Originally posted by ste2000 Look Daramer, since you are so good to criticise the way we "twist" the facts, would you mind to enlighten us on the truth?What are the real facts?Tell us about Mourning devs and publisher qualities and what they got right.Tell us about all the amazing features that were implemented and fully working at the moment of Mourning cancelation. (If Beta was free it wouldn't matter if a game has features missing, but since people had to pay to play beta, you need to take this into consideration when you expose your facts)We are all ears.The stage is all yours.........and please no bullshit.........
I've already said clearly that the game shouldn't have been released in such a state, so why do you want to force me to defend a position that isn't mine? Anyway that's not what the OP is about, it's not about the game itself (except a few points), it's about everything that surrounded it, and that's where most of the twisting/lying occured. And sorry, but I don't really see the point of wasting one hour of my life writting down point by point what is wrong about the OP, when all I will get from it is insults and flaming from the crowd here (I've already been called a fanboy [of course - everyone who even slightly disagree with the OP systematically becomes one], an idiot and a retard just for stating an opinion that doesn't follow the current trend - not that I care about the opinion of some random anonymous poster on the net, but it certainly doesn't encourage having any kind of intelligent discussion here) As an example, just look at Fadeus' post just above mine... He's not flaming, but it's clear that most here don't care about what is true or what isn't, they're just happy playing the 'let's bash Mourning' game...
Maybe I will though, it depends on the free time I can gather today or tomorrow...
Originally posted by Daramar As an example, just look at Fadeus' post just above mine... He's not flaming, but it's clear that most here don't care about what is true or what isn't.
That's exactly the point Daramar. We know the reasons why Mourning and its entourage are a disgrace for the MMORPG industry. We rely on hard facts which we believe are true.
Now......if you think that we twist the facts to benefit our cause, you should be smart enough to correct us and to point out at the right direction. I invited you to expose your facts so we can discuss about them, maybe we are missing something...........
Originally posted by ste2000 That's exactly the point Daramar.We know the reasons why Mourning and its entourage are a disgrace for the MMORPG industry.We rely on hard facts which we believe are true.Now......if you think that we twist the facts to benefit our cause, you should be smart enough to correct us and to point out at the right direction.I invited you to expose your facts so we can discuss about them, maybe we are missing something...........
Lol you sure use nice baits When I have enough free time.
PS: btw I'm not trying to point out everyone here in the "right" direction, I'm fully aware many here won't change their mind, at the very least - even in the hypothetic situation where I had a perfect argument - because most people don't like to admit they were wrong. Especially after having flamed so strongly the game (I respect Zaxtor for doing what he did back then, flaming the game but trying it anyway and actually giving it a good review, even knowing he would be flamed like hell for doing just that [the fact that his review was too exagerated on the plus side is irrelevant here, since most who flamed him never had played the game anyway])
Well, I'll chime in my points. For one, arguing this is pointless, as one side (Daramar) believes the game to be 'good', which is an opinion. It's his to make and a valid one in his eyes. On the other side (Zaxtor, Ste200, etc.) are the ones who look at the game and reside of the opinion that it was incomplete and then go further and lambast the company for releasing something they shouldn't have.
Since you're not going to change each others' mind, all you can do is influence others. Quit arguing about it. You're just dragging this thread out over something idiotic. Go your seperate ways and believe what you continue to believe.
Now to deal in FACTS. These are not opinions, so they are not debatable.
1. Mourning was released before it was finished - Pretty much everything else falls into this category, such as features not being implemented, the bugs that riddled the game, the incomplete (I hope anyway) animations, the lack of quests, etc.
2. The lack of quality customer service - While this is borderline debatable, as what constitutes good customer service, I think that in the general public's eye, there was a definate lack thereof here. Whether or not an individual feels there was is immaterial as the public is what drives the product, not the individual. All the marketing decisions, as well as production decisions would fall into this category, such as the double billing, billing before the beta was over, etc.
