Originally posted by bobothewizar Its dead jim, let it die peacefully.
Lol, it was a still birth. They tried to capitalize on the Star Wars name and failed and its time to let this thing die and give someone better than SOE control of the liscence
I thought it funny that he didn't want to talk about subscriber numbers, because we all know what that means:
Publisher - "damn dude maybe we shouldn't of changed our crappy rendition of the Star Wars Universe"....
Dev - "Naw, we cool these sap will swallow any !$@# we feed them"... "Wait, bro 200,000 people just cancelled"....
Publisher (in Darth Vader episode III voice) - "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"
No comment? No comment this ! Again, SOE in this Q&A continues to show their lack of skill in communicating with the current player base and those that have quit. Take it from me, Day1 till Dec 2005 player, avoid this game at all costs.
Finally someone asked the real questions, and not just what SOE/LA wanted them to ask. Gotta love the fact that it's not "technically possible" to run the old code, but wait... doesn't SOE run EQ II and EQ? Oh they're already running multile versions of one game, why not 2? I mean between SOE/LA they have more money than god, you'd think they would have caught that one before they used that argument? I guess not though.
So yeah as a 2yr 3month old veteran on the day the NGE launched, I dropped SWG the only MMO I ever played, and went to WoW and am MUCH MUCH Happier the game is finished and you can see it. SWG had a easy fix that SOE could have implemeneted. The only problem with PRE-CU was that armor, poisons, and buffs were too difficult, and that you couldn't heal the mind pool. Ok how do we fix this, gee let me think... you put limits on armor, poisons, and buffs lower than the were and rebalance the mobs apropriately. Then You go to a damage system that does damage to one pool not 3, therefore you don't have to worry about the mind pool. Voila done... You still have docs, and crafters, and entertainers that matter. But oh wait no... you take all that away, take away decay Because what crafter needs repeat businesss? Take away entertainer usefulness, and battlefatigue, because why does anyway really need to be entertained? Then take every player and give 9 and only 9 possible combinations to play... when before you had tons of options... HELL YOU COULD have been a BH/tailor for christ sakes!
Anyway forget SOE they'll never get any more of my money!
This game is getting hammered and with damn good reason. They screwed us all, and they will talk about how many tried the trial, but not how many stayed. I am still a member, and I can tell you they are scrambling to right the mess that is the NGE. They have posted that 100K players have trialed, but not how many have subscribed. Currently, my guild is doing well, but the new members are all subs waiting to expire from former guilds on chimeara.
This is sad! Why? Because we had player cities and housing, we had depth of professions, we had the ability to change, we had content (anyone who says we did not, refused to look), we had differentiations of weapons, clothing, armor, food, crafting, entrtainment, politics, and you-name-it...
They say no comment because they have no answers...They nailed this game for no reason.
Played (more than a month): SWG, Second Life, Tabula Rasa, Lineage 2, Everquest 2, EvE, MxO, Ryzom.
wow you just cant get it soe this game blows and you screwed alot of people. how can the old vets and old customers trust you again. you think they will come back lol . i wont good luck with
Originally posted by Celestian I dunno what all the bitching is about on SWG. I played about a year ago and the game was the worst on the planet. After the changes it's a blast. Pick a class and go, no more skill system forcing ya to do something you don't want to. Nor more mobs doing x4 the damage I can do with the best weapon and skill I can find. The game is FUN now. I don't get this obsession with tedious boring games being fun to some people but to each his own. I find the game much more enjoyable as does my son and friends. Had they not made these changes NONE of us would even bother to play the game again.
I see. Losing 400k+ players vs. losing you three. Hmmm...
I've played SWG since just a few months after initial release. ...Bugged to high heaven. I've quit and come back a couple times. Initial release, CU, NGE all the same. The real problem with SWG is that the quality of the software from an engineering standpoint has never been enough of a priority to make it comparable to other games. SOE survives on big name licenses and fond memories of EQ1. I can only assume profits are satisfying their board (who must not realize how much more they could be making if they invested appropriately). They have a lot of good ideas and an overall vision that could make them number 1 in the industry if only the were willing to invest in the quality of their software development.
Here's some advice for SOE and any company considering a partnership with them:
Move your ambitions from the short term to the long term. Invest in software development and learn how to release a lot less defects and better server stability & performance. MMORPGs are gonna get bigger and it's going to require quality software engineering.
Hire top level leadership that have both vision (which I believe you already have) and perspective (which you lack) with enough knowledge of software engineering to accurately judge the advice of a lead engineer if he says that the design goals require 3 times more time or money than you have allocated (clearly completely absent from the telling or the listening or both).
