hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha @ all of those that have some stupid, useless sense of entitlement. Newsflash- NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING. I don't care if you bought the game, pre-ordered it, CEed it, or rubbed it on your golden balls, no one owes you anything as long as the you could operate the software (and that is only if all other requirements for the software are met, such as hardware). Bioware OWES you a title, because you preordered but canceled? You freaking pre-ordered and got your crystal. Why the freak do you deserve anything more? You got the DD, so you have access to the in-game store for those that got the DD (plus all of the other items they give you automatically). You aren't ENTITLED to anything more. You got the CE- well, you already collected the goodies that came with that too.
If beyond this point you think you DESERVE something more than what you have already recieved by virtue of you pre-ordering, or some other petty reason, then YOU DESERVE to be laughed at...
Waiting for- Tera, Jumpgate Evo, WH40K, WWE, WOD, TSW -- -- "Hey, if Activision liked it, then they should have put a ring on it," Double Fine President Tim Schafer said. "Oh great, now Beyonce is going to sue me too."
Jesus, don't overreact... It's just a title for those who sub in the first few months, that's all there is to it... I'm off to bed, but I strongly recommend you don't waste more of your time with this.
Well, you can't say it's not an incentive for people to re-sub past the first month... = money grab.
I can say it.
It really was easy to type.
It is for the people that already were going to sub anyway. Which is the majority of players at this moment. You really think someone would resub just for a title?
Yes. Some people really are that stupid.
Well atleast I see some common sense here as Bioware is just trying to give a nod no matter how insignificant (Because honestly titles have never ment anything) to those who are actually following, playing, and enjoying the game.
It would have been a nice gesture if they had simply given the reward. No pre-requisites, no conditions, just a simple "Thanks for being here, guys ! We know it's not super-smooth, but we love you for sticking around".
An unconditional reward is a token of appreciation.
As a 'thank you' to everyone who helped make Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ one of the most successful MMO launches in history, we are rewarding early members of The Old Republic with a unique Founder's Medal and "Founder" Title!
Have a guess how you qualify for this title: "Billed at least once for an active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription".
Yup. It was not good enough that I preordered and bought the game to qualify as a founding member. I have to pay for at least one additional month. What a money grab.
I don't know about you people but this kind of blatant grab for cash makes me fume.
Thank goodness I unsubs from this game before my month was up.
so you think that you should be a founding member even if you dont play the game for more then a week huh?
@Tixylix: Exactly that, I personally wish all whiners to unsubscribe. But I'm sure BioWare is trying to make as much people to be happy and subscribe. I'm lvl 33 on my highest character I'm sure they didn't make patch 1.1 for me. Of course they should ban permanently all people with lvl 50 characters already and the community will have a huge improvement. But maybe the actually respect different playstyles not like armchair developers.
hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha @ all of those that have some stupid, useless sense of entitlement. Newsflash- NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING. I don't care if you bought the game, pre-ordered it, CEed it, or rubbed it on your golden balls, no one owes you anything as long as the you could operate the software (and that is only if all other requirements for the software are met, such as hardware). Bioware OWES you a title, because you preordered but canceled? You freaking pre-ordered and got your crystal. Why the freak do you deserve anything more? You got the DD, so you have access to the in-game store for those that got the DD (plus all of the other items they give you automatically). You aren't ENTITLED to anything more. You got the CE- well, you already collected the goodies that came with that too.
If beyond this point you think you DESERVE something more than what you have already recieved by virtue of you pre-ordering, or some other petty reason, then YOU DESERVE to be laughed at...
I found it pretty strange that I was going to get billed on the 19th, even though our access actually started on the 20th of december. Luckily for me I unsubbed 11.00pm on the 18th, just in time before they would've taken my money!
@OP: It was pretty funny receiving an email about the founder title. I immediately thought: "Hey I most likely have to resub to get this, instead of being a founder by preordering. What a joke."
hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha @ all of those that have some stupid, useless sense of entitlement. Newsflash- NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING. I don't care if you bought the game, pre-ordered it, CEed it, or rubbed it on your golden balls, no one owes you anything as long as the you could operate the software (and that is only if all other requirements for the software are met, such as hardware). Bioware OWES you a title, because you preordered but canceled? You freaking pre-ordered and got your crystal. Why the freak do you deserve anything more? You got the DD, so you have access to the in-game store for those that got the DD (plus all of the other items they give you automatically). You aren't ENTITLED to anything more. You got the CE- well, you already collected the goodies that came with that too.