Now, people will debate with other issues, such as the features would be implemented in the future, which is quite common in a lot of other software and feasible, or that the double billing and such were honest mistakes, etc. To me and quite a few others, it's immaterial. Mourning had its shot and pretty much fell flat on its face. To all extents and purposes, it was a failure, which is why it got pulled and put back into development. I tend to doubt that it will ever recover from this, as too much negative publicity was cast about it, regardless if you agree with it or not.
Frankly, if you still have good feelings toward Mourning, more power to you and I hope you enjoy it when it comes back out. If you don't, then don't worry about it. The game is off the radar and by the time it does come out again, then it will already be outclassed by everything else, since I'm guessing it will be at least another year before it comes out.
So quit dragging this thread out and go chat on the specific boards as you won't win any converts here and will just stir up the pot, so to speak, which could be the intention, so I would say to the others, just let it drop. Let him have his final words and let them drown in silence and let this thread die a peaceful death.
I was just browsing the web for online game news and came upon your post. I do not know much about Mourning or this website but your use of the English language, especially rhetoric, is alarming. You state:
[quote] Now to deal in FACTS. These are not opinions, so they are not debatable. [/quote]
Then you mention in the very first fact:
[quote] the incomplete (I hope anyway) animations [/quote]
Then in the second fact:
[quote] 2. The lack of quality customer service - While this is borderline debatable.....I think that in the general public's eye.... [/quote]
I did not read further than this after it became apparent you are indeed educated but not skilled in writing. Too many fallacies and double standards. You suffer from what many people suffer from. Your opinions are broader than you imagine yourself and facts are much more rare.
Mourning should not be re-released. Ever. Most certainly not by the same group of people as before. But also ever more certainly not by any other company or group of people.
Let me ask you this...
If you were a new or old game company... would you re-release this game with all the negative hype, bad propaganda, and huge negativity about it which would mean starting at a bigtime disadvantage... - or - would you make a completely different game altogether and perhaps just steal some of Mournings original ideas and game features if you liked them and start out on an even playing field?
Only a blithering idiot would choose to re-release Mourning and start out with one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel. It would be like shooting yourself right in the foot, seriously.
And we all already know full-well what will happen if the same devs and group of people responsble for the first disaster re-release this mess a second time.
So, NO - I absolutely positively think that Mourning is DEAD. It will never see the light of day again. But if you have one, do keep those nice cd cases and CDs they were shipped in, as I'm sure they'll be worth millions someday. Hell, I'd pay a dollar or so for a CD now, just so I could somehow mount it on the back wall inside my toilet. That way when I got up to take a piss every morning, I'd have a target to aim my golden ray of hope at.
Originally posted by twhint Now to deal in FACTS. These are not opinions, so they are not debatable.
Narrator speaks : (soft deep movie like voice) as the credit roll...
"twhint went on to be a senior media liason advisor to Donald Rumsfeld"
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
lol! some sort of magical power compels this topic. I mean, a gammar troll and a rumsfield advisor resurrected this thread even though they have no idea about the game.
Originally posted by Bitey lol! some sort of magical power compels this topic. I mean, a gammar troll and a rumsfield advisor resurrected this thread even though they have no idea about the game.
lol, I agree Bitey.. hehe.
100 years from now, people everywhere will still know all about the Mourning scandals back in 2005. lmao. It'll be as widely known as the fact most people know now days about Coca-Cola using real cocaine in its soda so many decades ago.
...Oh yeh, and if mmorpg.com still exists as a website, this thread will still be hot and going strong at about 22 billion posts and 3.2 billion pages!
Originally posted by Bitey lol! some sort of magical power compels this topic. I mean, a gammar troll and a rumsfield advisor resurrected this thread even though they have no idea about the game.
Even more bizarre when you consider their stated goal is to get the thread to stop
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
...You know, I think that it's only fair and proper that the great "DerfelCadarn" gets the luxury of writing the grand "1,000th post" in his own thread here that started this monster thread that indeed has about 1,000 times the entertainment and longetivity value as compared to the topic game Mourning ever did.
Maybe we should consider releasing it on CD and charging $10US
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
I noptice you cut and pasted as you liked, taking things out of context. But I'll let your post stand as it is and will let the other judge as they like.
