Originally posted by xDivianaDRx I saw that. I just don't think they'll give more than 5 - 10. Maybe 15 but that's just getting silly.
Royce I just about cheered out loud and jumped out of my chair when I read what the link directed me to. It was the 2nd time I read it and like Diviana the first time I saw it I was thinking only 5-10 slots, but since you directed me there you have raised my hopes. Thanks and I hope it is a high number of character slots.
Originally posted by xDivianaDRx I saw that. I just don't think they'll give more than 5 - 10. Maybe 15 but that's just getting silly.
Royce I just about cheered out loud and jumped out of my chair when I read what the link directed me to. It was the 2nd time I read it and like Diviana the first time I saw it I was thinking only 5-10 slots, but since you directed me there you have raised my hopes. Thanks and I hope it is a high number of character slots.
You are more than welcome.
And next time someone cheers outloud and jumps out of chairs.. we need video of the event.
I still don't think there would be more than 15 slots on a basic account. Sure there's a ton of combos, but they still want to make money because people want more character slots.......
Could be true Diviana, but I am personally hoping that Simu lives up to my impression that they seem to be a company that as a whole cares more about their customers' satifaction than just making money of them.
It's not so much about just wanting to make money off the customers there is a point of diminishing returns for both the customer and the company. For every character slot you have to allocate X amount of storage space to store the data behind that character.
For a simple example look at a D&D character sheet. If you're building a D&D based game you have to set aside space to store all of that information, whether the individual character is using it or not right now. In any MMO you're going to have to track a lot more than that basic data as well, so your storage space goes up.
So you have to ask how many characters per account per world (if you're using a multi-shard system like say WoW) is enough to make the players happy without placing undue expense on the company and for every game that number will be different.
Originally posted by kaieedge Could be true Diviana, but I am personally hoping that Simu lives up to my impression that they seem to be a company that as a whole cares more about their customers' satifaction than just making money of them.
We're gamers... all of us.
There isn't one person that I know of that doesn't play some type of RPG or MMORPG that is part of Simutronics.
So to that end, 99% of us focus on the fun part of it, which is making very cool things for players to do and enjoy (Or be killed by). And since we all game, we know what's fun and what isn't. Places like mmorpg.com help to keep us in touch with all of you and your thoughts as well.
Thank you for explaining that to me Sisca. That was all new to me. As an Alt-aholic I still hope for a bunch of character slots. What can I say? I have a sickness and I need character slots to appease it.
I am glad to know that you guys do keep up with the forums. Thank you for keeping your eye on these forums and posting regularly. Thank you to all the other devs and GMs that track the playnet forums and others. I am on the playnet forums as well.
There is something I want to ask but for the moment I forgot.
lets see. It had something to do with characters.. I really need to start writing my questions down, because I think of tons of them, but they always slip away.
Well I'll talk about something dumb until I remember. One time I played DR for 18 hours straight. I hope HJ holds my attention like that. (Although my boyfriend will be mad! Except he's been devoting ALL his attention to EVE-Online, so it'll be even.)
Oh has anyone noticed how much EVE is like EV? If nobody knows what EV is, it's Escape Velocity (EVNova is the newer one) it's a really old space game (like around 10 years old maybe?) well it seems like EVE online took 98% of their ideas from it. I mean, it's almost EXACTLY the same except EVE takes actual time to learn skills, is multiplayer, and has 3D graphics. (By the way EVE is extremely easy, we are on the 14 day free trial and already have like 22 million ISK. And learning skills isn't even that slow we have a ton of them at level 4.. Around 300k skill points I think?) He was telling me that a game like EV would be perfect online and he would play that, and I was reading the HJ forums the day before and someone mentioned EVE, so I looked and I automatically knew he would be hooked.
The question almost popped back in, but then it ran away again. I'm about to give up, I hate when I do this. Then 10 minutes later I'll know what it was. Well I'm going to eat this sandwich mom just gave me and hope I remember.
Royce, thank you very much for the time you put into this board, I believe we all appreciate your effort. I'm very happy I (finally) found this thread. I'm and old GS'er (Formerly Glorfiendel of Ice Mule trace, dating back from AOL day up to the release of WoW) and I have only one simple question/request that I know you can emphasize with. I was a box poper (locksmith) in Gemstone and while I read that there will be a way to locate people offering services (something mini maped I presume). But will us box popers still have our little hub of service? (the well in Icemule, the East tower in the landing, the guild in DR[? never played it]) Or will that bew something players have to workout themselves (in GS it was included in the newbie orientation you could get at the inn ie go here for box pickin)? I ask these questions only because the Locksmith hang out made for excellent RP fun.