Major game play redesigns should be implemented with extreme caution and never ever ever twice in one year, much less twice in 3 months. Players consider their characters and their virtual possessions as personal investments. Do not radically alter them unless there is widespread popular support. If you think a major revamp is needed, make sure you have accurate information (unclouded by deeply engrained groupthink-style denial) about what other factors might actually be inhibiting the success you think you're lacking. Start by improving quality and building content and if underlying mechanisms need to change to support long term goals, try to make them as transparent to the user as possible (but communicate the planning, meaning, and benefit of those changes).
Man i playied online games since like 95 with text game moved my way up now im just plain gonna quit playin em now simply because all the companys that run them are stupid as crap too damn secretive about stuff they dont give a rats ass about the players anymore.Just their own pockets.In the days it was pure community and player based.And reading that interview just heated me up more all the crap sony tries to no comment on.One when they are wrong and someone keys that in they go on the offensive big time.
MMORPG.com: Recently, server population numbers circulated online that someone allegedly uncovered. Can you comment on the accuracy of these numbers? Casey Keefe:
We never have and never will comment in regards to subscriber and player numbers.
Funny, Blizzard actually has commented on how players quit and come back, and talks about that. Also, you've mentioned subscriber numbers in the past. Do you just comment when you're growing, then? :P
MMORPG.com: You acknowledged in your last producer letter that one major flaw with the NGEs introduction was broken content and that it was your goal to fix that. How did this happen in the first place? Casey Keefe:
No comment.
Thank you for asking this. I would have really enjoyed it, however, if you would have taken a picture of his expression (if this wasn't across the phone or net, which it probably was).
I differ in opinion with a lot of people here. I think the CU was still pretty good. It needed more balance, and lesser emphasis on healing but it could have gone somewhere if LA/SOE wanted to take it somewhere. Instead they're worrying about revamping everyone combat class over and over instead of adding meaningful content to go along with the gameworld. Hell, Trials of Obi-Wan was even pretty fun other than the glitches (lava problem with nvidia, which now they are saying is a "problem with nvidia's drivers. yeah. bullshit").
If they would have killed doc buffs in pre-cu and added a real gcw, which we STILL don't have, SWG would still be going strong. Instead it was dying (even before the CU, admit it) and just has been hanging on ever since. At this point just let it die.
And as much as everyone wants to blame SOE, the fault is LA as well. I'd almost say that it's more LA. Why? Because EQ2 actually gets attention and has devs that like the playerbase and love the game. What does SWG have? Jeff Freeman, the lead designer for SWG, deleted his blog because the SWG players found it and were posting stuff from it. Yes, that's right. The LEAD DESIGNER OF SWG deleted his personal blog of 3 years SO HE WOULDNT HAVE TO INTERACT WITH PLAYERS. Think about that.
Well, I can honostly say her "No Comment" attitude to a few questions was her trying to keep from getting fired. The reason behind not officialy owning up to their game population is this: it's probably lower than what they believe to be average (based on their EQ1, EQ2, and of course Planetside games) and they feel that if others hear of it from the horses mouth, it will scare them away from buying into a game that seems to be going down hill.
I've been saying this game is dead, but I will give them as much to say that there will be people out there who don't know better about how they've treated their old clients and they will sign up and play. Look at Horizons, I played it when it first came out, and there was rumor after a while that it was going 'tits up.' Somehow the game's servived. They've got a fancy tittle to work with, and because of that it will always atract someone. However with the number of bugs and all, I don't expect any experienced MMOG player to buy into it.
Yes, one thing I WOULD like to see is specialization put back in, BUT that doesn't make up for them removing creature handlers (being the biggest hit, as they managed to stick stuff from other classes somewhere else). It also doesn't make up for them braking everything. If a game has become so buggy and broken that it is well beyond worse than it's former self, I believe there's no reason for me to be paying for it. Why pay for screw ups?Why pay for lies about the screw ups, lies that they take back and claim they told truthfully.
Finally, the number one reason, they CANNOT make up for the time they screwed ups over. If they want me back, they better be giving me free game time, and I don't mean a month, I mean months for all the work we put into our classes that are no longer there, for the times we had to go farm to buy new weapons since our old ones broke (and the new ones don't), for all the grinding we did to become jedi (my number one pisser) and for changing a game, not once, but TWISE on us, without ASKING the player base, and without even appologizing for such drastic changes. That's what we want, that's what we truely want, them to own up to their screw ups, them to pay us back for their screw ups, and them to give us reason to believe any further or future time we ever put into the game would not only end up meaning nothing, once again. Till then, you reap what you sow
SWG killed my inner child, how can you ever expect to make up for that SOE?
