Man, I knew gw2 fans gave Anet shit over the years but talk about a giant FU to their player base. This is comical. Rofl!
It shows what PvP games are really all about, and no, it's not about more realism and immersion. It's about cowards hiding behind a screen to they can bully other defenseless players without any risk of direct retaliation like there would be if they acted like asshats in "real life". -Jean-Luc_Picard
Life itself is a game. So why shouldn't your game be ruined? - justmemyselfandi
Self entitlement and hate is a really bad combination. You should try not caring about things you dont like. It's more efficient than talking crap for the sake of talking crap.
You have this fairy tale idea that they wern't always going to charge $50 JUST for the expansion.
Er, what are you on about? The charge is for the base game AND expansion. The problem is that there is currently no way to buy just the expansion. You have to spend $50 for the base game and expansion, even though vets do not need the first one.
Actually it just depends on how you look at it. I think Nitth is correct.
The expansion is 50 dollars.
They are throwing in the base game for no extra charge.
Essentially for this new content infusion they want 50 dollars and they want to be able to hook new players by saying "you get everything for 50 dollars" as opposed to saying "you can buy the game for 50 dollars but if you want to stay you will have to buy the expansion for x dollars".
The issue here is whether or not it has enough content for veteran players to justify the 50 dollars. And it seems that no one is completely clear on exactly on what this expansion is really going to give.
for instance, today they announced the guild halls. Before today people knew of the expansion but didn't know that was to be included. So "what else" is going to be added that people don't know about yet?
At least that's looking at it in a more positive light.
Talk about the generosity!
It went from "Stealing My Money" to "Complimentary Core Game" followed up with "Veteran Entitlement."
Originally posted by FomaldehydeJim I won't be buying this since I don' care for the game; but if I were going to, the price point seems about right. You have had three years of a B2P game with free content updates and now you expect a discount on the expansion because you already own the base game? Entitled much?
I do, I already own the base game, people coming in get the perks, while people who have pumped money into their gem store for years pay the same and get no perks like an extra character slot to play the new class. If that isn't enough of a stick in the eye, they put the base game on sale a few weeks ago to get new people in for the expac, then they put it in with the remedy the issue they re now offering expac only upgrade, but only to people who bought the base game during the last sale. So call us entitled all you want, I say we are just smart consumers, and a good deal this is I'm not giving them my money....simple enough?
So you are annoyed that a product has reduced in price three years after release and you are not refunded the difference? I don't know what to say... Do you try to take your television back to the store for a refund three years after you bought it??? Your clothes, your furniture, your car???
I've been on these forums long enough to see what you are attempting to do, and I'm not in the mood to argue about this with some noob. I posted my opinion and you're welcome to yours. Not sure why it bothers you that I as well as a majority of actual GW2 players disagree with the pricing scheme of this expansion, but I really don't care. It's not worth the price, deal with it.
Proof please? Sorry, but assumptions or personal feelings don't count as much as some forum goers try or think.
I look at it this way. The original product was/is free and you are paying for the expansion. WoW upgraded everyone to MoP for free prior to WoD releasing. It makes it easier for new players to start the game. /shrug
Originally posted by Nitth
And what you are not getting is they are charging $50 for the expansion with the base game thrown in FREE.
Do you really think marketing would charge 25$ for an expansion when the free market would freely accept a price of around $50?
It would NEVER ever of crossed their minds to charge $25 for an expansion or $50 for a bundle.
Er, no, I understand that perfectly fine. I'm just saying that it's absolutely nonsense and gibberish to look at it that way. The base game isn't "free", it has never been "free" and it never will be "free". They are marketing it this way to attract new players, but the price they are charging is only as high as it is because it includes both the base game and expansion.
The game still sold at $30 retail prior to this new "deal" (and many stores still sell physical copies for as much as $40), and has been through numerous sales which dropped it to $10 for a digital copy. The reason people are crying foul is because they were told to "get ready for Heart of Thorns" by buying the base game....and now, the marketing has suddenly changed such that the base game is "free". But I'd like to think we're all intelligent enough to realize that it's not actually "free", they're just marketing it that way because "free gifts" with your order are infinitely more attractive from a sales perspective. Unless you think all those infomercials you watch are really giving you "free gifts" when you buy their stuff, in which case I'm not sure what to tell you, since it feels like I'd be breaking the news that Santa isn't real to a true believer.
Look, I'll put this as simply as I can: if indeed the deal is that they're selling the expansion only and the base game is "free", then why is there no means to buy them separately? For that matter, why can't you buy the base game by itself any more? The answer is simple: they're bundled because you're buying both of them at once. You're not buying just one, you're buying them both....otherwise there would be a way to buy them separately so as to show off how great of a "deal" this bundle package really is. The mere fact that no such option exists any longer is proof to the contrary.
I really don't get why this is so hard for you to understand. Only new players are going to want to buy both at the same time, as they own neither. Veterans do not want a "free" copy of something they already have. Furthermore, the game is still relatively new, and most game companies do not bundle their base game + expansion this early in development (primarily to avoid issues like this). There is no reason to bundle the two together unless ANet is truly this desperate for new players (which is plausible I suppose, though if that's the case, it still makes their earlier tactic of "get ready for the new xpac by buying the base game" promo a pretty dirty trick). They still have lots of vets who just want the new expansion, and don't need a second base game copy. ANet needs to have an option available to people who want that.
