Originally posted by Malickiebloo I'll start with Automobile manufacturers . How much safety testing is really put into a vehicle before it sees an auto lot ? IMo obviously not much , Every month a new company is issuing notices of unsafe /unworkable components . That really should be tested hard and thorough before ever being released to the public . The worst part is most problems don't even come to light until to many people lose their lives (1 is to many IMO )
They do put extensive testing into their cars but there is NO WAY of knowing what will happen until you put a car into production and do real world tests. If the auto manufacturers waited 5 years until they released a car model then we would still be driving Pinto's. With computer tech. they have gotten alot better at protecting people but the one thing that they cannot protect against is stupidity.
Microsoft , Monopolizing Need i say more ? Yeah, Blame a guy who made it possible for the world to advance to a technical advancment that has been unparraleled faster than anyone in history. Yeah he may do things to protect his business but ANYONE of us would do the same
Healthcare providers : Health insurance at present is a joke . Many citizens can not even afford it . Should ones health care be based on their income ? It really frustrates me to see how many people out there have no medical protection . What is the point in a Goverment if they look at their citizens as unimportant ? People die everyday due to this utter ignorance .Yet the suits who run this joke of a system get to live pampered lives with little to no worry . It is sick and should be an issue on every citizens mind , everyone should take a stand against this horrible injustice . Then call your congressmen and senators and make sure they approve a bill that will allow Medicare to become the Nations healthcare system but prepare for your taxes to be raises by $300 and $600 per month to cover the cost. I for one am all for it and would vote yes for any bill of such nature.Big Oil : Now this is the devil himself , I mean are we all blind to this monster ? Gas in my area is expected to reach $5.00 a gallon by summer . WHY??!? . When a CEo of one of these companys can give himself a half a billion dollar retirment package . The answer comes like a ten ton iron hitting you in the face . I won't even get into war because that IMO is to much of a politcal stance to take on a videogame forum . They are making money and there is nothing wrong with that. They are in the buisiness to make money like any of us. Now the government should impliment a "Profit" tax that will heavily tax all profits that these companies make. If they don't want the tax spend the money on new refineries to help meet the consumers need. Now about the Cost per gallon - I honestly believe that a higher gas cost will help decrease our dependance on foreign oil. People simply will not buy vehicles that do not have good gas mileage if the cost per gallon is that much. In turn our driving habits and our car choices will change. That change will require car companies to look at higher milage and alternative fuel methods to meet the consumer demands. And for those who do not believe that secure Oil supply is in our best interest and going to war to protect our interests and make sure our contry stays financially strong(Oil is a major factor) Then I expect anyone who states that buy a horse to communte.
Now I know this wasn't the intention. You were simply trying to show perspective. I just get so few times to express my views on these items I thought I would respond. I am actively voting and trying to get changes made that will make America better. Hope everyone here is also. It is one thing that makes America Great.
Oh and since this is a gamer forum. SOE/LA did a bad job on this game and made some changes that were downright awful. I loved the game which is why I still read these forumns in the hope that one day they may make it right again. (I know little chance of that happening but I only have hope left)
Originally posted by neya Invest 2+ years of your free time enjoying a game environment, developing your character and building friendships. Then log in one day to find the environment that you enjoyed for 2+ years has gone, all the time developing your character has gone and the majority of your friends have left in disgust at what has happend with the game. The concept that you need to grasp, is that MMORPGS are not just games, they are built upon communities of gamers all over the world. When your community is put through such drastic changes and is ripped apart, then you will understand where the hatred for SOE originates. Heres an analogy for you: Say you went to school for 3 years and for those 3 years you did a hell of alot of work and made some good friends with your class mates. One day you turn up for school, you find that you have been moved to a new class where none of your friends are and all of your work for the last 3 years has been destroyed because the teachers are changing the learning process. Hope that makes sense
Registered August 03 , cancelled October 05 Resubbed april 06 .
lol, why you subs to a videogme when you could do so much good work in your freetime? the fiftthteen bucks or whatsoever may give health to a poor person in a 3rd wolrd country - the time spend on this "just a videogame " could surely be better spend for a good and honest cause
Originally posted by Malickiebloo I would like to point out a few things that do really confuse me over this ongoing debate . Now i understand alot of people have every justification to hate SOE . Yet at the same time i feel some do over exagerate this ordeal . As for the total boycott of SOE /LA LF products I feel there are many organizations out there far more guilty of shady conduct . Many of which are much more important than a videogame .
A few examples :
I'll start with Automobile manufacturers . How much safety testing is really put into a vehicle before it sees an auto lot ? IMo obviously not much , Every month a new company is issuing notices of unsafe /unworkable components . That really should be tested hard and thorough before ever being released to the public . The worst part is most problems don't even come to light until to many people lose their lives (1 is to many IMO )
Microsoft , Monopolizing Need i say more ?