We asked this before and the answer was no. However, today, Id like to re-submit it. Are there any plans for a classic server that runs an older version of the game?
Casey Keefe:
No, and not for business reasons it is impossible in terms of technology and resources.
Originally posted by Celestian I dunno what all the bitching is about on SWG. I played about a year ago and the game was the worst on the planet. After the changes it's a blast. Pick a class and go, no more skill system forcing ya to do something you don't want to. Nor more mobs doing x4 the damage I can do with the best weapon and skill I can find. The game is FUN now. I don't get this obsession with tedious boring games being fun to some people but to each his own. I find the game much more enjoyable as does my son and friends. Had they not made these changes NONE of us would even bother to play the game again.
But this is the minority - and the minority is not of any importance in business, the MAJORITY is.
This "NES console style" customer is obv. the new target audience of their game.
I give you a mouse, a left button, something to kill and you are talking about a blast, despite the still existing million bugs and flaws. I can see how easy it is to entertain young customers.
But you need to understand, that there is a difference in business, a very important difference.
First of all, the MMORPG market for Science Fiction titles is only 17%. So you never can get the same subscribernumbers for a sciFi title like you can get with a fantasy title, eg. WoW.
So SoE chasing WoW numbers (like this Smed amateur stated) is simply hillarious and prooving what completely idiot he is, far from reality.
Second: There is fastfood" and the "Deluxe meal".
The fastfood is for young people, quick jump in - quick jump out. The deluxe meal is for the settled, mature and (important-->) STABLE longterm customer.
Seeing the fact that SciFi title are just a minor market, no matter if Star Wars® or Star Trek or whatever, and this market is even SHARED by the few SciFi titles out there, 300-500K subscribers for a SciFi title are THAT NOT BAD.
So if a company goes the way of making the game "easy" (and all this bullcrap they said about the NGE and why), this might make such forumtrolls like "Wepps, Coldboot" (and all the other nobrainers in their forum) happy - but not the majority of the customers they once had.
If the subs are down to 40K (dont ask me..) we are not talking about "the way to go". In business, coming from 250K subs, we are talking about a big catastrophic failure, if we dump our customerbase down to 16%.
I dont know what this John Smedley is sending over to Lucas Art all time, but it must be pure heavy stuff no1 else should smoke, it makes you losing reality.
The thing is very easy: The decision of the NGE was wrong and failed horrid. Now you need to repair or witness the end of the failed title soon.
You have 2 choices: Admit your fault and keep face and backbone by doing so - maybe even SOME betrayed come back Keep the way going you are going but then not only lose face, lose any respect too cuz every1 can see what bad and incompetent idiot you are.
Following some surveys, the average SWG customer is from 25-35. Its is completely nonsense and idiotic to make SWG a game for customers outside this ageframe.
You dont believe ? WHy you think this "NGE" was the loudest and strongest "earthquake" in customerdispleasure so far in the gamingindustry ?
You get the idea, young folks...
SWG is meant to be a complex and mature game. Adept it, or play UT2003 - but stop annyoing customers who paid for this game already when you were still running around the x-mas tree with a toydrum... (Not directed to you, Celestian - directed to all the 8 yrs. old NGE fanbois)
When will SOE and Lucasarts WAKE UP!!!.I left SWG a few days after the CU and i have to say i'm glad i did i cannot belive they keep messing around with the game as much as they have.My proffessions before the CU was Doctor--Combat medic--TK it was great never before had i got so much ear bashing of my other half (always playing that bloody game blah blah).This is how SWG should be and why won't you make a pre CU server because it will cost to much? well how many people do you think will come back to a pre CU server!! i would think lots and lots.If you won't or don't make a pre CU server then shut it down now plz let the game rest.
They will NEVER launch classic pre-CU servers! Why?
They don't want to accept the truth as all their precious NGE-servers will run empty ..leaving only a few young console gamers on it! And the Classic servers will run full! In this way proving SOE has been acting like Def Retards for the last 2 years!!
Just simple TRUTH they can't and won't handle! So let's all just drop this crap! Leave SOE in their silly office fading to non-existence along with their failed dieing games! Soon SOE will be forgotten!
It's time we return the favor to SOE by ignoring them! Like they ignored us all this time and still are!
Let's all move on! There is so much out there and who knows what Perpetual Entertainment will pull off with Star Trek Online! It's at least a title to look forward too! They at least take their Star Trek Fanbase seriously and have held polls on what the fans would like to see in STO! And don't forget current active games like EVE Online (Wich Im playing now!) where CCP is doing a great job!
