BDO does something I have never seen in an mmo before. It prohibits player to player trading and in the NA/EU version also doesn't allow cash shop items to be sold on the AH. As far as I can see this should make RMT/gold selling almost impossible. By thinking outside the box the devs seem to have solved a problem that has plagued mmos and which until now had seemed impossible to fix.
The system's downside is that players can't give friends stuff they made, or give friends/guildies money/drops etc which seems to detract from the social aspect of the game; but at the same time it promotes a kind of more stable online society where you can really be rewarded for your efforts and funnels player interaction into other areas.
What do you guys think? If this system basically stamps out gold sellers and all the spam/bots that go with that, is it an idea that can or should be used in other mmos? Would you be as blown away as I am at an mmo which finally solves the gold selling issue? Or is the cure worse than the disease?
I for one never take any charity I want to earn everything for myself ingame.
Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile
It does seem to have the upside of preventing gold-selling (and the box price prohibits it).
We'll see if it works. Gold sellers can probably figure a way around it, like the buyer selling an item for tons of silver on the marketplace. Buyer gives goldseller real life money and then the goldseller buys the item.
Items have a cap on what they can be sold by on the marketplace per item. IE my Sword of Powerfullness has a min/max listed on the item of 50,000/150,000. I don't remember if it applies to ALL items in the game, but goldsellers wouldn't even be able to sell cash this way.
If there's one thing I've learned playing MMOs all these years, there is basically nothing that can stop goldsellers from operating.
The drawback is most of us have come to the aid of our friends when they needed something they couldn't get to drop. The good thing is all items in game can be garnered through this system even if it take saving up coins, which is always a good thing.
Unless the devs allow some degree of p2p trading like in the Russian version, in theory I can't see how gold sellers could operate.
It has been repeated ad nauseum but people just prefer to rant rather than think - the issue with RMT isn't the impact on in-game economy but account security and as such trading removal does little to help the case.
DMKano is right that the system wouldn't work in an MMO where crafters needed to trade with eachother. Many MMOs don't require that for trading, however. I remember leveling up crafts in WoW solo no problem. Blade and Soul does require trade for it to work. So it depends on the MMO.
It is a bit weird to prohibit all trading. Just seems weird that you can't give someone anything. But then again, Black Desert is all around pretty freaking weird compared to most MMOs. Who knows maybe it's all genius.