Healthcare providers : Health insurance at present is a joke . Many citizens can not even afford it . Should ones health care be based on their income ? It really frustrates me to see how many people out there have no medical protection . What is the point in a Goverment if they look at their citizens as unimportant ? People die everyday due to this utter ignorance .Yet the suits who run this joke of a system get to live pampered lives with little to no worry . It is sick and should be an issue on every citizens mind , everyone should take a stand against this horrible injustice .
Big Oil : Now this is the devil himself , I mean are we all blind to this monster ? Gas in my area is expected to reach $5.00 a gallon by summer . WHY??!? . When a CEo of one of these companys can give himself a half a billion dollar retirment package . The answer comes like a ten ton iron hitting you in the face . I won't even get into war because that IMO is to much of a politcal stance to take on a videogame forum .
Now im sure you want to know what my point is . Well its quite simple , Many of you say you are here to inform the public of wrong doing , which can be noble . Yet the energy you spend doing so could be put to better use IMO . There are true problems out in the real world . Use your intelligence and voice to try and make change for something that trully has an impact on us all .
As for boycotting , The same applies . I mean why boycott entertainment . Honestly it is one of the more noble attempts to have been made in our history . yeah they want profit like everyone else , But hey we pride ourselves on being a capitalistic society .
its simple really, SOE lied to us on several occasions to keep us playing. During that time, they used our subscription money to develop the NGE in secret. They stole our money to make a totally new game to appeal to new gamers, how sleazy can you get ?
They sold us an expansion with promised features for professions like creature handlers. And 2 days after the expansion launched they announce creature handlers along with dozens of other professions will no longer exist. Talk about bait and switch sheesh.
They broke the cardinal rule that all MMO developers follow...never change the core game. Its just not done.
Then if you look at other divisions within Sony, you'll see more despicable behavior. Sony BMG executives should go to prison for their malicious spyware program and the follow-up lies that they fixed it (they were caught hiding it).
Then there was SOE paying street gangs to spray grafitti logo of PSP on walls in cities throughout the USA.
Originally posted by Mordah I just love people who come into a videogame forum to argue that other people who play videogames are wasting their time or focusing on trivial matters. As if they are somehow "above" the videogame fray and just pop into forums like this one to tsk tsk all of us before they put on their cape to save the world. And the argument that "other people lie to so its no big deal" is idiotic. Just because other companies do corrupt things does not mean you shouldn't speak out about something you feel passionate and personally offended about. You gonna go fry those bigger fish as soon as you log out of this forum bigshot? Go hug a tree or protest something.
I love people who have no grasp on reality . I play videogames whenever I get the chance . You have no clue what so ever what my point was and that is blatantly obvious . Im giving my opinion of why I feel it isn't a big deal , You can do what you please . I am not trying to argue with anyone , even if you disagree I have no intention to argue with you over it .
So where did i say I am some super hero ? I am also unimpressed with the sad attempt you made towards a wity flame . "go hug a tree " yeah that was my point .. How is it so hard to understand those examples were nothing more than examples of bad buisness practices , That are far worse than changing a videogames gameplay formula .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Originally posted by Obraik Ugh, how can anyone live in a country with a health care system such as in the USA? It seems like you guys all get punished for getting sick I pay NZ$14 per month for medical insurance. If I didn't have that and I needed hospital treatment, the governement will pay my medical fees, I just have to sit on a waiting list. All prescreption medication is subsidised, so most cost less then NZ$40. If you earn less then a certain amount, it's subsidised even further so you may only pay $5 lol Anyway, completely O/T
And how much of your income do you pay to your government in taxes? In countries where medical care is fully government subsidized income is typically taxed at about 70%. The US national tax average is around 33%.
Medical care is not all that hard to get in the US. Just get a full time job and employers have to provide health care insurance. Yes this is an oversimplification but it gets the point across.
Originally posted by InspGadgt Originally posted by Obraik Ugh, how can anyone live in a country with a health care system such as in the USA? It seems like you guys all get punished for getting sick I pay NZ$14 per month for medical insurance. If I didn't have that and I needed hospital treatment, the governement will pay my medical fees, I just have to sit on a waiting list. All prescreption medication is subsidised, so most cost less then NZ$40. If you earn less then a certain amount, it's subsidised even further so you may only pay $5 lol Anyway, completely O/T
And how much of your income do you pay to your government in taxes? In countries where medical care is fully government subsidized income is typically taxed at about 70%. The US national tax average is around 33%.
Medical care is not all that hard to get in the US. Just get a full time job and employers have to provide health care insurance. Yes this is an oversimplification but it gets the point across.