I have played SWG since before the CU. It was an obsessively delightful immersive experience, no matter what kind of character I played (the wonderful catch phrase they used on the box at the time was, "the most important story in the galaxy to tell is the one YOU choose..." and we were ABLE to do so at the time). The range of professions was astounding. The world was complex, exciting, and dangerous. Battle required expertise and THINKING, as well as dependence on others for adequate preparation.
Life in the galaxy required interdependence. Nobody could be a lone ranger. From my first days in the game I found more experienced players who helped me learn the ropes and make my way in what was to be a most consuming pastime. I progressed from one character to seven in five galaxies in 2 1/2 years, all in the company of friends who valued, supported, and helped one another. I dabbled in most of the professions available to playersand enjoyed them all. I bought every expansion SOE put out and explored each new planet with interest. I weathered the CU and learned to thrive in it.
That was then. This is now.
The NGE effectively has killed all interdependence in the game. No more is there the helpful experienced player who will give the newbie a hand. Instead he is led through an impersonal tutorial and dumped. I purposely created a new character and tried the NGE out to see what a new player would experience. I have so far made it through level 30 without talking to another player. The game is the most ridiculous excuse for a paint-by-the-numbers point and shoot I have ever seen. Far from being an MMO, it is an attempt to be an online FPS. Why not just play Battlefront for free? It seems that SOE and LA think players are REALLY so stupid that they will PAY MONTHLY FEES for a substandard fps rather than play a better one that they don't have to pay for. As an fps, SWG is dismal. As an MMORPG, it no longer exists. In my opinion, SWG is no longer anything at all but a beautiful corpse.
Well I've heard a fair bit about how awful the major overhaul is and so I thought I'd play the ten day free trial to look upon the game with tottaly non-bias eyes; I've never played any of the original version of the game and nor have I heard much about them. Wow, it was pretty much the worst pay-to-play MMO experience I have ever had, I mean I was killing enemies in a few hits in combat more suited to a basic third-person shooter simply holding down the mouse button, I was walking through everything! chairs, rubble the lot, I was magically gaining the same skills as everyone else when leveled and within 10 seconds of killing a boss, he was back, respawned and raring to get killed once more. Great article MMORPG.com, you tottally grilled SOE with some brilliant questions . I loved the "No comment" ()
well well, this is my first time so go easy onme guys. I'm a veteran SWG player, been playing for about 20 months. The interview is a nell of things to come. If u look closely, he really did say what they are going to do, i believe that by and by the old albiet redressed form of SWG will eventually return. Hidden under the guise of new and improved. SOE is reaping the harvest of alienating your playerbase. I liked the game for several reasons, none of which have anything to do with SOE. I continue to play because i have friends from all over the world on my server in my guild, i dont like Dungeons and Dragons style games. Im a High tech fan. But i agree that SOE has done all that it could to destroy the playerbase. The reason remains a mystery to me though. I believe what happened is they made a game that they couldnt improve on, so they dumbed it down to the point where anything they do will look like an improvement. I mean, really, no one is that stupid. I wonder if they are doing this because they want the SWG game gone. Wouldnt be the first time people in california destroyed a profit making machine for other than business reasons.
this game was my 1st ever mmo and it was my favoret and then soe raped it up the butt 1st came CU1 witch wasent os bad i dident particuly like it coz thay ruind melee and i use to be a bi fan of swordsman then i switched over to bounty hunter and it was great i could hunt jedi and have some fun then as always with Soe thay nefd it and made it imposible to hunt a jedi that wasent a fucking master then YAY NEG WOOOT WE LOVE THAT LIKE A HERPY wridden chiwowa then YAY we lost most of the profetions we lost the original combat alltogether and thay made it so we can nolonger hunt player jedi i mean wtf are thay trying to lose people coz thats what there doin and so that suld be to ashamed to show the amount of people that still play. another thing that shat me off was paying 70$ for JTL then o what ROTW comes out and what you buy that ytou get JTL free then all accounts come with JTL free and then another expantion and what you get that you get all the others free i mean wtfM8 i played this game for 2 years and it makes me feel like 1 i was not respected as a paying player and 2 that my opinion means nothing but i mean come on Soe you tools i mean it has to be bad when ya got more people playing runescape than your pice of SUPA NERFED CRAPOLA here is a big tip fo back pre CU no one likes the new game it was the worsed idear put into disign i have ever seen. and to think back in the day i aspiarde to work on that game. now i rather work on bringing out the h@ck server for pre cu you know as soon as that comes out you will have no costomers, it may have been a tad lagy but it was 100x the game it is now
p.s sorry for the lack of punctuation and if that rontard dev Casey Keefe wants some tips he can contact me on msn at [drazeni_wraith@hotmail.com] il show you where you went wrong and maby with out backhanding you for wasting my money and 2years of my life
Just simple TRUTH they can't and won't handle! So let's all just drop this crap! Leave SOE in their silly office fading to non-existence along with their failed dieing games! Soon SOE will be forgotten! It's time we return the favor to SOE by ignoring them! Like they ignored us all this time and still are!