It makes perfect sense for veterans to either receive a discount on the title (say $10, since that was their sales price for the base game mere weeks/months ago) OR some other effective "bonus" for veteran players in place of the extra base game copy (like a free char slot, or something of equal value for the extra $10 they're spending). It completely eliminates the majority of complaints about the system (not all, but you can never get rid of all complaints). Heck, I'd have no qualms with a $40 price point myself.
Originally posted by Sovrath
The issue here is whether or not it has enough content for veteran players to justify the 50 dollars. And it seems that no one is completely clear on exactly on what this expansion is really going to give.
for instance, today they announced the guild halls. Before today people knew of the expansion but didn't know that was to be included. So "what else" is going to be added that people don't know about yet?
At least that's looking at it in a more positive light.
The guild halls have been known about since the expansion was first announced, actually....and it was made very clear when they were first announced that they would be limited to the expansion.
Mind, there still remains a rumor that non-expansion characters in a guild owned by an expansion character will still have access to the guild's expansion-based content....but it's unconfirmed to date.
Er, no, I understand that perfectly fine. I'm just saying that it's absolutely nonsense and gibberish to look at it that way. The base game isn't "free", it has never been "free" and it never will be "free". They are marketing it this way to attract new players, but the price they are charging is only as high as it is because it includes both the base game and expansion.
The game still sold at $30 retail prior to this new "deal" (and many stores still sell physical copies for as much as $40), and has been through numerous sales which dropped it to $10 for a digital copy. The reason people are crying foul is because they were told to "get ready for Heart of Thorns" by buying the base game....and now, the marketing has suddenly changed such that the base game is "free". But I'd like to think we're all intelligent enough to realize that it's not actually "free", they're just marketing it that way because "free gifts" with your order are infinitely more attractive from a sales perspective. Unless you think all those infomercials you watch are really giving you "free gifts" when you buy their stuff, in which case I'm not sure what to tell you, since it feels like I'd be breaking the news that Santa isn't real to a true believer.
I really don't get why this is so hard for you to understand. Only new players are going to want to buy both at the same time, as they own neither. Veterans do not want a "free" copy of something they already have. Furthermore, the game is still relatively new, and most game companies do not bundle their base game + expansion this early in development (primarily to avoid issues like this). There is no reason to bundle the two together unless ANet is truly this desperate for new players (which is plausible I suppose, though if that's the case, it still makes their earlier tactic of "get ready for the new xpac by buying the base game" promo a pretty dirty trick). They still have lots of vets who just want the new expansion, and don't need a second base game copy. ANet needs to have an option available to people who want that.
It makes perfect sense for veterans to either receive a discount on the title (say $10, since that was their sales price for the base game mere weeks/months ago) OR some other effective "bonus" for veteran players in place of the extra base game copy (like a free char slot, or something of equal value for the extra $10 they're spending). It completely eliminates the majority of complaints about the system (not all, but you can never get rid of all complaints). Heck, I'd have no qualms with a $40 price point myself.
Answer me this, When was it ever announced explicitly that the expansion by itself would be Less than $50?
If it turned out that the original plan was to have base game $30 + expansion $50 required to play:
Would that make you feel better knowing that new players had an extra barrier to entry? And essentially no upside for existing players?
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Originally posted by rojoArcueid Self entitlement and hate is a really bad combination. You should try not caring about things you dont like. It's more efficient than talking crap for the sake of talking crap.
Riiiiight... So the fact that they subrepticely changed their FAQ & were found out is nothing to talk about ofc.
They are a model of ethical buisness & we shall just forgive & forget cuz they obviously never did anything wrong here.
But! Lets crap talk about the crap talking about the ACTUAL crap going on.
Thats some big crap right there...
no idea what nonsense is this.
Im talking about the self entitled haters that are bashing the game because they somehow made up in their own mind that the base game should cost $30 dollars so they only have to pay $20 for the expansion.
The expansion was announced at $50 bucks and they are throwing in the base game for everyone at no additional cost.
Answer me this, When was it ever announced explicitly that the expansion by itself would be Less than $50?
If it turned out that the original plan was to have base game $30 + expansion $50 required to play:
Would that make you feel better knowing that new players had an extra barrier to entry? And essentially no upside for existing players?
The question is not "when was it explicitly stated that the expansion would be $50". The question is "why is there no option OTHER than the bundle package for all players".
If indeed what you say is true, and the bundle is truly meant to be a "deal" and a great "bargain", then they would have three purchase options available: 1) the base game, 2) the expansion, 3) the bundled base game + expansion for the discounted price of $50. This would allow people to compare the three options, and would clearly show how much of a value the bundle is over the other two options....thus encouraging more people to buy it.
But there is no option to buy just the base game, nor an option to buy just the expansion. These are options that are readily available to players of other MMOs, but not to those who play GW2. Even WoW didn't start bundling its expansions and core game like this until it had several under its belt, because it became unmanageable for them to sell that many separate items to new players.
Ergo it is impossible to evaluate the intent of the bundle or how "valuable" it is, because there is no basis for comparison. I can't compare the $30 base game + $50 expansion to the $50 bundle and go "wow, that's a great deal!" because no such option exists.
That is why I say that it's nonsense to view this as "just paying for the expansion, and getting the base game for free". Because there is no actual way of knowing how the costs are distributed in this bundle, other than how they say they are distributed. And a salesman has every reason to lie to you about how he makes his money from his sales.