Thanks again royce,
Neclord--UO (deceased) Josco--SWG (deceased) Waiting for STO?
I was just thinking about the things I liked about GS back in the day. Most of it honestly had to do with the amount of body language you could use to role play with. Now, I know that amount of detail is impossible in a graphical game. Graphics will never compare to the imagination, but I was wondering what kind of detail is being put into emotes, voice overs, etc.
I'm really excited watching this game through development, but the idea of everything that this game is and could be, plus decent emotes, fluffy items etc for the roleplayers could blow this game up big time.
Something as simple (well, I don't know how simple it is) as having a book that you could look like you were writing in, for those scholarly types, ceremonial items with effects of some sort and decent emotes would rock. Those are just a couple things, but I've never seen an MMO yet that has even attempted anything like that.
Originally posted by xDivianaDRx Here's one question that I remembered:
Is there going to be any food/drink items? I don't mean ones that affect stats and such, I mean just fluff. For RP purposes. on the same topic, will there be a lot of fluff?
There is no official word on this Div, but I think this one is a no brianer. Maybe less at first, but as the game evolves, that's another story... look at DR and GS. So much stuff to have and drink, you don't know all the names.
Originally posted by thebiv Royce, thank you very much for the time you put into this board, I believe we all appreciate your effort. I'm very happy I (finally) found this thread. I'm and old GS'er (Formerly Glorfiendel of Ice Mule trace, dating back from AOL day up to the release of WoW) and I have only one simple question/request that I know you can emphasize with. I was a box poper (locksmith) in Gemstone and while I read that there will be a way to locate people offering services (something mini maped I presume). But will us box popers still have our little hub of service? (the well in Icemule, the East tower in the landing, the guild in DR[? never played it]) Or will that bew something players have to workout themselves (in GS it was included in the newbie orientation you could get at the inn ie go here for box pickin)? I ask these questions only because the Locksmith hang out made for excellent RP fun. Thanks again royce,
This is another one where these is no official word on. Rest assured though, once there is word, be it from us or player designated... I'll be there.
It hasn't been stated though if it is a window you can view to see who is "working" or if it's an area you can goto to find the person you need or....etc...etc.
I just wanted to post this though so others may read it...
Originally posted by daelnor I was just thinking about the things I liked about GS back in the day. Most of it honestly had to do with the amount of body language you could use to role play with. Now, I know that amount of detail is impossible in a graphical game. Graphics will never compare to the imagination, but I was wondering what kind of detail is being put into emotes, voice overs, etc. I'm really excited watching this game through development, but the idea of everything that this game is and could be, plus decent emotes, fluffy items etc for the roleplayers could blow this game up big time. Something as simple (well, I don't know how simple it is) as having a book that you could look like you were writing in, for those scholarly types, ceremonial items with effects of some sort and decent emotes would rock. Those are just a couple things, but I've never seen an MMO yet that has even attempted anything like that.
I believe this is a topic we've talked about once already in a limited fashion. We've already got some very nice anaimations thanks to the art team. They are all just amazing. From pure art to animations... Thanks to Tracy, Kyle, Mike, Aaron and the rest of the gang.
We know there is a need to express yourselves and there will be ways for you to do so. And like fluff, plan on it evolving as the game does.
As for the book ideas and such... that is a very interesting idea. If I wasn't working on clan and guild stuff at the moment I'de go test something.... so instead I'm going to make a note.
Thoughts like this bring back my Dragonlance days. Things like Tika running around with a frying pan and playing whack-a-mole with draconians. (Whack-a-Drac?)
There is no official word on this Div, but I think this one is a no brianer. Maybe less at first, but as the game evolves, that's another story... look at DR and GS. So much stuff to have and drink, you don't know all the names.
Originally posted by xDivianaDRx Originally posted by HJ-Royce There is no official word on this Div, but I think this one is a no brianer. Maybe less at first, but as the game evolves, that's another story... look at DR and GS. So much stuff to have and drink, you don't know all the names. Oh my god... No BRIANS? What will we do! :P
BRIANS aren't needed since we're well stocked with Mikes
Originally posted by HJ-Royce There is no official word on this Div, but I think this one is a no brianer. Maybe less at first, but as the game evolves, that's another story... look at DR and GS. So much stuff to have and drink, you don't know all the names.
