Its amazing to me how much hype this game generates.
I mean The Repopulation just came out with Alpha and it has been practically forgotten it seems to me.
I look at the Star Citizen website and as far as their project development page goes it looks like maybe 25 % of the game is classified as completed, with the other 75% either in development, design or ? not even started?
Well lets see if they can meet the spring /15 goal of releasing the FPS beta. At least that would give me something to hang my hat on here.
Still I see a long road ahead, and many, many more dollars for backers before anything close to a mass effect takes shape.
Just my opinion.
As long as Star Citizen promises a game, teases a game but doesn't deliver anything concrete the hype will continue. It's when (some will say if) they ever get to the point where they have a more playable game that the hype bubble this game has built around itself will pop. There is no way any game made by any person can be all the things this game has been inflated to be to all people. It may or may not be enjoyable in the end but it won't come close to living up to the hype setup around it.
Releasing this in separate modules is pretty smart of them. They can not only get fans to defend their game for being in Development, Alpha, Beta, whatever but they can also hide behind the "you are only seeing part of the game" up until the very end whenever that will be. The small peaks we get from the modules keep the ship dollars rolling in by the truck load but isn't enough of a game to show the inevitable flaws in the final product.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Star Citizen makes more money as a game before launch than after.
Star Citizen is first and foremost a space simulator. It is highly unlikely that it will ever have the in depth story or character building found in the Mass Effect games.
I'm looking forward to the game, but I have no delusions about it being story driven or filled with sidekicks with unusual personality disorders
"It's impossible. Nobody could achieve that" Tell that to Shepard XD
Jokes aside, this project is being done in parallel instead in series. It's not the "We create this first, and then this, and then the other thing". They have several studios creating different parts while at the same time coordinating the efforts so the pieces can be put together. In march we'll have FPS. Nice, of course, it won't be complete (Even the hangar has been revised a couple times) and probably in June we'll have more social options.
Yep, it's very possible that the sales of the game in gold don't get so high as the pledges, because the one we pledged already have the game XD The ones that didn't wanted to risk and feel interested will buy it then, and although it could be a good quantity, it would surprise me if get over a million people.
About don't live the hype and don't deliver what promised... hmmm... Got the point on the hype, but not so much on the promises. It was promised the best space sim ever. Ok, could be... considering that space sim has never been a sim like DCS or other, so... it could be. Promised a campaign, Squadron 42, bigger than the ones on Wing Commander, so more than 50 hours (In relation to it, they did dialogue and branches on the plot before Mass Effect). Now they add FPS and some features that at first would arrive on expansions.
And about hype... ok, some people really think that Occulus Rift and this game would be like a space version of Sword Art Online XDD. That's not Chris Roberts fault. And ok, their promises of a world as we haven't seen before with so many features make the hype boils, but this is a problem with the player. Imagine too much it's bad.
Anyway, for the moment has been the best development simulator of the history XDD. Never had so many info of a game before launch. Even there aren't so many games with wikis bigger than the documents we have with this. I guess this help growing the hype, but, it's ok. I'll wait until the release, I think for beginning of 2017, just in case ;-)
Zero faith in star citizen.They always have their hand out for more money, i highly doubt this game will live up to the hype.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Originally posted by DeserttFoxx Zero faith in star citizen.They always have their hand out for more money, i highly doubt this game will live up to the hype.
Are you seriously suggesting that someone creating a game should stop selling the game as pre-order ? Because getting a pledge package is essentially pre-ordering a game.
"having their hand out for more money" is the OTHER thing game companies do beside creating games. Because somewhere someone has to pay salaries and rent with that money.
On paper, Star Citizen should be a project that I would be like 'HELL YEAH' 100% behind - I love space sims and multiplayer / MMOs.
There is, however, a disturbance in the Force for me, and its a combination of the following thoughts:
Games never live up to the hype (and the hype is monstrous for this one)
There is a worrying amount of cult-like behaviour in the followers of this game, encouraged by Roberts. They talk about these ships like they are real things that they own instead of pixels that are no better than any other 'free' ships in any other PC game.