And that, in turn, is why I say they ought to offer a separate "upgrade" option for veterans, either with a slightly cheaper price point (since the base game has never sold below $10 prior to now, a $40 price point instead of $50 seems reasonable) or with some other additions that a veteran player would have use for.
Originally posted by CriticKitten Originally posted by NitthAnswer me this, When was it ever announced explicitly that the expansion by itself would be Less than $50?If it turned out that the original plan was to have base game $30 + expansion $50 required to play: Would that make you feel better knowing that new players had an extra barrier to entry? And essentially no upside for existing players?
The question is not "when was it explicitly stated that the expansion would be $50". The question is "why is there no option OTHER than the bundle package for all players".
If indeed what you say is true, and the bundle is truly meant to be a "deal" and a great "bargain", then they would have three purchase options available: 1) the base game, 2) the expansion, 3) the bundled base game + expansion for the discounted price of $50. This would allow people to compare the three options, and would clearly show how much of a value the bundle is over the other two options....thus encouraging more people to buy it.
But there is no option to buy just the base game, nor an option to buy just the expansion. These are options that are readily available to players of other MMOs, but not to those who play GW2. Even WoW didn't start bundling its expansions and core game like this until it had several under its belt, because it became unmanageable for them to sell that many separate items to new players.
Ergo it is impossible to evaluate the intent of the bundle or how "valuable" it is, because there is no basis for comparison. I can't compare the $30 base game + $50 expansion to the $50 bundle and go "wow, that's a great deal!" because no such option exists.
That is why I say that it's nonsense to view this as "just paying for the expansion, and getting the base game for free". Because there is no actual way of knowing how the costs are distributed in this bundle, other than how they say they are distributed. And a salesman has every reason to lie to you about how he makes his money from his sales.
And that, in turn, is why I say they ought to offer a separate "upgrade" option for veterans, either with a slightly cheaper price point (since the base game has never sold below $10 prior to now, a $40 price point instead of $50 seems reasonable) or with some other additions that a veteran player would have use for.
I'm just going to say this bluntly.
Fact: The cost of the expansion is $50. This includes the base game.
Your concerns and thoughts on this matter are irreverent because that is the price is set in reality. Arena has valued this at $50 (in as many configurations as you can think of), and you jumping up and down isn't going to change this.
It's your right as the customer to purchase or not.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
I look at it this way. The original product was/is free and you are paying for the expansion. WoW upgraded everyone to MoP for free prior to WoD releasing. It makes it easier for new players to start the game. /shrug
Originally posted by Nitth
And what you are not getting is they are charging $50 for the expansion with the base game thrown in FREE.
Do you really think marketing would charge 25$ for an expansion when the free market would freely accept a price of around $50?
It would NEVER ever of crossed their minds to charge $25 for an expansion or $50 for a bundle.
It makes perfect sense for veterans to either receive a discount on the title (say $10, since that was their sales price for the base game mere weeks/months ago) OR some other effective "bonus" for veteran players in place of the extra base game copy (like a free char slot, or something of equal value for the extra $10 they're spending). It completely eliminates the majority of complaints about the system (not all, but you can never get rid of all complaints). Heck, I'd have no qualms with a $40 price point myself.
Since you want to avoid the fact that the Core game is Complimentary.
You would rather shave the price based off of the price a few months ago.
Why do you even bother to stop there? What's a week, month, a year or 2?
I paid $59.99 I shouldn't have to pay for the new Expac based off what you are suggesting.
Originally posted by NitthAnswer me this, When was it ever announced explicitly that the expansion by itself would be Less than $50?If it turned out that the original plan was to have base game $30 + expansion $50 required to play: Would that make you feel better knowing that new players had an extra barrier to entry? And essentially no upside for existing players?
The question is not "when was it explicitly stated that the expansion would be $50". The question is "why is there no option OTHER than the bundle package for all players".
If indeed what you say is true, and the bundle is truly meant to be a "deal" and a great "bargain", then they would have three purchase options available: 1) the base game, 2) the expansion, 3) the bundled base game + expansion for the discounted price of $50. This would allow people to compare the three options, and would clearly show how much of a value the bundle is over the other two options....thus encouraging more people to buy it.
But there is no option to buy just the base game, nor an option to buy just the expansion. These are options that are readily available to players of other MMOs, but not to those who play GW2. Even WoW didn't start bundling its expansions and core game like this until it had several under its belt, because it became unmanageable for them to sell that many separate items to new players.
Ergo it is impossible to evaluate the intent of the bundle or how "valuable" it is, because there is no basis for comparison. I can't compare the $30 base game + $50 expansion to the $50 bundle and go "wow, that's a great deal!" because no such option exists.
That is why I say that it's nonsense to view this as "just paying for the expansion, and getting the base game for free". Because there is no actual way of knowing how the costs are distributed in this bundle, other than how they say they are distributed. And a salesman has every reason to lie to you about how he makes his money from his sales.
And that, in turn, is why I say they ought to offer a separate "upgrade" option for veterans, either with a slightly cheaper price point (since the base game has never sold below $10 prior to now, a $40 price point instead of $50 seems reasonable) or with some other additions that a veteran player would have use for.
I'm just going to say this bluntly.
Fact: The cost of the expansion is $50. This includes the base game.
Your concerns and thoughts on this matter are irreverent because that is the price is set in reality. Arena has valued this at $50 (in as many configurations as you can think of), and you jumping up and down isn't going to change this.
