Originally posted by gieger808 GW2 will only have the pvp crowd in less than six months. It doesn't have the pve needed to hold the majority of serious pve'ers. Great game, having a blast, but it will fall to being just a casual 2nd game to play while on update day for a mmorpg with a more well developed endgame.
could you define that? what does someone have to do to be consider a "serious" pve'er
I believe what he means is there is no Gear progression, there is not a lot of dungeons and no raid content, and no DE's are not very much fun. The main quest story line is pretty damn limited and the heart system of quests is boring. People were like the quest system in GW2 is awesome you don't have the same boring quest hubs. Uhm you go to a heart and then have to kill x things or gather x things with no story line to back it up, questing in GW2 is very weak.
GW2 .. buy it then .. it's some kind of F2P .. no subscription, can't compare with a subscription base game. You need to pay to unlock a lot of stuff (bank slot, Inventory slot)
GW2 crafting material doesn't take up bank space, that alone makes the bank almost pointless so you probably will never need to pay for more space in most cases. GW2 gives you 5 char slots for 5 race stories, same as SWTOR gives you 8 char slots for 8 class stories. And once SWTOR goes F2P you'll be paying just to unlock more than 1 or 2 char slots even if you already paid full-price for the game unless you keep doling out sub fees.
I know I'd rather pay 10 bucks off the bat if I absolutely desperately feel like playing a 6th character than paying $15 a month and having nothing to show for it. That's just me.
(Man I used to love SWTOR, it feels weird defending GW2 as the superior product, but it is, not to mention the superior service model)
Been playing GW2 since EA on the 25th and imo it is much, much, much, much more polished game with a beautiful world, interesting races, interactive pvp, the game engine isnt absolute trash, launches with basic features and then some, AH isnt horrid (ok, so it is down alot, though, which is annoying). GW2 has all this and more and its F2P. So the game has started out strong but so did SWTOR, but then again, game had so much hype that, I think, alot of people were blinded and didnt see how flawed the game was. I personally, dont think GW2 will poop out like SWTOR did. GW2 is #1 or #2 on the xfire chart, so that is a good sign. Hopefully we finally have a good alternative to go to for something different instead of Wow, and wont be another AoC, Aion, Warhammer, Rift, TSW, SWTOR.
SWTOR failed (yes game voted MMO of the year gone FTP in less than a year is FAILED in my book) due to the devolpment team spending far too much effort on one facet of game play. This left the rest of the game outside the story questing feeling massively anemic and offered little that wasn't done better in older, longer established games. SWTOR also offerd about as much gaming freedom as a stright jacket.
GW2 on the other hand seems to be a quite well rounded game. The game world is huge and lovingly crafted. The questing, combat, even tradeskill gathering is quick, fluid and very low impact. A player can log in and go do pretty much whatever they want without invisible walls forcing them to go only where the game wants them to go. The professions all offer a massive amount of freedom as well as no one is pidgeon-holed into one certain role. And players are also not weighed down by the repettive end game gear grind we've seen in almost every other MMO for the past seven years.
Now that all sounds like a ringing endorsement for the longetivity of GW2 in a way SWTOR could never hope to master. However I think it is this amount of casual friendly freedom that will come back to bite quite a few GW2 players on the ass in the near future. The reson I say this is because after all the years of Wow and Wow clones, many players are conditioned to expect a certain type of game structure and a certain type of game progression. Let's face it, its the (IMHO boring as fuck) repetitive end game grindfest that has not only kept Wow alive, but bloated for the past several years.
GW2 offering a different game experience is a great thing but I feel in the end will not be enough to keep the average type of MMO gamer entertained in the long run. And once the honeymoon euphoira has worn off most of these players will drag themselves back to their main addiction, just like they do after every new game launch.
Do I think this will spell disaster for GW2 when this happens? Nope. Since there is no sub fee, and since GW2 is a fun and easy to jump into (and out of) game I'm sure many of these players will be coming to visit the land of Tyria for short palate cleansing vactions for some time to come.
So to sum up. SWTOR crashed due to their main claim to fame, the voice acted story content ending and leaving the player with just a hollow, half-assed version of every themepark experience they've been seeing for several years.
GW2 will avoid this as they offer a decently different approach. Sadly though I feel this is the very reason it won't stick long as a main game for the average MMOer as it hilariously doesn't offer enough of the same old same old, familiar grind that many mainstream gamers have become accoustomed to.
