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You can't deny that the game is boring, it just IS.
After reading another thread I've figured out what it is....
The #2 reason is that every part of the universe looks the same with a different wallpaper.
But the #1 aspect that makes Eve so boring is TRAVEL TIME. I mean it's just inSANE. Every game out there has ways of speedy travel, you either take the subway in CoH or you get on the bird in WoW, they had PoK in Everquest, basically a means of fast travel.
In Eve there is no means of fast travel, and even worse you can't autopilot everywhere for fear of getting ganked.
So right there we have a triple game-gimping combination of :
1) Slow travel times
2) Identical environment with a different wallpaper
3) Have to be at the keyboard during the WHOLE time from gankers.
As I see it right now, Eve is basically a game kept afloat by pandering to gankers, that's really the only fun thing to do in the game. There is also a sizeable population of what I would call "hardcore carebears" which are basically carebears that are such hardcore nerds that they are content to sit in base all day long manufacturing, buying/selling, researching, and basically igoring the rest of the game. Either that or they work as slave-miners to huge 400 man alliance corps, who take their labor and give back "access to 0.0" in return.
Fleet battles involve blobs of purple blue and red dots, and battle involves listening for a primary target, locking it up, and hitting F1-F8. If your tank gets too weak, warp to a moon, recharge for 30 seconds and warp back.
The loser gets to mine and go shopping for a new ship.
You can summarize Eve in one word : Wait.
Wait to travel. Wait to warp. Wait for someone to jump through the gate. Wait for skills. Wait for manufacturing. Wait for research. Wait for the mining laser. Anything you do, the first thing you do is WAIT.
What Eve needs is to overhaul their system of instas, overhaul their travel times, it's just HORRENDOUS.
Even travelling 20 jumps is EXCRUCIATING.
Dude, it's space. Everywhere you's jump through the gate and you're still You make 60 jumps, AND YOU'RE STILL IN SPACE. The 60th universe looks exactly like the other 59 jumps you went through!
What thought process went through your minds that thought it would be EXCITING to travel 15k to each gate, just to go to a place that looks exactly like the place you came from!
And if you're lucky enough to have instas, your game content consists of waiting for the next sector to load.
Think about it. You don't actually see anything, you're warping right on top of the gate and jumping through. Where's the content? Oh the warp animation is the content. The warp animation...warping...coming out of warp...jumping....warping...coming out of warp...jumping....warping ....warping....warping....warping....over and over and over and over.
Don't get brainwashed into playing this game just because it took so long to develop your character. I got into this trap and it took me a long time to figure out that all the promises of a fun tommorrow never happen. You go from mining in a bantam, to mining in a cruiser, to mining in a BS, to mining in a barge...or hunting in a hunting in a hunting in a're just doing the same boring thing with a more expensive ship.
It's not worth it. Break free and play something else that's actually fun.
Well i've always liked the traveling :P you can go and do something else while you wait of gets your heart pumping while flying through 0.0
Always thought it brang a sense of immersion into the game!
Also you don't have to mine :S
Scam people
Camp gates
Agent missions
Set up a loan service or something
Do trade routes
etc. etc.
Don't click here...no2
Sounds like you shouldn't even have started playing in the first place.
You dismiss people who love the economics side of the game as "hardcore carebears", people who love the PvP are all gankers, you then trivialize EVE as simply a waiting game, which the same thing could be said about EVERYTHING. No I'm sorry, you haven't had some kind of amazing epiphany, you've simply just gone into it, nick picked and trivialized, until you got to the very basics, strippen away anything remotely complex, and decided no one should be having fun. If you don't like it that's great, but don't try to force your views on others, we're doing just fine enjoying the game.
MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.
MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.
MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.
And see this is the upside of Eve...the intelligent playerbase.
Ya know, EO has the best playerbase and best set of admins in the industry, but plain and simple the game itself just does not have any content. There's nothing to see, I like to travel and explore, but its all space, theres nothing to explore, every universe is like every other universe.
How many times can you rescue the blasted damsel?
I mean look...I salute you for inventing new and creative ways of keeping yourself busy but...this isn't a game, it's an operating system.
For me I like the long travel times. If I am doing a mission I can easily do some housework or workout while traveling between places. I get much more done playing Eve than other games.