It's your right as the customer to purchase or not.
It's silly to argue with these types of consumers.
One of the services we provide at my work includes a complimentary product that is not factored into the price of the service. Every now and then I get that one customer who doesn't get it, because they have no use for it, it should be discounted from the price.
I bought the base game at full price at release and I stopped playing it within a month. I would say that I am possibly their best customer, I paid for all the content and I had very little impact on their ongoing costs. I didn't clog up their servers, phone their customer support, demand an ongoing story.
I think I should get two free copies of the expansion... the problem is I'll never play it.
I look at it this way. The original product was/is free and you are paying for the expansion. WoW upgraded everyone to MoP for free prior to WoD releasing. It makes it easier for new players to start the game. /shrug
Originally posted by Nitth
And what you are not getting is they are charging $50 for the expansion with the base game thrown in FREE.
Do you really think marketing would charge 25$ for an expansion when the free market would freely accept a price of around $50?
It would NEVER ever of crossed their minds to charge $25 for an expansion or $50 for a bundle.
Er, no, I understand that perfectly fine. I'm just saying that it's absolutely nonsense and gibberish to look at it that way. The base game isn't "free", it has never been "free" and it never will be "free". They are marketing it this way to attract new players, but the price they are charging is only as high as it is because it includes both the base game and expansion.
The game still sold at $30 retail prior to this new "deal" (and many stores still sell physical copies for as much as $40), and has been through numerous sales which dropped it to $10 for a digital copy. The reason people are crying foul is because they were told to "get ready for Heart of Thorns" by buying the base game....and now, the marketing has suddenly changed such that the base game is "free". But I'd like to think we're all intelligent enough to realize that it's not actually "free", they're just marketing it that way because "free gifts" with your order are infinitely more attractive from a sales perspective. Unless you think all those infomercials you watch are really giving you "free gifts" when you buy their stuff, in which case I'm not sure what to tell you, since it feels like I'd be breaking the news that Santa isn't real to a true believer.
Look, I'll put this as simply as I can: if indeed the deal is that they're selling the expansion only and the base game is "free", then why is there no means to buy them separately? For that matter, why can't you buy the base game by itself any more? The answer is simple: they're bundled because you're buying both of them at once. You're not buying just one, you're buying them both....otherwise there would be a way to buy them separately so as to show off how great of a "deal" this bundle package really is. The mere fact that no such option exists any longer is proof to the contrary.
I really don't get why this is so hard for you to understand. Only new players are going to want to buy both at the same time, as they own neither. Veterans do not want a "free" copy of something they already have. Furthermore, the game is still relatively new, and most game companies do not bundle their base game + expansion this early in development (primarily to avoid issues like this). There is no reason to bundle the two together unless ANet is truly this desperate for new players (which is plausible I suppose, though if that's the case, it still makes their earlier tactic of "get ready for the new xpac by buying the base game" promo a pretty dirty trick). They still have lots of vets who just want the new expansion, and don't need a second base game copy. ANet needs to have an option available to people who want that.
It makes perfect sense for veterans to either receive a discount on the title (say $10, since that was their sales price for the base game mere weeks/months ago) OR some other effective "bonus" for veteran players in place of the extra base game copy (like a free char slot, or something of equal value for the extra $10 they're spending). It completely eliminates the majority of complaints about the system (not all, but you can never get rid of all complaints). Heck, I'd have no qualms with a $40 price point myself.
Originally posted by Sovrath
The issue here is whether or not it has enough content for veteran players to justify the 50 dollars. And it seems that no one is completely clear on exactly on what this expansion is really going to give.
for instance, today they announced the guild halls. Before today people knew of the expansion but didn't know that was to be included. So "what else" is going to be added that people don't know about yet?
At least that's looking at it in a more positive light.
The guild halls have been known about since the expansion was first announced, actually....and it was made very clear when they were first announced that they would be limited to the expansion.
Mind, there still remains a rumor that non-expansion characters in a guild owned by an expansion character will still have access to the guild's expansion-based content....but it's unconfirmed to date.
And just like in WoD, the original game and expanions weren't free, yet if you purchased WoD all expansions were free up to MoP. Not a big deal here, its easypeasy, you buy the expansion (WoD or HoT) and you get things for free, and you enjoy yourself.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Fact: The cost of the expansion is $50. This includes the base game.
Your concerns and thoughts on this matter are irreverent because that is the price is set in reality. Arena has valued this at $50 (in as many configurations as you can think of), and you jumping up and down isn't going to change this.
It's your right as the customer to purchase or not.
I'm certainly not "jumping up and down" about it, I've already decided not to purchase it. I'm simply pointing out that the complaint is a valid one, and that the OP came to the same conclusion as I did before I'd even stepped foot in this thread.
It's cute though that you all want to keep attributing anger to me, though, as if the price of a product somehow enrages me like the Incredible Hulk. I am not mad, "bro". I'm perfectly calm, in fact, I think I'm the only person in this thread who actually is thinking about this in a rational manner without any emotion behind it.
I'm simply pointing out that the complaint's validity, combined with the shady act of trying to convince people to buy the base game at $10-30 weeks/months before the expansion became available to pre-order, only to "throw in the base game for free" when they surely knew by that point how the pricing was going to work....means less sales in the long run, and judging by their forums, that's a lot less sales than they probably bargained for. I know that none of my peers are getting it either, for pretty much the same reason. So if there are indeed a decent chunk of people who aren't happy with this price, why exactly is that not worth addressing?