I have no idea what this game IS, it seems like a load of ideas that are being built with no clear vision for how they will connect
Watched Arena Commander on Twitch, doesn't look much fun or visually impressive
The 'persistent universe' will be tacked on, rather than at the heart of the game. This means you will be able to do only a very limited set of tasks or actions (due to both time pressure and the restrictions implemented by the core game), it won't be hanging out in the cantina with Han Solo and talking business with aliens over strange cocktails. It will be more like SWTOR at best.
You can buy virtual currency on the webstore with real money. LOL. How is this not the epitome of pay to win? Makes me suspicious that it will be like a horrible mobile game with IAP where you have to basically 'insert coin' every hour or so to keep going without being gimped.
TL;DR: Too many negative things keep me away from this game and I fear it will crash and burn as soon as it gets released and reviewed.
On paper, Star Citizen should be a project that I would be like 'HELL YEAH' 100% behind - I love space sims and multiplayer / MMOs.
There is, however, a disturbance in the Force for me, and its a combination of the following thoughts:
Games never live up to the hype (and the hype is monstrous for this one)
--> A crowdfunding game with 760.000 backers will never be 100 % perfect for 100 % of the backers. Thats a simple fact. Many demands are mutually exclusive. So someone will always rage and scream. However, if one employs a healthy dose of realism and common sense, it will be enjoyable to wait for the SC launch.
There is a worrying amount of cult-like behaviour in the followers of this game,
--> Highly exaggerated by the media and not occuring for 99,99 % of the fans. Just talk to some of them in person.
encouraged by Roberts.
--> Definitely not actively encouraged by Roberts.
They talk about these ships like they are real things that they own instead of pixels that are no better than any other 'free' ships in any other PC game.
--> IMHO not more than any WoW player talking about his Warlords of Draenor citadel or a player from SWTOR or LOTRO talking about his decorated house. Being able to walk inside a ship and do something (not only shooting guns in a turret but taking a shower ;-) encourages a personal attachment to items in SC. Not to mention being able to customize things.
I have no idea what this game IS, it seems like a load of ideas that are being built with no clear vision for how they will connect
--> The vision has been described in very fine detail in many development posts, blogs and videos. Also the design principles and mayor game concepts like ship dynamics, permadeath or macro economics etc.
Watched Arena Commander on Twitch, doesn't look much fun or visually impressive
--> Could be because its in pre-Alpha and being heavily play-tested at the moment ?
The 'persistent universe' will be tacked on, rather than at the heart of the game.
--> Definitely a wrong impression. If you have read ANYTHING about SC, it will be quickly apparent that the Persistent Universe is the true goal ("heart") of the game. Basically the Freelancer universe that Roberts wanted to create, but could not back then.
This means you will be able to do only a very limited set of tasks or actions (due to both time pressure and the restrictions implemented by the core game),
--> Based on the current plans you will be able to do about as much as you can do in GTA5, which is quite impressive and basically on a level with the current technical gold standard (or better) in the industry.
it won't be hanging out in the cantina
--> Hanging out in cantinas is definitely a part of the game, although with less aliens (Banu, Tevarin, Xian) at first than you would see in Mos Eisley or Anchorhead. It will even be in the first social testing module (Arccorp landing zones bar(s)).
with Han Solo and talking business with aliens over strange cocktails. It will be more like SWTOR at best.
You can buy virtual currency on the webstore with real money. LOL. How is this not the epitome of pay to win?
--> Read the FAQ. The amounts of things you can buy with that virtual currency converted from real cash is very limited (even the wallet size for that kind of UEC is limited). Mostly skins and temporary tune-ups. Some weapons, but nothing that you can only exclusively buy with real world cash. You certainly wont be able to buy ships - thats an official design decision. And with the new REC virtual currency earned for playtesting, you can get anything just by playing, with no need for real world money. And because it does not transfer into the Persistent universe, it wont unbalance anything there or give Alpha/beta testers an unfair advantage.
--> The game is much more influenced by real world skill with the joystick than by buying stuff in an online store. If you suck as a pilot, the best ship or weapon won't help you. Getting a bigger ship won't help you either. There are no solo pilot EVE Online style Titans in Star Citizen. You as a solo flyer of capital ships are just setting yourself up as a victim for boarding player marines.