I disagree. While I don't really see myself ever playing this game again, I won't allow them to drop it on others. I will do everything I can to make sure EVERYBODY I run into knows how bad things are.
When Julio had his interview on Attack of the Show(God what a waste of TV time). He and the host both spent a fair amount of time disrespecting the player base. One of the big things that was said, was, and I'm paraphrasing here, "This will blow over and they will be back". SOE has NEVER taken this seriusly. They have so little care or respect for the community that they honestly think we'll give up and go back to playing. Or just go away so they can start up their lies on a fresh group. We CAN'T let that happen.
im not insulting you at all just 1 thing you sed "I mean, really, no one is that stupid" thay are so look at gorge w. bush lol and john howard you may not know him his the priminister of my fine countery of australia and his a twat recently out major comunications company called telstra was sold to the americans thay recently opointed a man who crashed his previos company into the ground and thay recently got offerd a contract with blizzerd to hoast 20 new wow servers and guse what thay ternd it down thay could have made millions the resion is some times its more profitable to crash something and sell it off than it is to run it i think thats what is goin on with SWG thay are gona fuck it up as much as thay can and in some way make better money out of it ether that or thay realy are just stoopid like a fish or maby even as dumb as gorge W. bush theres my political coment for the month lol
Talk about beating a dead horse.. this game is dead, they act as if there is nothing wrong. SOE needs some serious therapy.
Lol, it was a still birth. They tried to capitalize on the Star Wars name and failed and its time to let this thing die and give someone better than SOE control of the liscence
I thought it funny that he didn't want to talk about subscriber numbers, because we all know what that means:
Publisher - "damn dude maybe we shouldn't of changed our crappy rendition of the Star Wars Universe"....
Dev - "Naw, we cool these sap will swallow any !$@# we feed them"... "Wait, bro 200,000 people just cancelled"....
Publisher (in Darth Vader episode III voice) - "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"
No comment?
***removed - double post***
Finally someone asked the real questions, and not just what SOE/LA wanted them to ask. Gotta love the fact that it's not "technically possible" to run the old code, but wait... doesn't SOE run EQ II and EQ? Oh they're already running multile versions of one game, why not 2? I mean between SOE/LA they have more money than god, you'd think they would have caught that one before they used that argument? I guess not though.
So yeah as a 2yr 3month old veteran on the day the NGE launched, I dropped SWG the only MMO I ever played, and went to WoW and am MUCH MUCH Happier the game is finished and you can see it. SWG had a easy fix that SOE could have implemeneted. The only problem with PRE-CU was that armor, poisons, and buffs were too difficult, and that you couldn't heal the mind pool. Ok how do we fix this, gee let me think... you put limits on armor, poisons, and buffs lower than the were and rebalance the mobs apropriately. Then You go to a damage system that does damage to one pool not 3, therefore you don't have to worry about the mind pool. Voila done... You still have docs, and crafters, and entertainers that matter. But oh wait no... you take all that away, take away decay Because what crafter needs repeat businesss? Take away entertainer usefulness, and battlefatigue, because why does anyway really need to be entertained? Then take every player and give 9 and only 9 possible combinations to play... when before you had tons of options... HELL YOU COULD have been a BH/tailor for christ sakes!
Anyway forget SOE they'll never get any more of my money!
3 years later and they still are BETA TESTING THIS hunk of garbage.....
This game is getting hammered and with damn good reason. They screwed us all, and they will talk about how many tried the trial, but not how many stayed. I am still a member, and I can tell you they are scrambling to right the mess that is the NGE. They have posted that 100K players have trialed, but not how many have subscribed. Currently, my guild is doing well, but the new members are all subs waiting to expire from former guilds on chimeara.
This is sad! Why? Because we had player cities and housing, we had depth of professions, we had the ability to change, we had content (anyone who says we did not, refused to look), we had differentiations of weapons, clothing, armor, food, crafting, entrtainment, politics, and you-name-it...
They say no comment because they have no answers...They nailed this game for no reason.
Played (more than a month): SWG, Second Life, Tabula Rasa, Lineage 2, Everquest 2, EvE, MxO, Ryzom.