Now having said that you did hit the nail on the head with the environments. Without a doubt Eve is the most boring and unimaginitve game world in existance. You can literally travel 300 systems and never see anything new. Personally I wish they would of just dumped the 5000 system idea and setteled on 100 well designed and geographically unique ones.
What is it with people who want space to look "unique"? What is it that you don't get. EVE's universe is hyper-realistic. SPACE isn't UNIQUE except maybe for the occasional nebula or asteroid field. I'm not a HUGE fan of the game but I do enjoy it now and then... I just wish the monthly fee wasn't so high... I'm not sure it's worth paying $14.00 a month for and selling my wife on an "annual" subscription to bring it down to the realm of reality isn't working
SPACE doesn't look "unique". If you walked through a door and wound up on a planet in Alpha Centauri and looked up, unless you were an astronomer odds are you wouldn't have a clue you'd left earth (other than the fact that you'd probably be inhaling some form of poisonous gas ).
I do think the travel times need to be nipped in the bud. I love the combat. I love warping. I even understand why the gate system is somewhat necessary (in order to provide focal points for combat along with stations). I also don't like that it typically takes longer to gather cargo from an encounter than it does to kill everything in the encounter. Allow people to loot NPC cargo as long as they can target it. Sure it's not as realistic but it's highly annoying to have to fly a total of 4 or 500km at 500 or so mps to gather up all your loot.
I love combat in EVE. I'm not sure why the OP doesn't like it but I find it pretty good and realistic. I HATE the time burned in 1) Getting there and 2) gathering all the cargo you get.
Personally I like EVE... alot... it's a great game.
As to the whole "every place must be unique"
Get a grip. Space is NOT unique... except in some very UNIQUE (no pun intended) cases.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Fizzle I suggest you try out other MMO's. In those you can kill monsters....and wait for your health+mana to recharge....kill another monster....and wait....kill another monster....and quest after quest after quest that are all the same....wait......kill monsters....and wait.
While I like EVE in general, I have to admit that the OP raises a valid points - it simply takes much too long to get a good dogfight, be it a 1vs1 or a fleet gank. I am really tired of camping gates or playing the old hunt and seek frig fleet game.
However, I also dont know how combat in 0.0 should become more frequent. One measure might be further boosting 0.0 rewards, and maybe lowering risk (e.g. by making implants unpluggable or stuff).
Still, this might not convince the ultra carebears to participate. Thus, a Guildwars like arena environment might be the key. Automated matchmaking in arenas, with BPC of Tech 2 items as monthly reward or stuff. Thus, those who seek a fast kick with little time invested can go to the arena systems and wage combat there.
The answer to getting more people involved in 0.0 is simple:
Make it easier for new players to get to the point where they are viable in PVP. I'm a newer player to the game. I won't go NEAR 0.0 until I am combat worthy. That means I have to sit on my ass for 3-6 months learning combat skills and running missions or mining away like a drone.
They need to DRASTICALLY reduce the time it takes to become viable in PVP. The easiest way I can think of to do this is to allow multiple threads of training something like this:
To train a level 1 skill requires 1/5 of a "Training thread"
To train a level 2 skill requires 2/5 of a "Training thread"
To train a level 3 skill up 1 block required 3/5 of a "Training thread"
Keep the current 1 thread of training at a time but allow portins of threads to be used.
level 1 skill: "Learning" only requires 1/5 of a training thread
level 1 skill: "Mining" only requires 1/5 of a training thread
So a NEW player could train up to 5 LEVEL 1 SKILLS
But only 2 level 2 skills.
For those who don't understand where I'm coming from there are "Levels" to a skill (block 1 through 5) and there are levels OF skill like Mining is a level 1 skill whereas 'ice mining' might be level 3
Hope this makes sense...
Anyway, allow portions of threads to be used for lower rank skills to allow new players to 'catch up' a bit. Once they're up to level 4 and 5 skills (and the tier 2 skills) they'll only be able to train 1 skill at a time, just like the vet, but they'll at least be able to get to a point where they can somewhat compete in a more timely fassion.
So a new player could conceivably train all 5 of the learning skills (at tier 1) up to 5 at the same time, vastly reducing their time investment to get there but once they hit the Tier 2 skills they could only train one of those at a time becuase they're all level 5 skills (requires 5 blocks in a prerequisite).