Makes me suspicious that it will be like a horrible mobile game with IAP where you have to basically 'insert coin' every hour or so to keep going without being gimped.
--> May i suggest that you do some more reading about the basic game principles of SC at the player created WIKI to lay to rest some of your suspicions:
TL;DR: Too many negative things keep me away from this game and I fear it will crash and burn as soon as it gets released and reviewed.
Hmm, I know the impression of the backers, the doubts of who had just listened something about the game and the curiosity of other. But I wanna know, which are the reasons some people think this game will not deliver? Is it for the skyrocket hype? too many promises? limited public, for pc requeriments or gameplay mechanics? the sale of ships during the alpha-beta state? the use of Cryengine? aim too high? because Chris Roberts?
Originally posted by DeserttFoxx Zero faith in star citizen.They always have their hand out for more money, i highly doubt this game will live up to the hype.
Are you seriously suggesting that someone creating a game should stop selling the game as pre-order ? Because getting a pledge package is essentially pre-ordering a game.
"having their hand out for more money" is the OTHER thing game companies do beside creating games. Because somewhere someone has to pay salaries and rent with that money.
Have fun
Yeah because continually asking for money means exactly what? Oh yeah, they can't get enough funding to finish the game.
nah, can't be that...
Looking at the world through rose colored glasses is awesome until you have to take them off.
Thanks for the detailed reply Erillion. I am in no way a 'hater', in fact i am most game's dream customer, I buy them all! I hope for the fans sake it works out ok. I will probably buy it, hell I bought Wildstar
I have read extensively on Star Citizen, and I have to say I am still confused. I don't see anywhere where they are promising GTA5 like features for instance. I'm not sure they want to do that either. All I've seen is walking around in a star port, and soldiers boarding a ship. That's a huge distance from 'steal anything, go anywhere, do anything, create mayhem'.
IMHO any game that gives you the opportunity to buy in game money is telegraphing the fact that if you want fast progression you will need to do this. That is why they do it. This leads to 'pay to win' scenarios where the biggest spenders can min/max much quicker and better than normal players. Some players want to pay to win.
The uber-fans need to roll back their expectations about 1000 degrees. This won't be Mass Effect, it won't be GTA5 (or GTA3 for that matter!). Right now they can barely get spaceships dog-fighting properly in an empty vacuum.
You can still hope though... because to be fair they have promised the moon on a stick, and you have every right to take them at their word.
Part of me feels this way because I design software for a living (working in large project teams). Looking at this game as a project, it looks like Operation Cluster**** ... there are so many missed deadlines, question marks, vague promises and differing perceptions.
Another thought - one of the positive points held up by Roberts is that they don't have to answer to publishers. Do you know why publishers hassle companies? they want to make sure they don't overspend and meet deadlines, because they are running a business and losing money helps no-one. Historically Roberts has not been good at keeping to scope and deadlines, so I'm sure he is enjoying life right now as nobody is hassling him. I wonder when the money will run out though?
The business model for SC is also really very strange. It looks like they have got most of their money in advance; the backers have spent so much they won't be keen (or apparently need to) buy anything else once the game goes live. So how will they recoup any losses or generate any profits? This game is a niche game, its not likely to attract the CoD crowd or the LoL crowd in any great numbers. Flying around in a virtual spaceship worth real money and risk getting boarded by an army of trolls? Does not sound like much fun!
Hmm, I know the impression of the backers, the doubts of who had just listened something about the game and the curiosity of other. But I wanna know, which are the reasons some people think this game will not deliver? Is it for the skyrocket hype? too many promises? limited public, for pc requeriments or gameplay mechanics? the sale of ships during the alpha-beta state? aim too high? because Chris Roberts?
You are talking about buying a pledge package in a crowdfunding campaign pre-launch to create the game. Those packages include ships as a "thank you", just like every other Kickstarter campaign adds some goodies for the backers that contribute higher amounts.
I - on the other hand - talk about the game after launch. Where there will be no ship sales for real world money. Thats the official position of CIG.
But you - being on this subforum long enough - knew that already and just wanted to troll anyway, so ....