And on that note I'm outta here (GW2 Forums) for a couple of months. Since all we are going to see for awhile are a huge number of "See!? GW2 IS the best thing since sliced bread!" or "See!? GW2 IS the worst thing since Hitler." hysteria threads, trying to have a mature conversation here until the fur stops flying will be about as pointless as pissing into a volcano.
Have fun you kooky kids.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
...I think it is this amount of casual friendly freedom that will come back to bite quite a few GW2 players on the ass in the near future.
It could possibly be true, what you say here.
But I feel, the answer to that is "So what?" I played it. I enjoyed it. I can put it down and come back at any time if I want to. And if I never do, I won't feel cheated. I'll certainly have gotten my money out of it.
...I think it is this amount of casual friendly freedom that will come back to bite quite a few GW2 players on the ass in the near future.
It could possibly be true, what you say here.
But I feel, the answer to that is "So what?" I played it. I enjoyed it. I can put it down and come back at any time if I want to. And if I never do, I won't feel cheated. I'll certainly have gotten my money out of it.
And I feel that is an entirely sane, rational and healthy outlook. However the reason I feel this point is important is due to the insane amout of people the past year hyping GW2 as the great empancipator that would free us all from the bondage of boredom and change the face off MMOs forever. Which while GW2 is a quite entertaining game, its simply is not the game to end all games.
And the reason I feel THAT point is important is I feel quite a few gamers bought into GW2 thinking it really would be the king of kings and are going to be massively let down, which will cause a negetive backlash against the game which will be incredidibly unfair, as the makers of the game never made any of these promises.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Been playing GW2 since EA on the 25th and imo it is much, much, much, much more polished game with a beautiful world, interesting races, interactive pvp, the game engine isnt absolute trash, launches with basic features and then some, AH isnt horrid (ok, so it is down alot, though, which is annoying). GW2 has all this and more and its F2P. So the game has started out strong but so did SWTOR, but then again, game had so much hype that, I think, alot of people were blinded and didnt see how flawed the game was. I personally, dont think GW2 will poop out like SWTOR did. GW2 is #1 or #2 on the xfire chart, so that is a good sign. Hopefully we finally have a good alternative to go to for something different instead of Wow, and wont be another AoC, Aion, Warhammer, Rift, TSW, SWTOR.
Game will sink just like SWToR.... my prediction.
Predictions..predictions..i predict pigs will fly.
Swtor was an unimaginative wow in space, but even more linear and with a lifeless world and deserves to fail for bringing nothing new to the mmo table, and being a cynical cash in on a ip.
At least some of those other games mentioned did new things e.g. war with the tok, pqs and a cool implementation of pvp tanking.
Been playing GW2 since EA on the 25th and imo it is much, much, much, much more polished game with a beautiful world, interesting races, interactive pvp, the game engine isnt absolute trash, launches with basic features and then some, AH isnt horrid (ok, so it is down alot, though, which is annoying). GW2 has all this and more and its F2P. So the game has started out strong but so did SWTOR, but then again, game had so much hype that, I think, alot of people were blinded and didnt see how flawed the game was. I personally, dont think GW2 will poop out like SWTOR did. GW2 is #1 or #2 on the xfire chart, so that is a good sign. Hopefully we finally have a good alternative to go to for something different instead of Wow, and wont be another AoC, Aion, Warhammer, Rift, TSW, SWTOR.
Originally posted by lifeordinary No...... after a month, people will quit paying sub and in second month servers will begin to be merged. Third month Anet will announce that GW2 is going F2P.
The truth as so often will be in between.
If think GW2 will be a rather successful game (what do you mean, Rift? It made loads of money) but it wont ne the next Wow.
Time is running out for a genre ruled by a single game with as much western players as all others combined.
But GW2 is a well made solid game. It is a lot more multiplayer friendly that TOR, a lot larger and better coded than AoC & TSW and have more interesting PvP than WAR so it will get a solid number of players. I can see 1-2 million active players for a long time forward.
But it cant do what Wow did, Wow pulled in a load of players that never even heard of a MMO before and stuff like that only happens once.
...I think it is this amount of casual friendly freedom that will come back to bite quite a few GW2 players on the ass in the near future.
