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Warhammer 40.000: Eternal Crusade: Founder Pack Giveaway!



  • ryzhkovryzhkov Member Posts: 1

    My favorite experience with 40k was when I tried to setup a game around storytelling, playing my Tau army against my brother's Imperial Guard. He's a noob in 40k, so I tried my best to create a game that will be as fun as possible for him despite his inevitable and terrible defeat. :)

    First turn was night fighting, and his army was basically blind, then the searchlight on his only Leman Russ found my Riptide. Then he used BRING IT DOWN order, which was quite out-of-character, and sporadic shooting began, laser charges and bolts ricocheting harmlessly from Riptide's armor!

    Basically during all course of the game my brother was only doing one thing - shooting all e got at that Riptide, while I unfolded some kind of Tau Arms Expo 2012, showing him all kinds of impossible shit Tau can do to IG at night. )) That was fun, yes.

  • garrett53garrett53 Member UncommonPosts: 7
    I still remeber when I saw for the first time warhammer 40.000: dawn of war, and I love the universe ever since.  And what I like the most in these universe are oversized armors and heroes. All there is to it. Only hope that this game will be a huge success, after all those failure mmos that arrived laately.
  • Captain_SlaughtahCaptain_Slaughtah Member Posts: 5
    My best experience about 40k happened IRL, about a year ago. It was an ordinary day , me and my friend were goin home (with a bus) and we talked about 40k and Eternal Crusade and when I said a quote a bit louder to strengthen the meaningfulness a random guy and his friends near us said "An open mind is like a fortress, unbarred and unguarded" and his other friends quoted too like "Knowledge is power, hide it well" + etc. It's a big thing in Hungary to suddenly meet other 40k fans and recognize them , so it felt good to encounter this "miracle". And I think EC is going to be a game to make 40k more popular (ofc I don't want 40k to be mainstream but a bit more popular) or just as good as DoW1 in it's unique way.
  • ThoemseThoemse Member UncommonPosts: 457

    I think i only ever played like 5 matches.

    My best moments with warhammer 40k was painting my eldar. :)

  • KynmoreKynmore Member UncommonPosts: 66

    The year was 1999...


    One of my two best friend had moved to Orlando/Winterpark a year before, attending college there. He and his wife-to-be lived in a rather large apartment, and had me and our other friend would come over and couch crash on weekeend throughout the year. He worked part-time at this awesome store called Sci-Fi City, which was one of the largest comic-gaming stores in Florida at the time. He brought us in on a day when they had table-top W40k running, and we were sucked in.

    We had played Battletech all throughout highschool, and had tons of fun with Heavy Gear, but none of that was like what we saw happening with Warhammer. The terrain, buildings, and painting some of the players had were absolutely amazing. Orcs, Chaos Marines, Eldar of both flavors were all represented in this, among others. I immediately dropped about $200 to get started on a Space Marine army; just models, I still had paints from other games we played.

    I moved to the same area later that year, when I attended school there myself. I made some quick cash doing base-coats and custome vehicles for some of the other players, and it was always a blast playing in the large-scale battles over mutiple days. Though I play exclusively on PC now, and have since sold off my collection, I hope to one day build it back up.


  • RhyusRhyus Member Posts: 1
    My favorite experience was when I was working for the Baltimore division (US HQ at the time).  We have a massive battle.  This was my first experience with the game.  There was like 20 people playing and we had like 4 or 5 tables lined up with all different types of terrain.  I borrowed someone's Space Marine army because he wasn't able to attend.  I think everybody had like 2000 points and it was just one massive battle with off board artillery.  It must have lasted for hours.  It was a great first experience.
  • OverkillOverkill Member UncommonPosts: 29

    My favorite 40k moment. I was doing a pickup game at a store and put together an eldar force in about 10 minutes and was facing off against a Space Wolf player ( I have this thing against the wolves) Round 1 I fire with all my reapers and kill every last one of his Long Fangs. The look he gave me as he stated "You killed all my Long Fangs, congratulations..." was just the best.

    This guy would making a tick-tock sound when it was my turn to try to hurry me up, then take forever on his turns. Then he was trying to be a rule lawyer about every single thing ( this was just a friendly pickup game).

    So it gave me great satisfaction to decimate his forces. He is lucky we ended the game when we did. I had a squad of howling banshees within charge distance of his Blood Claws when we decided to call it.

  • SpileSpile Member UncommonPosts: 12

    My best and most fun match was in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine, I made my Space Marine look like the Black Legion Chapter and went on a 30-0 killstreak and never stopped. All of this with a trusty bolter and a axe :)

    I really felt invincible, like a try Space Marine, existing for war, breathing war, in service of the Emperor of Man! Slicing my axe through anyone crossing my path, shooting bullets and scoring almost perfect headshots that was a glorious day and a great victory, but victory is only the prelude to another battle.... to be continued

  • FirbyFirby Member UncommonPosts: 33
    While I've very much enjoyed every PC release for the 40k franchise sofar, my favorite experience has to have been the actual painting of my army, getting to customize it to exactly how I want...because we all know what matters isn't how badly you beat the opponent, its how good your units look while you are doing so.
  • inmysightsinmysights Member UncommonPosts: 450
    I love my Tyrranids! One Christmas while I was active duty military, I created a campaign where the players was all working together to kill me playing a christma NPC. Over the course of the week, they fought Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, frosty the snowman, Charlie Brown and eventually I setup a HUGE table with Christmas lights and fake snow and made the terrain look like a normal neighborhood and we all fought Santa Claus himself for the Campaign finale. It was a blast!