I had no intention of starting a debate on health care but , There are millions of people in our country who work full time jobs , yet have no benefits what so ever .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by InspGadgt Originally posted by Obraik Ugh, how can anyone live in a country with a health care system such as in the USA? It seems like you guys all get punished for getting sick I pay NZ$14 per month for medical insurance. If I didn't have that and I needed hospital treatment, the governement will pay my medical fees, I just have to sit on a waiting list. All prescreption medication is subsidised, so most cost less then NZ$40. If you earn less then a certain amount, it's subsidised even further so you may only pay $5 lol Anyway, completely O/T :pAnd how much of your income do you pay to your government in taxes? In countries where medical care is fully government subsidized income is typically taxed at about 70%. The US national tax average is around 33%. Medical care is not all that hard to get in the US. Just get a full time job and employers have to provide health care insurance. Yes this is an oversimplification but it gets the point across. I had no intention of starting a debate on health care but , There are millions of people in our country who work full time jobs , yet have no benefits what so ever .
again lol, then don't bitch about it and waste your time on a gaming forum, donate said fifteen bucks to healthcare and don't waste your precious time on unimportant matters ( as i do atm )
Originally posted by genevisa Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by neya Invest 2+ years of your free time enjoying a game environment, developing your character and building friendships. Then log in one day to find the environment that you enjoyed for 2+ years has gone, all the time developing your character has gone and the majority of your friends have left in disgust at what has happend with the game. The concept that you need to grasp, is that MMORPGS are not just games, they are built upon communities of gamers all over the world. When your community is put through such drastic changes and is ripped apart, then you will understand where the hatred for SOE originates. Heres an analogy for you: Say you went to school for 3 years and for those 3 years you did a hell of alot of work and made some good friends with your class mates. One day you turn up for school, you find that you have been moved to a new class where none of your friends are and all of your work for the last 3 years has been destroyed because the teachers are changing the learning process. Hope that makes sense
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered August 03 , cancelled October 05 Resubbed april 06 .
lol, why you subs to a videogme when you could do so much good work in your freetime? the fiftthteen bucks or whatsoever may give health to a poor person in a 3rd wolrd country - the time spend on this "just a videogame " could surely be better spend for a good and honest cause just a suggestion
Well the cause I support at present is making sure my fiance and I have a place to live , Therefor I work 2 jobs .I am also an active voter , and have attended many many protests in DC since it is very close to where I live .
I would suggest you spend a little of your free time , learning grammar and spelling though
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by genevisa Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by neya Invest 2+ years of your free time enjoying a game environment, developing your character and building friendships.Then log in one day to find the environment that you enjoyed for 2+ years has gone, all the time developing your character has gone and the majority of your friends have left in disgust at what has happend with the game.The concept that you need to grasp, is that MMORPGS are not just games, they are built upon communities of gamers all over the world. When your community is put through such drastic changes and is ripped apart, then you will understand where the hatred for SOE originates.Heres an analogy for you: Say you went to school for 3 years and for those 3 years you did a hell of alot of work and made some good friends with your class mates.One day you turn up for school, you find that you have been moved to a new class where none of your friends are and all of your work for the last 3 years has been destroyed because the teachers are changing the learning process.Hope that makes sense -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered August 03 , cancelled October 05 Resubbed april 06 . lol, why you subs to a videogme when you could do so much good work in your freetime? the fiftthteen bucks or whatsoever may give health to a poor person in a 3rd wolrd country - the time spend on this "just a videogame " could surely be better spend for a good and honest cause just a suggestion Well the cause I support at present is making sure my fiance and I have a place to live , Therefor I work 2 jobs .I am also an active voter , and have attended many many protests in DC since it is very close to where I live . I would suggest you spend a little of your free time , learning grammar and spelling though
sorry, english isn't my main language, you are totally right, it could be better .....
nevertheless i think YOU are wasting time and money ..... this topic is .....
we are all here out of some kind of boredom ..... and fun? here is no "greater cause" and it will not be found here.... sad but true
Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by genevisa Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by neya Invest 2+ years of your free time enjoying a game environment, developing your character and building friendships.Then log in one day to find the environment that you enjoyed for 2+ years has gone, all the time developing your character has gone and the majority of your friends have left in disgust at what has happend with the game.The concept that you need to grasp, is that MMORPGS are not just games, they are built upon communities of gamers all over the world. When your community is put through such drastic changes and is ripped apart, then you will understand where the hatred for SOE originates.Heres an analogy for you: Say you went to school for 3 years and for those 3 years you did a hell of alot of work and made some good friends with your class mates.One day you turn up for school, you find that you have been moved to a new class where none of your friends are and all of your work for the last 3 years has been destroyed because the teachers are changing the learning process.Hope that makes sense -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered August 03 , cancelled October 05 Resubbed april 06 .
