace from a world full of pain. I just hope some of you take the opportunity to do some reading and see how amazing and complex the Bible really is, i was in your shoes once and i hated the Bible for no reason until i picked it up and read it. Life has never been the same since then, Praise God.
Hey would you want to be in a heaven or hell forever? I wouldn't :P Dying and that being the end is a nice thought[/b][/quote]
Dying is never the end, just a transition to a better life
You really don't have much choice if you want to or not. You have 2 choices, Eternal Life or Death.....
It might be a nice thought to you if you could just end and that's it but it won't happen. There is a better alternative to eternal death by the way, life in the Kingdom is much better friend
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life - Yasu'a Al Masih ( Jesus the Christ)
"Let this topic die please. It's annoying."
Well isn't that nice? lol It might not be something you're into, but isn't that the point of a discussion board? To talk about things and share opinions, not everyone is going to like every topic. Besides I don't think anyone is -making- you read it. JMO
The thing with Christianity is that most of it isnt original. Most things have been incorporated from older and larger relgions of the time. The bible was written by men not God.
So if you think about it logically it would make more sense to believe in the very first religion.
No I don't. Why? - Because I have never seen, heard nor experienced anything that would lead me to believe that there is a God, it's that simple.
Some people argue that someone had to create the world, and that someone has to be GOD. So how did he come into being? Well, apparently he is eternal.
My guess is that the world is eternal, it's always been here. It didn't start and it will never end. Matter cannot disappear, it just changes form. We know this for a fact. I don't see the proof of divine interference anywhere. Evolution people!
I can, however, understand the 'need' to believe in a God. It's nice to know that you're not alone, and that there is a purpose with your life. And lastly: That there is an afterlife!
- God was created by man out of this 'need' and out of fear of death.
BUT, we are alone. You have only one life, and it's this one. So please, live it to it's full extent; don't waste it. Carpe Diem y'all!
Ah yes famously quoted by Voltaire
"If God did not exist it would be necessary for us to invent Him."
Well that in itself is a good theory for the existance of God, lets say the universe has been here forever or stay forever as u suggest.. Well in the 46 billion years of this planets existance a lifeform has evolved that can actually ponder the meaning of existance in a very logical way. Over the last 100 years alone man has learnt and put into practise the ability to send information at the speed of light , fly to planets 100`s of thousands of miles away, travel over 24 times the speed of sound and create a tv series of the quality of 24.. (Jack Bauer rules!! )
Now given that mankind has done all this and that technology (in our civilisation at least) increases at an exponential rate (thats faster and faster in laman terms). Assuming that mankind doesnt get wiped out, he has between 10^36 to 10^100 years ...yes thats 10 with 36 to 100 zeros on the end of it..years until the end of time...according to science and heres a url for reference (http://www.pbs.org/deepspace/timeline/)
If during this inconcievable amount of time (it takes u 30 years without sleeping just to count to a billion u know) man actually discovers how to time-travel.. or any other race for that matter on any other planets (lets not start counting planets .. approximately 100 billion stars in our galaxy and currently believed to be between 125 to 500 billion galaxies.. im not going to do the multiplication ) . The ability to do so would allow any civilization an infinite amount to further its knowledge and technology (not that 10^36 years isnt long enough).
All things considering technology is more than likely to go beyond our imagination of what is possible, just as we cant mentally comprehend or even see most of the things around us, we cannot understand the or comprehend what most of us call God. But back to the point I`d like to make.
If God isnt the beginning maybe he is the product of the end which leads to the beginning.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Well the best part about being a Christian is acceptance. Just because you don't believe in a real God which is there and present doesnt mean i can't talk or take up friendship with others (like in Islam). If you choose to ignore God by denying him than yes you will never expirience anything most likely.
You pay taxes whether you believe in them or not...... you don't believe in them for too long there will most certinaly be a penalty by the IRS which ive never seen or heard from but i know it's there and active in this world in some way. Only way i'll ever know the IRS is through the text they send me.
I can assure you i have been blessed, lucky enough, or whatever you'd like to say to see many things beyond and greater than this world, although that did not come before i believed an accepted that there was a God in this universe that created it all. I believed that before i accepted Christianity.
Anyhow, peace to you all and it's good to be in a country where we can paly MMO's and talk about freedom of thought and religion cheers!
The thing that is frustrating to me is, I have seen things that only the Bible explains in great detail. I have expirienced a relationship with God which is not easily described and have lived a life that most have not. When i try to tell people about what i have lived through so far, some take it seriously but not always in the right way and others just dismiss it as a joke or insanity or something along those lines.
It's almost like the boy who cried wolf without the lies at the begining. Seeing isn't believing because no matter what you see, if you are not willing to put your trust in God than no matter what miracle is performed in front of you or supernatural event that takes place, you will never have faith. The physical expiriences i have had never made me believe more, no matter how amazing they were.
The views most modern scientist try to throw at you are more unbelievable than intelligent design. To believe that the entire universe was created by nothing into something complex and full of wonder is just stupidity, no offense.
A scientist has not been able to provide me with a good explanation to why human beings alone in this world have a sense of morality from the day they are born. If a child was to be born on an island deserted and the mother died. Even though the child had no teachings of a moral code, when that person thought or acted out immoral things than he/she would feel guilt o remorse in some way. The Bible says from the day we are concieved the law of God is imprinted on our hearts. That is why i have always believed in good and evil even though my parents or family never talked to me about belief in a God or what is good and bad. When i was in junior high for instance, I started to get involved with a bad crowd of kids and when I or my friends were doing immoral things i would feel guilt and remorse for those things. When i talked to my parents about it they didn't tell me I was wrong, and even encouraged it to an extent.
