Originally posted by your_nemesis download or look up a seminar by DR. Griffin Madison. If your not absolutly positive the american governemnt had a big hand in 9/11 after that, id check between your ears
omg i'm downloading it now. I had no idea C-Span covered anything like this on national TV.
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
Originally posted by DrSartin Just watched the video. I guess I enjoy seeing everyones views of what happened, because it gives me multiple things to look at. After all, I'm sure you've gone to a movie that people said were garbage and enjoyed yourself. It's all in how you look at it.
I'm part of the military, yet I'm not privy to certain information. I doesn't bother me, but at some point we all have to realise that $oe runs the govenment. At this moment thier redesigning the combat system and adding new terrain to the game. Iraq, India, etc. I heard they'll even be re-releasing Korea here soon.
My conclusion to this video, I see some information that might be true and I can see for myself that it is believable. However, I can't believe that 100% of this video is true or probable. In a world of CNN, Fox News and The National Enquirer we can only trust two men to deliver our news. Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart, after all if we can't laugh at ourselves... someone else can.
Someone give this guy a medal! Thats the best thing i´ve heard so far regarding the whole conspiracy theme.
Well, I decided to look up some of Alex Jones' videos. He seems to be held up as an authority by the ct'ers. Well, I begin reading the description of his videos, and holy crap....
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
I find it amazing that you guys will believe Alex Jones any more than you would believe Rush Limbaugh. Exact same person, polar opposite agenda. Oh I forgot, Alex Jones is a sane American Patriot and Rush Limbaugh is a drug addicted political hack.
Originally posted by daeandor I find it amazing that you guys will believe Alex Jones any more than you would believe Rush Limbaugh. Exact same person, polar opposite agenda. Oh I forgot, Alex Jones is a sane American Patriot and Rush Limbaugh is a drug addicted political hack.
Have you watched any of his documentaries or are you just saying that?
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
Originally posted by AlexAmore Originally posted by daeandor I find it amazing that you guys will believe Alex Jones any more than you would believe Rush Limbaugh. Exact same person, polar opposite agenda. Oh I forgot, Alex Jones is a sane American Patriot and Rush Limbaugh is a drug addicted political hack.
Have you watched any of his documentaries or are you just saying that?
Give me a break AlexAmore. I was watching, listening, or reading his crap when you were still in gradeschool (if you are 17 like you have said several times before) just like Limbaugh. His "documentaries" are nothing more than one sided arguments, just like I have told you time and time again. The funny part is that Time Warner Cable has censored his sites through RoadRunner and I can no longer visit prisonplanet. Not that I care all that much since everything he has there is mirrored elsewhere. Or I can just wait for you to post a link which, for some reason, goes through.
I am being entirely serious. If you believe one more than the other you have got a problem. Same goes for you as it does for lardmouth up there spouting one-sided crap.
Originally posted by daeandor Originally posted by AlexAmore Originally posted by daeandor I find it amazing that you guys will believe Alex Jones any more than you would believe Rush Limbaugh. Exact same person, polar opposite agenda. Oh I forgot, Alex Jones is a sane American Patriot and Rush Limbaugh is a drug addicted political hack.
Have you watched any of his documentaries or are you just saying that?
Give me a break AlexAmore. I was watching, listening, or reading his crap when you were still in gradeschool (if you are 17 like you have said several times before) just like Limbaugh. His "documentaries" are nothing more than one sided arguments, just like I have told you time and time again. The funny part is that Time Warner Cable has censored his sites through RoadRunner and I can no longer visit prisonplanet. Not that I care all that much since everything he has there is mirrored elsewhere. Or I can just wait for you to post a link which, for some reason, goes through.
I am being entirely serious. If you believe one more than the other you have got a problem. Same goes for you as it does for lardmouth up there spouting one-sided crap.
The us goverment are world famous for lieing to its people, roswell for example. and no i dont mean alians crashs landed i mean they said all they did to make people belive that it happend for some strang reason they came up with the idea that if you fool your own people you will win the cold war.
you have to ask your self this question. if the us goverment will lie to its people is it really that far a step to letting someone kill them so your able to do some things that would not have been allowed to do had 9/11 not have happend, and what about your civil rights singed away in the middle of the night to protect you? whats more i think anyone that is crazy enough to think that it was too invade iraq is dumb. iraq never made any sence it was done for the conspiracy crackpots. the real reason (if any) has not shown itself
oh and one last word i think its ironic that bush and his clang came to power texas millionaires and they will leave office texas billlionaires.