lol, why you subs to a videogme when you could do so much good work in your freetime? the fiftthteen bucks or whatsoever may give health to a poor person in a 3rd wolrd country - the time spend on this "just a videogame " could surely be better spend for a good and honest cause just a suggestion Well the cause I support at present is making sure my fiance and I have a place to live , Therefor I work 2 jobs .I am also an active voter , and have attended many many protests in DC since it is very close to where I live . I would suggest you spend a little of your free time , learning grammar and spelling though
sorry, english isn't my main language, you are totally right, it could be better .....
nevertheless i think YOU are wasting time and money ..... this topic is .....
we are all here out of some kind of boredom ..... and fun? here is no "greater cause" and it will not be found here.... sad but true
Sorry didn't realize you were not an english speaker . I must say for not being so it isn't half bad :P
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by Mordah I just love people who come into a videogame forum to argue that other people who play videogames are wasting their time or focusing on trivial matters. As if they are somehow "above" the videogame fray and just pop into forums like this one to tsk tsk all of us before they put on their cape to save the world. And the argument that "other people lie to so its no big deal" is idiotic. Just because other companies do corrupt things does not mean you shouldn't speak out about something you feel passionate and personally offended about. You gonna go fry those bigger fish as soon as you log out of this forum bigshot? Go hug a tree or protest something.
I love people who have no grasp on reality . I play videogames whenever I get the chance . You have no clue what so ever what my point was and that is blatantly obvious . Im giving my opinion of why I feel it isn't a big deal , You can do what you please . I am not trying to argue with anyone , even if you disagree I have no intention to argue with you over it .
So where did i say I am some super hero ? I am also unimpressed with the sad attempt you made towards a wity flame . "go hug a tree " yeah that was my point .. How is it so hard to understand those examples were nothing more than examples of bad buisness practices , That are far worse than changing a videogames gameplay formula .
I have a fine grasp on reality and unlike you I don't need to act like I am somehow superior to everyone else on a videogame forum to get my rocks off. I understand what your opinion is. What I am telling you is that I think your opinion is without merit and short sighted. Obviously you choose to ignore anyone's analysis of your opinion because it would require you to do something more than just ignore what you don't want to hear and stick to your limited understanding of the world.
There are always things that are "worse" but that doesn't mean the problems with SWG are somehow undeserving of attention and most people posting in a forum on SWG probably agree...hence the reason they came here instead of a forum on how mean oil companies are. In the grand scheme of things there are plenty of "worse" things happening in the world than the cliched examples you regurgitate from retarded Michael Moore movies, but nobody wastes time pointing that out because this is a VIDEOGAME FORUM...not OilCompaniesrsomean.com.
Resume refusing to argue about your dumb ideas some more...its entertaining.
Invest 2+ years of your free time enjoying a game environment, developing your character and building friendships.
Then log in one day to find the environment that you enjoyed for 2+ years has gone, all the time developing your character has gone and the majority of your friends have left in disgust at what has happend with the game.
Invest 15 years of your life into a job, working at minimal wage. One day, you come to work and are told your job will not be performed in Asia, for 1/10th of your pay. You are given 3 weeks to train your replacement.
Invest 12 years into professional sports. In order to stay competitive, you need to use steroids, hormonal enhancements, training destroys your bones and muscles. At 29 you end up a dried up cripple, with no hopes of employment, going into retirement. Insurance cancels their disability payments wince it was your own choice.
You're born into a poor, remote, Indonesian family of 24. At age 7, you're put to work in a coal mine, earning, 26 cents a day. At 33 you die of lung failure, leaving your wife and 9 kids with no means of income.
You move into African country as a westerner. For 20 years you work to establish a farming comunity. You build everything from scratch, turn desert into an oasis. Then, liberation army comes, tells you that foreigners are destroying their country. In the name of liberation they burn down everything, kill your workers, their countrymen, and tell you you have 6 hours to leave the country or you'll be killed.
And you whine about a comupter video game?
PS. All those references above are actual stories (summarized) that happened in last 18 months around the world. There are hundreds of thousands of such stories going on every day.
Rekrul, while all of these things are indeed actual tragedies of a far broader scope than the misconduct of SOE against its customers, you should not seek to trivialize the very real sense of loss and outrage people are expressing. The object here is not to engage in some sick kind of misery-story emo one-upsmanship. It IS to engage in discourse on Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars and how we feel about it.
This bitching about people being upset about video games is petty on a scale much larger than you're trying to push into the context of the actual discussion. To be brief, stop being a bitch.
Originally posted by Obraik Ugh, how can anyone live in a country with a health care system such as in the USA? It seems like you guys all get punished for getting sick I pay NZ$14 per month for medical insurance. If I didn't have that and I needed hospital treatment, the governement will pay my medical fees, I just have to sit on a waiting list. All prescreption medication is subsidised, so most cost less then NZ$40. If you earn less then a certain amount, it's subsidised even further so you may only pay $5 lol Anyway, completely O/T
Do NOT even begin to try to bash the USA. Canada has socialised medicine and they have been try to find a way out of it for years but it is too ingrained.