Hmm, I know the impression of the backers, the doubts of who had just listened something about the game and the curiosity of other. But I wanna know, which are the reasons some people think this game will not deliver? Is it for the skyrocket hype? too many promises? limited public, for pc requeriments or gameplay mechanics? the sale of ships during the alpha-beta state? the use of Cryengine? aim too high? because Chris Roberts?
Just curiosity.
Its out of the comfort zone. For many reasons. That rubs some people the wrong way. But it also seems to impress many other people (some 760.000 at the moment).
If the game can deliver everything promised it will be a milestone in gaming history.
If the game can deliver even part at what is promised it will be an excellent game in the AAA class in a long neglected genre.
If the game cannot deliver .... it will stay longer in development until it does. Because there is no publisher behind it that wants to see Return-on-investment last week preferably. Its the backers that support it ... and their often stated position is: its done when its done.
Yeah because continually asking for money means exactly what? Oh yeah, they can't get enough funding to finish the game.
nah, can't be that...
Looking at the world through rose colored glasses is awesome until you have to take them off.
They are not only asking only for the money to create the Squadron 42 solo part of this game. They are also asking for money to create, maintain and sustain a living, breathing sci-fi online world ("Persistent Universe") for at least the next decade. That includes keeping server farms running, tech and customer support, QA teams and IT for handling patches.
Do the numbers and you will see that there IS need to collect as much money as possible during this crowdfunding phase.
Thanks for the detailed reply Erillion. I am in no way a 'hater', in fact i am most game's dream customer, I buy them all! I hope for the fans sake it works out ok. I will probably buy it, hell I bought Wildstar
--> Brave ! BTW I like the Wildstar housing system !
I have read extensively on Star Citizen, and I have to say I am still confused. I don't see anywhere where they are promising GTA5 like features for instance. I'm not sure they want to do that either. All I've seen is walking around in a star port, and soldiers boarding a ship. That's a huge distance from 'steal anything, go anywhere, do anything, create mayhem'.
--> Read the reports of the company "Moon Collider" in the monthly SC reports. They are experts for NPC AI. They also did motion capturing with Andy "Gollum" Serkins for added realism in NPC behaviour/movement.
--> E.g. one example for complex interaction beyond the standard you seen in other games has been given by devs : "A Persistent Universe experience. I'm a stealthy, solo player. I find a wrecked ship, i know scavengers will be around soon. I find a crate and put myself in it. I let the scavengers take the crate and put me in their ship. When i'm on their ship, some time later, i get out of the crate. Very quietly, i rummage around and find some goodies i like. I steal those... now i can either - A) Jump out the airlock and call a ride or go to their engine room and self destruct their ship or C) quietly hunt and execute the entire staff and take their ship.... or Z) they could have scanned the crate properly before loading it, blasted it with their ship and me with it....
IMHO any game that gives you the opportunity to buy in game money is telegraphing the fact that if you want fast progression you will need to do this. That is why they do it. This leads to 'pay to win' scenarios where the biggest spenders can min/max much quicker and better than normal players. Some players want to pay to win.
--> That is why the amount of things and kind of things you can buy in game from the UEC wallet linked to real world cash after launch its artificially limited. And specifically excludes ships. It is a stated SC design principle that there will be NOTHING in the game that can only be attained with real world money. It has been also calculated many times by players that any initial advantages gained by buyers of high end pledge packages will essentially be gone after about a month of playing time after launch.
--> SC is a skill based game. All the P2W possibilities won't help you if you suck as a pilot. No matter how big the ship is that you own. In fact, solo flying a 25 player crew ship is basically a recipe for disaster. For having your ship boarded, stolen and you being smeared across the cockpit windscreen.
The uber-fans need to roll back their expectations about 1000 degrees. This won't be Mass Effect,
--> Judging be the amount of currently available SC lore i think SC will at least play in the same league as ME story-wise.
it won't be GTA5 (or GTA3 for that matter!). Right now they can barely get spaceships dog-fighting properly in an empty vacuum.
--> Because so far only one of several modules (the dog-fighting module) is open for play-testing. The thing I am looking for is the social interaction module before summer.