It could possibly be true, what you say here.
But I feel, the answer to that is "So what?" I played it. I enjoyed it. I can put it down and come back at any time if I want to. And if I never do, I won't feel cheated. I'll certainly have gotten my money out of it.
And I feel that is an entirely sane, rational and healthy outlook. However the reason I feel this point is important is due to the insane amout of people the past year hyping GW2 as the great empancipator that would free us all from the bondage of boredom and change the face off MMOs forever. Which while GW2 is a quite entertaining game, its simply is not the game to end all games.
And the reason I feel THAT point is important is I feel quite a few gamers bought into GW2 thinking it really would be the king of kings and are going to be massively let down, which will cause a negetive backlash against the game which will be incredidibly unfair, as the makers of the game never made any of these promises.
Sadly it seems like the people who come on this forum to complain is dependent on their MMO to be their only life, rather than a second life. So their longivety in this game is how much content can they produce in as quick as they can plow through it... Crap, end game is not entirely bug free, guess it's just swtor again. You know, linear and progression based.
It all comes down to, were you expecting their lvl 80 to be like all other MMOs, or were you just along for the experience and anything extra is just bonus. I'll play this game for the hard modes and Orr, but does it matter to me that its not perfected yet? Not really, becuase I enjoyed more than one class in beta and I can easily reroll or do other things with my character. So I don't get my subscriptions worth of money... oh wait, this doesn't have one... so I can get raids and hard modes in a cover charge for a normal rpg, and also play with my friends without paying anything extra...
Can't wait till these people go back to WoW later this month, so I can stop reading pages of this crap so we can maybe get back to actual conversations with people whose opinion matters, instead of raving 10 year olds who are miffed that they pictured the game to be different than what it really was and not what they said it would be.
I mean comeon, when you got the GW2 hater on the side of GW2, thats when you know you got problems. But hey, let's make 50 more threads of this till MoP comes out and cleans up these shit stains out of these forums along with any dignity that game has to the playerbase that quit because of it.
With tsw I had a much smoother launch I had better performance in large scale pvp I had about the same amount of bugs as gw2
Unfortunately looks like you judged the game on Ao and Aoc, which were bug ridden to hell and back.
Gw2 is the better around game though, both have good leveling pve, tsw has the better dungeons and lore, gw2 does pvp much much better and crafting slightly better. Gw2 also really brings back exploring (although tsw isn't a swtor style corridors and hubs fest)
In a word, yes. 50-75%+ will quit by the end of this month. It's usual for games to lose players after launch but considering Mists of pandaria is coming out in a month, and torchlight 2 soon also, GW2 will take a massive hit.
They will be forced to merge servers down to less than 10 before the end of the year, because if/when areas become ghost towns, the game won't work. the game is reliant on having large groups of players to do world events and WvW, if most players quit then the game can't even function as intended, you can't kill a gold-named world event boss by yourself because your level gets scaled to the area, you need at least a few other people.
I can just imagine the low/mid level areas being ghost towns in a couple months since the only people left playing it are 80's except for alts. Disasterous.
In a word, yes. 50-75%+ will quit by the end of this month. It's usual for games to lose players after launch but considering Mists of pandaria is coming out in a month, and torchlight 2 soon also, GW2 will take a massive hit.
They will be forced to merge servers down to less than 10 before the end of the year, because if/when areas become ghost towns, the game won't work. the game is reliant on having large groups of players to do world events and WvW, if most players quit then the game can't even function as intended, you can't kill a gold-named world event boss by yourself because your level gets scaled to the area, you need at least a few other people.
I can just imagine the low/mid level areas being ghost towns in a couple months since the only people left playing it are 80's except for alts. Disasterous.
50-75% of people didn't even quit SWTOR by the end of the first month lol .