I just wonder why the government deserves any of my trust. They wiretap us and lie about it, they lie about the reasons going to Iraq, they won't release good footage of the Pentagon and insult us with what they deem 'good enough', they broke the law by selling WTC's scrap metal (crime scene) and sold it to other countries (which angered the poor families of the victims and engineers)....which is VERY disrespectful... and lardmouth goes off on me for being disrepectful!
9/11 investigation budget 15,000,000 United 93 production costs 15,000,000 Investigation into Clintons penis 40,000,000 Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy despite $725.8 billion deficit.... priceless
Ooh more good vids (very short clips of news surrounding 9/11)
______________________________ "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!" -cheer leading, flag waving American
Originally posted by VixenHeart Topic and thread should be closed. It's just asking for the wrong things to be said. Three things shouldn't be brought up, politics, religion and this topic on a game forum with kids... just not a wise thing. Close the thread.
I have reviewed many of the posts in this thread and there is no reason why it should be locked. If it remains civil, it will continue to remain open. If you have a problem with a particular post then report it and it shall be reviewed. If a thread is started and it regards politics or religion, this does not give merit to said thread being automatically closed. We will continue to allow members to voice their opinion on whatever they wish as long as it is not against our Rules of Conduct and remains civil.
I have one word to this...PARANOID!!! On yeah, forgot. let me help you get over your delusions!
As for the rest of that video. Just right off the top of my head I can think of more logical explainations that still points to what we already know. Crap like this shit makes me only wonder how many people like the creators of that video are contributors to terrorism as well. That's what happens when you live in a free society, even the fucking terrorist can have free speak to create even more fucking confusion.
Your post has shown how brain dead a person can be.
You believe in nothing but what you were told by the government and their media. And can't stand any other explainations or even just to think about it for 1 sec.
Many of us believe in such theory about 9/11 isn't based our opinion of the government on this single event. They have done such things ALL THIS TIME. And the less intellgent people like you have being hardcore followers of the government ALL THIS TIME. They NEED YOU btw.
No, I believe in logical thought. You, on the otherhand believe in thoughts that are irrational.
First off you don't know what I believe what happpened and you only assume that I believe in opposition to you. So as to correct your thought process is that if I believe against you then I can't think for myself.
On the contrary, I have heard what is needed to make a rational decision on what happened. However yours is dictated by hate, prejudice and paranoia, in addition to the desire to only create conspiracy on a message board in hopes to support your delusional thoughts. Maybe then if you have enough here to side with you, then maybe you will feel you are less psychotic and more of a reasonable thinker.
However I am sorry that you need to bring your delusional thoughts to the internet and into the homes of rational thinker and try to pollute their minds with rhetoric and bash them for being mindless followers to a government for thinking independently in contrary to your BULLSHIT!
Just because a LOT here feel that you are WRONG and so are the so called Loose Change doesn't make us or any other sheep to our government.
We choose to think on our own and just because we don't SIDE with you on your paranoia you shouldn't bash people for thinking different than you. You my friend represent more of a dictatorship idealists more than thoughts of intellegent thinking.
However you can take your so called THEORY and put that in your water pipe and smoke it. Maybe then you will start seeing agents hiding in your trees around your house out to get you and your money.
Me on the otherhand, I will just listen to all sources as MOST Citizens do in this country and make my judgement based on logic and rational thinking. Unlike you and your forcing of others to get on the bandwagon and see things DIRECTLY as you see them or suffer the wraith of verbal punishment of being brain dead or a mindless follower to the government. What you dictate is exactly what you are accusing.
There is a word for your kind in the Psychology world... "SELF PROJECTION"
The same can be applied to the creator of that video in two ways. Which you can all see it is very ironic if not hilariously funny. Talk about a very indepth concept of how the sky is falling. Loose Change to me equals loose brains!!!
I think most of us here need to realize these thoughts come from these people, only becuase that is how they think and feel. Therefore if they were in any control of any position of leadership, we all can expect this from them. This is their own thinking and how they see the world.
So before anyone hops on the bandwagon of this ludicrous thinking. One should take a big look at not only what they are saying, but also use enough intelligence to determine how they have come to these ideas and it's sources. In addition their responces to people that think for themselves and don't follow their thoughts mindlessly into submission. Obviously you can see how one of their followers has made personal attacks on me rather than rationalizing what he started the topic about in the first place.