Again, this is why I say that GW2's community is just too defensive for its own good. You so desperately want me to be some angry troll under a bridge who hates ANet with all of my being, but really, I'm just a customer who grew bored of GW2, and has once again been discouraged from getting back into it by a combination of a poor pricing scheme and more overzealous fans like yourself. And these factors will, inevitably, cost them sales that they could have easily earned back with a mere token gesture.
I have played on and off since release. I have put in maybe $30-$50 extra over that time into the cash shop. I have absolutely no problem in the prices they are asking for with all the free content they have provided over the years.
People asking for a vets discount? Are you for real? The base game is included as complimentary and I am sure the next expansion will include content up to this expansion as complimentary.
If it offends people that much I suggest do not preorder and wait for a sale, or do not purchase at all.
Not even worth discussing this anymore. The XPAC is $50 bucks and the base game is a free bonus.
The real question should be, Are they separate codes? Is the xpac one code and the base game another code? If they are separate codes then that is a very smart move. I activate the xpac on my existing game, give the extra base game to a friend so he buys the expansion, activates it on his game and gift the extra base game to another friend, and so on and so forth. Causing a chain of expansion purchases. Smart move, ANET.
It has to be two separate codes otherwise the expansion wouldnt work on existing game accounts that already activated a game. Really smart move.
Originally posted by CriticKitten Again, this is why I say that GW2's community is just too defensive for its own good. You so desperately want me to be some angry troll under a bridge who hates ANet with all of my being, but really, I'm just a customer who grew bored of GW2, and has once again been discouraged from getting back into it by a poor pricing scheme and more overzealous fans like yourself. *shrug*
Are you joking?, look at my post history on GW2. i am just as cynical on gw2 as nearly everything else. /crazy
No sir, I just find great entertainment in debunking silly arguments like why cant i have $2 off my new car because it comes with a free air freshener.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Fact: The cost of the expansion is $50. This includes the base game.
Your concerns and thoughts on this matter are irreverent because that is the price is set in reality. Arena has valued this at $50 (in as many configurations as you can think of), and you jumping up and down isn't going to change this.
It's your right as the customer to purchase or not.
I'm certainly not "jumping up and down" about it, I've already decided not to purchase it. I'm simply pointing out that the complaint is a valid one, and that the OP came to the same conclusion as I did before I'd even stepped foot in this thread.
It's cute though that you all want to keep attributing anger to me, though, as if the price of a product somehow enrages me like the Incredible Hulk. I am not mad, "bro". I'm perfectly calm, in fact, I think I'm the only person in this thread who actually is thinking about this in a rational manner without any emotion behind it.
I'm simply pointing out that the complaint's validity means less sales in the long run, and judging by their forums, that's a lot less sales than they probably bargained for. I know that none of my peers are getting it either, for pretty much the same reason. So if there are indeed a decent chunk of people who aren't happy with this price, why exactly is that not worth addressing?
Again, this is why I say that GW2's community is just too defensive for its own good. You so desperately want me to be some angry troll under a bridge who hates ANet with all of my being, but really, I'm just a customer who grew bored of GW2, and has once again been discouraged from getting back into it by a poor pricing scheme and more overzealous fans like yourself.
Originally posted by CriticKitten Again, this is why I say that GW2's community is just too defensive for its own good. You so desperately want me to be some angry troll under a bridge who hates ANet with all of my being, but really, I'm just a customer who grew bored of GW2, and has once again been discouraged from getting back into it by a poor pricing scheme and more overzealous fans like yourself. *shrug*
Are you joking?, look at my post history on GW2. i am just as cynical on gw2 as nearly everything else. /crazy
No sir, I just find great entertainment in debunking silly arguments like why cant i have $2 off my new car because it comes with a free air freshener.
Lol yeah its like the humble bundle. Getting 5 games for 1 dollar doesnt entitle anyone to a discount just because you wanted only 1 game from the bundle.
Originally posted by laserit The stench of entitlement is strong here.
Why is it that every time a person vents a frustration about a price someone turns it around as an "entitlement" issue?
I would guess that it is the way the OP presents his frustration. He complains about getting nothing for $50, and that only newer players are getting bonus stuff. He then calls it a "debacle." His views are very subjective, and anyone who doesn't see it that way is going to debate his arguments. Since price point, content, and lack of veteran perks are his main concern, many will take the stance that he feels entitled.
It basically comes down to being on the internet. Online debates are usually carried out by people with extreme views. Those with more mild views don't really pop off as much. For example:
Person with view #1: The expansion is $50, which I can afford. I already like the game, so I guess I will buy it.
Person with view #2: The game is ok, but I don't think paying $50 for an expansion with possibly limited content is in my budget.
Their conversation would be something like:
P1: I am pretty excited about the expansion coming out. I can't wait to play it.
P2: Yeah, the game is ok, but I don't want to fork out $50 right now.
P1: Really? Man, I just can't wait to play!
P2: That's cool. I will see what happens after it's out, and I may buy it then.
So pretty mundane. Compare that to what we have going on in this thread:
OP: This is stupid! I am mad.
Next poster (NP): This game is AWESOME! You are crazy! You are so entitled!
OP: Screw you! It's stupid! I have been playing forever and they are screwing me! You are such a fanboi!
NP: All you noobz are sooooo entitled! Rant Rant Rant!