I don't have to wait to have an operation and I can go to any doctor I want. I only pay about 35% in taxes ... what percentage do YOU pay?
Our country is NOT perfect but you have NO right critisizing it.
Sago Mactow Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet 6/26/03 - 1/26/06 Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect DFR Councilman Tarq Server
Originally posted by Malickiebloo Wow to many people here get way to offended by different opinions so I give up . Have fun crying over your damn Videogame . You all suck at life .
please /wrist
Any credibility you gained before this, just went right out the window. Hope it was worth it.
Originally posted by Radiotree Originally posted by Malickiebloo Wow to many people here get way to offended by different opinions so I give up . Have fun crying over your damn Videogame . You all suck at life .
please /wrist
Any credibility you gained before this, just went right out the window. Hope it was worth it. Oh noes people on a forum don't like me LMAO .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Originally posted by Malickiebloo Wow to many people here get way to offended by different opinions so I give up . Have fun crying over your damn Videogame . You all suck at life .
Originally posted by LilT Originally posted by Malickiebloo Wow to many people here get way to offended by different opinions so I give up . Have fun crying over your damn Videogame . You all suck at life .
please /wrist
lmao. somebody got pwnt.
No i just don't feel like arguing over videogame any longer it is one of the most pointless things one could do . BTW you were not one of the people i was talking about . You atleast Dont get offended by another opinion and can speak like an adult about it .
Maybe i made to much of a general statment there but those who can be civil I mean no disrespect to .Why you would want to associate with such trash amongst you is beyond me .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Originally posted by Vexin This was all just one big troll session, and you all served him up a buffet.
Yeah claim some lame victory that someone dosen't want to hang out somewhere , That they will be talked to in such a manor ? I don't attack people here well I didn't up until now . When i made this post I did so with a positive attitude . It wasn't degrading anyone , Only giving an example of how I feel . Then i am called an idiot , a fool , and outright attacked . Im sorry that is middle school B.S. , There are plenty of forums out there where I can have intelligent debates without rude obnoxious people who don't even take the time to understand what someone is saying before they go blasting them with insults .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
You sir are an idiot , I don't have a problem with other people expressing their views and I don't try and argue with them over it . Unlike you , I don't tend to call people Fools for having their own outlook on life . I don't know why I am even bothering to reply to your dribble but this post really pissed me off . Why you feel the need to launch out personal attacks at me , stinks of a total lack of rational thought .
You had it out with me over an issue you took way out of context , go read my last reply to your ignorant posts .
Where in my OP did i say you shouldn't do what you are doing . I said I feel there are far worse things out there going on . That occupies my mind enough to not worry about a videogame corporation . Or even a film company as LA / LF . I don't have to pay them money , It is of little importance to me .I didn't write this post to undermind your opinion , Just as a little insight into my opinion of the matter . I don't come here attacking people for their views (like you ) , I don't go flaming everyone who has a different opinion than mine .
Yes I don't understand where all the anger comes from , But as i said in the other thread I don't have a problem with you on a personal level over your views .
There are a select few people who could even comprehend what I wrote in this thread , Why is it so hard for you to understand what I am saying ? this is about my personal feelings , It has nothing at all to do with how you feel . It is not an attack on you , Yet you feel you need to take this to a personal level ? If you would like it to go down that path I' m GAME . The only people I ever have an argument with on any forum are those who put their own opinion out there , saying it is what my statement meant . When that is not at all what I was writing about .
You are the one who has attacked me on two different threads already , yet you call me the gestapo ? I don't insult unless it is done to me first . Now go grow up .
Sorry for the double paragraphs... I am unable to correct it.
Yes ... it is ALL about everyone else trying to understand poor little Malick.
Since you deleted your OP I will have to direct people to other posts that have already quoted you.
I highlighted in green your words that were insulting or that trivialized how some people here feel. I used red when you said something offensive to someone.
Bear in mind that these quotes are ALL from just this thread.
You wrote:
Originally posted by Malickiebloo
Yet at the same time i feel some do over exagerate this ordeal .
I feel there are many organizations out there far more guilty of shady conduct . Many of which are much more important than a videogame .
Now im sure you want to know what my point is . Well its quite simple , Many of you say you are here to inform the public of wrong doing , which can be noble . Yet the energy you spend doing so could be put to better use IMO . There are true problems out in the real world . Use your intelligence and voice to try and make change for something that trully has an impact on us all .
Im sorry if it went over your head but , It is still about SWG . It is simply a clarification of why i don't feel it is a big deal what SOE did . Many companys do far worse .
Edit: I am not saying people do not put effort into righting wrongs in the real world . Yet When I look at what happened with SWG I feel it is trivial .