Some of us may choose to ignore the moral law upon our hearts but no matter what kind of person you are, that will never completely disappear.
Yes the Bible was written by men but the men did not write it by their own creation or freewill, God did work divinely through them and the prophets of the New and Old testament were simple men, most uneducated by our standards yet all produced tremendous works of writting that is unmatched today even by the greatest scholars. The Bible explains why he uses men so often to do his will, a primary reason for this is he wants us to share in his Kingdom and be active by spreading it and betering it. We were given FREE WILL for a purpose so we could choose our side i nthings and proove our worth.
He uses me and the millions of other Christians to speak with you to begin the first step of communication. After that things get much better, but you won't get to step 2 without step 1.
Seeing is believing...... no no
Believing IS seeing
Time to pull some things off of my blog... sigh...
The point is: Even if there is some 'higher power,' I truely doubt he has much (for lack of a better word) caring for us- think about it; nothing in our lives, nothing at all, is truely 'good' or 'bad.' There are no guidelines to living- we simple are, so we might as well enjoy it (or not). If there is a 'God,' I really do doubt he/she/it would look like us, but rather, we created him/her/it in our image.
There is only one 'unverisal good' I can think of: hope. Even if you're a killer, or a baby sitter, you still have hope for the best- optimism is good . Remember the last thing that came out of Pandora's box? Hope.
I'll also end this off with another little thing taken off of my blog :P:
Edit: I don't mean to advertise, but if you want to take a look into the rest of my blog (which is aptly titled "The Opinion of a Sentient Being" and is mostly philisophical insight into various concepts) then here it is: . There are also quite a few articles that deal with 'God,' the universe, and religion that pertain to this forum. I didn't want to clutter though by copying and pasting it all http://www.instago.blogspot.com
"I truely doubt he has much (for lack of a better word) caring for us"
why do some many people try to tell God what he cares about, what his law is, and what he is or isn't? It is amazing that he would care for us because we are all pathetic, self righteous know it all who think we know everything about the creation and the universe when we really don't know jack to be frank.
There is a great deal that happens beyond just our world, but we don't know all the ins and outs of the universe, only God does. We are provided a large book of information that pertains to our existence. God even says that the Bible is small and barely scratches the surface of all the things he knows and created. None the less he is a Being of supreme tolerance, calm, and love and no matter what we do he tolerates our rebellion against him and hopes that we seek forgiveness. After all he gave us a 3rd chance after the flood and spared from total annihilation because he had hope that we could grow to a better existence and trust in him instead of always trusting solely in ourselves.
Intead of doubting all the time, go read and see for yourself. The Bible is quite clear and i promise you it will keep you on the edge of your seat. Although it isnt the handbook to all creation it is a handbook to a great deal of human history and modern prophecy.
I don't have imaginary friends, let alone believe in any.
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I am very confused- your first paragraph contradicts your second (hell theres so much contradiction I can't even tell what contradicts what anymore...). First of all, I'm not telling what 'God' cares about, I am merely stating my opinion- I am not dead set on it, nor would I kill another because of my mere opinion.
The bible is a book, and what do we know about books? Don't trust everything you read in books. If I was to pick up Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess and start preaching it to you, what would you do? You'd slam me for acting like a fictious book is fact (and the basis of life itself), and the same, in my opinion, goes for the bible.
Yet more contradiction, my brain is going to explode! Also, would you mind answering the three questions I asked in the begining? Also, I'll disprove the whole 'flood' incident for everyone (yet another entry from my blog)
If you look at http://www.sonic.net/bristlecone/WhiteMts.html says; White Mountains rise to a respectable altitude of 14,246 feet (4342m). Might be reason those pines lived? hmm ... Personally i don't need to prove either way.
In hell no one will hear your screams!
All i can say , there is a GOD!
[quote]Originally posted by Sobish
[b]If you look at [url=http://www.sonic.net/bristlecone/WhiteMts.html] says; White Mountains rise to a respectable altitude of 14,246 feet (4342m). Might be reason those pines lived? hmm ... Personally i don't need to prove either way.
In hell no one will hear your screams! [/b][/quote]
The entire Earth was covered in water. The keyword here is entire- it means all.
http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-c005.html^Very good website for getting your facts on the biblical flood, straight
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Many people think now that when Noah said the whole Earth was flooded he actually meant all of the known Earth to them. Also I'm pretty sure that history records a large flood in the area that Noah lived in...(I'll try to find some links for it tomorrow im tired tonight)
Yes, that is what is comanlly known as 'Clutching at straws'
I'm sorry, friend, but the story shouldn't be changed to avoid the facts [and does anyone know the real story, anyway? Most of the original writings are gobbly-gook if interpreted literally]. We just need to accept that the Bible is a story (aka, not true), and the people that wrote it were writing it to help their own agendas out- the entire story of Jesus is quite tainted. It is our own fault, too.
Wow, all my posts were deleted, that's gotta be a record. It's just this God subject - reading the responses etc. gets me worked up. I would like to make a post that won't get deleted just to get my 2 cents in and so that I can feel vindicated.
God - Real or no?
Answer - I dunno
Religion in it's organized form - good for the "sheep/masses"
Spirituality - good for e'ryone
That's the basic breakdown.
My belief system revolves around the idea that nobody knows anything for sure about the after life / after death. Since we aren't dead yet - we don't really know what happens post-death.
Scary to me that some people think they do know for sure what happens after life etc.
Ignorance is bliss I hear...
Now, that's about as politically correct as I can be on this topic? What do ya think mods? Acceptable?