To me personally, Reyla, you're making judgements based on your own fallacious statements. You either a) need to learn to read and examine reading, or b) need to attack someone with less academic credentials.
Originally posted by Reyla I was just browsing the web for online game news and came upon your post. I do not know much about Mourning or this website but your use of the English language, especially rhetoric, is alarming.
You should really read the thread before breaking out the grammar police
Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and possesses few effective weapons. To compensate, he will point out minor errors in spelling and grammar. Because of Grammarian's obvious weakness most Warriors ignore him.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I notice that you're not refuting any statement that I made. Show me where any of my statements are incorrect, as far as what I claim as fact, since Reyla seems to be under the impression it's my opinion.
When something is released as a finished product but is missing features that were promised by the time of release, it's incomplete, hence the term 'released early'.
What's debatable is the definition of 'good customer service'. Some people might consider being able to leave an email to the company 'good customer service', while others would require speaking to the president of the company as 'good customer service'. LHE's customer service was considered bad by the customers. If you found it to be good, then you might want to look at yourself and what you think you deserve.
My apologies for this second post, but it wouldn't let me edit my last post. You're more than welcome to go back and forth with this, but I would prefer you email me rather than drag this topic on. We can even create a new topic for it. But this is the proverbial dead horse and it's long since seen its day.
Originally posted by misslight this reminds me of horizons
Mourning makes Horizons make look the best mmorpg ever. horizons was buggy, but mourning was released in alpha by people looking for a quick buck.
Actually if you look at both games on day of release there wasn't that much difference. Both had a developer lying to players, both had very serious game breaking problems.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against. Bruce Lee
Originally posted by D0ZeR Actually if you look at both games on day of release there wasn't that much difference. Both had a developer lying to players, both had very serious game breaking problems.
That described nearly every MMOG released to market today.
Originally posted by misslight this reminds me of horizons
Provided you are on heroin, then yes it might be something like Horizons.
You always know how to make me giggle
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Personally Horizons always reminded me of Anarchy Online in how both started and had seriously problems and then tried to fix itself. The difference between the two is that I think Funcom was in a better position financially due to the past games it had made and possiblely the mmorpg community wasn't as rabid about pouncing on the game and company, where as they showed no mercy for Horizons.
wether Funcom managed to fix AO or not is still an open question, i dont think the game has improved that much since launch, its still the same old grind, altough now we can at least play the game, that was not even possible at launch for most of us that preordered the game.
Originally posted by Kem0sabe wether Funcom managed to fix AO or not is still an open question, i dont think the game has improved that much since launch, its still the same old grind, altough now we can at least play the game, that was not even possible at launch for most of us that preordered the game.
I played from 6 weeks before launch and for 3 months after... it still remains the worst MMO experience I have had... and has left me just a little more cynical and unforgiving about release states and promises by developers.
Funcom lowered the bar for what an acceptable release was and it has been raised much since. It was the work they did back then that made people like Limited Horizons think they can get away with what they tried to pull. They left other developers and publishers thinking that we will put up with basically anything. Sadly too many people are still trying to prove that theory right by defnding the likes of Mourning.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
And sorry, but I don't really see the point of wasting one hour of my life writting down point by point what is wrong about the OP, when all I will get from it is insults and flaming from the crowd here (I've already been called a fanboy [of course - everyone who even slightly disagree with the OP systematically becomes one], an idiot and a retard just for stating an opinion that doesn't follow the current trend - not that I care about the opinion of some random anonymous poster on the net, but it certainly doesn't encourage having any kind of intelligent discussion here)
As an example, just look at Fadeus' post just above mine... He's not flaming, but it's clear that most here don't care about what is true or what isn't, they're just happy playing the 'let's bash Mourning' game...
Maybe I will though, it depends on the free time I can gather today or tomorrow...
We know the reasons why Mourning and its entourage are a disgrace for the MMORPG industry.
We rely on hard facts which we believe are true.
Now......if you think that we twist the facts to benefit our cause, you should be smart enough to correct us and to point out at the right direction.
I invited you to expose your facts so we can discuss about them, maybe we are missing something...........
When I have enough free time.