I can post what ever i feel like posting you don't have to read it , It was something that was on my mind last night . If MMOrpg feels it is Out of place they can delete it . People always attack me because I don't jump on your protests . This is why , these are things I care about . I get ripped off daily by many companys . That was my point Im sorry If i gave examples the post would not of made sense without them . THIS POST IS NOT OFF TOPIC!!!!!!!!
Im not trying to raise a conversation about those other companys , they were only examples of greater wrong doing . Maybe what i wrote , wasn't clear enough . I had just gotten home from work which i have two Jobs by sunday I can be pretty grumpy .Besides that I was kept 2 hours over my scheduled time , So I was very grumpy and wanted to rant about something .
I love people who have no grasp on reality . I play videogames whenever I get the chance . You have no clue what so ever what my point was and that is blatantly obvious .Im giving my opinion of why I feel it isn't a big deal , You can do what you please . I am not trying to argue with anyone , even if you disagree I have no intention to argue with you over it .
Im not trying to raise a conversation about those other companys , they were only examples of greater wrong doing . Maybe what i wrote , wasn't clear enough . I had just gotten home from work which i have two Jobs by sunday I can be pretty grumpy .Besides that I was kept 2 hours over my scheduled time , So I was very grumpy and wanted to rant about something .
I love people who have no grasp on reality . I play videogames whenever I get the chance . You have no clue what so ever what my point was and that is blatantly obvious .Im giving my opinion of why I feel it isn't a big deal , You can do what you please . I am not trying to argue with anyone , even if you disagree I have no intention to argue with you over it .
Im not trying to raise a conversation about those other companys , they were only examples of greater wrong doing . Maybe what i wrote , wasn't clear enough . I had just gotten home from work which i have two Jobs by sunday I can be pretty grumpy .Besides that I was kept 2 hours over my scheduled time , So I was very grumpy and wanted to rant about something .
I love people who have no grasp on reality . I play videogames whenever I get the chance . You have no clue what so ever what my point was and that is blatantly obvious .Im giving my opinion of why I feel it isn't a big deal , You can do what you please . I am not trying to argue with anyone , even if you disagree I have no intention to argue with you over it .
So where did i say I am some super hero ? I am also unimpressed with the sad attempt you made towards a wity flame . "go hug a tree " yeah that was my point .. How is it so hard to understand those examples were nothing more than examples of bad buisness practices , That are far worse than changing a videogames gameplay formula .
I would suggest you spend a little of your free time , learning grammar and spelling though
Wow to many people here get way to offended by different opinions so I give up . Have fun crying over your damn Videogame . You all suck at life .
please /wrist "Please slash wrist?" Is that what you are saying? Now that is intelligent and mature!!!!!!! /sarcasm off - Sago
Maybe i made to much of a general statment there but those who can be civil I mean no disrespect to .Why you would want to associate with such trash amongst you is beyond me .
I particularly like how you say, "I can post what ever i feel like posting you don't have to read it "
I was going to go thru each one and make a comment, but I think people can read them for themselves with out any assistance from me to see where you are comming from.
Just bear in mind I tried to warn you in the other thread. But you are so self centered that the only opinion that matters is yours.
NO where in any of my posts do I say you were attcking me personally. But you will find that I have only advocated EVERYONES right to debate or discuss without fear of being critisized or being made to feel trivial.
Like I said in my post to you in this thread:
But you seem to have a problem grasping this concept.
Sago Mactow Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet 6/26/03 - 1/26/06 Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect DFR Councilman Tarq Server
Originally posted by InspGadgt Originally posted by Obraik Ugh, how can anyone live in a country with a health care system such as in the USA? It seems like you guys all get punished for getting sick I pay NZ$14 per month for medical insurance. If I didn't have that and I needed hospital treatment, the governement will pay my medical fees, I just have to sit on a waiting list. All prescreption medication is subsidised, so most cost less then NZ$40. If you earn less then a certain amount, it's subsidised even further so you may only pay $5 lol Anyway, completely O/T
And how much of your income do you pay to your government in taxes? In countries where medical care is fully government subsidized income is typically taxed at about 70%. The US national tax average is around 33%.
Medical care is not all that hard to get in the US. Just get a full time job and employers have to provide health care insurance. Yes this is an oversimplification but it gets the point across.
Now I know this wasn't the intention. You were simply trying to show perspective. I just get so few times to express my views on these items I thought I would respond. I am actively voting and trying to get changes made that will make America better. Hope everyone here is also. It is one thing that makes America Great.
Oh and since this is a gamer forum. SOE/LA did a bad job on this game and made some changes that were downright awful. I loved the game which is why I still read these forumns in the hope that one day they may make it right again. (I know little chance of that happening but I only have hope left)
Originally posted by Malickiebloo
Originally posted by neya
Invest 2+ years of your free time enjoying a game environment, developing your character and building friendships.