You can still hope though... because to be fair they have promised the moon on a stick, and you have every right to take them at their word.
Part of me feels this way because I design software for a living (working in large project teams). Looking at this game as a project, it looks like Operation Cluster**** ... there are so many missed deadlines, question marks, vague promises and differing perceptions.
--> Project management wise its also an interesting concept. And quite well documented if you follow the different video blogs (like "10 for the producers"). Their multi-studio development and their "work on it 24 hours through global hand-overs between studios throughout the day" is a concept which is new to me (i come from project management and quality management, but not IT and/or gaming). I would not call it a "Cluster...", but it did take them about 3/4 of a year to develop the infrastructure and methods. That is what caused the missed deadlines at the beginning of the project.
Another thought - one of the positive points held up by Roberts is that they don't have to answer to publishers.
--> Well, he can and he does answer 760.000 backers instead. Never followed a project that was so heavy into community feedback and interaction.
Do you know why publishers hassle companies?
--> Because their shareholders want quick return on investment and that ruined most of the big games of the last 5 years, mutating them into bug-ridden disasters, endless repetitive series (Battlefield ... i am looking at you kid !), microtransaction shitfests (Assassins Creed Unity chests anyone ?!), multi-DLC nonsense (some games have 38+ different DLCs ***puke***) and self-castration due to multi-platform compability demands.
they want to make sure they don't overspend and meet deadlines, because they are running a business and losing money helps no-one. Historically Roberts has not been good at keeping to scope and deadlines, so I'm sure he is enjoying life right now as nobody is hassling him. I wonder when the money will run out though?
--> If that really happens, which is unlikely, then i doubt Chris Roberts can duck fast enough to avoid all the money bags that normal investors and banks would throw his way based on the existing 72 M$ already invested into a then almost ready product with an eager community of many hundred thousands of hard core fans (not to mention the many other potential casual buyers that wait until the game is finished).
The business model for SC is also really very strange. It looks like they have got most of their money in advance; the backers have spent so much they won't be keen (or apparently need to) buy anything else once the game goes live. So how will they recoup any losses or generate any profits?
--> First of all they expect many people to buy the game that did not participate in the crowdfunding campaign. A realistic assumption. That will be the main income at first. Some profit will come from future mission packs (additional solo campaigns like the Squadron 42 solo game ... its basically a big upgrade every 1-2 years ... like the old Wing Commander mission packs). Other (constant) profit will come from the in game store (skins, tune-ups, cosmetic and flair items).
This game is a niche game, its not likely to attract the CoD crowd or the LoL crowd in any great numbers. Flying around in a virtual spaceship worth real money and risk getting boarded by an army of trolls? Does not sound like much fun!
--> Thats why there are different settings ... you can dial down the PvP slider all the way to (almost) zero. While its not completely impossible for you to be killed in PvP, it becomes much more unlikely. It won't safe you forever, if you spend all your time solo flying in the pirate invested edge-of-the-universe systems. But if you fly in the heavily policed civilized systems, you should be pretty safe. EVE Online may serve as an example, although i would call EVE more dangerous than SC. And the virtual spaceships being worth real money applies only to the pledge ships ... which will quickly become a (small ?) percentage of all available ships once the game has launched and all the new ships have been bought with in game money.
--> And while it may not have 22 million people and 700 million bucks in monetization like LoL does, having 760.000 paying backers pre-launch at about half time in the development (pre-feature-complete Alpha phase) it seems to sit in a pretty large "niche" already and the "breach" is getting larger by the day ;-)
Hmm, I know the impression of the backers, the doubts of who had just listened something about the game and the curiosity of other. But I wanna know, which are the reasons some people think this game will not deliver? Is it for the skyrocket hype? too many promises? limited public, for pc requeriments or gameplay mechanics? the sale of ships during the alpha-beta state? the use of Cryengine? aim too high? because Chris Roberts?
Just curiosity.
Its out of the comfort zone. For many reasons. That rubs some people the wrong way. But it also seems to impress many other people (some 760.000 at the moment).
If the game can deliver everything promised it will be a milestone in gaming history.
If the game can deliver even part at what is promised it will be an excellent game in the AAA class in a long neglected genre.