If beyond this point you think you DESERVE something more than what you have already recieved by virtue of you pre-ordering, or some other petty reason, then YOU DESERVE to be laughed at...
This ^^ LOL I love it!
Agreed Kainis nailed it.
Simply something else trivial that folks are trying to make a major incident out of. Fuck em. If they arent supporting game, then they are entitled to nothing.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Looks like you can get it, or can at least redeem it, for the next several months. This thread is full of win and though. Founders are often regarded as people who pay to Found something, pretty simple idea, so people continuing through and paying for the 2nd month should probably be something like "Founders"...now for people who played beta and whatnot and those who may be returning in 3 months time, it is just a freaking title . Making the argument for people who will be returning to the game down the way, to check it out after patches/updates, to be considered "Founders", is pretty bogus (they didn't really stick with it)...but this is the internet after all. So ignore this comment and carry on I think my main toon has 15 titles already and I don't plan on ever using this corny title, or most of them for that matter...
Simply something else trivial that folks are trying to make a major incident out of. **** em. If they arent supporting game, then they are entitled to nothing.
It's comforting to know that every time an email is issued, we'll have fresh drama.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Jesus, don't overreact... It's just a title for those who sub in the first few months, that's all there is to it... I'm off to bed, but I strongly recommend you don't waste more of your time with this.
Well, you can't say it's not an incentive for people to re-sub past the first month... = money grab.
I can say it.
It really was easy to type.
It is for the people that already were going to sub anyway. Which is the majority of players at this moment. You really think someone would resub just for a title?
It most certainly is an incentive. Why announce the conditions on it? Why not just wait until after the the resub period then just hand it out to everyone? It's the same reason they pushed out the 1.1 patch before the resub period, they want to try to get people to resub even if only for another month.
As for your claim that the majority are resubbing, the chances are about 20% for that to be true. You see a phenominal retention rate is 70% for MMO's IIRC, 60% is great, 50% is average, etc. I'm not saying that technically it might be a maority(52% for instance is still a majority), but it isn't like unsubbers are a low number of players. If giving everyone a title can get them 1% of those unsubbers to resub it would be a win for them.
There are two options for all of this: A. They are really greedy and are doing everything they can to get every last resub possible no matter what regardless of how the game is doing or B. They know the game isn't in great shape and will have retention issues. I'm saying B currently but it is EA behind them so A is very possible.
I haven't read the thread, nor will I, but seriously - why? I mean why do you care? I really try to figure it out.. I don't get it!
Don't you people who complain about this title that is basicly worthless and only pixels above someones head have Anything better to do or complain about? There are surely more pressing issues to discuss!
Sometimes I feel like an alien. I really don't get people. Verbal minority? I hope so.. *shakes head*
hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha @ all of those that have some stupid, useless sense of entitlement. Newsflash- NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING. I don't care if you bought the game, pre-ordered it, CEed it, or rubbed it on your golden balls, no one owes you anything as long as the you could operate the software (and that is only if all other requirements for the software are met, such as hardware). Bioware OWES you a title, because you preordered but canceled? You freaking pre-ordered and got your crystal. Why the freak do you deserve anything more? You got the DD, so you have access to the in-game store for those that got the DD (plus all of the other items they give you automatically). You aren't ENTITLED to anything more. You got the CE- well, you already collected the goodies that came with that too.
If beyond this point you think you DESERVE something more than what you have already recieved by virtue of you pre-ordering, or some other petty reason, then YOU DESERVE to be laughed at...
But it's a bit absurd, and it can happen, that someone preordering the CE edition (o standard) in the summer and resubbing in april won't have the founder title, and someone buying the game in march will have the founder title.
But it's a bit absurd, and it can happen, that someone preordering the CE edition (o standard) in the summer and resubbing in april won't have the founder title, and someone buying the game in march will have the founder title.
It's not really. Just buying the game does not make your a 'founder'. Playing the game should make you one. Those people not only payed for the game, but also suffered though the first few month of a launch. This is why they are seen as founders.
hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha @ all of those that have some stupid, useless sense of entitlement. Newsflash- NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING. I don't care if you bought the game, pre-ordered it, CEed it, or rubbed it on your golden balls, no one owes you anything as long as the you could operate the software (and that is only if all other requirements for the software are met, such as hardware). Bioware OWES you a title, because you preordered but canceled? You freaking pre-ordered and got your crystal. Why the freak do you deserve anything more? You got the DD, so you have access to the in-game store for those that got the DD (plus all of the other items they give you automatically). You aren't ENTITLED to anything more. You got the CE- well, you already collected the goodies that came with that too.