Originally posted by lardmouth If they're willing to distort and take out of context what eyewitnesses said about explosions, what else would they lie about? http://www.911myths.com/html/quote_abuse.html And of course, people are going to assume they've heard bombs as the WTC had been attacked by Islam terrorists using bombs.
You can discuss MYTH all you want. Dragons, Orcs, Elves and Middle Earth belong in such discussions and should only be used in entertainment. However if you are talking about real life then I think you need to stick to the facts and not opinions, theories and Myths. When you do this all you are doing is blowing hot air and wasting anyones time in REALITY!!!
What in the world are you talking about? My link showed how various eyewitness statements were completely taken out of context. Sources are provided to show full the quotes of the eyewitnesses. Not just the edited versions the Conspiracy crowds use. Do you object to letting people see the full quotes? If not, what exactly are you objecting to?
what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
Originally posted by AlexAmore I just wonder why the government deserves any of my trust. They wiretap us and lie about it, they lie about the reasons going to Iraq, they won't release good footage of the Pentagon and insult us with what they deem 'good enough', they broke the law by selling WTC's scrap metal (crime scene) and sold it to other countries (which angered the poor families of the victims and engineers)....which is VERY disrespectful... and lardmouth goes off on me for being disrepectful!
Anyone else notice the Liberal thinking of this person? I love how this person gets the number from the Impeachment for Clinton and turns it into a minor portion of the cause.
Only a Liberal does this. Taking things out of contrast and context to prove a point that is not equated.
Obvously you can see this as only a I love Democrats and I HATE Republicans. It is extreme people llike this that fuck up our society by voting on things that are based on political party.
People like this person here would vote accordingly
Example if ANY person running for office was honest in this statement. Keep thi sin mind that this is only a scenerio and not representing fact nor opinion. Just an example of people like the poster here.
DEMOCRAT SAYS: I plan to let mexico take over america and all white people will become slaves and El Presidenti Fox will pay me millions in drug money to let him rule beside me.
REPUBLICAN SAYS: I plan on a fair budget and will help, not only americans to be safe from hostile foreigners but allow foreigners that are law abiding into our country to work and be successful in our community.
The typical Democrat that is white would vote for the Democratic. Not because the Demo has a good idea or et al, but only because he/she is so one sided. They totally refuse to vote any other way, even if their life depended on it. Now, I am not saying that Republicans are immune to this. But they also have a severe right as well as the left has a severe left. They would do the same if the shoe was on the other foot.
It is people like the poster above that can't think for themselves and dictate what mommy tells them and is even brainwashed enough to let go of their own judgement to even modify facts to suit their own TEAM!
It takes people like this that divides our country and then goes and blames it on everyone else why everything is fucking up in our world.
Selective momory, selective data gathering, selective spread of gossip and lies to themselves and lies to others just so they can convince themselves they are right and you are wrong.
Before you call ANYONE a liar, I think you need to take a big fucking look at yourself and ask yourself.. Any I a goober and do I lie to others for personal gain and success.. If you say NO, then you even have yourself convinced. However before you start PROJECTING your own thoughts onto others I think you need to draw upon FACTS rather than deluted evidence and prejudice researching tailor to suit your desires.
Stop fooling yourselves and wake the fuck up. You are making yourself look like idiots in the eyes of others than proving your intelligence.
DO THIS!!!! Look yourself in the mirror and lie to yourself. After that slam yourself in the face and tell yourself you have no character. I think maybe, JUST MAYBE if you do this enough you may start understanding things that are larger than you in life.
Originally posted by lardmouth What in the world are you talking about? My link showed how various eyewitness statements were completely taken out of context. Sources are provided to show full the quotes of the eyewitnesses. Not just the edited versions the Conspiracy crowds use. Do you object to letting people see the full quotes? If not, what exactly are you objecting to?
OMFG, Dude. You can't see it can you? Umm I think you need to look at things in perspective and stop having thoughts of government = conspiracy. Once you stop them thoughts then you will see and understand more of what others say.
Originally posted by spizz what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
REALLY, who didn't find it ??? Loose Change??? Wow, when did they become the clean up crew? Were people ACTUALLY ALLOWED to come on the GROUNDS of the PENTAGON to walk around FREELY to do as they WANT to do as you say?