This would allow players to 'catch up' and 'get viable' more quickly.
On top of this, increase money payouts for missions and mining a bit in empire space (.5+) so that people can afford to replace expensive combat ships more easily, especially NEWER players.
The reason it's sometimes hard to find PVP is because many folks aren't willing to risk their ships because it takes so long for the average player to replace the ship. If it were less costly to replace a ship more people would get involved in PVP.
I know *I* wouldn't DREAM of going into PVP in a 79 million ISK ship, let alone one that's in the hundreds of millions. Hell... right now I dread anything less than .5 sec in my measly 5 mil ISK ship because for me that's VERY EXPENSIVE since I'm still working on getting to Tier 3 missions where the real money starts kicking in.
Make it easier for newer players to get to a point where they're capable of getting involved in PVP.
Make it less costly to lose a ship in PVP.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Well that's just silly.
Killing stuff is fun. Spending 20 minutes collecting the loot...isn't.
Travelling on a bird looking down on ancient castles is fun. Jumping into a system that looks exactly like the one you just came from...isn't.
When will game makers learn to stop wasting my time? I want my fun and I want it NOW. Not when I can afford to lose my ship, NOW. Not when I have enough skills, NOW.
Stop wasting our f*cking time. Thats not just to CCP, but all of you game builders. It goes double for Sony Online Entertainment. Stop wasting our time a$$holes!
I don't care if you have the maturity of YODA, spending MONTHS just to get a decent fight is BULLSCHIT.
Time spent <> DEPTH. You don't make a game deep by turning the playerbase into a bunch of mining slaves in order to EVENTUALLY enjoy themselves. I'm DONE with these types of games. If it's not fun in the first 2 hours, I'm not playing it.
Well that's just silly.
Killing stuff is fun. Spending 20 minutes collecting the loot...isn't.
Travelling on a bird looking down on ancient castles is fun. Jumping into a system that looks exactly like the one you just came from...isn't.
When will game makers learn to stop wasting my time? I want my fun and I want it NOW. Not when I can afford to lose my ship, NOW. Not when I have enough skills, NOW.
Stop wasting our f*cking time. Thats not just to CCP, but all of you game builders. It goes double for Sony Online Entertainment. Stop wasting our time a$$holes!
I don't care if you have the maturity of YODA, spending MONTHS just to get a decent fight is BULLSCHIT.
Time spent <> DEPTH. You don't make a game deep by turning the playerbase into a bunch of mining slaves in order to EVENTUALLY enjoy themselves. I'm DONE with these types of games. If it's not fun in the first 2 hours, I'm not playing it.
Quite simply....
EVE is not the game for you. I'm not sure it is for me either but even I understand that in an MMORPG you kinda have to walk before you can run 3-6 months is beyond me. If it were a couple weeks I could deal.... I probably will wind up leaving I don't have the patience that this game requires I think.
Matter of fact I'd venture to say that you better go play an FPS or something. Because Even GuildWars takes longer than 2 hours to get to where you can have "FUN". (Your definition, not mine). I suspect that MMORPG's just aren't a genre that suits you.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
[quote]Originally posted by Elnator
What is it with people who want space to look "unique"? What is it that you don't get. EVE's universe is hyper-realistic. SPACE isn't UNIQUE except maybe for the occasional nebula or asteroid field. I'm not a HUGE fan of the game but I do enjoy it now and then... I just wish the monthly fee wasn't so high... I'm not sure it's worth paying $14.00 a month for and selling my wife on an "annual" subscription to bring it down to the realm of reality isn't working
SPACE doesn't look "unique". If you walked through a door and wound up on a planet in Alpha Centauri and looked up, unless you were an astronomer odds are you wouldn't have a clue you'd left earth (other than the fact that you'd probably be inhaling some form of poisonous gas ).
Are you kidding? Just look at our Solar System. Three isn't one planet that looks alike. They are all different colors and have very different properties to them. If you look at galaxies through a telescope thier are MANY MANY completly different types. In fact almost every object in space has a unique look to it when examined with a telescope.