If the game cannot deliver .... it will stay longer in development until it does. Because there is no publisher behind it that wants to see Return-on-investment last week preferably. Its the backers that support it ... and their often stated position is: its done when its done.
Have fun
It's Chris Roberts. He's not nearly the genius he (or his fans) thinks he is. Unless you are referencing self promotion, where he's top drawer.
If his quoted numbers of employees are accurate, my estimation is they're going through at least $3 million a month in expenses. And have been for a while. Even the continued gifting of the fawning faithful isn't really replenishing that. Eventually, push WILL come to shove. Given a previous track record of games with delays, dropped features, and money mismanagement, the Star Citizen saga could end up with feet of clay bigger even than Roberts'.
Cross your fingers that the crew he's assembled can pull SC through before they drop from exhaustion or go looking for better jobs.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
You are talking about buying a pledge package in a crowdfunding campaign pre-launch to create the game. Those packages include ships as a "thank you", just like every other Kickstarter campaign adds some goodies for the backers that contribute higher amounts.
I - on the other hand - talk about the game after launch. Where there will be no ship sales for real world money. Thats the official position of CIG.
But you - being on this subforum long enough - knew that already and just wanted to troll anyway, so ....
Have fun
Well, you have position until you adopt a new one.
I seriously do not belive that CIG will NOT sell ships after release. They might say now they dont plan to, but once the game releases they WILL sell ships either directly or indirectly through some payment option. They have gone to great lengths building a comunity with many whales, there is NO WAY they are not going to tap into that resource post release. Of course they are! Thinking otherwise is just naive. It just like all the recent MMO's where devs and fans claimed they would never go f2p until they did. So no, not trolling, just stating a valid point of view on what is going on.
So no, not trolling, just stating a valid point of view on what is going on.
And here is the problem .... it is NOT what is going on. It is what YOU THINK might happen. It COULD happen - i do not argue that because i do not know the future - but it is not a 100 % sure thing. Stating NOW that something will happen for sure either means you are a fortune-teller or that you are just stating your personal opinion and calling it the one and only truth.
I just have 1 question. I havnt be into the whole Star Citizen hype train so I dont know thta much. but is there gonna be a release for Mac?? or is there 30+Million budget only for windows lol
Originally posted by LootHorder I just have 1 question. I havnt be into the whole Star Citizen hype train so I dont know thta much. but is there gonna be a release for Mac?? or is there 30+Million budget only for windows lol
"What platforms will Star Citizen be available on?
Star Citizen is a PC game through and through, and could never be played on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 or WiiU. We currently plan to support Windows and are examining our options regarding possible Linux and Macintosh releases. The Cloud Imperium team includes many Linux and Macintosh fans!"
If this game is supposed to be Mass Effect like in space with several choice options for me to make, I will still only chose the red option as blue or green are not my style.
As long as Star Citizen promises a game, teases a game but doesn't deliver anything concrete the hype will continue. It's when (some will say if) they ever get to the point where they have a more playable game that the hype bubble this game has built around itself will pop. There is no way any game made by any person can be all the things this game has been inflated to be to all people. It may or may not be enjoyable in the end but it won't come close to living up to the hype setup around it.
Releasing this in separate modules is pretty smart of them. They can not only get fans to defend their game for being in Development, Alpha, Beta, whatever but they can also hide behind the "you are only seeing part of the game" up until the very end whenever that will be. The small peaks we get from the modules keep the ship dollars rolling in by the truck load but isn't enough of a game to show the inevitable flaws in the final product.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Star Citizen makes more money as a game before launch than after.
Star Citizen is first and foremost a space simulator. It is highly unlikely that it will ever have the in depth story or character building found in the Mass Effect games.
I'm looking forward to the game, but I have no delusions about it being story driven or filled with sidekicks with unusual personality disorders
probably no....
"It's impossible. Nobody could achieve that" Tell that to Shepard XD
Jokes aside, this project is being done in parallel instead in series. It's not the "We create this first, and then this, and then the other thing". They have several studios creating different parts while at the same time coordinating the efforts so the pieces can be put together. In march we'll have FPS. Nice, of course, it won't be complete (Even the hangar has been revised a couple times) and probably in June we'll have more social options.