Tried: WoW, Shadowbane, Anarchy Online, Everquest, WWII Online, Planetside
Beta: Lotro, Tabula Rasa, WAR.
wow you just cant get it soe this game blows and you screwed alot of people. how can the old vets and old customers trust you again. you think they will come back lol . i wont good luck with
clicking wars lol
I've played SWG since just a few months after initial release. ...Bugged to high heaven. I've quit and come back a couple times. Initial release, CU, NGE all the same. The real problem with SWG is that the quality of the software from an engineering standpoint has never been enough of a priority to make it comparable to other games. SOE survives on big name licenses and fond memories of EQ1. I can only assume profits are satisfying their board (who must not realize how much more they could be making if they invested appropriately). They have a lot of good ideas and an overall vision that could make them number 1 in the industry if only the were willing to invest in the quality of their software development.
Here's some advice for SOE and any company considering a partnership with them:
Funny, Blizzard actually has commented on how players quit and come back, and talks about that. Also, you've mentioned subscriber numbers in the past. Do you just comment when you're growing, then? :P
Thank you for asking this. I would have really enjoyed it, however, if you would have taken a picture of his expression (if this wasn't across the phone or net, which it probably was).
I differ in opinion with a lot of people here. I think the CU was still pretty good. It needed more balance, and lesser emphasis on healing but it could have gone somewhere if LA/SOE wanted to take it somewhere. Instead they're worrying about revamping everyone combat class over and over instead of adding meaningful content to go along with the gameworld. Hell, Trials of Obi-Wan was even pretty fun other than the glitches (lava problem with nvidia, which now they are saying is a "problem with nvidia's drivers. yeah. bullshit").
If they would have killed doc buffs in pre-cu and added a real gcw, which we STILL don't have, SWG would still be going strong. Instead it was dying (even before the CU, admit it) and just has been hanging on ever since. At this point just let it die.
And as much as everyone wants to blame SOE, the fault is LA as well. I'd almost say that it's more LA. Why? Because EQ2 actually gets attention and has devs that like the playerbase and love the game. What does SWG have? Jeff Freeman, the lead designer for SWG, deleted his blog because the SWG players found it and were posting stuff from it. Yes, that's right. The LEAD DESIGNER OF SWG deleted his personal blog of 3 years SO HE WOULDNT HAVE TO INTERACT WITH PLAYERS. Think about that.
The reason behind not officialy owning up to their game population is this: it's probably lower than what they believe to be average (based on their EQ1, EQ2, and of course Planetside games) and they feel that if others hear of it from the horses mouth, it will scare them away from buying into a game that seems to be going down hill.
I've been saying this game is dead, but I will give them as much to say that there will be people out there who don't know better about how they've treated their old clients and they will sign up and play. Look at Horizons, I played it when it first came out, and there was rumor after a while that it was going 'tits up.' Somehow the game's servived. They've got a fancy tittle to work with, and because of that it will always atract someone. However with the number of bugs and all, I don't expect any experienced MMOG player to buy into it.
Yes, one thing I WOULD like to see is specialization put back in, BUT that doesn't make up for them removing creature handlers (being the biggest hit, as they managed to stick stuff from other classes somewhere else). It also doesn't make up for them braking everything. If a game has become so buggy and broken that it is well beyond worse than it's former self, I believe there's no reason for me to be paying for it. Why pay for screw ups?Why pay for lies about the screw ups, lies that they take back and claim they told truthfully.
Finally, the number one reason, they CANNOT make up for the time they screwed ups over. If they want me back, they better be giving me free game time, and I don't mean a month, I mean months for all the work we put into our classes that are no longer there, for the times we had to go farm to buy new weapons since our old ones broke (and the new ones don't), for all the grinding we did to become jedi (my number one pisser) and for changing a game, not once, but TWISE on us, without ASKING the player base, and without even appologizing for such drastic changes. That's what we want, that's what we truely want, them to own up to their screw ups, them to pay us back for their screw ups, and them to give us reason to believe any further or future time we ever put into the game would not only end up meaning nothing, once again. Till then, you reap what you sow
SWG killed my inner child, how can you ever expect to make up for that SOE?
Top Ten Most Misused Words/Phrases in MMO Industry...
No, and not for business reasons it is impossible in terms of technology and resources.
its settled then. im not comming back.
But this is the minority - and the minority is not of any importance in business, the MAJORITY is.
This "NES console style" customer is obv. the new target audience of their game.
I give you a mouse, a left button, something to kill and you are talking about a blast, despite the still existing million bugs and flaws. I can see how easy it is to entertain young customers.