What is it with people who want space to look "unique"? What is it that you don't get. EVE's universe is hyper-realistic. SPACE isn't UNIQUE except maybe for the occasional nebula or asteroid field. I'm not a HUGE fan of the game but I do enjoy it now and then... I just wish the monthly fee wasn't so high... I'm not sure it's worth paying $14.00 a month for and selling my wife on an "annual" subscription to bring it down to the realm of reality isn't working
SPACE doesn't look "unique". If you walked through a door and wound up on a planet in Alpha Centauri and looked up, unless you were an astronomer odds are you wouldn't have a clue you'd left earth (other than the fact that you'd probably be inhaling some form of poisonous gas ).
I do think the travel times need to be nipped in the bud. I love the combat. I love warping. I even understand why the gate system is somewhat necessary (in order to provide focal points for combat along with stations). I also don't like that it typically takes longer to gather cargo from an encounter than it does to kill everything in the encounter. Allow people to loot NPC cargo as long as they can target it. Sure it's not as realistic but it's highly annoying to have to fly a total of 4 or 500km at 500 or so mps to gather up all your loot.
I love combat in EVE. I'm not sure why the OP doesn't like it but I find it pretty good and realistic. I HATE the time burned in 1) Getting there and 2) gathering all the cargo you get.
Personally I like EVE... alot... it's a great game.
As to the whole "every place must be unique"
Get a grip. Space is NOT unique... except in some very UNIQUE (no pun intended) cases.
Well, you are right but then again you are wrong. First and formost space is ever expanding, ever changing, ever growing, and never ending. Because of this, at some place and time in the universe, something we dub as impossible happens every moment. There are probably places in the universe, or rather altraverse, that physics is completely measured differently. That saying, space is unique. There's nothing else out there that goes on endlessly yet always changes and you can always find something new. Yes, there are large portions of similar areas, and one could travel forever in one direction and see nothing new, or you could travel forever in another direction and see something new every step of the way. Even going to another "not unique" area you'd find that: A) the sun can shine at a different color, the various nebulas or stars can dramaticly change the scenery.
Because EVE is a dementional representation of a posible galaxy/universe, it wouldn't hurt to have SOME 'unique' areas. It's an MMO, a space explorer wants rewards for traveling distinces. Wouldn't hurt to add a large nebula clouded solar system you could fly through, or radiant astaroid fields which make the rest of space apear green whilst within it. Hell, there's quite posibly a demention in space where the 'emptyness' (as it apears empty, though I realise it is not) is exchanged for a Gel like substance, a sort of ocean in space.
Regardless the game, there has to be something special about the enviornment. Wherever you go in life you can always find a unique, or at least beautiful spot, however various the beauty can be (a desert is beautiful, a mountain is beautiful, but in different ways).
Top Ten Most Misused Words/Phrases in MMO Industry...
Obviously if you dislike the game and spend time here complaining about it instead of even having the ability to discuss it then your time isn't very worthwhile.
Different things for different people. I like eve, you're trying to start a flame war. I'm not, I'm going now.
[quote]Originally posted by fizzle32
[b]You can't deny that the game is boring, it just IS.
Yep .. i agree with every word mate.
Eve is a game for people that want to play rarely and pay $15/month just to start a new skill off once a week. Then when they do sit down and play the game you can either gank, do the same mission over and over for approval or mine on the edge of your seat making sure you dont fall asleep and get ganked.
Such an immersive world wasted by a complete lack of game-depth and an over-emphasis on the most boring elements of realism.
Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL
So is that all you did? Run agent missions solo? Congrats, you've experienced about 1% of the game. It's like playing WoW but just going out and start beating on mobs, skipping all the quests and not bothering with trade skills or any instanced content. Skills train in the background, don't even have to do anything, you can make 1000 euro not doing anything? Wow I wish I had that kind of talent. Doesn't sound like you really played at all, what skill could you have possible gotten too in your time that could take 58 days to train? I've been playing a month, most training time for 1 skill I've done is 3 days.