WHO ARE THEY????? I think this is the opening where "THEY" "LOOSE CHANGE" can say ANYTHING they want and there will be NO ONE to confirm this. ANYTHING to take things off task.
You guys are all wasting your time on this and should be living a life and not..........wait. WTF am I doing.....Joe Walsh......"You can't argue with a sick mind" *Rudnoc* re-thinks about this whole topic. NM, I can see now this must be a new MMOMUD called LETS HATE THE GOVERNMENT UNTIL A DEMO GETS IN OFFICE.
Originally posted by Rudnoc Originally posted by lardmouth What in the world are you talking about? My link showed how various eyewitness statements were completely taken out of context. Sources are provided to show full the quotes of the eyewitnesses. Not just the edited versions the Conspiracy crowds use. Do you object to letting people see the full quotes? If not, what exactly are you objecting to?
OMFG, Dude. You can't see it can you? Umm I think you need to look at things in perspective and stop having thoughts of government = conspiracy. Once you stop them thoughts then you will see and understand more of what others say.
Originally posted by spizz what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
REALLY, who didn't find it ??? Loose Change??? Wow, when did they become the clean up crew? Were people ACTUALLY ALLOWED to come on the GROUNDS of the PENTAGON to walk around FREELY to do as they WANT to do as you say?
WHO ARE THEY????? I think this is the opening where "THEY" "LOOSE CHANGE" can say ANYTHING they want and there will be NO ONE to confirm this. ANYTHING to take things off task.
You guys are all wasting your time on this and should be living a life and not..........wait. WTF am I doing.....Joe Walsh......"You can't argue with a sick mind" *Rudnoc* re-thinks about this whole topic. NM, I can see now this must be a new MMOMUD called LETS HATE THE GOVERNMENT UNTIL A DEMO GETS IN OFFICE.
show me the evidence, facts about that a huge plane chrashed into the pentagon and probably a lot of people dont believe anything in the movie
Originally posted by spizz what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
At which crash site? Because engine parts were definitely found and photographed at the Pentagon.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Someone give this guy a medal! Thats the best thing i´ve heard so far regarding the whole conspiracy theme.
Well, I decided to look up some of Alex Jones' videos. He seems to be held up as an authority by the ct'ers. Well, I begin reading the description of his videos, and holy crap....
Man, this guy is prolific. Look at all those videos and books. Probably doing all right for himself, I'd imagine.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Don't be so foolish.
Go have lunch with President Bush.
If you're not a Republican, if you do not agree with our current President...
Please, let us know.
I DARE you.
Cartman has a big fat ass!
Give me a break AlexAmore. I was watching, listening, or reading his crap when you were still in gradeschool (if you are 17 like you have said several times before) just like Limbaugh. His "documentaries" are nothing more than one sided arguments, just like I have told you time and time again. The funny part is that Time Warner Cable has censored his sites through RoadRunner and I can no longer visit prisonplanet. Not that I care all that much since everything he has there is mirrored elsewhere. Or I can just wait for you to post a link which, for some reason, goes through.
I am being entirely serious. If you believe one more than the other you have got a problem. Same goes for you as it does for lardmouth up there spouting one-sided crap.
I'm tired of explaining this to you.
Give me a break AlexAmore. I was watching, listening, or reading his crap when you were still in gradeschool (if you are 17 like you have said several times before) just like Limbaugh. His "documentaries" are nothing more than one sided arguments, just like I have told you time and time again. The funny part is that Time Warner Cable has censored his sites through RoadRunner and I can no longer visit prisonplanet. Not that I care all that much since everything he has there is mirrored elsewhere. Or I can just wait for you to post a link which, for some reason, goes through.
I am being entirely serious. If you believe one more than the other you have got a problem. Same goes for you as it does for lardmouth up there spouting one-sided crap.
I'm tired of explaining this to you.
Yeah, you tell him! Hey, wait a minute...
The us goverment are world famous for lieing to its people, roswell for example. and no i dont mean alians crashs landed i mean they said all they did to make people belive that it happend for some strang reason they came up with the idea that if you fool your own people you will win the cold war.
you have to ask your self this question. if the us goverment will lie to its people is it really that far a step to letting someone kill them so your able to do some things that would not have been allowed to do had 9/11 not have happend, and what about your civil rights singed away in the middle of the night to protect you? whats more i think anyone that is crazy enough to think that it was too invade iraq is dumb. iraq never made any sence it was done for the conspiracy crackpots. the real reason (if any) has not shown itself
oh and one last word i think its ironic that bush and his clang came to power texas millionaires and they will leave office texas billlionaires.