OP: Trollz! Rant Rant Rant!
And on and on. It's just the way it is.
It was more of a rhetorical question, but I thank you for the detailed reply.
Not even worth discussing this anymore. The XPAC is $50 bucks and the base game is a free bonus.
The real question should be, Are they separate codes? Is the xpac one code and the base game another code? If they are separate codes then that is a very smart move. I activate the xpac on my existing game, give the extra base game to a friend so he buys the expansion, activates it on his game and gift the extra base game to another friend, and so on and so forth. Causing a chain of expansion purchases. Smart move, ANET.
It has to be two separate codes otherwise the expansion wouldnt work on existing game accounts that already activated a game. Really smart move.
It doesn't have to be that way, but it would indeed be pretty neat. I wouldn't mind giving a code to a buddy who havn't tried the game yet.
You have this fairy tale idea that they wern't always going to charge $50 JUST for the expansion.
Er, what are you on about? The charge is for the base game AND expansion. The problem is that there is currently no way to buy just the expansion. You have to spend $50 for the base game and expansion, even though vets do not need the first one.
Actually it just depends on how you look at it. I think Nitth is correct.
The expansion is 50 dollars.
They are throwing in the base game for no extra charge.
Essentially for this new content infusion they want 50 dollars and they want to be able to hook new players by saying "you get everything for 50 dollars" as opposed to saying "you can buy the game for 50 dollars but if you want to stay you will have to buy the expansion for x dollars".
The issue here is whether or not it has enough content for veteran players to justify the 50 dollars. And it seems that no one is completely clear on exactly on what this expansion is really going to give.
for instance, today they announced the guild halls. Before today people knew of the expansion but didn't know that was to be included. So "what else" is going to be added that people don't know about yet?
At least that's looking at it in a more positive light.
Talk about the generosity!
It went from "Stealing My Money" to "Complimentary Core Game" followed up with "Veteran Entitlement."
It has nothing to do with generosity.
They want to bring players in and hopefully keep them. people would be more willing to join a game if they knew, deciding that they liked it, that they didn't have to pony up more cash for the expansions.
What it does is allow for players to join, and if they like the game, keep playing up through to the new content.
Part of the issue which is always talked about by developers with regards to expansions is "do you segregate the player base". And some developers do and the players have to pay the extra money for the expansions when they are ready.
My guess is that Arena net finds more value in enticing more players "now" than hoping players will buy the game and "maybe" buy the expansion later on.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
The issue here is whether or not it has enough content for veteran players to justify the 50 dollars. And it seems that no one is completely clear on exactly on what this expansion is really going to give.
for instance, today they announced the guild halls. Before today people knew of the expansion but didn't know that was to be included. So "what else" is going to be added that people don't know about yet?
At least that's looking at it in a more positive light.
The guild halls have been known about since the expansion was first announced, actually....and it was made very clear when they were first announced that they would be limited to the expansion.
Mind, there still remains a rumor that non-expansion characters in a guild owned by an expansion character will still have access to the guild's expansion-based content....but it's unconfirmed to date.
fair enough I suppose then that was one of the few who learned about them today, so cheerfully withdrawn!
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
We understand that there are many opinions and suggestions about the game versions and the pre-purchase program. We will continue to read your thoughts and thank you for sharing them."
Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
30 mins ago
That's the nicer version of "Woops 60 pages of shitstorm on the official forum and 2500 shit posts on reddit.. guess we have to say something at this point."
*edit with an update from 10 mins ago*
"I should be a bit more clear: Please don’t take a comment like “we’re reading your thoughts” lightly. That’s truly not a dismissive comment, but one that is intended to let you know that feedback from our forum members and players will be shared with the team as a whole.
In fact, I’ll edit my previous post to make that a bit more visible."
I agree with the OP. I already have the game, I have no need for the core game and there should be a cheaper edition with just the xpac. Also, yeah, Arenanet got greedy way back when with the Guild Wars 2 off the bat cash shop. I say boycott until it hits $10 or whatever Guild Wars 2 was selling for before this pack. B2P + Cash shop, wooo.
It shows what PvP games are really all about, and no, it's not about more realism and immersion. It's about cowards hiding behind a screen to they can bully other defenseless players without any risk of direct retaliation like there would be if they acted like asshats in "real life". -Jean-Luc_Picard
Life itself is a game. So why shouldn't your game be ruined? - justmemyselfandi
Talk about the generosity!
It went from "Stealing My Money" to "Complimentary Core Game" followed up with "Veteran Entitlement."
Proof please? Sorry, but assumptions or personal feelings don't count as much as some forum goers try or think.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
Er, no, I understand that perfectly fine. I'm just saying that it's absolutely nonsense and gibberish to look at it that way. The base game isn't "free", it has never been "free" and it never will be "free". They are marketing it this way to attract new players, but the price they are charging is only as high as it is because it includes both the base game and expansion.
The game still sold at $30 retail prior to this new "deal" (and many stores still sell physical copies for as much as $40), and has been through numerous sales which dropped it to $10 for a digital copy. The reason people are crying foul is because they were told to "get ready for Heart of Thorns" by buying the base game....and now, the marketing has suddenly changed such that the base game is "free". But I'd like to think we're all intelligent enough to realize that it's not actually "free", they're just marketing it that way because "free gifts" with your order are infinitely more attractive from a sales perspective. Unless you think all those infomercials you watch are really giving you "free gifts" when you buy their stuff, in which case I'm not sure what to tell you, since it feels like I'd be breaking the news that Santa isn't real to a true believer.