Yep, it's very possible that the sales of the game in gold don't get so high as the pledges, because the one we pledged already have the game XD The ones that didn't wanted to risk and feel interested will buy it then, and although it could be a good quantity, it would surprise me if get over a million people.
About don't live the hype and don't deliver what promised... hmmm... Got the point on the hype, but not so much on the promises. It was promised the best space sim ever. Ok, could be... considering that space sim has never been a sim like DCS or other, so... it could be. Promised a campaign, Squadron 42, bigger than the ones on Wing Commander, so more than 50 hours (In relation to it, they did dialogue and branches on the plot before Mass Effect). Now they add FPS and some features that at first would arrive on expansions.
And about hype... ok, some people really think that Occulus Rift and this game would be like a space version of Sword Art Online XDD. That's not Chris Roberts fault. And ok, their promises of a world as we haven't seen before with so many features make the hype boils, but this is a problem with the player. Imagine too much it's bad.
Anyway, for the moment has been the best development simulator of the history XDD. Never had so many info of a game before launch. Even there aren't so many games with wikis bigger than the documents we have with this. I guess this help growing the hype, but, it's ok. I'll wait until the release, I think for beginning of 2017, just in case ;-)
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Are you seriously suggesting that someone creating a game should stop selling the game as pre-order ? Because getting a pledge package is essentially pre-ordering a game.
"having their hand out for more money" is the OTHER thing game companies do beside creating games. Because somewhere someone has to pay salaries and rent with that money.
Have fun
On paper, Star Citizen should be a project that I would be like 'HELL YEAH' 100% behind - I love space sims and multiplayer / MMOs.
There is, however, a disturbance in the Force for me, and its a combination of the following thoughts:
Games never live up to the hype (and the hype is monstrous for this one)
There is a worrying amount of cult-like behaviour in the followers of this game, encouraged by Roberts. They talk about these ships like they are real things that they own instead of pixels that are no better than any other 'free' ships in any other PC game.
I have no idea what this game IS, it seems like a load of ideas that are being built with no clear vision for how they will connect
Watched Arena Commander on Twitch, doesn't look much fun or visually impressive
The 'persistent universe' will be tacked on, rather than at the heart of the game. This means you will be able to do only a very limited set of tasks or actions (due to both time pressure and the restrictions implemented by the core game), it won't be hanging out in the cantina with Han Solo and talking business with aliens over strange cocktails. It will be more like SWTOR at best.
You can buy virtual currency on the webstore with real money. LOL. How is this not the epitome of pay to win? Makes me suspicious that it will be like a horrible mobile game with IAP where you have to basically 'insert coin' every hour or so to keep going without being gimped.
TL;DR: Too many negative things keep me away from this game and I fear it will crash and burn as soon as it gets released and reviewed.
WTF? Have they been doing much else for the last 2 years than selling ships for real money?
Hmm, I know the impression of the backers, the doubts of who had just listened something about the game and the curiosity of other. But I wanna know, which are the reasons some people think this game will not deliver? Is it for the skyrocket hype? too many promises? limited public, for pc requeriments or gameplay mechanics? the sale of ships during the alpha-beta state? the use of Cryengine? aim too high? because Chris Roberts?
Just curiosity.
Yeah because continually asking for money means exactly what? Oh yeah, they can't get enough funding to finish the game.
nah, can't be that...
Looking at the world through rose colored glasses is awesome until you have to take them off.
Thanks for the detailed reply Erillion. I am in no way a 'hater', in fact i am most game's dream customer, I buy them all! I hope for the fans sake it works out ok. I will probably buy it, hell I bought Wildstar
I have read extensively on Star Citizen, and I have to say I am still confused. I don't see anywhere where they are promising GTA5 like features for instance. I'm not sure they want to do that either. All I've seen is walking around in a star port, and soldiers boarding a ship. That's a huge distance from 'steal anything, go anywhere, do anything, create mayhem'.
IMHO any game that gives you the opportunity to buy in game money is telegraphing the fact that if you want fast progression you will need to do this. That is why they do it. This leads to 'pay to win' scenarios where the biggest spenders can min/max much quicker and better than normal players. Some players want to pay to win.