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
I just wonder why the government deserves any of my trust. They wiretap us and lie about it, they lie about the reasons going to Iraq, they won't release good footage of the Pentagon and insult us with what they deem 'good enough', they broke the law by selling WTC's scrap metal (crime scene) and sold it to other countries (which angered the poor families of the victims and engineers)....which is VERY disrespectful... and lardmouth goes off on me for being disrepectful!
9/11 investigation budget 15,000,000
United 93 production costs 15,000,000
Investigation into Clintons penis 40,000,000
Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy despite $725.8 billion deficit.... priceless
Ooh more good vids (very short clips of news surrounding 9/11)
Both vids kind of go together regarding what they are talking about.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
Topic and thread should be closed.
It's just asking for the wrong things to be said.
Three things shouldn't be brought up, politics, religion and this topic on a game forum with kids... just not a wise thing.
Close the thread.
I have reviewed many of the posts in this thread and there is no reason why it should be locked. If it remains civil, it will continue to remain open. If you have a problem with a particular post then report it and it shall be reviewed. If a thread is started and it regards politics or religion, this does not give merit to said thread being automatically closed. We will continue to allow members to voice their opinion on whatever they wish as long as it is not against our Rules of Conduct and remains civil.
Thank you,
mmorpg.com staff
If they're willing to distort and take out of context what eyewitnesses said about explosions, what else would they lie about?
And of course, people are going to assume they've heard bombs as the WTC had been attacked by Islam terrorists using bombs.
Your post has shown how brain dead a person can be.
You believe in nothing but what you were told by the government and their media. And can't stand any other explainations or even just to think about it for 1 sec.
Many of us believe in such theory about 9/11 isn't based our opinion of the government on this single event. They have done such things ALL THIS TIME. And the less intellgent people like you have being hardcore followers of the government ALL THIS TIME. They NEED YOU btw.
No, I believe in logical thought. You, on the otherhand believe in thoughts that are irrational.
First off you don't know what I believe what happpened and you only assume that I believe in opposition to you. So as to correct your thought process is that if I believe against you then I can't think for myself.
On the contrary, I have heard what is needed to make a rational decision on what happened. However yours is dictated by hate, prejudice and paranoia, in addition to the desire to only create conspiracy on a message board in hopes to support your delusional thoughts. Maybe then if you have enough here to side with you, then maybe you will feel you are less psychotic and more of a reasonable thinker.
However I am sorry that you need to bring your delusional thoughts to the internet and into the homes of rational thinker and try to pollute their minds with rhetoric and bash them for being mindless followers to a government for thinking independently in contrary to your BULLSHIT!
Just because a LOT here feel that you are WRONG and so are the so called Loose Change doesn't make us or any other sheep to our government.
We choose to think on our own and just because we don't SIDE with you on your paranoia you shouldn't bash people for thinking different than you. You my friend represent more of a dictatorship idealists more than thoughts of intellegent thinking.
However you can take your so called THEORY and put that in your water pipe and smoke it. Maybe then you will start seeing agents hiding in your trees around your house out to get you and your money.
Me on the otherhand, I will just listen to all sources as MOST Citizens do in this country and make my judgement based on logic and rational thinking. Unlike you and your forcing of others to get on the bandwagon and see things DIRECTLY as you see them or suffer the wraith of verbal punishment of being brain dead or a mindless follower to the government. What you dictate is exactly what you are accusing.
There is a word for your kind in the Psychology world... "SELF PROJECTION"
The same can be applied to the creator of that video in two ways. Which you can all see it is very ironic if not hilariously funny. Talk about a very indepth concept of how the sky is falling. Loose Change to me equals loose brains!!!
I think most of us here need to realize these thoughts come from these people, only becuase that is how they think and feel. Therefore if they were in any control of any position of leadership, we all can expect this from them. This is their own thinking and how they see the world.
So before anyone hops on the bandwagon of this ludicrous thinking. One should take a big look at not only what they are saying, but also use enough intelligence to determine how they have come to these ideas and it's sources. In addition their responces to people that think for themselves and don't follow their thoughts mindlessly into submission. Obviously you can see how one of their followers has made personal attacks on me rather than rationalizing what he started the topic about in the first place.