Look, I'll put this as simply as I can: if indeed the deal is that they're selling the expansion only and the base game is "free", then why is there no means to buy them separately? For that matter, why can't you buy the base game by itself any more? The answer is simple: they're bundled because you're buying both of them at once. You're not buying just one, you're buying them both....otherwise there would be a way to buy them separately so as to show off how great of a "deal" this bundle package really is. The mere fact that no such option exists any longer is proof to the contrary.
I really don't get why this is so hard for you to understand. Only new players are going to want to buy both at the same time, as they own neither. Veterans do not want a "free" copy of something they already have. Furthermore, the game is still relatively new, and most game companies do not bundle their base game + expansion this early in development (primarily to avoid issues like this). There is no reason to bundle the two together unless ANet is truly this desperate for new players (which is plausible I suppose, though if that's the case, it still makes their earlier tactic of "get ready for the new xpac by buying the base game" promo a pretty dirty trick). They still have lots of vets who just want the new expansion, and don't need a second base game copy. ANet needs to have an option available to people who want that.
It makes perfect sense for veterans to either receive a discount on the title (say $10, since that was their sales price for the base game mere weeks/months ago) OR some other effective "bonus" for veteran players in place of the extra base game copy (like a free char slot, or something of equal value for the extra $10 they're spending). It completely eliminates the majority of complaints about the system (not all, but you can never get rid of all complaints). Heck, I'd have no qualms with a $40 price point myself.
The guild halls have been known about since the expansion was first announced, actually....and it was made very clear when they were first announced that they would be limited to the expansion.
Mind, there still remains a rumor that non-expansion characters in a guild owned by an expansion character will still have access to the guild's expansion-based content....but it's unconfirmed to date.
Answer me this, When was it ever announced explicitly that the expansion by itself would be Less than $50?
If it turned out that the original plan was to have base game $30 + expansion $50 required to play:
Would that make you feel better knowing that new players had an extra barrier to entry?
And essentially no upside for existing players?
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
no idea what nonsense is this.
Im talking about the self entitled haters that are bashing the game because they somehow made up in their own mind that the base game should cost $30 dollars so they only have to pay $20 for the expansion.
The expansion was announced at $50 bucks and they are throwing in the base game for everyone at no additional cost.
The question is not "when was it explicitly stated that the expansion would be $50". The question is "why is there no option OTHER than the bundle package for all players".
If indeed what you say is true, and the bundle is truly meant to be a "deal" and a great "bargain", then they would have three purchase options available: 1) the base game, 2) the expansion, 3) the bundled base game + expansion for the discounted price of $50. This would allow people to compare the three options, and would clearly show how much of a value the bundle is over the other two options....thus encouraging more people to buy it.
But there is no option to buy just the base game, nor an option to buy just the expansion. These are options that are readily available to players of other MMOs, but not to those who play GW2. Even WoW didn't start bundling its expansions and core game like this until it had several under its belt, because it became unmanageable for them to sell that many separate items to new players.
Ergo it is impossible to evaluate the intent of the bundle or how "valuable" it is, because there is no basis for comparison. I can't compare the $30 base game + $50 expansion to the $50 bundle and go "wow, that's a great deal!" because no such option exists.
That is why I say that it's nonsense to view this as "just paying for the expansion, and getting the base game for free". Because there is no actual way of knowing how the costs are distributed in this bundle, other than how they say they are distributed. And a salesman has every reason to lie to you about how he makes his money from his sales.
And that, in turn, is why I say they ought to offer a separate "upgrade" option for veterans, either with a slightly cheaper price point (since the base game has never sold below $10 prior to now, a $40 price point instead of $50 seems reasonable) or with some other additions that a veteran player would have use for.
The question is not "when was it explicitly stated that the expansion would be $50". The question is "why is there no option OTHER than the bundle package for all players".
If indeed what you say is true, and the bundle is truly meant to be a "deal" and a great "bargain", then they would have three purchase options available: 1) the base game, 2) the expansion, 3) the bundled base game + expansion for the discounted price of $50. This would allow people to compare the three options, and would clearly show how much of a value the bundle is over the other two options....thus encouraging more people to buy it.
But there is no option to buy just the base game, nor an option to buy just the expansion. These are options that are readily available to players of other MMOs, but not to those who play GW2. Even WoW didn't start bundling its expansions and core game like this until it had several under its belt, because it became unmanageable for them to sell that many separate items to new players.
Ergo it is impossible to evaluate the intent of the bundle or how "valuable" it is, because there is no basis for comparison. I can't compare the $30 base game + $50 expansion to the $50 bundle and go "wow, that's a great deal!" because no such option exists.
That is why I say that it's nonsense to view this as "just paying for the expansion, and getting the base game for free". Because there is no actual way of knowing how the costs are distributed in this bundle, other than how they say they are distributed. And a salesman has every reason to lie to you about how he makes his money from his sales.
And that, in turn, is why I say they ought to offer a separate "upgrade" option for veterans, either with a slightly cheaper price point (since the base game has never sold below $10 prior to now, a $40 price point instead of $50 seems reasonable) or with some other additions that a veteran player would have use for.
I'm just going to say this bluntly.
Fact: The cost of the expansion is $50. This includes the base game.