If beyond this point you think you DESERVE something more than what you have already recieved by virtue of you pre-ordering, or some other petty reason, then YOU DESERVE to be laughed at...
This ^^ LOL I love it!
Agreed Kainis nailed it.
Simply something else trivial that folks are trying to make a major incident out of. Fuck em. If they arent supporting game, then they are entitled to nothing.
I'm /signing this too.
It's veteran reward, a customer loyalty scheme, whatever you want to call it; it's not unusual, but giving it to people who aren't paying for a sub would be bizarre. City of Heroes offers costume pieces for people who commit to a subscription, should I throw a hissy fit because I didn't get them since I'm paying my sub money to SWTOR this month? No.
You even have a couple of months to qualify for this title for goodness sake; you can unsub now and if the game is more to your liking before the end of March, you can resub and still get the 'reward'.
BioWare should give a real life title to the people that quit the game before the end of the month. If they didn't that just prove they are failing as developers.
But it's a bit absurd, and it can happen, that someone preordering the CE edition (o standard) in the summer and resubbing in april won't have the founder title, and someone buying the game in march will have the founder title.
It's not really. Just buying the game does not make your a 'founder'. Playing the game should make you one. Those people not only payed for the game, but also suffered though the first few month of a launch. This is why they are seen as founders.
So someone that subs in march has suffered and supported the game more than someone that prordered and suffered the first month?
I posted this in the other thread about this topic, but I might as well post it here:
Why would people who have decided to unsub care about something like a title in a game they wouldn't be playing next month anyway? Unless they're people that like to make a fuss about anything? >.>
The title is nothing special or extraordinary but nice for those people who'll still be playing the game, the title has absolutely no value to people who won't be playing the game anyway, so why they should even feel bothered about it like some seem to do is beyond me.
It's not aimed specifically at current players to make them resub, it's actually a general marketing campaign.
Even people who only ever played in a beta weekend (and never bought the game) got the same email. Hell, probably everyone who ever registered on the SWTOR site got one.
hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha @ all of those that have some stupid, useless sense of entitlement. Newsflash- NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING. I don't care if you bought the game, pre-ordered it, CEed it, or rubbed it on your golden balls, no one owes you anything as long as the you could operate the software (and that is only if all other requirements for the software are met, such as hardware). Bioware OWES you a title, because you preordered but canceled? You freaking pre-ordered and got your crystal. Why the freak do you deserve anything more? You got the DD, so you have access to the in-game store for those that got the DD (plus all of the other items they give you automatically). You aren't ENTITLED to anything more. You got the CE- well, you already collected the goodies that came with that too.
If beyond this point you think you DESERVE something more than what you have already recieved by virtue of you pre-ordering, or some other petty reason, then YOU DESERVE to be laughed at...
Tried- L2, Ryzom, WAR, DDO, PWI, Tab Rasa, Requiem, Champs, AA, JD, PWI, SUN, Dawntide
Played- SWG (pre-cu), AoC, VG, WoW, LoTRO,CoX, EQ2, DAOC, GW, PotBS, Aion, MO,APB, NASA, Fallen Earth, DCUO, Rift
Playing- EVE, Black Prophecy, TOR
Waiting for- Tera, Jumpgate Evo, WH40K, WWE, WOD, TSW
"Hey, if Activision liked it, then they should have put a ring on it," Double Fine President Tim Schafer said. "Oh great, now Beyonce is going to sue me too."
It would have been a nice gesture if they had simply given the reward. No pre-requisites, no conditions, just a simple "Thanks for being here, guys ! We know it's not super-smooth, but we love you for sticking around".
An unconditional reward is a token of appreciation.
A conditional reward is a receipt of payment.
so you think that you should be a founding member even if you dont play the game for more then a week huh?
I'm lvl 33 on my highest character I'm sure they didn't make patch 1.1 for me. Of course they should ban permanently all people with lvl 50 characters already and the community will have a huge improvement.
But maybe the actually respect different playstyles not like armchair developers.
The best reward from BIOWARE beta tester inclusive . Is IP ban for those that live outside the peroder zone so they cant play on launch !
This ^^ LOL I love it!
Should've used proxy servers
I think all of Russia is one big proxy server
I found it pretty strange that I was going to get billed on the 19th, even though our access actually started on the 20th of december. Luckily for me I unsubbed 11.00pm on the 18th, just in time before they would've taken my money!