Then log in one day to find the environment that you enjoyed for 2+ years has gone, all the time developing your character has gone and the majority of your friends have left in disgust at what has happend with the game.
The concept that you need to grasp, is that MMORPGS are not just games, they are built upon communities of gamers all over the world. When your community is put through such drastic changes and is ripped apart, then you will understand where the hatred for SOE originates.
Heres an analogy for you: Say you went to school for 3 years and for those 3 years you did a hell of alot of work and made some good friends with your class mates.
One day you turn up for school, you find that you have been moved to a new class where none of your friends are and all of your work for the last 3 years has been destroyed because the teachers are changing the learning process.
Hope that makes sense
Registered August 03 , cancelled October 05 Resubbed april 06 .
lol, why you subs to a videogme when you could do so much good work in your freetime? the fiftthteen bucks or whatsoever may give health to a poor person in a 3rd wolrd country - the time spend on this "just a videogame " could surely be better spend for a good and honest cause
just a suggestion
Then if you look at other divisions within Sony, you'll see more despicable behavior. Sony BMG executives should go to prison for their malicious spyware program and the follow-up lies that they fixed it (they were caught hiding it).
Then there was SOE paying street gangs to spray grafitti logo of PSP on walls in cities throughout the USA.
Need I say more ?
I love people who have no grasp on reality . I play videogames whenever I get the chance . You have no clue what so ever what my point was and that is blatantly obvious . Im giving my opinion of why I feel it isn't a big deal , You can do what you please . I am not trying to argue with anyone , even if you disagree I have no intention to argue with you over it .
So where did i say I am some super hero ? I am also unimpressed with the sad attempt you made towards a wity flame . "go hug a tree " yeah that was my point .. How is it so hard to understand those examples were nothing more than examples of bad buisness practices , That are far worse than changing a videogames gameplay formula .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
And how much of your income do you pay to your government in taxes? In countries where medical care is fully government subsidized income is typically taxed at about 70%. The US national tax average is around 33%.
Medical care is not all that hard to get in the US. Just get a full time job and employers have to provide health care insurance. Yes this is an oversimplification but it gets the point across.
And how much of your income do you pay to your government in taxes? In countries where medical care is fully government subsidized income is typically taxed at about 70%. The US national tax average is around 33%.
Medical care is not all that hard to get in the US. Just get a full time job and employers have to provide health care insurance. Yes this is an oversimplification but it gets the point across.
I had no intention of starting a debate on health care but , There are millions of people in our country who work full time jobs , yet have no benefits what so ever .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
again lol, then don't bitch about it and waste your time on a gaming forum, donate said fifteen bucks to healthcare and don't waste your precious time on unimportant matters ( as i do atm )
Well the cause I support at present is making sure my fiance and I have a place to live , Therefor I work 2 jobs .I am also an active voter , and have attended many many protests in DC since it is very close to where I live .
I would suggest you spend a little of your free time , learning grammar and spelling though
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
sorry, english isn't my main language, you are totally right, it could be better .....
nevertheless i think YOU are wasting time and money ..... this topic is .....
we are all here out of some kind of boredom ..... and fun? here is no "greater cause" and it will not be found here.... sad but true
sorry, english isn't my main language, you are totally right, it could be better .....
nevertheless i think YOU are wasting time and money ..... this topic is .....
we are all here out of some kind of boredom ..... and fun? here is no "greater cause" and it will not be found here.... sad but true
Sorry didn't realize you were not an english speaker . I must say for not being so it isn't half bad :P
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I love people who have no grasp on reality . I play videogames whenever I get the chance . You have no clue what so ever what my point was and that is blatantly obvious . Im giving my opinion of why I feel it isn't a big deal , You can do what you please . I am not trying to argue with anyone , even if you disagree I have no intention to argue with you over it .
So where did i say I am some super hero ? I am also unimpressed with the sad attempt you made towards a wity flame . "go hug a tree " yeah that was my point .. How is it so hard to understand those examples were nothing more than examples of bad buisness practices , That are far worse than changing a videogames gameplay formula .
I have a fine grasp on reality and unlike you I don't need to act like I am somehow superior to everyone else on a videogame forum to get my rocks off. I understand what your opinion is. What I am telling you is that I think your opinion is without merit and short sighted. Obviously you choose to ignore anyone's analysis of your opinion because it would require you to do something more than just ignore what you don't want to hear and stick to your limited understanding of the world.
There are always things that are "worse" but that doesn't mean the problems with SWG are somehow undeserving of attention and most people posting in a forum on SWG probably agree...hence the reason they came here instead of a forum on how mean oil companies are. In the grand scheme of things there are plenty of "worse" things happening in the world than the cliched examples you regurgitate from retarded Michael Moore movies, but nobody wastes time pointing that out because this is a VIDEOGAME FORUM...not OilCompaniesrsomean.com.