Now it must sound like I'm a completely hypontized fanboy by now, so here it goes, I hate traveling time, I mean WTF, I have to make 30 jumps in a friggen hauler. I also hate getting ganked, I respect the pirate profession as part of EVE but when I get 1 shoted by a year old player and I'm carrying 5 mil in cargo it sucks! I hate how long some of these skills take, I have the ISK and I want a new ship now, I don't want to wait 30 days just to be able to use a heavy barge. I hate how shuttles have such a low capacitor, sometimes I have to go in and out of warp 3 or 4 times to reach a damn stargate. I hate when I'm trying to go into warp and an astroid or station blocks me, and the pathfinding is too stupid to take me around it.
For everything I hate there are a thousand I love, it has the most depth and best economic game I've experienced in an MMO since SWG, it takes strategic thinking to survive in EVE, not mindless bashing or having the best gear, if you can't see that than you havent really experienced EVE.
MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.
MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.
MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.
Sounds like the OP wants an 'I win' button. Though I agree with certain issues, such as the bland universe and long travel times (yes I know it's realistic but it's a game and fun factor should be #1) but given the scope of EVE Online, I can't think of anything that can improve the situation without drastically modifying what the game is known for.
EVE's universe is huge BECAUSE it takes a long time to get anywhere. If they made travel times shorter, then the world would feel that much smaller. As for the bland universe, that's something that can be worked on, but given how complex EVE is, I'd gladly take a reduced environment for a complex combat and market system.
If you want arcade-style gameplay with fast and immediate results, go play City of Heroes or Guild Wars. Your complaint against EVE Online is like expecting Unreal Tournament from Rainbow Six.
I'm hoping for project rebirth atleast. I also heard they plan on adding more "eye-candy'" features, like comets and more variety in astroid belt and planet textures/models/whatever.
MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.
MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.
MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.
I second that. EVE (or any MMORPG) is not for you.
MMORPGs (even the one filled with "content") require imagination and active use by the player for the game to stay interesting over a longer period of time. To take EVE as example again: This game just provides you with the tools. The "story, the "content" you have to make. That is not laziness or incompetence by CCP. By putting players on the forefront of content creation it is THEM who shape the universe and THEM who are the ones influencing everything. There is no other game where players can shape the universe to this extent.
And everything you do in EVE should be a building block for what you want to do with the game.
Travelling is such a '"building block". But I usually never get bored. I chat with corpm8s, check the markets of the systems where I get through, check ship statistics, organize my stuff, think about possible ship setups, etc. Or if in safe space I just go afk, for a healthy doese of RL.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Long Travel Time: While some people may find this to be boring, I find it to be realistic and essential to Eve game play. The economy is closely linked to item location. A player's desire to avoid travel inconvenience when obtaining an item means he will pay more for that item at a closer location.
Travel time is also a critical game balancer when it comes to large and small ships. One of the things that makes a small, cheap ship like a Kestral so useful is that it has a reasonable cargo capacity and can be modified with a micro warp drive and low slot hull modifications to travel very fast. Thus, a new player who specializes in high speed manuevering and purchases a kestral can make money transporting items between locations.
If you were to reduce travel time, you also weigh the game too heavily in favor of big, powerful slow ships. That move would favor the veteran player base. It would also threaten the diversity and economic foundation of Eve.
Using another famous game as a comparison, I note that many veteran EQ1 players lament the introduction of the books that allowed all players to travel around the world much more quickly. Scan the posts on this board and you will find many comments about how that move ruined the original game vision laid out by Verant. Before the books, teleporting was limited to wizards and druids. That was a class specific power they enjoyed and took pride in. Everyone else endured long travel times was envious of the teleporters (that was a good thing).
Eve is hardcore. You want to travel fast, build yourself a fast ship. Earn it.
As a former EvE player i decided i didnt have the time to dedicate to the game much less any mmo ATM.That being said i wouldnt change a thing in EvE.
EvE will continue its slow growth for quite a while i think.The reason being that it ISNT a fantasy game.It may have some of the trappings of other games but its setting is what sets it apart from other mmo's.