Originally posted by gieger808 GW2 will only have the pvp crowd in less than six months. It doesn't have the pve needed to hold the majority of serious pve'ers. Great game, having a blast, but it will fall to being just a casual 2nd game to play while on update day for a mmorpg with a more well developed endgame.
could you define that? what does someone have to do to be consider a "serious" pve'er
I believe what he means is there is no Gear progression, there is not a lot of dungeons and no raid content, and no DE's are not very much fun. The main quest story line is pretty damn limited and the heart system of quests is boring. People were like the quest system in GW2 is awesome you don't have the same boring quest hubs. Uhm you go to a heart and then have to kill x things or gather x things with no story line to back it up, questing in GW2 is very weak.
sounds like you haven't played the game at all and know very little about it... game has gear progression(not just cosmetic) hearts are not the core part of the games PVE not even close.. game has 8 dungeons with multiple modes which is more than most games release with.. game has open world raiding.. and as for them not being fun that's all an opinion but if you are basing it off just the starter DEs then that's like saying any game PVE sucks because you failed to get out of the starter area and experience what the game has to offer. I found the starter DE's way more interesting than any quest hub based MMO starter area quests.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Originally posted by ShakyMo Loke: I'm not sure gw2 is "better coded than tsw"
With tsw I had a much smoother launch I had better performance in large scale pvp I had about the same amount of bugs as gw2
Unfortunately looks like you judged the game on Ao and Aoc, which were bug ridden to hell and back.
Gw2 is the better around game though, both have good leveling pve, tsw has the better dungeons and lore, gw2 does pvp much much better and crafting slightly better. Gw2 also really brings back exploring (although tsw isn't a swtor style corridors and hubs fest)
Thing about TSW for a p2p and item mall game it realy is kinda sucky. Sure everyone has that honeymoon moment with a new mmo.. even i did with TSW which lasted for 11/2 weeks, alot shorter than SWTOR. But after awhile i realized the investigation missions were a joke, most were cryptic with the clues that if it wasnt for google i wouldnt waste my time on em and there so few of em. Missions were okay some of em were kinda fetchy. The fact that you have to pay money to customize your attire was BS, in game london clothes were disapointing. Other than the theme of the game it was a prety bland game.
And combat felt rushed, like a last minute addition.. infact most the game felt rushed. I sometimes wonder if one of the devs played GW2 Beta and tried to steal the idea. And for me TSW had graphical flickers and fu** ups.
Originally posted by gieger808 GW2 will only have the pvp crowd in less than six months. It doesn't have the pve needed to hold the majority of serious pve'ers. Great game, having a blast, but it will fall to being just a casual 2nd game to play while on update day for a mmorpg with a more well developed endgame.
could you define that? what does someone have to do to be consider a "serious" pve'er
I believe what he means is there is no Gear progression, there is not a lot of dungeons and no raid content, and no DE's are not very much fun. The main quest story line is pretty damn limited and the heart system of quests is boring. People were like the quest system in GW2 is awesome you don't have the same boring quest hubs. Uhm you go to a heart and then have to kill x things or gather x things with no story line to back it up, questing in GW2 is very weak.
sounds like you haven't played the game at all and know very little about it... game has gear progression(not just cosmetic) hearts are not the core part of the games PVE not even close.. game has 8 dungeons with multiple modes which is more than most games release with.. game has open world raiding.. and as for them not being fun that's all an opinion but if you are basing it off just the starter DEs then that's like saying any game PVE sucks because you failed to get out of the starter area and experience what the game has to offer. I found the starter DE's way more interesting than any quest hub based MMO starter area quests.
TLDR: If someone doesn't like the game, he dosn'tt know what he is talking about or hasn't even played it.
Maybe.... you know.... maybe.... he doesn't like it? NO! THAT CAN'T BE IT!
3.000+ posts in a couple of months, wow
Originally posted by Creslin321
Originally posted by Introspectre
In a word, yes. 50-75%+ will quit by the end of this month. It's usual for games to lose players after launch but considering Mists of pandaria is coming out in a month, and torchlight 2 soon also, GW2 will take a massive hit.
They will be forced to merge servers down to less than 10 before the end of the year, because if/when areas become ghost towns, the game won't work. the game is reliant on having large groups of players to do world events and WvW, if most players quit then the game can't even function as intended, you can't kill a gold-named world event boss by yourself because your level gets scaled to the area, you need at least a few other people.
I can just imagine the low/mid level areas being ghost towns in a couple months since the only people left playing it are 80's except for alts. Disasterous.
50-75% of people didn't even quit SWTOR by the end of the first month lol .
Yeah, 1 month is WAYYYY to soon, give it 6-9 months.
"Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge."