Resume refusing to argue about your dumb ideas some more...its entertaining.
blizzard need 2 b given award cuz they treat us playerz kewl
Maybe now I can read that post
Nope, still cant.
SWG Tempest: Cardo Dycen RIP
Eve: Cardoh Dycen
I support random drug testing for all SOE employees
Invest 15 years of your life into a job, working at minimal wage. One day, you come to work and are told your job will not be performed in Asia, for 1/10th of your pay. You are given 3 weeks to train your replacement.
Invest 12 years into professional sports. In order to stay competitive, you need to use steroids, hormonal enhancements, training destroys your bones and muscles. At 29 you end up a dried up cripple, with no hopes of employment, going into retirement. Insurance cancels their disability payments wince it was your own choice.
You're born into a poor, remote, Indonesian family of 24. At age 7, you're put to work in a coal mine, earning, 26 cents a day. At 33 you die of lung failure, leaving your wife and 9 kids with no means of income.
You move into African country as a westerner. For 20 years you work to establish a farming comunity. You build everything from scratch, turn desert into an oasis. Then, liberation army comes, tells you that foreigners are destroying their country. In the name of liberation they burn down everything, kill your workers, their countrymen, and tell you you have 6 hours to leave the country or you'll be killed.
And you whine about a comupter video game?
PS. All those references above are actual stories (summarized) that happened in last 18 months around the world. There are hundreds of thousands of such stories going on every day.
Rekrul, while all of these things are indeed actual tragedies of a far broader scope than the misconduct of SOE against its customers, you should not seek to trivialize the very real sense of loss and outrage people are expressing. The object here is not to engage in some sick kind of misery-story emo one-upsmanship. It IS to engage in discourse on Star Wars Galaxies, Star Wars and how we feel about it.
This bitching about people being upset about video games is petty on a scale much larger than you're trying to push into the context of the actual discussion. To be brief, stop being a bitch.
Kote lo'shebs'ul narit
Do NOT even begin to try to bash the USA. Canada has socialised medicine and they have been try to find a way out of it for years but it is too ingrained.
I don't have to wait to have an operation and I can go to any doctor I want. I only pay about 35% in taxes ... what percentage do YOU pay?
Our country is NOT perfect but you have NO right critisizing it.
Sago Mactow
Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet
6/26/03 - 1/26/06
Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect
DFR Councilman
Tarq Server
please /wrist
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Oh noes people on a forum don't like me LMAO .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
For the Horde!
As ye SOE, so shall ye weep.
No i just don't feel like arguing over videogame any longer it is one of the most pointless things one could do . BTW you were not one of the people i was talking about . You atleast Dont get offended by another opinion and can speak like an adult about it .
Maybe i made to much of a general statment there but those who can be civil I mean no disrespect to .Why you would want to associate with such trash amongst you is beyond me .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Yeah claim some lame victory that someone dosen't want to hang out somewhere , That they will be talked to in such a manor ? I don't attack people here well I didn't up until now . When i made this post I did so with a positive attitude . It wasn't degrading anyone , Only giving an example of how I feel . Then i am called an idiot , a fool , and outright attacked . Im sorry that is middle school B.S. , There are plenty of forums out there where I can have intelligent debates without rude obnoxious people who don't even take the time to understand what someone is saying before they go blasting them with insults .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Sorry for the double paragraphs... I am unable to correct it.
Yes ... it is ALL about everyone else trying to understand poor little Malick.
Since you deleted your OP I will have to direct people to other posts that have already quoted you.
I highlighted in green your words that were insulting or that trivialized how some people here feel. I used red when you said something offensive to someone.
Bear in mind that these quotes are ALL from just this thread.
You wrote:
Originally posted by Malickiebloo
I particularly like how you say, "I can post what ever i feel like posting you don't have to read it "
I was going to go thru each one and make a comment, but I think people can read them for themselves with out any assistance from me to see where you are comming from.
Just bear in mind I tried to warn you in the other thread. But you are so self centered that the only opinion that matters is yours.
NO where in any of my posts do I say you were attcking me personally. But you will find that I have only advocated EVERYONES right to debate or discuss without fear of being critisized or being made to feel trivial.
Like I said in my post to you in this thread:
But you seem to have a problem grasping this concept.
Sago Mactow
Former SWG 2yr 7 month Vet
6/26/03 - 1/26/06
Jedi, Master Shipwright, Master Architect
DFR Councilman
Tarq Server
And how much of your income do you pay to your government in taxes? In countries where medical care is fully government subsidized income is typically taxed at about 70%. The US national tax average is around 33%.
Medical care is not all that hard to get in the US. Just get a full time job and employers have to provide health care insurance. Yes this is an oversimplification but it gets the point across.
I pay 16% Top tax rate is 39%