Your concerns and thoughts on this matter are irreverent because that is the price is set in reality. Arena has valued this at $50 (in as many configurations as you can think of), and you jumping up and down isn't going to change this.
It's your right as the customer to purchase or not.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Since you want to avoid the fact that the Core game is Complimentary.
You would rather shave the price based off of the price a few months ago.
Why do you even bother to stop there? What's a week, month, a year or 2?
I paid $59.99 I shouldn't have to pay for the new Expac based off what you are suggesting.
It's silly to argue with these types of consumers.
One of the services we provide at my work includes a complimentary product that is not factored into the price of the service. Every now and then I get that one customer who doesn't get it, because they have no use for it, it should be discounted from the price.
I bought the base game at full price at release and I stopped playing it within a month. I would say that I am possibly their best customer, I paid for all the content and I had very little impact on their ongoing costs. I didn't clog up their servers, phone their customer support, demand an ongoing story.
I think I should get two free copies of the expansion... the problem is I'll never play it.
And just like in WoD, the original game and expanions weren't free, yet if you purchased WoD all expansions were free up to MoP. Not a big deal here, its easypeasy, you buy the expansion (WoD or HoT) and you get things for free, and you enjoy yourself.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
I'm certainly not "jumping up and down" about it, I've already decided not to purchase it. I'm simply pointing out that the complaint is a valid one, and that the OP came to the same conclusion as I did before I'd even stepped foot in this thread.
It's cute though that you all want to keep attributing anger to me, though, as if the price of a product somehow enrages me like the Incredible Hulk. I am not mad, "bro". I'm perfectly calm, in fact, I think I'm the only person in this thread who actually is thinking about this in a rational manner without any emotion behind it.
I'm simply pointing out that the complaint's validity, combined with the shady act of trying to convince people to buy the base game at $10-30 weeks/months before the expansion became available to pre-order, only to "throw in the base game for free" when they surely knew by that point how the pricing was going to work....means less sales in the long run, and judging by their forums, that's a lot less sales than they probably bargained for. I know that none of my peers are getting it either, for pretty much the same reason. So if there are indeed a decent chunk of people who aren't happy with this price, why exactly is that not worth addressing?
Again, this is why I say that GW2's community is just too defensive for its own good. You so desperately want me to be some angry troll under a bridge who hates ANet with all of my being, but really, I'm just a customer who grew bored of GW2, and has once again been discouraged from getting back into it by a combination of a poor pricing scheme and more overzealous fans like yourself. And these factors will, inevitably, cost them sales that they could have easily earned back with a mere token gesture.
Wow so many angry people..
I have played on and off since release. I have put in maybe $30-$50 extra over that time into the cash shop. I have absolutely no problem in the prices they are asking for with all the free content they have provided over the years.
People asking for a vets discount? Are you for real? The base game is included as complimentary and I am sure the next expansion will include content up to this expansion as complimentary.
If it offends people that much I suggest do not preorder and wait for a sale, or do not purchase at all.
Not even worth discussing this anymore. The XPAC is $50 bucks and the base game is a free bonus.
The real question should be, Are they separate codes? Is the xpac one code and the base game another code? If they are separate codes then that is a very smart move. I activate the xpac on my existing game, give the extra base game to a friend so he buys the expansion, activates it on his game and gift the extra base game to another friend, and so on and so forth. Causing a chain of expansion purchases. Smart move, ANET.
It has to be two separate codes otherwise the expansion wouldnt work on existing game accounts that already activated a game. Really smart move.
Are you joking?, look at my post history on GW2. i am just as cynical on gw2 as nearly everything else. /crazy
No sir, I just find great entertainment in debunking silly arguments like why cant i have $2 off my new car because it comes with a free air freshener.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Thank you sOOOO MUCH!!!
The best thing you have said so far!
Trust me you are doing us all a huge favor!
Lol yeah its like the humble bundle. Getting 5 games for 1 dollar doesnt entitle anyone to a discount just because you wanted only 1 game from the bundle.
It was more of a rhetorical question, but I thank you for the detailed reply.
It doesn't have to be that way, but it would indeed be pretty neat. I wouldn't mind giving a code to a buddy who havn't tried the game yet.
It has nothing to do with generosity.
They want to bring players in and hopefully keep them. people would be more willing to join a game if they knew, deciding that they liked it, that they didn't have to pony up more cash for the expansions.
What it does is allow for players to join, and if they like the game, keep playing up through to the new content.
Part of the issue which is always talked about by developers with regards to expansions is "do you segregate the player base". And some developers do and the players have to pay the extra money for the expansions when they are ready.
My guess is that Arena net finds more value in enticing more players "now" than hoping players will buy the game and "maybe" buy the expansion later on.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
fair enough I suppose then that was one of the few who learned about them today, so cheerfully withdrawn!
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
"Hey all,
We understand that there are many opinions and suggestions about the game versions and the pre-purchase program. We will continue to read your thoughts and thank you for sharing them."
Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
30 mins ago
That's the nicer version of "Woops 60 pages of shitstorm on the official forum and 2500 shit posts on reddit.. guess we have to say something at this point."
*edit with an update from 10 mins ago*
"I should be a bit more clear: Please don’t take a comment like “we’re reading your thoughts” lightly. That’s truly not a dismissive comment, but one that is intended to let you know that feedback from our forum members and players will be shared with the team as a whole.
In fact, I’ll edit my previous post to make that a bit more visible."