Oh my god... No BRIANS? What will we do! :P
BRIANS aren't needed since we're well stocked with Mikes
And Daves... And Chris'... and Aarons... and Scotts
If you or any of your relatives have any of the above names, You may apply to be a GM (both on and offsite) and you are almost assured to get the position. (j/k)
Hey indeed I believe I remember you as well. The last time I picked the habit (Gemstone= more addictive than beer or Cigs) back up, I was best known as Onyxsablet's in game husband.
Neclord--UO (deceased) Josco--SWG (deceased) Waiting for STO?
Ok Royce got a question for you that you will likely not be able to answer.... but I may as well pose it.
The combat system seems (from the early poor quality video.... I know that its not for sure the final version) to be very similar to FFXI. IE, locked into combat with your opponent, no free range of motion once engaged, difficult to run away. Is this true? If not can you tell us any more at all about it? Or will I just have to wait and see?
(Note that if it is akin to the ffXI... try and convince them to make an aggro range limit... thanks )
Ps. Noticed you mention you are in NE ohio, I'm from warren myself, what area you from?
Neclord--UO (deceased) Josco--SWG (deceased) Waiting for STO?
Any word on a time-line yet?
*puppy dog eyes... sniff*
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
I refuse to say the "S" word.
So I'll just say "When it's ready." But believe me when I say we are all trying hard.
Simutronics Staff (GM)
Humility before Honor.
You are more than welcome.
And next time someone cheers outloud and jumps out of chairs.. we need video of the event.
Simutronics Staff (GM)
I still don't think there would be more than 15 slots on a basic account. Sure there's a ton of combos, but they still want to make money because people want more character slots.......
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
Humility before Honor.
It's not so much about just wanting to make money off the customers there is a point of diminishing returns for both the customer and the company. For every character slot you have to allocate X amount of storage space to store the data behind that character.
For a simple example look at a D&D character sheet. If you're building a D&D based game you have to set aside space to store all of that information, whether the individual character is using it or not right now. In any MMO you're going to have to track a lot more than that basic data as well, so your storage space goes up.
So you have to ask how many characters per account per world (if you're using a multi-shard system like say WoW) is enough to make the players happy without placing undue expense on the company and for every game that number will be different.
We're gamers... all of us.
There isn't one person that I know of that doesn't play some type of RPG or MMORPG that is part of Simutronics.
So to that end, 99% of us focus on the fun part of it, which is making very cool things for players to do and enjoy (Or be killed by). And since we all game, we know what's fun and what isn't. Places like mmorpg.com help to keep us in touch with all of you and your thoughts as well.
Simutronics Staff (GM)
Thank you for explaining that to me Sisca. That was all new to me. As an Alt-aholic I still hope for a bunch of character slots. What can I say? I have a sickness and I need character slots to appease it.
I am glad to know that you guys do keep up with the forums. Thank you for keeping your eye on these forums and posting regularly. Thank you to all the other devs and GMs that track the playnet forums and others. I am on the playnet forums as well.
Humility before Honor.
There is something I want to ask but for the moment I forgot.
lets see. It had something to do with characters.. I really need to start writing my questions down, because I think of tons of them, but they always slip away.
Well I'll talk about something dumb until I remember. One time I played DR for 18 hours straight. I hope HJ holds my attention like that. (Although my boyfriend will be mad! Except he's been devoting ALL his attention to EVE-Online, so it'll be even.)
Oh has anyone noticed how much EVE is like EV? If nobody knows what EV is, it's Escape Velocity (EVNova is the newer one) it's a really old space game (like around 10 years old maybe?) well it seems like EVE online took 98% of their ideas from it. I mean, it's almost EXACTLY the same except EVE takes actual time to learn skills, is multiplayer, and has 3D graphics. (By the way EVE is extremely easy, we are on the 14 day free trial and already have like 22 million ISK. And learning skills isn't even that slow we have a ton of them at level 4.. Around 300k skill points I think?) He was telling me that a game like EV would be perfect online and he would play that, and I was reading the HJ forums the day before and someone mentioned EVE, so I looked and I automatically knew he would be hooked.
The question almost popped back in, but then it ran away again. I'm about to give up, I hate when I do this. Then 10 minutes later I'll know what it was. Well I'm going to eat this sandwich mom just gave me and hope I remember.