But you need to understand, that there is a difference in business, a very important difference.
First of all, the MMORPG market for Science Fiction titles is only 17%.
So you never can get the same subscribernumbers for a sciFi title like you can get with a fantasy title, eg. WoW.
So SoE chasing WoW numbers (like this Smed amateur stated) is simply hillarious and prooving what completely idiot he is, far from reality.
There is fastfood" and the "Deluxe meal".
The fastfood is for young people, quick jump in - quick jump out.
The deluxe meal is for the settled, mature and (important-->) STABLE longterm customer.
Seeing the fact that SciFi title are just a minor market, no matter if Star Wars® or Star Trek or whatever, and this market is even SHARED by the few SciFi titles out there, 300-500K subscribers for a SciFi title are THAT NOT BAD.
So if a company goes the way of making the game "easy" (and all this bullcrap they said about the NGE and why), this might make such forumtrolls like "Wepps, Coldboot" (and all the other nobrainers in their forum) happy - but not the majority of the customers they once had.
If the subs are down to 40K (dont ask me..) we are not talking about "the way to go". In business, coming from 250K subs, we are talking about a big catastrophic failure, if we dump our customerbase down to 16%.
I dont know what this John Smedley is sending over to Lucas Art all time, but it must be pure heavy stuff no1 else should smoke, it makes you losing reality.
The thing is very easy:
The decision of the NGE was wrong and failed horrid.
Now you need to repair or witness the end of the failed title soon.
You have 2 choices:
Admit your fault and keep face and backbone by doing so - maybe even SOME betrayed come back
Keep the way going you are going but then not only lose face, lose any respect too cuz every1 can see what bad and incompetent idiot you are.
Following some surveys, the average SWG customer is from 25-35.
Its is completely nonsense and idiotic to make SWG a game for customers outside this ageframe.
You dont believe ?
WHy you think this "NGE" was the loudest and strongest "earthquake" in customerdispleasure so far in the gamingindustry ?
You get the idea, young folks...
SWG is meant to be a complex and mature game.
Adept it, or play UT2003 - but stop annyoing customers who paid for this game already when you were still running around the x-mas tree with a toydrum...
(Not directed to you, Celestian - directed to all the 8 yrs. old NGE fanbois)
They will NEVER launch classic pre-CU servers! Why?
They don't want to accept the truth as all their precious NGE-servers will run empty ..leaving only a few young console gamers on it! And the Classic servers will run full! In this way proving SOE has been acting like Def Retards for the last 2 years!!
Just simple TRUTH they can't and won't handle! So let's all just drop this crap! Leave SOE in their silly office fading to non-existence along with their failed dieing games! Soon SOE will be forgotten!
It's time we return the favor to SOE by ignoring them! Like they ignored us all this time and still are!
Let's all move on! There is so much out there and who knows what Perpetual Entertainment will pull off with Star Trek Online! It's at least a title to look forward too! They at least take their Star Trek Fanbase seriously and have held polls on what the fans would like to see in STO! And don't forget current active games like EVE Online (Wich Im playing now!) where CCP is doing a great job!
I have played SWG since before the CU. It was an obsessively delightful immersive experience, no matter what kind of character I played (the wonderful catch phrase they used on the box at the time was, "the most important story in the galaxy to tell is the one YOU choose..." and we were ABLE to do so at the time). The range of professions was astounding. The world was complex, exciting, and dangerous. Battle required expertise and THINKING, as well as dependence on others for adequate preparation.
Life in the galaxy required interdependence. Nobody could be a lone ranger. From my first days in the game I found more experienced players who helped me learn the ropes and make my way in what was to be a most consuming pastime. I progressed from one character to seven in five galaxies in 2 1/2 years, all in the company of friends who valued, supported, and helped one another. I dabbled in most of the professions available to playersand enjoyed them all. I bought every expansion SOE put out and explored each new planet with interest. I weathered the CU and learned to thrive in it.
That was then. This is now.
The NGE effectively has killed all interdependence in the game. No more is there the helpful experienced player who will give the newbie a hand. Instead he is led through an impersonal tutorial and dumped. I purposely created a new character and tried the NGE out to see what a new player would experience. I have so far made it through level 30 without talking to another player. The game is the most ridiculous excuse for a paint-by-the-numbers point and shoot I have ever seen. Far from being an MMO, it is an attempt to be an online FPS. Why not just play Battlefront for free? It seems that SOE and LA think players are REALLY so stupid that they will PAY MONTHLY FEES for a substandard fps rather than play a better one that they don't have to pay for. As an fps, SWG is dismal. As an MMORPG, it no longer exists. In my opinion, SWG is no longer anything at all but a beautiful corpse.