It only shows the true enlightenment of the OP.
what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
Anyone else notice the Liberal thinking of this person? I love how this person gets the number from the Impeachment for Clinton and turns it into a minor portion of the cause.
Only a Liberal does this. Taking things out of contrast and context to prove a point that is not equated.
Obvously you can see this as only a I love Democrats and I HATE Republicans. It is extreme people llike this that fuck up our society by voting on things that are based on political party.
People like this person here would vote accordingly
Example if ANY person running for office was honest in this statement. Keep thi sin mind that this is only a scenerio and not representing fact nor opinion. Just an example of people like the poster here.
DEMOCRAT SAYS: I plan to let mexico take over america and all white people will become slaves and El Presidenti Fox will pay me millions in drug money to let him rule beside me.
REPUBLICAN SAYS: I plan on a fair budget and will help, not only americans to be safe from hostile foreigners but allow foreigners that are law abiding into our country to work and be successful in our community.
The typical Democrat that is white would vote for the Democratic. Not because the Demo has a good idea or et al, but only because he/she is so one sided. They totally refuse to vote any other way, even if their life depended on it. Now, I am not saying that Republicans are immune to this. But they also have a severe right as well as the left has a severe left. They would do the same if the shoe was on the other foot.
It is people like the poster above that can't think for themselves and dictate what mommy tells them and is even brainwashed enough to let go of their own judgement to even modify facts to suit their own TEAM!
It takes people like this that divides our country and then goes and blames it on everyone else why everything is fucking up in our world.
Selective momory, selective data gathering, selective spread of gossip and lies to themselves and lies to others just so they can convince themselves they are right and you are wrong.
Before you call ANYONE a liar, I think you need to take a big fucking look at yourself and ask yourself.. Any I a goober and do I lie to others for personal gain and success.. If you say NO, then you even have yourself convinced. However before you start PROJECTING your own thoughts onto others I think you need to draw upon FACTS rather than deluted evidence and prejudice researching tailor to suit your desires.
Stop fooling yourselves and wake the fuck up. You are making yourself look like idiots in the eyes of others than proving your intelligence.
DO THIS!!!! Look yourself in the mirror and lie to yourself. After that slam yourself in the face and tell yourself you have no character. I think maybe, JUST MAYBE if you do this enough you may start understanding things that are larger than you in life.
REALLY, who didn't find it ??? Loose Change??? Wow, when did they become the clean up crew? Were people ACTUALLY ALLOWED to come on the GROUNDS of the PENTAGON to walk around FREELY to do as they WANT to do as you say?
WHO ARE THEY????? I think this is the opening where "THEY" "LOOSE CHANGE" can say ANYTHING they want and there will be NO ONE to confirm this. ANYTHING to take things off task.
You guys are all wasting your time on this and should be living a life and not..........wait. WTF am I doing.....Joe Walsh......"You can't argue with a sick mind" *Rudnoc* re-thinks about this whole topic. NM, I can see now this must be a new MMOMUD called LETS HATE THE GOVERNMENT UNTIL A DEMO GETS IN OFFICE.
OMFG, Dude. You can't see it can you? Umm I think you need to look at things in perspective and stop having thoughts of government = conspiracy. Once you stop them thoughts then you will see and understand more of what others say.
Originally posted by spizz
what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
what makes me to think, is the fact they didnt find the titanium engine parts of the plane and the fact that tinanium cant smelt comepletely from the impact...thats really really odd
REALLY, who didn't find it ??? Loose Change??? Wow, when did they become the clean up crew? Were people ACTUALLY ALLOWED to come on the GROUNDS of the PENTAGON to walk around FREELY to do as they WANT to do as you say?
WHO ARE THEY????? I think this is the opening where "THEY" "LOOSE CHANGE" can say ANYTHING they want and there will be NO ONE to confirm this. ANYTHING to take things off task.
You guys are all wasting your time on this and should be living a life and not..........wait. WTF am I doing.....Joe Walsh......"You can't argue with a sick mind" *Rudnoc* re-thinks about this whole topic. NM, I can see now this must be a new MMOMUD called LETS HATE THE GOVERNMENT UNTIL A DEMO GETS IN OFFICE.
show me the evidence, facts about that a huge plane chrashed into the pentagon and probably a lot of people dont believe anything in the movie