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
Most of the things you speak of are what makes eve great. The long travel times help support the eve economy. Will you go that 4 jumps to save 100k? Also some players have opted to be curriors, this exists only because of the pain in the butt travel times. If you repeat the same jumps over and over buy insta-jumps, or make them urself. I agree PvP takes a long time to get to a decent level. However, you need not have an uber ship to be an asset in a battle. A frig with some Warp Scramblers, and a webby can prove very valuable in a battle. Mining sucks, if it didn't and money was easy there would be massive inflation. so in the end you would be back to where u started. Training times a pain, yeah and I love it If I dont play for a night or go on vacation, oh well set a long skill training. As with other MMORPGs I am not a fan of the 12 year old with no job or life whos mommy pays for the account level past me because he dosen't have said job. 1 month of game play you don't know anything so don't try to review a game for which you have no idea what is realy there. So far everyone who has posted negative comments is opting to do the tedious things. Eve is open ended, there is no structure on what you can and can not do. You have to make goals for yourselve.
Bottom line, Eve is for people who have lives, family, etc. You will not like this game if you want insta-action. Eve is a complex game, with a high level of tactics based on team play.
First of... no the learningcurve is there for a reason... if you are new and settle in a battleship you will loose it fast!! you have not learned basic in the fights and that is what your waitingtime is... trainingtime.
Now you can still go into fights against bigger older players as the old myth is that new players can't beat old players...
I got 19 million sp... where I got alot in industry and science as well about 11-12 million sp in combatrelated skills where I again use about 20% of those skills in combat if I am lucky all depends on what shiptype and weapons I use.
2 thoraxes ganked my corpmate the other day he was in a Megathron (Battleship) it is easier to specialize in a thorax than in a Megathron... it is cheaper to loose too (I know I used it on a Typhoon a few weeks ago, where I manged to hold him long enough to friends came along, I lost 12 millions he lost 120-150 million).
We have all had to go the way and train skills like this, why did we manage to do so ??? back in the old days nobody complained and suggested to shorten the time it took to train skills, why is it now a problem ? because people still thinks new players can't beat old players... but trust me, it is only a myth!!!
In my corp we use to have "corpfights" where we set out in frigates and basicly .. gank eachother!!! it is allowed to team up but the ultimate goal is to have only one left.
Only rule is... it is not allowed to pod people.
I am the one with most skillpoints in the corp, of the 2 times we have had this little game, I have won... NONE!!! infact I lost to a new player even, it is all about setups and tactics.
You fail to realise, like so many others who complain of travel time and I understand the arguments completely, is that if eve minimised on travel time, say you could jump several systems at a time as often as you want, and you could get from A to D, while never even having to go through B and C, this would disrupt trade routes and player economy, which is vital to eve, and would also cluster everyone into popular spots, so that the rest of the universe would seem unpopulated, because you'd have no business going through most systems.
The fact people have to travel through many systems to get somewhere, keeps the whole universe interesting, keeps it dangerous.
It's perfectly fine the way it is, it's part of the games challenge, trying to determine your safest route to get somewhere, and hoping you don't bump into trouble on the way...
And also about the backgrounds being the same...What you see in the backgroud is the Eve universe, no matter which system you goto, you will always see that universe in the background, because everything exists in that one universe. You make it sound like you want to jump into a whole new universe everytime you jump to a new system just to see something look different in the background, that's just not how it works, and neither would it make any sense.
Eve Online simply caters to certain gamers, I'm not here to admire background imagery, I like the management and the strategic strengths of Eve, I like contributing to huge projects in my corporation, I like killing players with large bounties on their heads, I like buying large quantities of cheap goods and finding somewhere to sell if off to make more profit, I like being called to defend our corporation miners who are under threat by hostiles, and travelling large distances usually means it's beneficial for me to do so, and there is ofcourse many other great features which I love about eve.
I don't see myself as a nerd, but I just enjoy what Eve provides, which no other MMO does, hence it's huge success. There's more to the game ofcourse, if you make of it, but we all prefer shortcuts, and we do ignore alot of it's tools which Eve provides.
Heh, you either love it, or hate it.
Well that's just silly.
Killing stuff is fun. Spending 20 minutes collecting the loot...isn't.
Travelling on a bird looking down on ancient castles is fun. Jumping into a system that looks exactly like the one you just came from...isn't.
When will game makers learn to stop wasting my time? I want my fun and I want it NOW. Not when I can afford to lose my ship, NOW. Not when I have enough skills, NOW.
Stop wasting our f*cking time. Thats not just to CCP, but all of you game builders. It goes double for Sony Online Entertainment. Stop wasting our time a$$holes!
I don't care if you have the maturity of YODA, spending MONTHS just to get a decent fight is BULLSCHIT.