Let it rest in peace.
Well I've heard a fair bit about how awful the major overhaul is and so I thought I'd play the ten day free trial to look upon the game with tottaly non-bias eyes; I've never played any of the original version of the game and nor have I heard much about them. Wow, it was pretty much the worst pay-to-play MMO experience I have ever had, I mean I was killing enemies in a few hits in combat more suited to a basic third-person shooter simply holding down the mouse button, I was walking through everything! chairs, rubble the lot, I was magically gaining the same skills as everyone else when leveled and within 10 seconds of killing a boss, he was back, respawned and raring to get killed once more. Great article MMORPG.com, you tottally grilled SOE with some brilliant questions . I loved the "No comment" ()
well well, this is my first time so go easy onme guys. I'm a veteran SWG player, been playing for about 20 months. The interview is a nell of things to come. If u look closely, he really did say what they are going to do, i believe that by and by the old albiet redressed form of SWG will eventually return. Hidden under the guise of new and improved. SOE is reaping the harvest of alienating your playerbase. I liked the game for several reasons, none of which have anything to do with SOE. I continue to play because i have friends from all over the world on my server in my guild, i dont like Dungeons and Dragons style games. Im a High tech fan. But i agree that SOE has done all that it could to destroy the playerbase. The reason remains a mystery to me though. I believe what happened is they made a game that they couldnt improve on, so they dumbed it down to the point where anything they do will look like an improvement. I mean, really, no one is that stupid. I wonder if they are doing this because they want the SWG game gone. Wouldnt be the first time people in california destroyed a profit making machine for other than business reasons.
this game was my 1st ever mmo and it was my favoret and then soe raped it up the butt 1st came CU1 witch wasent os bad i dident particuly like it coz thay ruind melee and i use to be a bi fan of swordsman then i switched over to bounty hunter and it was great i could hunt jedi and have some fun then as always with Soe thay nefd it and made it imposible to hunt a jedi that wasent a fucking master then YAY NEG WOOOT WE LOVE THAT LIKE A HERPY wridden chiwowa then YAY we lost most of the profetions we lost the original combat alltogether and thay made it so we can nolonger hunt player jedi i mean wtf are thay trying to lose people coz thats what there doin and so that suld be to ashamed to show the amount of people that still play.
another thing that shat me off was paying 70$ for JTL then o what ROTW comes out and what you buy that ytou get JTL free then all accounts come with JTL free and then another expantion and what you get that you get all the others free i mean wtfM8 i played this game for 2 years and it makes me feel like 1 i was not respected as a paying player and 2 that my opinion means nothing but i mean come on Soe you tools i mean it has to be bad when ya got more people playing runescape than your pice of SUPA NERFED CRAPOLA here is a big tip fo back pre CU no one likes the new game it was the worsed idear put into disign i have ever seen. and to think back in the day i aspiarde to work on that game.
now i rather work on bringing out the h@ck server for pre cu you know as soon as that comes out you will have no costomers, it may have been a tad lagy but it was 100x the game it is now
p.s sorry for the lack of punctuation and if that rontard dev Casey Keefe wants some tips he can contact me on msn at [drazeni_wraith@hotmail.com] il show you where you went wrong and maby with out backhanding you for wasting my money and 2years of my life
I disagree. While I don't really see myself ever playing this game again, I won't allow them to drop it on others. I will do everything I can to make sure EVERYBODY I run into knows how bad things are.
When Julio had his interview on Attack of the Show(God what a waste of TV time). He and the host both spent a fair amount of time disrespecting the player base. One of the big things that was said, was, and I'm paraphrasing here, "This will blow over and they will be back". SOE has NEVER taken this seriusly. They have so little care or respect for the community that they honestly think we'll give up and go back to playing. Or just go away so they can start up their lies on a fresh group. We CAN'T let that happen.
im not insulting you at all just 1 thing you sed "I mean, really, no one is that stupid" thay are so look at gorge w. bush lol and john howard you may not know him his the priminister of my fine countery of australia and his a twat recently out major comunications company called telstra was sold to the americans thay recently opointed a man who crashed his previos company into the ground and thay recently got offerd a contract with blizzerd to hoast 20 new wow servers and guse what thay ternd it down thay could have made millions the resion is some times its more profitable to crash something and sell it off than it is to run it i think thats what is goin on with SWG thay are gona fuck it up as much as thay can and in some way make better money out of it ether that or thay realy are just stoopid like a fish or maby even as dumb as gorge W. bush theres my political coment for the month lol
sory again im a verry angery man
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