    I am so good, I backstabbed your face!

  • Link-deadLink-dead Member Posts: 15
    Mine would be the "Dawn Of War" I really look forward to playing a space marine again
  • ZenerenZeneren Member UncommonPosts: 29

    my best experience is and was reading the lore of eldar race always

    the idea of space elves is just superrb in its own way for me ;)

  • ArglebargleArglebargle Member EpicPosts: 3,485

    My iconic Warhammer 40K experiance was watching a tabletop miniatures game with three people (two players and judge), going through a series of calculations for a shot.  It took minutes of 'plus for this, minus for that' with a ton of rolls back and forth.  And in the end, absolutely nothing happened.  Fiddly brit rules systems for you....


    Hopefully this online version will be a bit more .... dynamic.

    If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.

  • ThebigyellowduckThebigyellowduck Member Posts: 1

    My favourite moment, probably back when I used to skirmish with my brother on Dark Crusade, we'd always teamed up against countless different opponents and this time he wanted do a 1v1 VS, I agreed thinking it'd be a close match. I favoured the Orcs because of their aggressive lifestyle and large hoarding numbers and my brother was intent on stomping his opponents as the superhuman Spacemarines. We'd gotten a good 15 minutes into the game with minimal contact, I'd been building my army up and researching all that which I saw was essential to storm his base. I took a good 2 thirds of my army and sent them charging into the fray, hitting his structures and "Going ham", losing soldiers at points but standing strong. It was then that I was hit by the reality of the situation, I was battling his units and structures, but I'd only just left my base, Could he have.... No.... It couldn't be possible..... He'd taken almost all requisite points and had built a factory of constantly able unit spawners, I retreated the remaining men I had to my home base and sat them there restoring health and commanding my gretchins to build as many turrets and mines as possible. In the next 5 minutes the Warchief was dead along with all of my structures and I'd lost the game.

    My loss streak to my brother has since been ever growing and that game will always stay strong in my heart.

  • TopikmopikTopikmopik Member CommonPosts: 6
    The first time I saw Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. The way everything looked and felt was just perfect. I fall in love with the setting immediately.  Maybe not the most inspiring favorite experience but I still remember it vividly.
  • FinnlockFinnlock Member Posts: 1


    I have been a fan of the 40k univers sence 1993 when I found the minitures in my local comic book shop. I have loved spacehulk from the moment it was resleased , it's by far my favoret 40k game. I also have been so inpired by the lore and fluff of 40k I started making lifesize props and costumes from it! I even built a working chainsword! Here is a video of it.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I have made a number of cosplays based in 40k, here is my girlfriend's Canoness and my Ork at dragoncon last year. And I am currently working on lifesize spacemarine armor. Here is a link to my build thread on Dakka Dakka. I have been waiting for an MMO style 40k game a long time :)

  • SnapsysSnapsys Member Posts: 3
    Most of my group of friends couldn't afford huge armies of minitures when we were younger. My fondest memories of 40k tabletop was when we would all gather with our little 500 point armies and have epic 4 vs 4 matches so we could get up to the 2000 point army mark like we were reading about in White Dwarf every month.
  • red3374red3374 Member Posts: 1
    My best warhammer 40k memory was when a good friend of mine and I were playing soulstorm we had not seen each other in months I had picked the game up for him on my way to his house and we played skirmish after skirmish until we literally fell asleep at our computers
  • demonsongdemonsong Member Posts: 6

    Many years ago, I entered a 40K tournament with my newly finished Chaos Marine Army. No Vehicles, just 120+ Marines and Demons. It was awesome, I went 3-1 and was the only army list in the tournament that got maximum points from all my opponents for army composition. Army composition made up 1/3 of your total score for the tournament so even with my single defeat I still won tournament champ.



    -Overkill is a legitimate business tactic.

  • TwigariousTwigarious Member Posts: 4
    My favorite 40k experience would have to be from a large scale Planet Strike game hosted by a local Games Workshop.  I play Nids, which is always awkward when it comes to large scale games because technically I am supposed to be against everyone.  Anyways, it was turn two and I walk a full squad of Zoanthropes onto the table.  It was just my luck that they were barely out of reach of the fortress for their concentrated Warp Lance shot.  Luckily no one on the opposing side took them as a serious threat, because, you know, they are tiny and wimpy looking.  Well that was a big blunder by them because on my team's next turn they were in range and a chunk of the enemy fortress exploded from a bombardment of psychic fury.  The other team quickly realized that those Zoanthropes really were a big threat.  It was a big cred. booster for my Nids that day.
  • LordBurneLordBurne Member Posts: 1

    For me, it was the tabletop miniatures.