"The idea behind the tuxedo is the woman's point of view that men are all the same; so we might as well dress them that way. That's why a wedding is like the joining together of a beautiful, glowing bride and some guy" -Seinfeld
Originally posted by gieger808 GW2 will only have the pvp crowd in less than six months. It doesn't have the pve needed to hold the majority of serious pve'ers. Great game, having a blast, but it will fall to being just a casual 2nd game to play while on update day for a mmorpg with a more well developed endgame.
could you define that? what does someone have to do to be consider a "serious" pve'er
I believe what he means is there is no Gear progression, there is not a lot of dungeons and no raid content, and no DE's are not very much fun. The main quest story line is pretty damn limited and the heart system of quests is boring. People were like the quest system in GW2 is awesome you don't have the same boring quest hubs. Uhm you go to a heart and then have to kill x things or gather x things with no story line to back it up, questing in GW2 is very weak.
sounds like you haven't played the game at all and know very little about it... game has gear progression(not just cosmetic) hearts are not the core part of the games PVE not even close.. game has 8 dungeons with multiple modes which is more than most games release with.. game has open world raiding.. and as for them not being fun that's all an opinion but if you are basing it off just the starter DEs then that's like saying any game PVE sucks because you failed to get out of the starter area and experience what the game has to offer. I found the starter DE's way more interesting than any quest hub based MMO starter area quests.
TLDR: If someone doesn't like the game, he dosn'tt know what he is talking about or hasn't even played it.
Maybe.... you know.... maybe.... he doesn't like it? NO! THAT CAN'T BE IT!
3.000+ posts in a couple of months, wow
there's a big difference between not liking a game and not knowing anything about it.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Anet's design choices were a lot smarter and oriented to keeping a larger portion of players playing their game for some time. The game is a lot more alt friendly, PvP is functional, group design for DEs,etc. So no I don't see it suffering the same dropoff as SWTOR.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
I quit playing SWTOR during closed beta. I like to play games that are "virtual worlds", where you can play a role. SWTOR was dead.
I haven't played GW2, but the reviews all talk about a vast, open world, that you are free to explore. I could probably play GW2 a lot longer, just for that reason.
The world in GW2 is not vast, is not open, i not free to explore; Is heavily instanced with paths and roads everywhere, is a themepark, even more than swtor, the zones are divided for level range, walls and surrounded by mountains so the only way to go from one map to the next one, is following a path and break through a portal. And as far as i know, GW2 is far behind swtor on sales, and is B2P and people should wait a month, the gw2 population will drop significantly.
So you asked a question and answered it yourself? Nice.
As for your "question" I don't think GW 2 will drop as drastically as SW:TOR, which essentially was a single player MMO, but it is a ThemePark at its core and the PvP is not all that it is hyped up to be so it will lose maybe half of their current playerbase within 6 months.
I believe what he means is there is no Gear progression, there is not a lot of dungeons and no raid content, and no DE's are not very much fun. The main quest story line is pretty damn limited and the heart system of quests is boring. People were like the quest system in GW2 is awesome you don't have the same boring quest hubs. Uhm you go to a heart and then have to kill x things or gather x things with no story line to back it up, questing in GW2 is very weak.
GW2 crafting material doesn't take up bank space, that alone makes the bank almost pointless so you probably will never need to pay for more space in most cases. GW2 gives you 5 char slots for 5 race stories, same as SWTOR gives you 8 char slots for 8 class stories. And once SWTOR goes F2P you'll be paying just to unlock more than 1 or 2 char slots even if you already paid full-price for the game unless you keep doling out sub fees.
I know I'd rather pay 10 bucks off the bat if I absolutely desperately feel like playing a 6th character than paying $15 a month and having nothing to show for it. That's just me.
(Man I used to love SWTOR, it feels weird defending GW2 as the superior product, but it is, not to mention the superior service model)
Life sucks, buy a helmet.
SWTOR failed (yes game voted MMO of the year gone FTP in less than a year is FAILED in my book) due to the devolpment team spending far too much effort on one facet of game play. This left the rest of the game outside the story questing feeling massively anemic and offered little that wasn't done better in older, longer established games. SWTOR also offerd about as much gaming freedom as a stright jacket.
GW2 on the other hand seems to be a quite well rounded game. The game world is huge and lovingly crafted. The questing, combat, even tradeskill gathering is quick, fluid and very low impact. A player can log in and go do pretty much whatever they want without invisible walls forcing them to go only where the game wants them to go. The professions all offer a massive amount of freedom as well as no one is pidgeon-holed into one certain role. And players are also not weighed down by the repettive end game gear grind we've seen in almost every other MMO for the past seven years.
Now that all sounds like a ringing endorsement for the longetivity of GW2 in a way SWTOR could never hope to master. However I think it is this amount of casual friendly freedom that will come back to bite quite a few GW2 players on the ass in the near future. The reson I say this is because after all the years of Wow and Wow clones, many players are conditioned to expect a certain type of game structure and a certain type of game progression. Let's face it, its the (IMHO boring as fuck) repetitive end game grindfest that has not only kept Wow alive, but bloated for the past several years.
GW2 offering a different game experience is a great thing but I feel in the end will not be enough to keep the average type of MMO gamer entertained in the long run. And once the honeymoon euphoira has worn off most of these players will drag themselves back to their main addiction, just like they do after every new game launch.
Do I think this will spell disaster for GW2 when this happens? Nope. Since there is no sub fee, and since GW2 is a fun and easy to jump into (and out of) game I'm sure many of these players will be coming to visit the land of Tyria for short palate cleansing vactions for some time to come.
So to sum up. SWTOR crashed due to their main claim to fame, the voice acted story content ending and leaving the player with just a hollow, half-assed version of every themepark experience they've been seeing for several years.
GW2 will avoid this as they offer a decently different approach. Sadly though I feel this is the very reason it won't stick long as a main game for the average MMOer as it hilariously doesn't offer enough of the same old same old, familiar grind that many mainstream gamers have become accoustomed to.
And on that note I'm outta here (GW2 Forums) for a couple of months. Since all we are going to see for awhile are a huge number of "See!? GW2 IS the best thing since sliced bread!" or "See!? GW2 IS the worst thing since Hitler." hysteria threads, trying to have a mature conversation here until the fur stops flying will be about as pointless as pissing into a volcano.
Have fun you kooky kids.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Different games, different scenarios.
And Anet didn't put five hundred Bajillion dollars into developement and advertising.
It could possibly be true, what you say here.
But I feel, the answer to that is "So what?" I played it. I enjoyed it. I can put it down and come back at any time if I want to. And if I never do, I won't feel cheated. I'll certainly have gotten my money out of it.
And I feel that is an entirely sane, rational and healthy outlook. However the reason I feel this point is important is due to the insane amout of people the past year hyping GW2 as the great empancipator that would free us all from the bondage of boredom and change the face off MMOs forever. Which while GW2 is a quite entertaining game, its simply is not the game to end all games.
And the reason I feel THAT point is important is I feel quite a few gamers bought into GW2 thinking it really would be the king of kings and are going to be massively let down, which will cause a negetive backlash against the game which will be incredidibly unfair, as the makers of the game never made any of these promises.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
Predictions..predictions..i predict pigs will fly.
At least some of those other games mentioned did new things e.g. war with the tok, pqs and a cool implementation of pvp tanking.
The truth as so often will be in between.
If think GW2 will be a rather successful game (what do you mean, Rift? It made loads of money) but it wont ne the next Wow.
Time is running out for a genre ruled by a single game with as much western players as all others combined.
But GW2 is a well made solid game. It is a lot more multiplayer friendly that TOR, a lot larger and better coded than AoC & TSW and have more interesting PvP than WAR so it will get a solid number of players. I can see 1-2 million active players for a long time forward.
But it cant do what Wow did, Wow pulled in a load of players that never even heard of a MMO before and stuff like that only happens once.
Sadly it seems like the people who come on this forum to complain is dependent on their MMO to be their only life, rather than a second life. So their longivety in this game is how much content can they produce in as quick as they can plow through it... Crap, end game is not entirely bug free, guess it's just swtor again. You know, linear and progression based.
It all comes down to, were you expecting their lvl 80 to be like all other MMOs, or were you just along for the experience and anything extra is just bonus. I'll play this game for the hard modes and Orr, but does it matter to me that its not perfected yet? Not really, becuase I enjoyed more than one class in beta and I can easily reroll or do other things with my character. So I don't get my subscriptions worth of money... oh wait, this doesn't have one... so I can get raids and hard modes in a cover charge for a normal rpg, and also play with my friends without paying anything extra...
Can't wait till these people go back to WoW later this month, so I can stop reading pages of this crap so we can maybe get back to actual conversations with people whose opinion matters, instead of raving 10 year olds who are miffed that they pictured the game to be different than what it really was and not what they said it would be.
I mean comeon, when you got the GW2 hater on the side of GW2, thats when you know you got problems. But hey, let's make 50 more threads of this till MoP comes out and cleans up these shit stains out of these forums along with any dignity that game has to the playerbase that quit because of it.
I'm not sure gw2 is "better coded than tsw"
With tsw
I had a much smoother launch
I had better performance in large scale pvp
I had about the same amount of bugs as gw2
Unfortunately looks like you judged the game on Ao and Aoc, which were bug ridden to hell and back.
Gw2 is the better around game though, both have good leveling pve, tsw has the better dungeons and lore, gw2 does pvp much much better and crafting slightly better. Gw2 also really brings back exploring (although tsw isn't a swtor style corridors and hubs fest)
You mean like all the trolls ranters and haters who IMHO turned the game on itself?
Nah, seen em in GW2 already. But I am enjoying it like I did SWTOR. Both great games for obviously different reasons.
In a word, yes. 50-75%+ will quit by the end of this month. It's usual for games to lose players after launch but considering Mists of pandaria is coming out in a month, and torchlight 2 soon also, GW2 will take a massive hit.
They will be forced to merge servers down to less than 10 before the end of the year, because if/when areas become ghost towns, the game won't work. the game is reliant on having large groups of players to do world events and WvW, if most players quit then the game can't even function as intended, you can't kill a gold-named world event boss by yourself because your level gets scaled to the area, you need at least a few other people.
I can just imagine the low/mid level areas being ghost towns in a couple months since the only people left playing it are 80's except for alts. Disasterous.
50-75% of people didn't even quit SWTOR by the end of the first month lol .
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
sounds like you haven't played the game at all and know very little about it... game has gear progression(not just cosmetic) hearts are not the core part of the games PVE not even close.. game has 8 dungeons with multiple modes which is more than most games release with.. game has open world raiding.. and as for them not being fun that's all an opinion but if you are basing it off just the starter DEs then that's like saying any game PVE sucks because you failed to get out of the starter area and experience what the game has to offer. I found the starter DE's way more interesting than any quest hub based MMO starter area quests.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Thing about TSW for a p2p and item mall game it realy is kinda sucky. Sure everyone has that honeymoon moment with a new mmo.. even i did with TSW which lasted for 11/2 weeks, alot shorter than SWTOR. But after awhile i realized the investigation missions were a joke, most were cryptic with the clues that if it wasnt for google i wouldnt waste my time on em and there so few of em. Missions were okay some of em were kinda fetchy. The fact that you have to pay money to customize your attire was BS, in game london clothes were disapointing. Other than the theme of the game it was a prety bland game.
And combat felt rushed, like a last minute addition.. infact most the game felt rushed. I sometimes wonder if one of the devs played GW2 Beta and tried to steal the idea. And for me TSW had graphical flickers and fu** ups.
TLDR: If someone doesn't like the game, he dosn'tt know what he is talking about or hasn't even played it.
Maybe.... you know.... maybe.... he doesn't like it? NO! THAT CAN'T BE IT!
3.000+ posts in a couple of months, wow
Yeah, 1 month is WAYYYY to soon, give it 6-9 months.
"Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge."
"The idea behind the tuxedo is the woman's point of view that men are all the same; so we might as well dress them that way. That's why a wedding is like the joining together of a beautiful, glowing bride and some guy"
there's a big difference between not liking a game and not knowing anything about it.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
The world in GW2 is not vast, is not open, i not free to explore; Is heavily instanced with paths and roads everywhere, is a themepark, even more than swtor, the zones are divided for level range, walls and surrounded by mountains so the only way to go from one map to the next one, is following a path and break through a portal. And as far as i know, GW2 is far behind swtor on sales, and is B2P and people should wait a month, the gw2 population will drop significantly.
So you asked a question and answered it yourself? Nice.
As for your "question" I don't think GW 2 will drop as drastically as SW:TOR, which essentially was a single player MMO, but it is a ThemePark at its core and the PvP is not all that it is hyped up to be so it will lose maybe half of their current playerbase within 6 months.
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