The uber-fans need to roll back their expectations about 1000 degrees. This won't be Mass Effect, it won't be GTA5 (or GTA3 for that matter!). Right now they can barely get spaceships dog-fighting properly in an empty vacuum.
You can still hope though... because to be fair they have promised the moon on a stick, and you have every right to take them at their word.
Part of me feels this way because I design software for a living (working in large project teams). Looking at this game as a project, it looks like Operation Cluster**** ... there are so many missed deadlines, question marks, vague promises and differing perceptions.
Another thought - one of the positive points held up by Roberts is that they don't have to answer to publishers. Do you know why publishers hassle companies? they want to make sure they don't overspend and meet deadlines, because they are running a business and losing money helps no-one. Historically Roberts has not been good at keeping to scope and deadlines, so I'm sure he is enjoying life right now as nobody is hassling him. I wonder when the money will run out though?
The business model for SC is also really very strange. It looks like they have got most of their money in advance; the backers have spent so much they won't be keen (or apparently need to) buy anything else once the game goes live. So how will they recoup any losses or generate any profits? This game is a niche game, its not likely to attract the CoD crowd or the LoL crowd in any great numbers. Flying around in a virtual spaceship worth real money and risk getting boarded by an army of trolls? Does not sound like much fun!
My $0.02 just ran out
How about all of the above? lol
You are talking about buying a pledge package in a crowdfunding campaign pre-launch to create the game. Those packages include ships as a "thank you", just like every other Kickstarter campaign adds some goodies for the backers that contribute higher amounts.
I - on the other hand - talk about the game after launch. Where there will be no ship sales for real world money. Thats the official position of CIG.
But you - being on this subforum long enough - knew that already and just wanted to troll anyway, so ....
Have fun
Its out of the comfort zone. For many reasons. That rubs some people the wrong way. But it also seems to impress many other people (some 760.000 at the moment).
If the game can deliver everything promised it will be a milestone in gaming history.
If the game can deliver even part at what is promised it will be an excellent game in the AAA class in a long neglected genre.
If the game cannot deliver .... it will stay longer in development until it does. Because there is no publisher behind it that wants to see Return-on-investment last week preferably. Its the backers that support it ... and their often stated position is: its done when its done.
Have fun
They are not only asking only for the money to create the Squadron 42 solo part of this game. They are also asking for money to create, maintain and sustain a living, breathing sci-fi online world ("Persistent Universe") for at least the next decade. That includes keeping server farms running, tech and customer support, QA teams and IT for handling patches.
Do the numbers and you will see that there IS need to collect as much money as possible during this crowdfunding phase.
Have fun
It's Chris Roberts. He's not nearly the genius he (or his fans) thinks he is. Unless you are referencing self promotion, where he's top drawer.
If his quoted numbers of employees are accurate, my estimation is they're going through at least $3 million a month in expenses. And have been for a while. Even the continued gifting of the fawning faithful isn't really replenishing that. Eventually, push WILL come to shove. Given a previous track record of games with delays, dropped features, and money mismanagement, the Star Citizen saga could end up with feet of clay bigger even than Roberts'.
Cross your fingers that the crew he's assembled can pull SC through before they drop from exhaustion or go looking for better jobs.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Well, you have position until you adopt a new one.
I seriously do not belive that CIG will NOT sell ships after release. They might say now they dont plan to, but once the game releases they WILL sell ships either directly or indirectly through some payment option. They have gone to great lengths building a comunity with many whales, there is NO WAY they are not going to tap into that resource post release. Of course they are! Thinking otherwise is just naive. It just like all the recent MMO's where devs and fans claimed they would never go f2p until they did. So no, not trolling, just stating a valid point of view on what is going on.
And here is the problem .... it is NOT what is going on. It is what YOU THINK might happen. It COULD happen - i do not argue that because i do not know the future - but it is not a 100 % sure thing. Stating NOW that something will happen for sure either means you are a fortune-teller or that you are just stating your personal opinion and calling it the one and only truth.
Have fun
/me crosses fingers, toes, eyes ....
Have fun