Time spent <> DEPTH. You don't make a game deep by turning the playerbase into a bunch of mining slaves in order to EVENTUALLY enjoy themselves. I'm DONE with these types of games. If it's not fun in the first 2 hours, I'm not playing it.
Its people like you who made Everquest the newb loving sleeper game it is today and the many others that followed its example. (I still believe its one of the better ones out there, since it originally wasnt the newb paridise that it is today, and it retains some of its original difficulty and complexity just by the nature of its origin, which they are trying so hard to diminish with each and every patch)
Please go find a new game to play and stop trying to change this one. Bitching and and whining that you want everything NOW NOW NOW. I'll have you know that PoK did not make EQ better, it made it worse. Go over and bug them in D&D online, it looks like they are pandering to your type already anyway.
Some of us prefer having to put in extra time and effort to accomplish our goals in am mmo and not consume all the content in a week or a month.
And so are the individual planets in each solar system you fly in. Remember: From a distance space looks pretty cool. When you're out there in it it's mostly this big black empty place that you look out and see stars in.
Yes, every planet is a little different. But when you get right down to it they're all either brown, or blue or red blocks of rock, some with rings, others without. If you fly around in EVE you see exactly that. From a vast distance things look relatively unique. But when you get into those far away places I'll lay ya dollars to dougnuts it'll look pretty much the same anywhere you go, the 'cool places' will still look 'cool' again... from a distance. And in EVE if you look out at the stars it does look pretty cool... from a distance... but once you get to that solar system it's not really all that much different than any other.
Kinda like going to france or germany or the USA... from a distance they seem a whole lot different. But once you are downtown in one of the cities they're really pretty much the same.
You're mistaking the differences in a single solar system to the differences BETWEEN solar systems. From 50 light years away Alpha Centari looks a LOT different from SOL (ours). But if you were IN Alpha Centauri you'd find that those planets really don't look all that different from ours once you get into the same solar system with them. It just won't. And when you look out at space it won't really look any different than it does from earth. In fact you'll still see most of the same star formations because, face it, 50 light years aint all that far in galactic terms.
Space is BIG and EVE pulls that off BEAUTIFULLY.
My only gripe with Eve, really, is the time it takes for travel, which I can mostly understand, and, even moreso: The enforced downtime when 'looting' after a fight. And of course, I hate mining with a passion I don't know how to FIX the mining part because I just don't see a way to make mining interesting. But you could fix the looting easily by just allowing people to loot cargo once no enemies are in the area freely instead of forcing them to fly all over creation to pick it up. I know it'd be unrealistic but it sure would reduce the boredom.
Common conversation:
Whatcha doin XYZ?
XYZ: Finishing up a L3 Mission
Oh? Cool want help?
XYZ: Sure, but I'm just gathering loot.
Mining is a bit different. In a group that's at the keyboard it can be kind of fun to chat with each other. But alone mining is about as much fun as watching paint peel.
As to someone's reply to my point about how to make PVP in 0.0 a bit more popular I wasn't saying that new players should be running in there in battleships. I was saying that making it a bit less painful to get toasted in 0.0 would increase the number of people willing to do it. By no means was I saying that a n00b should be running to 0.0 in a BS to fight but if ship costs, in general, came down you could certainly see n00bs running there in frigates to be tacklers or cruisers to add firepower or even BC's to add EW functions.
Personally I was terrified of .4 or lower space (as it should be) but I also wouldn't go, even with my corp, because I just flat out couldn't afford to lose a ship. My cruiser, fully loaded, cost me over 10 mil. That's chump change to a vet but to a newer player that's a LOT of money. It's not something I was willing to risk just to have a few minutes of fun in low-sec space.
If, however, I could have rigged up a frigate for 1-2 mil and been useful I'd have jumped on the chance. Because, frankly, I LOVE PVP. Right now in EVE it's just prohibitively expensive for a newer player to join in on the fun of PVP unless they are subsidized by a corp.
And, believe me I tried, not many 0.0sec corps are willing to bring in a true noob. Most want you to have about 1 million SP first. (And trust me, I was training non stop and missed less than 1 hour total training time and didn't even break 500k SP in a month).
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
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Still in: A couple Betas