@OP: It was pretty funny receiving an email about the founder title. I immediately thought: "Hey I most likely have to resub to get this, instead of being a founder by preordering. What a joke."
It seems I was right...
Agreed Kainis nailed it.
Simply something else trivial that folks are trying to make a major incident out of. Fuck em. If they arent supporting game, then they are entitled to nothing.
Asking Devs to make AAA sandbox titles is like trying to get fine dining on a McDonalds dollar menu budget.
Looks like you can get it, or can at least redeem it, for the next several months. This thread is full of win and though. Founders are often regarded as people who pay to Found something, pretty simple idea, so people continuing through and paying for the 2nd month should probably be something like "Founders"...now for people who played beta and whatnot and those who may be returning in 3 months time, it is just a freaking title . Making the argument for people who will be returning to the game down the way, to check it out after patches/updates, to be considered "Founders", is pretty bogus (they didn't really stick with it)...but this is the internet after all. So ignore this comment and carry on I think my main toon has 15 titles already and I don't plan on ever using this corny title, or most of them for that matter...
It's comforting to know that every time an email is issued, we'll have fresh drama.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
it's 30 days... from dec 20th to jan 19th it's 30 days by my count, might have made a mistake
It most certainly is an incentive. Why announce the conditions on it? Why not just wait until after the the resub period then just hand it out to everyone? It's the same reason they pushed out the 1.1 patch before the resub period, they want to try to get people to resub even if only for another month.
As for your claim that the majority are resubbing, the chances are about 20% for that to be true. You see a phenominal retention rate is 70% for MMO's IIRC, 60% is great, 50% is average, etc. I'm not saying that technically it might be a maority(52% for instance is still a majority), but it isn't like unsubbers are a low number of players. If giving everyone a title can get them 1% of those unsubbers to resub it would be a win for them.
There are two options for all of this: A. They are really greedy and are doing everything they can to get every last resub possible no matter what regardless of how the game is doing or B. They know the game isn't in great shape and will have retention issues. I'm saying B currently but it is EA behind them so A is very possible.
I haven't read the thread, nor will I, but seriously - why? I mean why do you care? I really try to figure it out.. I don't get it!
Don't you people who complain about this title that is basicly worthless and only pixels above someones head have Anything better to do or complain about? There are surely more pressing issues to discuss!
Sometimes I feel like an alien. I really don't get people. Verbal minority? I hope so.. *shakes head*
Ya December goes to the 31st...
Should of had a separate thread about them billing you early, would have been a winner
But it's a bit absurd, and it can happen, that someone preordering the CE edition (o standard) in the summer and resubbing in april won't have the founder title, and someone buying the game in march will have the founder title.
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
It's not really. Just buying the game does not make your a 'founder'. Playing the game should make you one. Those people not only payed for the game, but also suffered though the first few month of a launch. This is why they are seen as founders.
I'm /signing this too.
It's veteran reward, a customer loyalty scheme, whatever you want to call it; it's not unusual, but giving it to people who aren't paying for a sub would be bizarre. City of Heroes offers costume pieces for people who commit to a subscription, should I throw a hissy fit because I didn't get them since I'm paying my sub money to SWTOR this month? No.
You even have a couple of months to qualify for this title for goodness sake; you can unsub now and if the game is more to your liking before the end of March, you can resub and still get the 'reward'.
Bioware owes non-subscribers nothing, grow up.
So someone that subs in march has suffered and supported the game more than someone that prordered and suffered the first month?
I find your logic disturbing.
An honest review of SW:TOR 6/10 (Danny Wojcicki)
The title is nothing special or extraordinary but nice for those people who'll still be playing the game, the title has absolutely no value to people who won't be playing the game anyway, so why they should even feel bothered about it like some seem to do is beyond me.
It's not aimed specifically at current players to make them resub, it's actually a general marketing campaign.
Even people who only ever played in a beta weekend (and never bought the game) got the same email. Hell, probably everyone who ever registered on the SWTOR site got one.
I just pity people without a little self-respect.
They can shove their "reward" somewhere and rather start fixing the bugs. Begging for my money with cheap marketing is pathetic.
They dont need to give me any founder titles, just a game that I can play.
"Oh screw this game, screw bioware, screw this, im unsub......A TITLE OH MY GOD I WANT IT *.*!"
Really , I can see people reacting like this
Which is sad because Bioware will just get out clean and will just repeat their mistakes
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence