I don't play on consoles, but I can't help but think that PS4 will win this battle easily based on what I've read here unless Microsoft manages to save themselves in the details, which I find unlikely.
The whole always connected thing is going to kill the X1. Yes, Steam requires a certain amount of authentication, but not constant 24/7 connectivity just for the game to work. Also, the whole appeal of console games over computer games has long been the portability and flexibility of playing comparatively shorter, quicker games whenever and wherever you wanted; most console gamers are not going to be want to be perpetually tied to a internet connection for the average console game, especially if it means that they can't pop over to a friend's house and play it there as easily as if they were at home. The concept barely works for PC games, but even there it has fairly clear limits. It works for Steam, but only because the games are dirt cheap, and unless the game has a specific online component, you don't need the online connection to access and play the game itself. Even with those critical caveats, there is still a large group of gamers who despise Steam, and that's from a far more tolerant fan base than anything you'll find among console games. And that doesn't take into account travel, unplugging the machine for a few months because you don't really have the time to play it to justify having it constantly in the way, or the large areas of the country and world that don't have reliable access to the broadband connections required to get full use out of the machine. It's a fine enough concept, and one that may well work well enough in the future, but that future in not here yet, not even for PCs, which are considerably more stationary than even the most stationary console. It's possible that Microsoft will find a tolerable middle ground the same way that Steam did, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on that.
The other big killer is the whole used game policy, and it's not even because people won't be able to sell their games to a third party like Gamestop or the whole free advertising aspect. It's because a lot of people like to keep games and occasionally pull them out 15, 20, or more years after they are no longer current just to relax a bit. Microsoft's system is entirely dependent on servers, and as soon as they decide the servers aren't justified anymore, there goes any chance of playing those games anymore. Likewise, if a publisher or developer goes under, good bye game. That kills a considerable amount of the longevity and flexibility that has long given console games a certain edge over PC games. Here again, PC gamers are more tolerant of this practice, and even this group is starting to show that there are limits to what publishers and developers can impose on what gamers can do with the games after they have bought them and paid for them. Trying to kill the used game market in one giant step is going to come back to kill Microsoft's chances of success with this console; Sony is no angel in this department, but at least they recognize that the aftermarket does and will continue to exist.
The whole kinect being required and always on issue, and the fact that many of the X1's features don't even work in large portions of the world are just icing on the cake after those first two issues. The sales will start out strong, but I don't see it having much long term success like they had with the last console unless Microsoft really tones down their position on a number of issues I've seen raised in this thread, especially given the price differential between the X1 and the PS4. All in all, from what it sounds like right now, the headaches and cost of getting an X1 are going to be a hard sell to the average console player given the comparative lack of notable benefits of getting an X1 over something else. The typical console game simply doesn't justify the excessive amount of DRM being imposed, and the X1 simply isn't going to be unique enough to get a lot of people to shell out an extra $100 beyond the first burst of sales.
I will only be getting a ps4 around launch. If i knew I could trust microsoft to set up a steam like service then I might get the system. They have had a long time with games on demand to prove this to me and they failed. I also dont want to pay 100$ extra for motion control I dont want. I have a google tv box so I dont need the cable aspects. If you enjoy the system tho more power to ya. I have nothing against people going for the Xbone. To me tho microsoft burnt the bridge, fliped me off then mooned me with this DRM BS.
The first MMO you loved will always be the best. You will never get that feeling back stop trying.
Unfortunately I have to disagree with point 1. The games aren't at all anything out of the ordinary. Ryse is just another hack and slash to me with a bit more fancy graphics.
Everything that I want to play is pretty much cross platform or on PC. Destiny is what sparked my interest and even that isn't exclusive.
First of all I just want to say that in no way am I being biased toward any console here. I have owned both consoles and both had their advantages and disadvantages. I totally understand and do not fault anyone who does not like Microsoft's new policies on the Xbox One. Three reasons why I'll be getting a Xbox One.
1. The games. The games were just so much better than what Sony had to offer. Everyone was complaining after Microsoft's first Xbox One's reveal about how there was no focus on games. Totally understand and a very viable gripe but at E3 they clearly had the game advantage and games are what matters most to players. They had Ryse which looked very very good and TitanFall which was amazing. Those Titan mechs were awesome to watch in action. You also had Quantum Break which clearly is going to be open of the most innovative titles this next-gen. Sony maybe more policy friendly towards gamers but games are what matter the most.
This I can agree with. I wasn't all that impressed with what I saw for PS4 that was "exclusive." I'm not a Final Fantasy fan, and outside of God of War, no Sony titles appeal to me.
2. It is more than just games. Maybe because I'm in my 40's now I look at things a little bit different but having a console at home that gives you more than just games is very appealing to me and perhaps to the older gamer as well. We just don't like games, we also like sports and tv. To have that all in one box is quite nice.
I can see your point here as well. I don't think Gaikai will be what Sony is trying to build it up to be, and the extras you get from the X-One in terms of sports and TV/streaming options is superior. I think it just adds to the overall appeal of consoles, which is that a console is an easy-to-use device for entertainment, to have other easily accessible entertainment options.
3. A more mature audience. The other thing I will mention that perhaps with Microsoft's new design for the Xbox One you may even get a more mature audience on the Xbox now. You know not every immature 15 year old can afford the new Xbox One. People always complained about how the Xbox gets a bad rap with having a bad community. Perhaps now things will change now that Microsoft seems to be catering towards the more mature crowd these days.
Mmmm.....not sure I'm with you on this one.
The controversy surrounding the restrictions of the X-One and the more expensive price point will drive a lot of younger players away from buying an X-One, but it will also drive off a lot of mature gamers as well. Fan boys will buy an X-One regardless, but if the X-One bombs in sales when it launches, and it isn't looking good right now, MS is going to have to do something to right the ship. At first, that might mean more expensive costs associated with content, but eventually it will lead to MS dumping its current marketing strategy and begin targeting anyone out there that hasn't committed to a PS4. That will come in the form of a price drop along with eliminating the unpopular restrictions, which is exactly what those 15 year-olds will be waiting for.
Both Sony and MS have alluded that they intend to stick with this new generation of consoles for the next decade. I surmise that it may be the last generation of console. Consoles sales hit the high-water mark with the PS2, and I think this generation of consoles will undersell the last generation, as the last generation undersold the previous generation. Both consoles will launch as inferior devices to even an average current PC.
Watch some of the demos from the Sony E3 conference and notice how often they tended to freeze during gameplay. Some may attribute this to technical problems, but in actuality, 8 GB of RAM wasn't enough to keep up with the high-end graphics.
Personally, I woudn't bother buying a console at all, but if I were, I'd definitely wait a few months to see what each company does before I settled on buying a PS4 or an X-One. I think with a little time after launch, people will see that both consoles are equal in their respective pros and cons.
As you stated, people are buying an entertainment box. For those who prefer the convenience that consoles provide, you really have to weigh what services and features you use and care about to decide which console is right for you.
As you stated, people are buying an entertainment box. For those who prefer the convenience that consoles provide, you really have to weigh what services and features you use and care about to decide which console is right for you.
The problem I see both consoles, but especially XBone, running into is that the console gaming crowd as a whole isn't necessarily looking for an entertainment box; they are looking for a portable, flexible, and quick gaming experience to fill the occasional bit of free time they might find themselves having. There is a significant subset that wants more out of the console experience, but nowhere near even a simple majority of the console crowd as a whole. By putting all of these hurdles in front of the casual gamer looking for a casual game experience, Microsoft is going to miss out on a significant part of the market. The concepts barely work on PCs, where people are generally expecting and looking for a longer term, higher quality game; I just don't see them working with consoles. Too many casual, short term games, and too many casual/"I use the system once a month" gamers in that market for it to find enough people willing to justify the cost and headache of it all. Sony isn't immune to this, but at least they are not forcing it on every user, developer, and game.
As you stated, people are buying an entertainment box. For those who prefer the convenience that consoles provide, you really have to weigh what services and features you use and care about to decide which console is right for you.
The problem I see both consoles, but especially XBone, running into is that the console gaming crowd as a whole isn't necessarily looking for an entertainment box; they are looking for a portable, flexible, and quick gaming experience to fill the occasional bit of free time they might find themselves having. There is a significant subset that wants more out of the console experience, but nowhere near even a simple majority of the console crowd as a whole. By putting all of these hurdles in front of the casual gamer looking for a casual game experience, Microsoft is going to miss out on a significant part of the market. The concepts barely work on PCs, where people are generally expecting and looking for a longer term, higher quality game; I just don't see them working with consoles. Too many casual, short term games, and too many casual/"I use the system once a month" gamers in that market for it to find enough people willing to justify the cost and headache of it all. Sony isn't immune to this, but at least they are not forcing it on every user, developer, and game.
^ Exactly.
Consoles are and have always been for fun times entertainment (as in a couple of friends/family, plug it in and play) and mobility (going on a ski trip? What to do at night time? No problem! Bring a console with a few games). The reason why Wii did so well even with their inferior hardware was because they understand this and aim their capability and effort in this direction.
Microsoft totally misses the point of playing console games and have been going for "watered down pc" since day 1 with their XBoxes. The thing they don't understand about gaming crowd is if they play serious they will still grab a laptop or computer - imagine playing "serious" games like Total War, Starcraft 2, Civilization 5, SimCity, EVE Online, etc on a console... what a nightmare it will be.
To the Op...Im sorry your post is just not enough to sway any one, let alone be to buy an xbox one. Which is sad as I have owned all the xbox's and the last ps I oned was a 2. Here are reasons not to buy a xbox one.
1. DRM...Thanks to companies like games stop people dont always have to shell out 60-70 dollars a game. They can trade in used titles and what not to get a game or buy a used copy which in many cases is just as good as a new copy. Or for those of us who grew up in the 80's Trading games with your friends or just borrowing titles or renting them. Yeah this is gone in xbox one. Why, because they realized that there was a multi billion dollar industry based on these concepts and they were not getting one red cent. So in order to combat this as well as piracy issue they went with a cloud base content system. So once you buy a game its yours, You can rent it to try it out. You cant buy a used copy, and you can not trade it. Im sorry but really what they are saying is I have to pay them 70 bucks to access a game I do not own what I buy. Yeah I dont think so.
2. Hardware. The ps4 beats the hell out of the Xbox one just on the cpu alone, Not to mention the 8 gigs of ddr5 memory(yes ddrt5 thats two steps up from what most of you have in your computer). Now both are running the same series of Ati gpus, but again Ps4 is running the pro version which features 2x the amount of core processors. Or in other words the ps4 will have physics and better looking games then xbox one.
3. Required this that or the other. Xbox one requires you to be online, have the kinetic thing working and on, in order to play a game. So if your internet goes out, like it seems to do alot here in Florida, YOUR SCREWED.
4. Prices. The xbox one is 100 dollars more expensive. Now some will say well you get the kinetics. If I wanted to jump up and look like a freaking idiot I would go join a gym. Im a gamer god dammit. I want to shoot the hell out of people and make things go boom.
5. Games. While you mentioned Some games, which btw are actually kinda crappy to be honest with you, Lets look at logistics. No matter what Microsoft may say, Sony always has had more game developers under its belt. Oh and with the ps4 no need to mod in order to play import games. And yes some of us can read japanesse.
6. Microsoft doest care. Seriously their response to complaints about internet connection was get a 360 and stfu...REALLY. WOW...
7. Hand held gaming integration. THe psvita will be able to carry your game with you where ever you go. So if you have to go away for a work thing you can take your game with you. I dont know about you but that right there makes xbox look like a slug.
Now I could probably come up with more, which to me is sad as I have been a die hard xbox fan since launch but they have done a wrong and dont seem to see it. SO FOR ALL YOU OUT THEIR. DONT BUY XBOX.
You see what you said at the end here? You could probably COME UP WITH MORE.
Sorry, the PS4 is not using DDR5 ram, it's using GDDR5 ram. which IS very bad for the CPU, it's however good for the GPU. DDR4 ram is coming soon, and it's for PC, GDDR6 is also coming soon, for the PC. (2014) and they both are making the consoles looking like a joke.
GDDR5 got a very high latancy, over double that of DDR3. GDDR5 got higher bandwidth then DDR3 ram, the latency is very bad for the small quick calculations that the CPU do(let's use physics as an example, the Xbox One is at an advantage here), but it don't really matter for the GPU as it needs massive amounts of bandwidth. The lack of bandwidth is somewhat made up for by the 32Mb of cache ESRAM on the Xbox One.
The GDDR5 ram in the PS4 is just slow . Let' s compare it to computers shall we? PlayStation 4 176 GB/s is the bandwidth of the PS4 memory. The memory in my GTX Titan? 288 GB/sec.. See the difference there? This is the same memory that is in the GTX 780 card, and the 770 card, and the same as in most last generation GPU's for the PC. It is really outdated hardware in these new consoles. The shit that is sitting in these consoles, are laptop parts.
The DDR ram in the Xbox One is running at 2133Mhz, which is used if you build high end systems. The normal is 1333, if your a gamers you probably have @1600 or @1833. While you can go wild at 2133 till like extreme overclock @2800. So as you can see the DDR in the Xbox One is very good, while the GDDR5 ram in the PS4 is just average.
But both are loosing out here, they should have used DDR3 and GDDR5, it's the best way, you have the DDR3 to support your CPU, as it's simply better memory for CPU work as it needs low latency, and GDDR5 for the GPU, as the GPU works with big texture files and such that needs a lot of bandwidth.
For the DRM i couldn't give less of a FUCK about it, seriously... everyone that have been gaming on PC for the past 10 years is used to this, and don't' mind it mostly.
And just so you know, if you want to blow the hell out of shit and blah blah blah, why are you even touching a weak ass console? Buy a decent PC and make it look incredible at 1440p or higher resolutions.
To the Op...Im sorry your post is just not enough to sway any one, let alone be to buy an xbox one. Which is sad as I have owned all the xbox's and the last ps I oned was a 2. Here are reasons not to buy a xbox one.
1. DRM...Thanks to companies like games stop people dont always have to shell out 60-70 dollars a game. They can trade in used titles and what not to get a game or buy a used copy which in many cases is just as good as a new copy. Or for those of us who grew up in the 80's Trading games with your friends or just borrowing titles or renting them. Yeah this is gone in xbox one. Why, because they realized that there was a multi billion dollar industry based on these concepts and they were not getting one red cent. So in order to combat this as well as piracy issue they went with a cloud base content system. So once you buy a game its yours, You can rent it to try it out. You cant buy a used copy, and you can not trade it. Im sorry but really what they are saying is I have to pay them 70 bucks to access a game I do not own what I buy. Yeah I dont think so.
2. Hardware. The ps4 beats the hell out of the Xbox one just on the cpu alone, Not to mention the 8 gigs of ddr5 memory(yes ddrt5 thats two steps up from what most of you have in your computer). Now both are running the same series of Ati gpus, but again Ps4 is running the pro version which features 2x the amount of core processors. Or in other words the ps4 will have physics and better looking games then xbox one.
3. Required this that or the other. Xbox one requires you to be online, have the kinetic thing working and on, in order to play a game. So if your internet goes out, like it seems to do alot here in Florida, YOUR SCREWED.
4. Prices. The xbox one is 100 dollars more expensive. Now some will say well you get the kinetics. If I wanted to jump up and look like a freaking idiot I would go join a gym. Im a gamer god dammit. I want to shoot the hell out of people and make things go boom.
5. Games. While you mentioned Some games, which btw are actually kinda crappy to be honest with you, Lets look at logistics. No matter what Microsoft may say, Sony always has had more game developers under its belt. Oh and with the ps4 no need to mod in order to play import games. And yes some of us can read japanesse.
6. Microsoft doest care. Seriously their response to complaints about internet connection was get a 360 and stfu...REALLY. WOW...
7. Hand held gaming integration. THe psvita will be able to carry your game with you where ever you go. So if you have to go away for a work thing you can take your game with you. I dont know about you but that right there makes xbox look like a slug.
Now I could probably come up with more, which to me is sad as I have been a die hard xbox fan since launch but they have done a wrong and dont seem to see it. SO FOR ALL YOU OUT THEIR. DONT BUY XBOX.
You see what you said at the end here? You could probably COME UP WITH MORE.
Sorry, the PS4 is not using DDR5 ram, it's using GDDR5 ram. which IS very bad for the CPU, it's however good for the GPU. DDR4 ram is coming soon, and it's for PC, GDDR6 is also coming soon, for the PC. (2014) and they both are making the consoles looking like a joke.
GDDR5 got a very high latancy, over double that of DDR3. GDDR5 got higher bandwidth then DDR3 ram, the latency is very bad for the small quick calculations that the CPU do(let's use physics as an example, the Xbox One is at an advantage here), but it don't really matter for the GPU as it needs massive amounts of bandwidth. The lack of bandwidth is somewhat made up for by the 32Mb of cache ESRAM on the Xbox One.
The GDDR5 ram in the PS4 is just slow . Let' s compare it to computers shall we? PlayStation 4 176 GB/s is the bandwidth of the PS4 memory. The memory in my GTX Titan? 288 GB/sec.. See the difference there? This is the same memory that is in the GTX 780 card, and the 770 card, and the same as in most last generation GPU's for the PC. It is really outdated hardware in these new consoles. The shit that is sitting in these consoles, are laptop parts.
The DDR ram in the Xbox One is running at 2133Mhz, which is used if you build high end systems. The normal is 1333, if your a gamers you probably have @1600 or @1833. While you can go wild at 2133 till like extreme overclock @2800. So as you can see the DDR in the Xbox One is very good, while the GDDR5 ram in the PS4 is just average.
But both are loosing out here, they should have used DDR3 and GDDR5, it's the best way, you have the DDR3 to support your CPU, as it's simply better memory for CPU work as it needs low latency, and GDDR5 for the GPU, as the GPU works with big texture files and such that needs a lot of bandwidth.
For the DRM i couldn't give less of a FUCK about it, seriously... everyone that have been gaming on PC for the past 10 years is used to this, and don't' mind it mostly.
And just so you know, if you want to blow the hell out of shit and blah blah blah, why are you even touching a weak ass console? Buy a decent PC and make it look incredible at 1440p or higher resolutions.
You post might have refute his point on the hardware capability of PS4 vs XBox One but it highlighted another problem instead:
That Xbox is trying too hard to be a "watered down pc" instead of being a gaming console.
PS4 and Wiis are still very clearly gaming consoles.
For the DRM i couldn't give less of a FUCK about it, seriously... everyone that have been gaming on PC for the past 10 years is used to this, and don't' mind it mostly.
That is the going to be one of the key issue that will ultimately decide how well the XBone does. Console games are not PC games and console gamers are not PC gamers. They are largely different groups with different goals. Even those who fall into both tend to see PCs and consoles as completely different animals good for different things. Also, while it's true that most PC gamers have learned to tolerate DRM to some degree, most attempts at fully online DRM are still met with a great deal of complaints and very few developers can really get away with it even on PC. Steam gets away with it because they are dirt cheap and do provide an option, albeit not an easy one, for offline play; Blizzard and EA can get away with it on well known franchises because they are Blizzard and EA. Anyone else who would try it on PCs to even the degree of the above names would get mocked, ridiculed, and lose business very quickly. Microsoft is not only trying to go beyond what these companies do, but they are doing it in a market that is significantly less tolerant of such practices. It's possible they can save themselves by making the actual implementation less of a headache than it currently sounds, but it's still going to be an incredibly hard sell.
To the Op...Im sorry your post is just not enough to sway any one, let alone be to buy an xbox one. Which is sad as I have owned all the xbox's and the last ps I oned was a 2. Here are reasons not to buy a xbox one.
1. DRM...Thanks to companies like games stop people dont always have to shell out 60-70 dollars a game. They can trade in used titles and what not to get a game or buy a used copy which in many cases is just as good as a new copy. Or for those of us who grew up in the 80's Trading games with your friends or just borrowing titles or renting them. Yeah this is gone in xbox one. Why, because they realized that there was a multi billion dollar industry based on these concepts and they were not getting one red cent. So in order to combat this as well as piracy issue they went with a cloud base content system. So once you buy a game its yours, You can rent it to try it out. You cant buy a used copy, and you can not trade it. Im sorry but really what they are saying is I have to pay them 70 bucks to access a game I do not own what I buy. Yeah I dont think so.
PC Gaming has done it for years, no big deal, also some of us older guys arn't so close to our friends anymore and with the option of having them play our games over the cloud is nice
2. Hardware. The ps4 beats the hell out of the Xbox one just on the cpu alone, Not to mention the 8 gigs of ddr5 memory(yes ddrt5 thats two steps up from what most of you have in your computer). Now both are running the same series of Ati gpus, but again Ps4 is running the pro version which features 2x the amount of core processors. Or in other words the ps4 will have physics and better looking games then xbox one.
that's just all wrong, ps4 has GDDR5 not DDR5, big difference
3. Required this that or the other. Xbox one requires you to be online, have the kinetic thing working and on, in order to play a game. So if your internet goes out, like it seems to do alot here in Florida, YOUR SCREWED.
not true, they confirmed that the xbox one only needs to "check in" once every 24 hours and the rest of the time you can be offline.
4. Prices. The xbox one is 100 dollars more expensive. Now some will say well you get the kinetics. If I wanted to jump up and look like a freaking idiot I would go join a gym. Im a gamer god dammit. I want to shoot the hell out of people and make things go boom.
5. Games. While you mentioned Some games, which btw are actually kinda crappy to be honest with you, Lets look at logistics. No matter what Microsoft may say, Sony always has had more game developers under its belt. Oh and with the ps4 no need to mod in order to play import games. And yes some of us can read japanesse.
most of what you say is your own opinion, but yes ps4 is not region locked, i for one cannot read japanese
6. Microsoft doest care. Seriously their response to complaints about internet connection was get a 360 and stfu...REALLY. WOW...
well they didn't quite say stfu, but it is 2013 and most people that can afford to blow $500 on video games should have the money for broadband and if not maybe the newest toy shouldn't be your first priority
7. Hand held gaming integration. THe psvita will be able to carry your game with you where ever you go. So if you have to go away for a work thing you can take your game with you. I dont know about you but that right there makes xbox look like a slug.
in my own opinion, i had a vita and i really didn't care for it, also i don't have time to play with a vita outside of home
Now I could probably come up with more, which to me is sad as I have been a die hard xbox fan since launch but they have done a wrong and dont seem to see it. SO FOR ALL YOU OUT THEIR. DONT BUY XBOX.
1. Objective, I thought the majority of those game you listed looked less than impressive (project spark, being the only game to spark interest in me).
2. I have other devices for that, all have wireless remotes, and I can just as easily hit my input switch to change between them as I could on my Xbox alone. That extra built in BS is just there to increase the cost of the console, take the Tuner and kinect out, were talking a cheaper system.
3. We'll have to wait and see, and even then it will be a game to game difference. I'm willing to wage both will be equaly as immature. Back when PC's used to have a "more mature audience." I'd say in the more mainstream games that isn't true, however in smaller more fringe games it can be true. So that backs my idea up of it being a game to game experience.
First of all I just want to say that in no way am I being biased toward any console here. I have owned both consoles and both had their advantages and disadvantages. I totally understand and do not fault anyone who does not like Microsoft's new policies on the Xbox One. Three reasons why I'll be getting a Xbox One.
1. The games. The games were just so much better than what Sony had to offer. Everyone was complaining after Microsoft's first Xbox One's reveal about how there was no focus on games. Totally understand and a very viable gripe but at E3 they clearly had the game advantage and games are what matters most to players. They had Ryse which looked very very good and TitanFall which was amazing. Those Titan mechs were awesome to watch in action. You also had Quantum Break which clearly is going to be open of the most innovative titles this next-gen. Sony maybe more policy friendly towards gamers but games are what matter the most.
2. It is more than just games. Maybe because I'm in my 40's now I look at things a little bit different but having a console at home that gives you more than just games is very appealing to me and perhaps to the older gamer as well. We just don't like games, we also like sports and tv. To have that all in one box is quite nice.
3. A more mature audience. The other thing I will mention that perhaps with Microsoft's new design for the Xbox One you may even get a more mature audience on the Xbox now. You know not every immature 15 year old can afford the new Xbox One. People always complained about how the Xbox gets a bad rap with having a bad community. Perhaps now things will change now that Microsoft seems to be catering towards the more mature crowd these days.
I completely agree with you. I'm a PC gamer primarily, but, if I were to buy a console this year, it would be the Xbox One. The PS4 seems to be the more focused gaming device, but, since I do 90% of my gaming on a PC anyway, the Xbox seems to be far more attractive with its extra features like TV and media centre integration and the Kinect (yes - I said Kinect - that thing's actually great for parties and casual fooling around ). And the Xbox One had more and better exclusives.
I find it quite tasteless that seemingly serious game journalists (like people at Eurogamer) are writing obvious flamebaiting articles about the Xbox One just to get "internet cred". The Xbox One game dustribution system basically funcions like a much improved version of Steam, yet everyone loves Steam and hates Xbox One. I suppose it's just the thing "cool" kids do these days...
First of all I just want to say that in no way am I being biased toward any console here. I have owned both consoles and both had their advantages and disadvantages. I totally understand and do not fault anyone who does not like Microsoft's new policies on the Xbox One. Three reasons why I'll be getting a Xbox One.
1. The games. The games were just so much better than what Sony had to offer. Everyone was complaining after Microsoft's first Xbox One's reveal about how there was no focus on games. Totally understand and a very viable gripe but at E3 they clearly had the game advantage and games are what matters most to players. They had Ryse which looked very very good and TitanFall which was amazing. Those Titan mechs were awesome to watch in action. You also had Quantum Break which clearly is going to be open of the most innovative titles this next-gen. Sony maybe more policy friendly towards gamers but games are what matter the most.
2. It is more than just games. Maybe because I'm in my 40's now I look at things a little bit different but having a console at home that gives you more than just games is very appealing to me and perhaps to the older gamer as well. We just don't like games, we also like sports and tv. To have that all in one box is quite nice.
3. A more mature audience. The other thing I will mention that perhaps with Microsoft's new design for the Xbox One you may even get a more mature audience on the Xbox now. You know not every immature 15 year old can afford the new Xbox One. People always complained about how the Xbox gets a bad rap with having a bad community. Perhaps now things will change now that Microsoft seems to be catering towards the more mature crowd these days.
I completely agree with you. I'm a PC gamer primarily, but, if I were to buy a console this year, it would be the Xbox One. The PS4 seems to be the more focused gaming device, but, since I do 90% of my gaming on a PC anyway, the Xbox seems to be far more attractive with its extra features like TV and media centre integration and the Kinect (yes - I said Kinect - that thing's actually great for parties and casual fooling around ). And the Xbox One had more and better exclusives.
I find it quite tasteless that seemingly serious game journalists (like people at Eurogamer) are writing obvious flamebaiting articles about the Xbox One just to get "internet cred". The Xbox One game dustribution system basically funcions like a much improved version of Steam, yet everyone loves Steam and hates Xbox One. I suppose it's just the thing "cool" kids do these days...
So says the 2 post person........ Something smells fishy!? Anyway If you game on PC like I do (will still get PS4 for Exclusives and certain games) you should know that the Xbox One couldn't hold a candle to the PC in terms of TV entertainment unless you like the skype visual thing!
Below is where we can disscuss and come up with new ideas for Sandparks!
First of all I just want to say that in no way am I being biased toward any console here. I have owned both consoles and both had their advantages and disadvantages. I totally understand and do not fault anyone who does not like Microsoft's new policies on the Xbox One. Three reasons why I'll be getting a Xbox One.
1. The games. The games were just so much better than what Sony had to offer. Everyone was complaining after Microsoft's first Xbox One's reveal about how there was no focus on games. Totally understand and a very viable gripe but at E3 they clearly had the game advantage and games are what matters most to players. They had Ryse which looked very very good and TitanFall which was amazing. Those Titan mechs were awesome to watch in action. You also had Quantum Break which clearly is going to be open of the most innovative titles this next-gen. Sony maybe more policy friendly towards gamers but games are what matter the most.
2. It is more than just games. Maybe because I'm in my 40's now I look at things a little bit different but having a console at home that gives you more than just games is very appealing to me and perhaps to the older gamer as well. We just don't like games, we also like sports and tv. To have that all in one box is quite nice.
3. A more mature audience. The other thing I will mention that perhaps with Microsoft's new design for the Xbox One you may even get a more mature audience on the Xbox now. You know not every immature 15 year old can afford the new Xbox One. People always complained about how the Xbox gets a bad rap with having a bad community. Perhaps now things will change now that Microsoft seems to be catering towards the more mature crowd these days.
I completely agree with you. I'm a PC gamer primarily, but, if I were to buy a console this year, it would be the Xbox One. The PS4 seems to be the more focused gaming device, but, since I do 90% of my gaming on a PC anyway, the Xbox seems to be far more attractive with its extra features like TV and media centre integration and the Kinect (yes - I said Kinect - that thing's actually great for parties and casual fooling around ). And the Xbox One had more and better exclusives.
I find it quite tasteless that seemingly serious game journalists (like people at Eurogamer) are writing obvious flamebaiting articles about the Xbox One just to get "internet cred". The Xbox One game dustribution system basically funcions like a much improved version of Steam, yet everyone loves Steam and hates Xbox One. I suppose it's just the thing "cool" kids do these days...
So says the 2 post person........ Something smells fishy!? Anyway If you game on PC like I do (will still get PS4 for Exclusives and certain games) you should know that the Xbox One couldn't hold a candle to the PC in terms of TV entertainment unless you like the skype visual thing!
I disagree. A PC without overpriced TV tuner has 0 TV entertainment value, unless you watch TV over the internet, which would imply you have persistent internet connection so the 24 hour drm wouldn't hurt you the slightest. So yeah, go hate somewhere else
First of all I just want to say that in no way am I being biased toward any console here. I have owned both consoles and both had their advantages and disadvantages. I totally understand and do not fault anyone who does not like Microsoft's new policies on the Xbox One. Three reasons why I'll be getting a Xbox One.
First of all, i am a gamer. I don't care if its called XBOX or CookieJar 620. If it has good games, features and gives me the freedom that i expect from a console, i buy it!
Having said that. The xbox is region locked, DRM locked, 24h check in locked, sharing locked and used games locked. That alone is a death sentence for me. Add to that an always on camera/microphone that will be hacked and abused within the first 6 months (i guarantee it) is a no go for me. I don't want any pervs to have videos of my daughter and her friends playing a dance game in their pj's all over the internet.
1. The games. The games were just so much better than what Sony had to offer. Everyone was complaining after Microsoft's first Xbox One's reveal about how there was no focus on games. Totally understand and a very viable gripe but at E3 they clearly had the game advantage and games are what matters most to players. They had Ryse which looked very very good and TitanFall which was amazing. Those Titan mechs were awesome to watch in action. You also had Quantum Break which clearly is going to be open of the most innovative titles this next-gen. Sony maybe more policy friendly towards gamers but games are what matter the most.
Ryse: Quicktime Action, press a button to win. That's not a game.
Titanfall: CoD....with a temporary mech that gets blown up fast and has a long cooldown. FPS on console, no thanks.
Forza 5: Racing game version 5 and still no night racing or weather. This is a crappy racing game
Halo 5: Not idea what it will be and in general not interested in another shooter which are all unplayable on console.
Quantum Break: Could be good, not enough info
That was it, nothing else of significance was shown.
2. It is more than just games. Maybe because I'm in my 40's now I look at things a little bit different but having a console at home that gives you more than just games is very appealing to me and perhaps to the older gamer as well. We just don't like games, we also like sports and tv. To have that all in one box is quite nice.
You are aware that the XBOX one only has an HDMI input/passthrough? You still need a cable/sat box and a remote to switch channels! You can not switch TV channels. All you can say is XBOX TV and it will show whatever is hooked up to that HDMI input. That could include a 360 or a PS4
It has an Internet browser that is the least compatible of all and you will be using BING! to search. I pass.
3. A more mature audience. The other thing I will mention that perhaps with Microsoft's new design for the Xbox One you may even get a more mature audience on the Xbox now. You know not every immature 15 year old can afford the new Xbox One. People always complained about how the Xbox gets a bad rap with having a bad community. Perhaps now things will change now that Microsoft seems to be catering towards the more mature crowd these days.
So you say because the box looks like an old DVD Player/VCR cross breed, is huge incl. the new Kinect and costs $100 more, there will be a better audience for it?
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
1. Objective, I thought the majority of those game you listed looked less than impressive (project spark, being the only game to spark interest in me).
2. I have other devices for that, all have wireless remotes, and I can just as easily hit my input switch to change between them as I could on my Xbox alone. That extra built in BS is just there to increase the cost of the console, take the Tuner and kinect out, were talking a cheaper system.
The funny thing is, there is no tuner just a HDMI Input! You still need your tuner remote to switch channels.
3. We'll have to wait and see, and even then it will be a game to game difference. I'm willing to wage both will be equaly as immature. Back when PC's used to have a "more mature audience." I'd say in the more mainstream games that isn't true, however in smaller more fringe games it can be true. So that backs my idea up of it being a game to game experience.
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
People simply just don't understand what Microsoft is trying to do with the Xbox One but its really Microsofts fault for not making it clear why they are doing what they are doing and how it will benefit the consumer.
For me the games are not enough reason to buy the console, and regarding the "microsoft aims to a mature crowd" i will just remain silent because i think that its the most nonsense thing ive heard in months, the PlayStation franchise has more veterans in his shoulders than microsoft's console will ever have just for the reason that PlayStation was there way before.
Originally posted by Mannish People simply just don't understand what Microsoft is trying to do with the Xbox One but its really Microsofts fault for not making it clear why they are doing what they are doing and how it will benefit the consumer.
If they want to completely change people's expectations of what a console is supposed to be and do, they are obviously free to try it, but that isn't an easy path, and Microsoft isn't exactly having a good start. They aren't selling a gaming console, no matter how much they are trying to push it as such. They have created a watered down, very basic PC, complete with the idea that internet is an essential part of the experience, and I just don't see the console market going for it. Consoles have thrived by not being PCs and catering to the gaming needs of those who have little interest in having anything more than a simple, basic gaming machine, and the average console gamer still really is only looking for a simple, basic gaming machine, not a machine that attempts to be a complete, low end PC. I have no doubt that the initial sales will still do quite well, but unless they plan on flat out dropping the whole console conceit, and admit they are trying to sell a very basic PC, I don't see their marketing department having much success selling this machine long term.
Originally posted by Mannish People simply just don't understand what Microsoft is trying to do with the Xbox One but its really Microsofts fault for not making it clear why they are doing what they are doing and how it will benefit the consumer.
So, please share. What are they trying to do with the XBOX One? Let's focus on the things none of the other devices in my living room can already do same or better.
Originally posted by Varthander For me the games are not enough reason to buy the console, and regarding the "microsoft aims to a mature crowd" i will just remain silent because i think that its the most nonsense thing ive heard in months, the PlayStation franchise has more veterans in his shoulders than microsoft's console will ever have just for the reason that PlayStation was there way before.
I am with you there, the mature argument is hilarious. I think THIS VIDEO sums it up quite nicely (for the OP not you Varth)
"Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"
41 year old guy here. I've never owned a Playstation but I have 3 Xbox consoles in my home: bedroom, lounge and study. We're huge halo fans in the household but with the features added to the Xbox 1 we will now be Playstation gamers (and PC).
I will NOT buy 3 copies of Halo because I decide I want to play the game in the bedroom rather than the lounge or study and besides, I don't have an internet connection in the bedroom so how will I be able to play single player there? When you take away my choices I take away my business.
41 year old guy here. I've never owned a Playstation but I have 3 Xbox consoles in my home: bedroom, lounge and study. We're huge halo fans in the household but with the features added to the Xbox 1 we will now be Playstation gamers (and PC).
I will NOT buy 3 copies of Halo because I decide I want to play the game in the bedroom rather than the lounge or study and besides, I don't have an internet connection in the bedroom so how will I be able to play single player there? When you take away my choices I take away my business.
It was stated quite clearly that you can play the games registered to your account on any Xbox One. Plus, you can share all your games with your family (up to 8 or 10 peolpe it was, I think). You can even play two games from the same account at the same time.
If you don't have an interet conection in the bedromm (not even Wi-Fi), you can use your phone to let the Xbox connect to the internet through it (share the 3G connection to a Wi-Fi signal) once every 24h. Not that much of a hassle. You don't need breadband, it just needs to ping the MS servers and get a response.
I don't play on consoles, but I can't help but think that PS4 will win this battle easily based on what I've read here unless Microsoft manages to save themselves in the details, which I find unlikely.
The whole always connected thing is going to kill the X1. Yes, Steam requires a certain amount of authentication, but not constant 24/7 connectivity just for the game to work. Also, the whole appeal of console games over computer games has long been the portability and flexibility of playing comparatively shorter, quicker games whenever and wherever you wanted; most console gamers are not going to be want to be perpetually tied to a internet connection for the average console game, especially if it means that they can't pop over to a friend's house and play it there as easily as if they were at home. The concept barely works for PC games, but even there it has fairly clear limits. It works for Steam, but only because the games are dirt cheap, and unless the game has a specific online component, you don't need the online connection to access and play the game itself. Even with those critical caveats, there is still a large group of gamers who despise Steam, and that's from a far more tolerant fan base than anything you'll find among console games. And that doesn't take into account travel, unplugging the machine for a few months because you don't really have the time to play it to justify having it constantly in the way, or the large areas of the country and world that don't have reliable access to the broadband connections required to get full use out of the machine. It's a fine enough concept, and one that may well work well enough in the future, but that future in not here yet, not even for PCs, which are considerably more stationary than even the most stationary console. It's possible that Microsoft will find a tolerable middle ground the same way that Steam did, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on that.
The other big killer is the whole used game policy, and it's not even because people won't be able to sell their games to a third party like Gamestop or the whole free advertising aspect. It's because a lot of people like to keep games and occasionally pull them out 15, 20, or more years after they are no longer current just to relax a bit. Microsoft's system is entirely dependent on servers, and as soon as they decide the servers aren't justified anymore, there goes any chance of playing those games anymore. Likewise, if a publisher or developer goes under, good bye game. That kills a considerable amount of the longevity and flexibility that has long given console games a certain edge over PC games. Here again, PC gamers are more tolerant of this practice, and even this group is starting to show that there are limits to what publishers and developers can impose on what gamers can do with the games after they have bought them and paid for them. Trying to kill the used game market in one giant step is going to come back to kill Microsoft's chances of success with this console; Sony is no angel in this department, but at least they recognize that the aftermarket does and will continue to exist.
The whole kinect being required and always on issue, and the fact that many of the X1's features don't even work in large portions of the world are just icing on the cake after those first two issues. The sales will start out strong, but I don't see it having much long term success like they had with the last console unless Microsoft really tones down their position on a number of issues I've seen raised in this thread, especially given the price differential between the X1 and the PS4. All in all, from what it sounds like right now, the headaches and cost of getting an X1 are going to be a hard sell to the average console player given the comparative lack of notable benefits of getting an X1 over something else. The typical console game simply doesn't justify the excessive amount of DRM being imposed, and the X1 simply isn't going to be unique enough to get a lot of people to shell out an extra $100 beyond the first burst of sales.
The first MMO you loved will always be the best. You will never get that feeling back stop trying.
Unfortunately I have to disagree with point 1. The games aren't at all anything out of the ordinary. Ryse is just another hack and slash to me with a bit more fancy graphics.
Everything that I want to play is pretty much cross platform or on PC. Destiny is what sparked my interest and even that isn't exclusive.
Both Sony and MS have alluded that they intend to stick with this new generation of consoles for the next decade. I surmise that it may be the last generation of console. Consoles sales hit the high-water mark with the PS2, and I think this generation of consoles will undersell the last generation, as the last generation undersold the previous generation. Both consoles will launch as inferior devices to even an average current PC.
Watch some of the demos from the Sony E3 conference and notice how often they tended to freeze during gameplay. Some may attribute this to technical problems, but in actuality, 8 GB of RAM wasn't enough to keep up with the high-end graphics.
Personally, I woudn't bother buying a console at all, but if I were, I'd definitely wait a few months to see what each company does before I settled on buying a PS4 or an X-One. I think with a little time after launch, people will see that both consoles are equal in their respective pros and cons.
As you stated, people are buying an entertainment box. For those who prefer the convenience that consoles provide, you really have to weigh what services and features you use and care about to decide which console is right for you.
The problem I see both consoles, but especially XBone, running into is that the console gaming crowd as a whole isn't necessarily looking for an entertainment box; they are looking for a portable, flexible, and quick gaming experience to fill the occasional bit of free time they might find themselves having. There is a significant subset that wants more out of the console experience, but nowhere near even a simple majority of the console crowd as a whole. By putting all of these hurdles in front of the casual gamer looking for a casual game experience, Microsoft is going to miss out on a significant part of the market. The concepts barely work on PCs, where people are generally expecting and looking for a longer term, higher quality game; I just don't see them working with consoles. Too many casual, short term games, and too many casual/"I use the system once a month" gamers in that market for it to find enough people willing to justify the cost and headache of it all. Sony isn't immune to this, but at least they are not forcing it on every user, developer, and game.
^ Exactly.
Consoles are and have always been for fun times entertainment (as in a couple of friends/family, plug it in and play) and mobility (going on a ski trip? What to do at night time? No problem! Bring a console with a few games). The reason why Wii did so well even with their inferior hardware was because they understand this and aim their capability and effort in this direction.
Microsoft totally misses the point of playing console games and have been going for "watered down pc" since day 1 with their XBoxes. The thing they don't understand about gaming crowd is if they play serious they will still grab a laptop or computer - imagine playing "serious" games like Total War, Starcraft 2, Civilization 5, SimCity, EVE Online, etc on a console... what a nightmare it will be.
Both sides will always have great games exclusive to that side..
Difference is,Almost all the good games on Xbox,you can get on PC anyway..
Ive been with Sony since their inception into consoles and Ive never been disappointed.
Also,Xbox has the more mature audience? both consoles provide the same kind of entertainment,so I dont know how one would come to this conclusion.
You see what you said at the end here? You could probably COME UP WITH MORE.
Sorry, the PS4 is not using DDR5 ram, it's using GDDR5 ram. which IS very bad for the CPU, it's however good for the GPU. DDR4 ram is coming soon, and it's for PC, GDDR6 is also coming soon, for the PC. (2014) and they both are making the consoles looking like a joke.
GDDR5 got a very high latancy, over double that of DDR3. GDDR5 got higher bandwidth then DDR3 ram, the latency is very bad for the small quick calculations that the CPU do(let's use physics as an example, the Xbox One is at an advantage here), but it don't really matter for the GPU as it needs massive amounts of bandwidth. The lack of bandwidth is somewhat made up for by the 32Mb of cache ESRAM on the Xbox One.
The GDDR5 ram in the PS4 is just slow . Let' s compare it to computers shall we? PlayStation 4 176 GB/s is the bandwidth of the PS4 memory. The memory in my GTX Titan? 288 GB/sec.. See the difference there? This is the same memory that is in the GTX 780 card, and the 770 card, and the same as in most last generation GPU's for the PC. It is really outdated hardware in these new consoles. The shit that is sitting in these consoles, are laptop parts.
The DDR ram in the Xbox One is running at 2133Mhz, which is used if you build high end systems. The normal is 1333, if your a gamers you probably have @1600 or @1833. While you can go wild at 2133 till like extreme overclock @2800. So as you can see the DDR in the Xbox One is very good, while the GDDR5 ram in the PS4 is just average.
But both are loosing out here, they should have used DDR3 and GDDR5, it's the best way, you have the DDR3 to support your CPU, as it's simply better memory for CPU work as it needs low latency, and GDDR5 for the GPU, as the GPU works with big texture files and such that needs a lot of bandwidth.
For the DRM i couldn't give less of a FUCK about it, seriously... everyone that have been gaming on PC for the past 10 years is used to this, and don't' mind it mostly.
And just so you know, if you want to blow the hell out of shit and blah blah blah, why are you even touching a weak ass console? Buy a decent PC and make it look incredible at 1440p or higher resolutions.
You post might have refute his point on the hardware capability of PS4 vs XBox One but it highlighted another problem instead:
That Xbox is trying too hard to be a "watered down pc" instead of being a gaming console.
PS4 and Wiis are still very clearly gaming consoles.
XBox is now just a "thin client gaming pc".
If people want to play PC they buy a PC! lol
Hence the problem with Microsoft's logic.
That is the going to be one of the key issue that will ultimately decide how well the XBone does. Console games are not PC games and console gamers are not PC gamers. They are largely different groups with different goals. Even those who fall into both tend to see PCs and consoles as completely different animals good for different things. Also, while it's true that most PC gamers have learned to tolerate DRM to some degree, most attempts at fully online DRM are still met with a great deal of complaints and very few developers can really get away with it even on PC. Steam gets away with it because they are dirt cheap and do provide an option, albeit not an easy one, for offline play; Blizzard and EA can get away with it on well known franchises because they are Blizzard and EA. Anyone else who would try it on PCs to even the degree of the above names would get mocked, ridiculed, and lose business very quickly. Microsoft is not only trying to go beyond what these companies do, but they are doing it in a market that is significantly less tolerant of such practices. It's possible they can save themselves by making the actual implementation less of a headache than it currently sounds, but it's still going to be an incredibly hard sell.
This is a troll post, right?
360 had almost no exclusives. It had Halo and Gears, so saying it had the better games is just insane.
Mature audience? Xbox Live is universally regarded as the cess pit of gaming. It is the wrost gaming has to offer.
And okay, you're allowed to want your box to do more than just play games.
In response to the OP
1. Objective, I thought the majority of those game you listed looked less than impressive (project spark, being the only game to spark interest in me).
2. I have other devices for that, all have wireless remotes, and I can just as easily hit my input switch to change between them as I could on my Xbox alone. That extra built in BS is just there to increase the cost of the console, take the Tuner and kinect out, were talking a cheaper system.
3. We'll have to wait and see, and even then it will be a game to game difference. I'm willing to wage both will be equaly as immature. Back when PC's used to have a "more mature audience." I'd say in the more mainstream games that isn't true, however in smaller more fringe games it can be true. So that backs my idea up of it being a game to game experience.
I completely agree with you. I'm a PC gamer primarily, but, if I were to buy a console this year, it would be the Xbox One. The PS4 seems to be the more focused gaming device, but, since I do 90% of my gaming on a PC anyway, the Xbox seems to be far more attractive with its extra features like TV and media centre integration and the Kinect (yes - I said Kinect - that thing's actually great for parties and casual fooling around ). And the Xbox One had more and better exclusives.
I find it quite tasteless that seemingly serious game journalists (like people at Eurogamer) are writing obvious flamebaiting articles about the Xbox One just to get "internet cred". The Xbox One game dustribution system basically funcions like a much improved version of Steam, yet everyone loves Steam and hates Xbox One. I suppose it's just the thing "cool" kids do these days...
So says the 2 post person........ Something smells fishy!? Anyway If you game on PC like I do (will still get PS4 for Exclusives and certain games) you should know that the Xbox One couldn't hold a candle to the PC in terms of TV entertainment unless you like the skype visual thing!
Below is where we can disscuss and come up with new ideas for Sandparks!
I disagree. A PC without overpriced TV tuner has 0 TV entertainment value, unless you watch TV over the internet, which would imply you have persistent internet connection so the 24 hour drm wouldn't hurt you the slightest. So yeah, go hate somewhere else
The XBO looks quite fun , I'd love to get my hands on it.
Would be difficult to quit playing on one of my favourite consoles
(since the original Xbox) just because ,forgive me using the term
"butthurt" whiners, who have yet to try the system tell me not to get it.
I will most certainly try the system before buying, and if the system has games
that appeal to me, I'll probably get it.
The same is true for the Playstation 4, It looks a great system and I look
forward to trying it at well.
I won't say people are wrong to have reservations toward a new system, it's better
to be sceptical, and not disappointed (but rather surprised of how much fun something
is , than being overly hyped (and thus disappointed).
The latter I saw was true with the Old Republic, many were -really- hopeful ,and incredibly
outspoken how good it seemed at first, the to be badmouthing the game when it didn't live
up to their every expectation.
Make up your own minds on the upcoming game systems (or games for that matter)
Overly negative or positive preconceptions people show here on the forums are more
often than not highly biased. Things are rarely -that- bad ,or -this- incredibly good as people
who have -no experience with the products claim
Use your heads ( mean the top one guys)
If they want to completely change people's expectations of what a console is supposed to be and do, they are obviously free to try it, but that isn't an easy path, and Microsoft isn't exactly having a good start. They aren't selling a gaming console, no matter how much they are trying to push it as such. They have created a watered down, very basic PC, complete with the idea that internet is an essential part of the experience, and I just don't see the console market going for it. Consoles have thrived by not being PCs and catering to the gaming needs of those who have little interest in having anything more than a simple, basic gaming machine, and the average console gamer still really is only looking for a simple, basic gaming machine, not a machine that attempts to be a complete, low end PC. I have no doubt that the initial sales will still do quite well, but unless they plan on flat out dropping the whole console conceit, and admit they are trying to sell a very basic PC, I don't see their marketing department having much success selling this machine long term.
So, please share. What are they trying to do with the XBOX One? Let's focus on the things none of the other devices in my living room can already do same or better.
I am with you there, the mature argument is hilarious. I think THIS VIDEO sums it up quite nicely (for the OP not you Varth)
41 year old guy here. I've never owned a Playstation but I have 3 Xbox consoles in my home: bedroom, lounge and study. We're huge halo fans in the household but with the features added to the Xbox 1 we will now be Playstation gamers (and PC).
I will NOT buy 3 copies of Halo because I decide I want to play the game in the bedroom rather than the lounge or study and besides, I don't have an internet connection in the bedroom so how will I be able to play single player there? When you take away my choices I take away my business.
It was stated quite clearly that you can play the games registered to your account on any Xbox One. Plus, you can share all your games with your family (up to 8 or 10 peolpe it was, I think). You can even play two games from the same account at the same time.
If you don't have an interet conection in the bedromm (not even Wi-Fi), you can use your phone to let the Xbox connect to the internet through it (share the 3G connection to a Wi-Fi signal) once every 24h. Not that much of a hassle. You don't need breadband, it just needs to ping the MS servers and get a response.