This post about the amount of people playing Star Citizen was quite interesting, I honestly thought the numbers would be higher.
Star Marine certainly gets a good turn out (although some of that is obviously down to how new it is).
2.5 has had the peak numbers, at 31k BR players, over the course of a
little more than 3 months. That number drops down to 2.5k for players
that have played over 2 hours, what I would consider a bare minimum of
playtime to be even close to considered as "spending time playing the
game", as opposed to just hoping in to check things out. That is 2,500
out of 31,000 that we know CAN play the game, because they have bothered
to download it and test it out. So we know that 28,500 players tested
it out and didn't bother really playing. Even if we ignore the total
backer count, that's an 8% retention (and that's being super lenient
considering 2 hours is NOTHING in play time, but we can chalk it up to
being alpha).
The highest BR retention was patch 1.0.1 and 2.1, with 12%, while patch 2.4 and 1.1.5 saw the lowest at 5%.
Note that patch 2.0 and beyond we do not have PU figures, so that leaves
some data out, but BR and SB are good measures of pure flight combat
enjoyment, as opposed to things like checking out ships, FPS, and
exploration in the PU.
For AC 2.6
6,285 played BR.
486 played over 2 hours.
141 played over 6 hours.
8% retention so far.
2% retention given 6 hour threshold.
For Star Marine
- 64,249 played SM Last Stand.
- 5,127 played over 2 hours.
- 1,040 played over 6 hours.
Also 8% retention so far.
Also 2% retention given 6 hour threshold.
Currently 1 711 965 registered accounts and 3.75% of them have tested Star Marine. 0.3% of registered thought it was good enough to play for more than 2 hours.
That 1.7 million figure will include accounts that don't have access to anything, duplicate forum accounts etc.
It's quite clear the big majority is just waiting or the major PU patches to come out, or actually only will even bother to install it once it is released.
Then you have:
- One massive download and that drives away many people.
- The PU performance as it stands is obviously a big killer from playing for long.
The planned 3.0 update would flip the tables on this:
- Full solar system with the planets, much better than around 30% of one as it stands.
- Improved netcode (as planned at least), hopefully means players can finally play without 10-20FPS once the instance goes laggy.
Would it hurt to ask me where I getting my numbers from instead of instantly proclaiming I have no basis for this?
Here is my basis.
In July 2016 Turbulent did an interview where they announced there were 500,000 paying backers
From the start of the project to the date of that article is 43 months which gives an average of almost 12,000 backers per month, from that article until now is almost another 6 months, so 500,000 + 72,000 which I rounded up to 600,000.
I expected the numbers for Arena Commander to be higher. They do a lot of free-fly weeks and the game also gets a lot of press articles which one would think would influence participation.
To get numbers without free accounts we'd have to look at some other patch and timeframe that doesn't include any free fly offers.
It's not SM or AC that will make people install or re-download 30GB, now something like 3.0 that's a whooole other thing, PU FTW.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
I know for one I pop in check a few a things out and that's it. It's not because of anything negative, I am just kinda burned out on playing alpha/beta tester for games that are not live yet so I can't be bothered to do more than have a look around.
@Theocritus Also what advantage will people have over those that start when the game goes live?
Other than the ships that were sold the only advantage I can see is knowledge of game mechanics and experience with em?
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
If you had said that it was your assumption I would have asked.
The reality remains though that we don't know. (There are no specifics)
Based on your data source it would actually be more reasonable to say: 500k have pledged $100M; so simple pro-rata based on the amount raised today suggests c.700k. We don't know though.
Have fun
This is the Guinessbook record holder of crowd funding. A game so hyped with features and promises it is referred to as the saviour of PC gaming, the BDSSE. It released 4 Alpha modules, Dogfighting, Social, FPS and MMO. One would expect that with so many modules the fans throwing $141 million at it would play it, yet pretty much no one does. Even the few streamers get maybe 100 viewers. No one gives a fuck.
Could the obvious reason for no one playing or streaming it be that all of these modules are horribly bugged and inch deep. Could it be that the "game" in it's current state is pure shit and obviously unplayable?
Noooooooo. Of cause not. The real reason as we learned from this thread is:
1. People don't want to play they buy and wait. (love that one)
2. People rather watch YouTube videos. (yeah, sure)
3. Majority is waiting for Miracle patch X. (dreams)
4. No one likes to play Alpha. (looks like millions on steam do)
I wonder how all those other EA Alpha games on Steam have thousands of players every day. Oh right, because they are not shit.
The real reason why no one is playing is because there is no game. There are no game mechanics. After all these years there is not even a basic game loop. All there is are 4 disconnected tech demos that barely work.
The reason i am not playing these 30 GB tech demos is because they are shit and not even remotely resemble a game at all.
Now stop fucking defending them it's really embarrassing for other Backers because we all know that they have not delivered anything worth playing.
Really pisses me off as a backer myself to constantly hear the yapping of all these apologists.
Just EA's not-so-new trick to label things ... a decade ago one would have called that a Late Beta. When you need mass player input to determine balancing and the rarer bugs that your internal QA cannot statistically reproduce.
Two direct questions to you:
When you are so pissed off, why did you not get a refund and be done with it ? No one forces you to support a crowdfunding campaign.
When you heard about the expanded scope of the game at the end of the Kickstarter campaign (see Stretch Goals), did you REALLY expect it to be done within 2 years ... or 4 years ? No matter what CIG hoped. I personally expected 5 years, which would be end of 2017.
Have fun
Star Citizen most likely never had as much active players as it does currently, simply because it's development reality is what it is and progresses patch by patch.
You go on a rant to discredit any of these and their contribution to the reality:
- It's one alpha, and a early one at it, lacking gameplay loop (PU).
- I know several friends of mine who bought SC but are waiting for its release instead. Is this that unbelievable?
- Others and this is a majority of who I know are waiting for major content patches for the PU.
- People overall do not like alphas, they play them because they want to play things as early as possible then ragequit and leave bad reviews on how the alpha game they just played is buggy and un-optimized << Salty Steam Players.
- One install size of 30GB every update with the current performance of the PU; it is obvious unless the update is something they want to play there's no bother really.
There is no spinning as negative or positive, people will play the game once the game releases what they want to play. If you're frustrated the game doesn't do that for you right now and you're unwilling to wait, then... get a refund!
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I self identify as a monkey.