    I was playing a game with a group of friends, 3 vs. 3; 2 Space Marines players and 1 Imperial Guard player (myself) against 3 Chaos players. It was quite hard at the start, as unlike many Guard players, I favour armour over infantry. So, I went in with the basic minimum of infantry troops required - 2 Veteran Guardsmen squads and 1 Company Command squad.

    My allies fielded a collected force of Terminators, a Land Raider, a Predator Destructor, and assorted marines. Chaos had a flyer (I forget the name), a Nurgle Daemon Prince, a Bloodthirster, Terminators, a Defiler, Plague and Chosen Marines. At that time, every one but me was using the 6th edition codex, as the IG one had yet to be released.

    I fielded a Medusa, and 3 Leman Russ battle tanks. Switched all the sponsons heavy bolters for multi-meltas and one battle cannon for a Vanquisher cannon. Plus a Tech-priest Engineseer and 4 Servitors, for battlefield repairs.

    Bad news.

    Chaos teleports 2 squads of Terminators into the ruins in close proximity of an ally's and my own command squad. Both are slaughtered in round 3 (the sniper attached to my commander's retinue fled, but not before sniping the head off one Chosen Marine in round 2). One Guardsmen squad was annihilated in one turn as they were raked mercilessly by the second squad of Termis. My Engineseer was challenged, and lost almost immediately. The Servitors fared no better.

    Good news, sort of.

    None of my tanks were destroyed. Except the Medusa, but that was in round 5. That artillery pulled its worth, killing most of the Chosen Marines each round. Oddly enough, when I rolled the Scatter Die, and scattered, the shots actually were better than my originally aimed ones. When it was surrounded by the Termis, I ordered my Leman Russ squad to fire on them. One tank pivoted, the others just used what sponsons were able and their turrets. Three shots, with each Blast Marker partially over my besieged Medusa. Not one hull point lost. And one of those Termi bastards died. Yay! However, I wasted one shot of my Medusa over the Plague Marines. They were in heavy cover (so, with a 4+ cover save an then the Feel No Pain special rule... you get the picture). The second squad of Plague Marines took a pot-shot at my pivoted Leman Russ, hitting the exposed side with two Missile Launchers!

    Earlier, that tank was hit at the front, with no damage. The missiles hit it, costing it two hull points. I choose not to retreat. Again, another two shots. No damage. And again. No damage. In the end, as my Medusa was reduced to a smoking crater, I pulled my tanks into cover.

    My last remaining infantry squad, which were at one end of the table, had better luck. Knocked off 2 Wounds from the Nurgle DP with their autocannon, and one hull point from the flyer with a Snap Shot.

    End result.

    Loyalists lost, with only one objective secure while the Traitors had two.


    I was laughing my head off at the amount of serious luck I had throughout. It wasn't skill, all luck. And it made a difference. Who says the Imperial Guard can't fight?

  • MelnixaMelnixa Member UncommonPosts: 1

     I had a 2000 point tyranid army vs a 1000 point space marine and 1000 poin tau that were teamed up. I sent in my squad of gargoyles lead by a parasite of Mortrex and overwhelmed a squad of tactical marines with the ripper swarms that spawned from their own deaths. All the while a Trygon bursts through the ground to destroy a predator tank only to be shot up after two turns. When all looked to be in my favor I was shot to bits by the tau that were held up in a large fortress I made out of packing styrofoam. Turns out I was missing about 30 genestealers that would have actually made the point difference equal. For being at such a disadvantage I had major fun kicking ass before dying in a fire!


  • swarmdieswarmdie Member UncommonPosts: 67
    I loved playing the necrons in dawn of war and in warhammer online getting 3 different characters #1 in number of pvp kills in their respective class leaderboard was quite the journey.
  • GauryGaury Member UncommonPosts: 1
    The original Warhammer 40k Dawn of War was the best. Space Marines could hold of a holork and eldar group.

    Live by the sword, die by the sword!!!

  • SoliquiditySoliquidity Member UncommonPosts: 1

    My best 40k memory took place some years ago. Fantasy Flight Games had just released the first in their line of PnP RPG's, Dark Heresy. Me and a couple of friends decided we wanted to try it out.

    In Dark Heresy you play as "underlings" to an inquisitor, and you hunt down heretics. Our group departed on the first mission to a city planet where we would end up in a gunfight inside of an apartment complex. We lost more ground than we won with that fight and it was then and there that i really learned to appreciate the omnipresent mortality of 40k, that is so easily forgotten while playing with space marines. I also found a deeper love for the setting with that one stand of. I love a rich setting, it is the most important aspect of a game to me, and 40k has one of the richest settings out there.

    ps. My character didn't survive the fight.

    pps. I should get a price in his memory ;)

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