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
Here's one question that I remembered:
Is there going to be any food/drink items? I don't mean ones that affect stats and such, I mean just fluff. For RP purposes.
on the same topic, will there be a lot of fluff?
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
Royce, thank you very much for the time you put into this board, I believe we all appreciate your effort. I'm very happy I (finally) found this thread. I'm and old GS'er (Formerly Glorfiendel of Ice Mule trace, dating back from AOL day up to the release of WoW) and I have only one simple question/request that I know you can emphasize with. I was a box poper (locksmith) in Gemstone and while I read that there will be a way to locate people offering services (something mini maped I presume). But will us box popers still have our little hub of service? (the well in Icemule, the East tower in the landing, the guild in DR[? never played it]) Or will that bew something players have to workout themselves (in GS it was included in the newbie orientation you could get at the inn ie go here for box pickin)? I ask these questions only because the Locksmith hang out made for excellent RP fun.
Thanks again royce,
Neclord--UO (deceased)
Josco--SWG (deceased)
Waiting for STO?
I was just thinking about the things I liked about GS back in the day. Most of it honestly had to do with the amount of body language you could use to role play with. Now, I know that amount of detail is impossible in a graphical game. Graphics will never compare to the imagination, but I was wondering what kind of detail is being put into emotes, voice overs, etc.
I'm really excited watching this game through development, but the idea of everything that this game is and could be, plus decent emotes, fluffy items etc for the roleplayers could blow this game up big time.
Something as simple (well, I don't know how simple it is) as having a book that you could look like you were writing in, for those scholarly types, ceremonial items with effects of some sort and decent emotes would rock. Those are just a couple things, but I've never seen an MMO yet that has even attempted anything like that.
Wow! I remember you! lol, looong time ago.
Formerly Daelnor (rogue) of Icemule Trace
Simutronics Staff (GM)
This is another one where these is no official word on. Rest assured though, once there is word, be it from us or player designated... I'll be there.
It hasn't been stated though if it is a window you can view to see who is "working" or if it's an area you can goto to find the person you need or....etc...etc.
I just wanted to post this though so others may read it...
and this one...
I can't wait!
And thanks for the warm response! Needless to say, I'll be half Rogue.
Simutronics Staff (GM)
I believe this is a topic we've talked about once already in a limited fashion. We've already got some very nice anaimations thanks to the art team. They are all just amazing. From pure art to animations... Thanks to Tracy, Kyle, Mike, Aaron and the rest of the gang.
We know there is a need to express yourselves and there will be ways for you to do so. And like fluff, plan on it evolving as the game does.
As for the book ideas and such... that is a very interesting idea. If I wasn't working on clan and guild stuff at the moment I'de go test something.... so instead I'm going to make a note.
Thoughts like this bring back my Dragonlance days. Things like Tika running around with a frying pan and playing whack-a-mole with draconians. (Whack-a-Drac?)
Simutronics Staff (GM)
Wow! I remember you! lol, looong time ago.
Formerly Daelnor (rogue) of Icemule Trace
Rogues rule!
Simutronics Staff (GM)
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
BRIANS aren't needed since we're well stocked with Mikes
BRIANS aren't needed since we're well stocked with Mikes
And Daves... And Chris'... and Aarons... and Scotts
If you or any of your relatives have any of the above names, You may apply to be a GM (both on and offsite) and you are almost assured to get the position. (j/k)
Simutronics Staff (GM)
My boyfriends name is Chris is that close enough?
so do I get the job now?
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
<Wow! I remember you! lol, looong time ago.
Formerly Daelnor (rogue) of Icemule Trace>
Hey indeed I believe I remember you as well. The last time I picked the habit (Gemstone= more addictive than beer or Cigs) back up, I was best known as Onyxsablet's in game husband.
Neclord--UO (deceased)
Josco--SWG (deceased)
Waiting for STO?
Ok Royce got a question for you that you will likely not be able to answer.... but I may as well pose it.
The combat system seems (from the early poor quality video.... I know that its not for sure the final version) to be very similar to FFXI. IE, locked into combat with your opponent, no free range of motion once engaged, difficult to run away. Is this true? If not can you tell us any more at all about it? Or will I just have to wait and see?
(Note that if it is akin to the ffXI... try and convince them to make an aggro range limit... thanks )
Ps. Noticed you mention you are in NE ohio, I'm from warren myself, what area you from?
Neclord--UO (deceased)
Josco--SWG (deceased)
Waiting for STO?