PS: btw I'm not trying to point out everyone here in the "right" direction, I'm fully aware many here won't change their mind, at the very least - even in the hypothetic situation where I had a perfect argument - because most people don't like to admit they were wrong. Especially after having flamed so strongly the game (I respect Zaxtor for doing what he did back then, flaming the game but trying it anyway and actually giving it a good review, even knowing he would be flamed like hell for doing just that [the fact that his review was too exagerated on the plus side is irrelevant here, since most who flamed him never had played the game anyway])
Well, I'll chime in my points. For one, arguing this is pointless, as one side (Daramar) believes the game to be 'good', which is an opinion. It's his to make and a valid one in his eyes. On the other side (Zaxtor, Ste200, etc.) are the ones who look at the game and reside of the opinion that it was incomplete and then go further and lambast the company for releasing something they shouldn't have.
Since you're not going to change each others' mind, all you can do is influence others. Quit arguing about it. You're just dragging this thread out over something idiotic. Go your seperate ways and believe what you continue to believe.
Now to deal in FACTS. These are not opinions, so they are not debatable.
1. Mourning was released before it was finished - Pretty much everything else falls into this category, such as features not being implemented, the bugs that riddled the game, the incomplete (I hope anyway) animations, the lack of quests, etc.
2. The lack of quality customer service - While this is borderline debatable, as what constitutes good customer service, I think that in the general public's eye, there was a definate lack thereof here. Whether or not an individual feels there was is immaterial as the public is what drives the product, not the individual. All the marketing decisions, as well as production decisions would fall into this category, such as the double billing, billing before the beta was over, etc.
Now, people will debate with other issues, such as the features would be implemented in the future, which is quite common in a lot of other software and feasible, or that the double billing and such were honest mistakes, etc. To me and quite a few others, it's immaterial. Mourning had its shot and pretty much fell flat on its face. To all extents and purposes, it was a failure, which is why it got pulled and put back into development. I tend to doubt that it will ever recover from this, as too much negative publicity was cast about it, regardless if you agree with it or not.
Frankly, if you still have good feelings toward Mourning, more power to you and I hope you enjoy it when it comes back out. If you don't, then don't worry about it. The game is off the radar and by the time it does come out again, then it will already be outclassed by everything else, since I'm guessing it will be at least another year before it comes out.
So quit dragging this thread out and go chat on the specific boards as you won't win any converts here and will just stir up the pot, so to speak, which could be the intention, so I would say to the others, just let it drop. Let him have his final words and let them drown in silence and let this thread die a peaceful death.
I was just browsing the web for online game news and came upon your post. I do not know much about Mourning or this website but your use of the English language, especially rhetoric, is alarming. You state:
[quote] Now to deal in FACTS. These are not opinions, so they are not debatable. [/quote]
Then you mention in the very first fact:
[quote] the incomplete (I hope anyway) animations [/quote]
Then in the second fact:
[quote] 2. The lack of quality customer service - While this is borderline debatable.....I think that in the general public's eye.... [/quote]
I did not read further than this after it became apparent you are indeed educated but not skilled in writing. Too many fallacies and double standards. You suffer from what many people suffer from. Your opinions are broader than you imagine yourself and facts are much more rare.
This is not a fact, but my opinion -
Mourning should not be re-released. Ever. Most certainly not by the same group of people as before.
But also ever more certainly not by any other company or group of people.
Let me ask you this...
If you were a new or old game company... would you re-release this game with all the negative hype, bad propaganda, and huge negativity about it which would mean starting at a bigtime disadvantage... - or - would you make a completely different game altogether and perhaps just steal some of Mournings original ideas and game features if you liked them and start out on an even playing field?
Only a blithering idiot would choose to re-release Mourning and start out with one foot in the grave and the other foot on a banana peel. It would be like shooting yourself right in the foot, seriously.
And we all already know full-well what will happen if the same devs and group of people responsble for the first disaster re-release this mess a second time.
So, NO - I absolutely positively think that Mourning is DEAD. It will never see the light of day again. But if you have one, do keep those nice cd cases and CDs they were shipped in, as I'm sure they'll be worth millions someday. Hell, I'd pay a dollar or so for a CD now, just so I could somehow mount it on the back wall inside my toilet. That way when I got up to take a piss every morning, I'd have a target to aim my golden ray of hope at.
- Zaxx
Narrator speaks : (soft deep movie like voice) as the credit roll...
"twhint went on to be a senior media liason advisor to Donald Rumsfeld"
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
lol! some sort of magical power compels this topic. I mean, a gammar troll and a rumsfield advisor resurrected this thread even though they have no idea about the game.
lol, I agree Bitey.. hehe.
100 years from now, people everywhere will still know all about the Mourning scandals back in 2005. lmao. It'll be as widely known as the fact most people know now days about Coca-Cola using real cocaine in its soda so many decades ago.
...Oh yeh, and if mmorpg.com still exists as a website, this thread will still be hot and going strong at about 22 billion posts and 3.2 billion pages!
- Zaxx
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
...You know, I think that it's only fair and proper that the great "DerfelCadarn" gets the luxury of writing the grand "1,000th post" in his own thread here that started this monster thread that indeed has about 1,000 times the entertainment and longetivity value as compared to the topic game Mourning ever did.
- Zaxx
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
wow this topic is still here lol
I noptice you cut and pasted as you liked, taking things out of context. But I'll let your post stand as it is and will let the other judge as they like.
To me personally, Reyla, you're making judgements based on your own fallacious statements. You either a) need to learn to read and examine reading, or b) need to attack someone with less academic credentials.
You should really read the thread before breaking out the grammar police
Grammarian usually has little to contribute to a discussion and possesses few effective weapons. To compensate, he will point out minor errors in spelling and grammar. Because of Grammarian's obvious weakness most Warriors ignore him.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I notice that you're not refuting any statement that I made. Show me where any of my statements are incorrect, as far as what I claim as fact, since Reyla seems to be under the impression it's my opinion.
When something is released as a finished product but is missing features that were promised by the time of release, it's incomplete, hence the term 'released early'.
What's debatable is the definition of 'good customer service'. Some people might consider being able to leave an email to the company 'good customer service', while others would require speaking to the president of the company as 'good customer service'. LHE's customer service was considered bad by the customers. If you found it to be good, then you might want to look at yourself and what you think you deserve.
My apologies for this second post, but it wouldn't let me edit my last post. You're more than welcome to go back and forth with this, but I would prefer you email me rather than drag this topic on. We can even create a new topic for it. But this is the proverbial dead horse and it's long since seen its day.
this reminds me of horizons
Provided you are on heroin, then yes it might be something like Horizons.
Mourning makes Horizons make look the best mmorpg ever. horizons was buggy, but mourning was released in alpha by people looking for a quick buck.
Mourning makes Horizons make look the best mmorpg ever. horizons was buggy, but mourning was released in alpha by people looking for a quick buck.
Actually if you look at both games on day of release there wasn't that much difference. Both had a developer lying to players, both had very serious game breaking problems.
Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.
Bruce Lee
That described nearly every MMOG released to market today.
Provided you are on heroin, then yes it might be something like Horizons.
You always know how to make me giggle
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Personally Horizons always reminded me of Anarchy Online in how both started and had seriously problems and then tried to fix itself. The difference between the two is that I think Funcom was in a better position financially due to the past games it had made and possiblely the mmorpg community wasn't as rabid about pouncing on the game and company, where as they showed no mercy for Horizons.
wether Funcom managed to fix AO or not is still an open question, i dont think the game has improved that much since launch, its still the same old grind, altough now we can at least play the game, that was not even possible at launch for most of us that preordered the game.
All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.
I played from 6 weeks before launch and for 3 months after... it still remains the worst MMO experience I have had... and has left me just a little more cynical and unforgiving about release states and promises by developers.
Funcom lowered the bar for what an acceptable release was and it has been raised much since. It was the work they did back then that made people like Limited Horizons think they can get away with what they tried to pull. They left other developers and publishers thinking that we will put up with basically anything. Sadly too many people are still trying to prove that theory right by defnding the likes of Mourning.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon