So how does this new targeting thing work? I tried tabbing to switch targets, it wouldn't work, I tried clicking on a new target, it wouldn't switch? What do you have to do to switch targets?
Edit for this horrible system* So, is that PWNED or PWMED? OMG!!! How will I live with myself!!!
But still, I fail to see the fun here. One shot kills again it seems. Krayts benefit only those that stockpiled the pearls, so they'll be able to sell them at high prices again.
But this is the same as what has happened with every CU. Mobs are suddenly completely out of whack. People will realize they no longer can level (you said it yourself)No I didn't, where did I say that?, the progression will slow down, grouping kills the xp, etc.
Capped damage at 1000 dps? Since there is no true mitigation apart from absorption, this still brings the fights down to 30 seconds max, considerably less if targeted by two or more. Again, you're WAY off. Like I did say, I've tested, and Mobs do seem to have Resistance Mid again. IT's not new, but it does change combat. This is easy for all to test: pull an equal Kin & Eng weps out of a frog and go shoot at 5 different mobs, you'll see different damage ranges. Don't make things up. It's linear. Your survivability is inversly proportional to the dps. Nothing more. Why is this bad? Most games are attempting different combat models, because the linear FPS-style is getting old, really fast. I don't disagree here. It's far from a good game, that's why I said ALMOST playable.
To the Dev's: GO PLAY DDO!!! Yes, tthe non-combat is horrible, but the combat and group rolls are MUCH better!
I guess this explains DDO's collosal success. I quit DDO. I know the game well. I wasn't commenting on the games overall quality. I was commenting the combat system, and all of my guild really liked it, as well as the character progression. What they didn't like was how limited the game was. We all want open, persistant worlds, not the locked-in instanced, combat only, no exploration bull of DDO (no housing, no guild halls, same armor, no exploring, etc.).
If you haven't tried DDO, go try it... it's actually fun for while, and the combat system is good, but the rest of the game is boring, and it gets boring fast.
Last, I'm not telling people to play. If anyhting I'd tell then to stay away. I was giving MY opinion, not yours.
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
Originally posted by Ironman2000 So how does this new targeting thing work? I tried tabbing to switch targets, it wouldn't work, I tried clicking on a new target, it wouldn't switch? What do you have to do to switch targets?
Center Mouse button, and it blows IMO. It's great for deccorating, and that's about it. This game needs a Free-fire / target-lock system like DDO's, IMO.
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
Originally posted by Dessano I loged in on TC2 and its a blast. Also I noticed today several posts from Vet players that are actualy like the new chnages and they are coming back strong. Woohooo. - I dont beleive this part.. Define Vet? I BOW before DEVS, they are goind in right direction and I personlay think this is reburth of SWG. For those of you too busy bitching to pay attention, I think we should take notice of TH, and the rest of the Dev team who have been putting so much dedication back into our game. The future is looking quite positive, and I look forward to the things to come with great anticipation. - If you could remove your face from their asses for a few minutes, you would see the almighty Devs have had the last 3 years to get it right. Unless they ride the short bus they dont need praise.. They need a swift kick in the ass. They havbe consitantly fucked up publish plan after publish plan... They are now on the 4th Combat Revamp... How many more do we need before they realzie they screwed up? So here is just a little something that I want to point out: Weapon Damage. This is awesome. This change alone goes a long way towards making weaponsmiths useful again. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot more to be done, but this is a big step in the right direction. - So they are going back to what we had before... Good for them... I see thir plan is to reomve what worked, let the players bitch, then begin to readd stuff so it looks like they are listening and adding "new and iconic starwarsy" stuff back into the game
- Combat Speed. This is a tremendous improvement over the old system. The jury's still out on whether it's right where it needs to be, but I have to say that it felt a whole lot better than what we had before. I felt like each shot actually meant more altogether and I wasn't nearly as focused on just doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible. I found myself doing more snare kiting and generally using more of my specials than I previously would have in PvE. - They are still using the bastardized FPS / Turn based Hybrid... They never should of changed over to the FPS style of combat UNTIL they had the NPC side of things done also... The NPC side is still using the turnbased style of combat... Its still Benny Hill on crack, but in slo motion now. They either need to go all turnbased, or go all FPS with colisiuon detection. They havent fixed the problem.. They jsut slowed down combat to make it look like they fixed the problem.. Again instead of fixing something they go with the bandaid fix...
- NPC AI/Difficulty. This is great. To take down an elite I need to have a group now. It's about time that we made it so the majority of the game can't be soloed. There's still some tweaking needed I think, but overall I like the challenge level a lot more than what we had previously, where I could just blast through legions of normal NPCs without really worrying about it. The days of mindless, diablo-style wading through your enemies are hopefully coming to an end. - Again they are bringing back groups... I remebver back in the day when you could group with 20... then it went down to 8... SOE / LA pushed the solo crap, and now they realized it killed off socialization / cooperation in the game. What you are touting as a game saver here was in place before the NGE... It was ripped out during the CU, and completely destroyed with the NGE.
- Target Highlight. It's not target lock, which I would have preferred, but it does fix the noncombat problems with the original system so in that it's a good thing. I had trouble using it effectively in combat to mark the target I wanted to track, but that may just be me not being used to it. Overall I'd say it dose really help combat much, and it was sorely needed. - This is a matter of opinion so I wont touch on it.,.. The target lock is a matter of preferance.. I jsut wish they would find a system and just stick with it and improve upon it.. They need to stop chaning stuff every 6 months.
- Postures having meaning again. It's about time! I think the benefits for postures should be slightly more obvious than they are but I"m glad we can at least fire while kneeling/prone again. This isn't a big deal in solo play, but in large-scale firefights (like the GCW) it should hopefully make a big difference. - QFE
- Elemental criticals. I didn't really get the chance to mess with these. They sound neat in concept but it will take a while to figure out whether they're very effective in practice. - They gave back elemental damage... Hopefully they will work this time... There wass a reason they got rid of the combat log.... Lets hope they get it right this time around...
I love SWG... I HATE what has been done to the game... They ripped stuff out without thinking about the impact on the game. They never said sorry for what they have messed up on.. They jsut continue to ask the people to give them time... How much time do we give? How many times can they LIE to us, mislead us, or blame us for their porblems?
I am pissed they destroyed the game I loved to play. What is more disheartening though is the fact they are bringing stuff back in and claiming its new content.. This is how low they have sunk.. Its pathetic...
They need to appologize.. Stick to their publish plan, and quit screwing over their player base..
They need to quit blaming their playerbase (or vets) for the issues they are having... If they want me to be optomistic about the game and write good reviews, then step up and give me a good game to play. They need to quit banning people for asking for answers on their forums about whats going on.
Having access to a billion $ IP - Billions of dollars.. Having access to a massive fan base of said IP - Even more Billons... Singly handedly alienating them due to stupidity - Priceless.
Originally posted by Xcathdra Originally posted by Dessano I loged in on TC2 and its a blast. Also I noticed today several posts from Vet players that are actualy like the new chnages and they are coming back strong. Woohooo. - I dont beleive this part.. Define Vet? I BOW before DEVS, they are goind in right direction and I personlay think this is reburth of SWG. For those of you too busy bitching to pay attention, I think we should take notice of TH, and the rest of the Dev team who have been putting so much dedication back into our game. The future is looking quite positive, and I look forward to the things to come with great anticipation. - If you could remove your face from their asses for a few minutes, you would see the almighty Devs have had the last 3 years to get it right. Unless they ride the short bus they dont need praise.. They need a swift kick in the ass. They havbe consitantly fucked up publish plan after publish plan... They are now on the 4th Combat Revamp... How many more do we need before they realzie they screwed up? So here is just a little something that I want to point out: Weapon Damage. This is awesome. This change alone goes a long way towards making weaponsmiths useful again. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot more to be done, but this is a big step in the right direction. - So they are going back to what we had before... Good for them... I see thir plan is to reomve what worked, let the players bitch, then begin to readd stuff so it looks like they are listening and adding "new and iconic starwarsy" stuff back into the game
- Combat Speed. This is a tremendous improvement over the old system. The jury's still out on whether it's right where it needs to be, but I have to say that it felt a whole lot better than what we had before. I felt like each shot actually meant more altogether and I wasn't nearly as focused on just doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible. I found myself doing more snare kiting and generally using more of my specials than I previously would have in PvE. - They are still using the bastardized FPS / Turn based Hybrid... They never should of changed over to the FPS style of combat UNTIL they had the NPC side of things done also... The NPC side is still using the turnbased style of combat... Its still Benny Hill on crack, but in slo motion now. They either need to go all turnbased, or go all FPS with colisiuon detection. They havent fixed the problem.. They jsut slowed down combat to make it look like they fixed the problem.. Again instead of fixing something they go with the bandaid fix...
- NPC AI/Difficulty. This is great. To take down an elite I need to have a group now. It's about time that we made it so the majority of the game can't be soloed. There's still some tweaking needed I think, but overall I like the challenge level a lot more than what we had previously, where I could just blast through legions of normal NPCs without really worrying about it. The days of mindless, diablo-style wading through your enemies are hopefully coming to an end. - Again they are bringing back groups... I remebver back in the day when you could group with 20... then it went down to 8... SOE / LA pushed the solo crap, and now they realized it killed off socialization / cooperation in the game. What you are touting as a game saver here was in place before the NGE... It was ripped out during the CU, and completely destroyed with the NGE.
- Target Highlight. It's not target lock, which I would have preferred, but it does fix the noncombat problems with the original system so in that it's a good thing. I had trouble using it effectively in combat to mark the target I wanted to track, but that may just be me not being used to it. Overall I'd say it dose really help combat much, and it was sorely needed. - This is a matter of opinion so I wont touch on it.,.. The target lock is a matter of preferance.. I jsut wish they would find a system and just stick with it and improve upon it.. They need to stop chaning stuff every 6 months.
- Postures having meaning again. It's about time! I think the benefits for postures should be slightly more obvious than they are but I"m glad we can at least fire while kneeling/prone again. This isn't a big deal in solo play, but in large-scale firefights (like the GCW) it should hopefully make a big difference. - QFE
- Elemental criticals. I didn't really get the chance to mess with these. They sound neat in concept but it will take a while to figure out whether they're very effective in practice. - They gave back elemental damage... Hopefully they will work this time... There wass a reason they got rid of the combat log.... Lets hope they get it right this time around...
I love SWG... I HATE what has been done to the game... They ripped stuff out without thinking about the impact on the game. They never said sorry for what they have messed up on.. They jsut continue to ask the people to give them time... How much time do we give? How many times can they LIE to us, mislead us, or blame us for their porblems?
I am pissed they destroyed the game I loved to play. What is more disheartening though is the fact they are bringing stuff back in and claiming its new content.. This is how low they have sunk.. Its pathetic...
They need to appologize.. Stick to their publish plan, and quit screwing over their player base..
They need to quit blaming their playerbase (or vets) for the issues they are having... If they want me to be optomistic about the game and write good reviews, then step up and give me a good game to play. They need to quit banning people for asking for answers on their forums about whats going on.
WTF? SOE IS BLAMING WHO?! Youve got to be kidding. If you have a post or link to what you just said proving they blame someone for thier mistakes or "issues" I'd like the link please. That chaps my ass. How the hell is the playerbase to blame for bs the devs do? That takes alot of gal on SOE'S part to do some crap like that.
Not one player asked for the NGE, Not one player I know anyways works as a programmer or designer for SOE, and we sure as hell arent concept artists or the president of that company so how in sam hell are WE to blame for THEM destroying the game? i dont recall throwing together a dump of programming and slapping it into live without telling anyone it was a gamebreaking change.
Not one email did I or anyone I know ever get asking me what I thought about the nge system or if i liked it, NOT ONE DAMN DEV sent me a tell ingame or in test asking my opinion on how things were or did I want this targeting system or cut in professions...and I sure as hell never asked for any of it, only thing me and any other player ever did was try to make the best of a broken incomplete lack of content game with a non existant support system and gameplay that was so bugged its more then likely considered the ant farm of mmo's bugwise.
Originally posted by Dessano I loged in on TC2 and its a blast. Also I noticed today several posts from Vet players that are actualy like the new chnages and they are coming back strong. Woohooo. I BOW before DEVS, they are goind in right direction and I personlay think this is reburth of SWG. For those of you too busy bitching to pay attention, I think we should take notice of TH, and the rest of the Dev team who have been putting so much dedication back into our game. The future is looking quite positive, and I look forward to the things to come with great anticipation.
Originally posted by bugzonlsd Originally posted by Xcathdra Originally posted by Dessano I loged in on TC2 and its a blast. Also I noticed today several posts from Vet players that are actualy like the new chnages and they are coming back strong. Woohooo. - I dont beleive this part.. Define Vet? I BOW before DEVS, they are goind in right direction and I personlay think this is reburth of SWG. For those of you too busy bitching to pay attention, I think we should take notice of TH, and the rest of the Dev team who have been putting so much dedication back into our game. The future is looking quite positive, and I look forward to the things to come with great anticipation. - If you could remove your face from their asses for a few minutes, you would see the almighty Devs have had the last 3 years to get it right. Unless they ride the short bus they dont need praise.. They need a swift kick in the ass. They havbe consitantly fucked up publish plan after publish plan... They are now on the 4th Combat Revamp... How many more do we need before they realzie they screwed up? So here is just a little something that I want to point out: Weapon Damage. This is awesome. This change alone goes a long way towards making weaponsmiths useful again. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot more to be done, but this is a big step in the right direction. - So they are going back to what we had before... Good for them... I see thir plan is to reomve what worked, let the players bitch, then begin to readd stuff so it looks like they are listening and adding "new and iconic starwarsy" stuff back into the game
- Combat Speed. This is a tremendous improvement over the old system. The jury's still out on whether it's right where it needs to be, but I have to say that it felt a whole lot better than what we had before. I felt like each shot actually meant more altogether and I wasn't nearly as focused on just doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible. I found myself doing more snare kiting and generally using more of my specials than I previously would have in PvE. - They are still using the bastardized FPS / Turn based Hybrid... They never should of changed over to the FPS style of combat UNTIL they had the NPC side of things done also... The NPC side is still using the turnbased style of combat... Its still Benny Hill on crack, but in slo motion now. They either need to go all turnbased, or go all FPS with colisiuon detection. They havent fixed the problem.. They jsut slowed down combat to make it look like they fixed the problem.. Again instead of fixing something they go with the bandaid fix...
- NPC AI/Difficulty. This is great. To take down an elite I need to have a group now. It's about time that we made it so the majority of the game can't be soloed. There's still some tweaking needed I think, but overall I like the challenge level a lot more than what we had previously, where I could just blast through legions of normal NPCs without really worrying about it. The days of mindless, diablo-style wading through your enemies are hopefully coming to an end. - Again they are bringing back groups... I remebver back in the day when you could group with 20... then it went down to 8... SOE / LA pushed the solo crap, and now they realized it killed off socialization / cooperation in the game. What you are touting as a game saver here was in place before the NGE... It was ripped out during the CU, and completely destroyed with the NGE.
- Target Highlight. It's not target lock, which I would have preferred, but it does fix the noncombat problems with the original system so in that it's a good thing. I had trouble using it effectively in combat to mark the target I wanted to track, but that may just be me not being used to it. Overall I'd say it dose really help combat much, and it was sorely needed. - This is a matter of opinion so I wont touch on it.,.. The target lock is a matter of preferance.. I jsut wish they would find a system and just stick with it and improve upon it.. They need to stop chaning stuff every 6 months.
- Postures having meaning again. It's about time! I think the benefits for postures should be slightly more obvious than they are but I"m glad we can at least fire while kneeling/prone again. This isn't a big deal in solo play, but in large-scale firefights (like the GCW) it should hopefully make a big difference. - QFE
- Elemental criticals. I didn't really get the chance to mess with these. They sound neat in concept but it will take a while to figure out whether they're very effective in practice. - They gave back elemental damage... Hopefully they will work this time... There wass a reason they got rid of the combat log.... Lets hope they get it right this time around...
I love SWG... I HATE what has been done to the game... They ripped stuff out without thinking about the impact on the game. They never said sorry for what they have messed up on.. They jsut continue to ask the people to give them time... How much time do we give? How many times can they LIE to us, mislead us, or blame us for their porblems?
I am pissed they destroyed the game I loved to play. What is more disheartening though is the fact they are bringing stuff back in and claiming its new content.. This is how low they have sunk.. Its pathetic...
They need to appologize.. Stick to their publish plan, and quit screwing over their player base..
They need to quit blaming their playerbase (or vets) for the issues they are having... If they want me to be optomistic about the game and write good reviews, then step up and give me a good game to play. They need to quit banning people for asking for answers on their forums about whats going on.
WTF? SOE IS BLAMING WHO?! Youve got to be kidding. If you have a post or link to what you just said proving they blame someone for thier mistakes or "issues" I'd like the link please. That chaps my ass. How the hell is the playerbase to blame for bs the devs do? That takes alot of gal on SOE'S part to do some crap like that.
Not one player asked for the NGE, Not one player I know anyways works as a programmer or designer for SOE, and we sure as hell arent concept artists or the president of that company so how in sam hell are WE to blame for THEM destroying the game? i dont recall throwing together a dump of programming and slapping it into live without telling anyone it was a gamebreaking change.
Not one email did I or anyone I know ever get asking me what I thought about the nge system or if i liked it, NOT ONE DAMN DEV sent me a tell ingame or in test asking my opinion on how things were or did I want this targeting system or cut in professions...and I sure as hell never asked for any of it, only thing me and any other player ever did was try to make the best of a broken incomplete lack of content game with a non existant support system and gameplay that was so bugged its more then likely considered the ant farm of mmo's bugwise.
How again is it our fault?
Ok.. I am referring to their statments (Their referring to Sony Execs/Devs) in numerous interviews about how there was too much reading (McIntyre I beleive made this statment) in the game which is why they went with the NGE (along with the uncle Owen statment that people wanted to be heros and not moisture farmers). There were times where we were constantly referred to as the "Vocal Minority" with intentions that were just evil (evil being my word but they used this term in press interviews about why they were reciveing bad press).Recently, and I will try to find the Link, they made a statment about disgrunteled players I.E. Vocal Minority should not be listned to because we are just that, disgruntled.
I agree with you that this is all of SOE / LA fault... Im jsut saying they have made there case by blaming the Vocal Minority for their bad press. They also stated that they were receiveing a LOT of feedback from players about how the current (Pre CU / CU) systm was to hard, so they did the focus group who gave "us" the NGE. They still refuse to release any info about that group (I.E. current players, ages of people involved, how long they played the game, professions played etc).
By giving "us" the NGE, they claimed its what the Majority wanted... They go on to make statements that its the "vocal minority" who are more or less rocking the boat.
Make your own case about who SOE / LA blames for their bad press and failures in game.. I will try to get the links to back up what i'm trying to say, but its over the span of when the NGE first came out so gimme some time.
Having access to a billion $ IP - Billions of dollars.. Having access to a massive fan base of said IP - Even more Billons... Singly handedly alienating them due to stupidity - Priceless.
Originally posted by Dessano I loged in on TC2 and its a blast. Also I noticed today several posts from Vet players that are actualy like the new chnages and they are coming back strong. Woohooo. I BOW before DEVS, they are goind in right direction and I personlay think this is reburth of SWG. For those of you too busy bitching to pay attention, I think we should take notice of TH, and the rest of the Dev team who have been putting so much dedication back into our game. The future is looking quite positive, and I look forward to the things to come with great anticipation. So here is just a little something that I want to point out: Weapon Damage. This is awesome. This change alone goes a long way towards making weaponsmiths useful again. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot more to be done, but this is a big step in the right direction.
- Combat Speed. This is a tremendous improvement over the old system. The jury's still out on whether it's right where it needs to be, but I have to say that it felt a whole lot better than what we had before. I felt like each shot actually meant more altogether and I wasn't nearly as focused on just doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible. I found myself doing more snare kiting and generally using more of my specials than I previously would have in PvE.
- NPC AI/Difficulty. This is great. To take down an elite I need to have a group now. It's about time that we made it so the majority of the game can't be soloed. There's still some tweaking needed I think, but overall I like the challenge level a lot more than what we had previously, where I could just blast through legions of normal NPCs without really worrying about it. The days of mindless, diablo-style wading through your enemies are hopefully coming to an end.
- Target Highlight. It's not target lock, which I would have preferred, but it does fix the noncombat problems with the original system so in that it's a good thing. I had trouble using it effectively in combat to mark the target I wanted to track, but that may just be me not being used to it. Overall I'd say it dose really help combat much, and it was sorely needed.
- Postures having meaning again. It's about time! I think the benefits for postures should be slightly more obvious than they are but I"m glad we can at least fire while kneeling/prone again. This isn't a big deal in solo play, but in large-scale firefights (like the GCW) it should hopefully make a big difference.
- Elemental criticals. I didn't really get the chance to mess with these. They sound neat in concept but it will take a while to figure out whether they're very effective in practice.
what server do you play on? whats your toons name? and how long have you played SWG?
Originally posted by NeuroXl Originally posted by Dessano I loged in on TC2 and its a blast. Also I noticed today several posts from Vet players that are actualy like the new chnages and they are coming back strong. Woohooo. I BOW before DEVS, they are goind in right direction and I personlay think this is reburth of SWG. For those of you too busy bitching to pay attention, I think we should take notice of TH, and the rest of the Dev team who have been putting so much dedication back into our game. The future is looking quite positive, and I look forward to the things to come with great anticipation. So here is just a little something that I want to point out: Weapon Damage. This is awesome. This change alone goes a long way towards making weaponsmiths useful again. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot more to be done, but this is a big step in the right direction.
- Combat Speed. This is a tremendous improvement over the old system. The jury's still out on whether it's right where it needs to be, but I have to say that it felt a whole lot better than what we had before. I felt like each shot actually meant more altogether and I wasn't nearly as focused on just doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible. I found myself doing more snare kiting and generally using more of my specials than I previously would have in PvE.
- NPC AI/Difficulty. This is great. To take down an elite I need to have a group now. It's about time that we made it so the majority of the game can't be soloed. There's still some tweaking needed I think, but overall I like the challenge level a lot more than what we had previously, where I could just blast through legions of normal NPCs without really worrying about it. The days of mindless, diablo-style wading through your enemies are hopefully coming to an end.
- Target Highlight. It's not target lock, which I would have preferred, but it does fix the noncombat problems with the original system so in that it's a good thing. I had trouble using it effectively in combat to mark the target I wanted to track, but that may just be me not being used to it. Overall I'd say it dose really help combat much, and it was sorely needed.
- Postures having meaning again. It's about time! I think the benefits for postures should be slightly more obvious than they are but I"m glad we can at least fire while kneeling/prone again. This isn't a big deal in solo play, but in large-scale firefights (like the GCW) it should hopefully make a big difference.
- Elemental criticals. I didn't really get the chance to mess with these. They sound neat in concept but it will take a while to figure out whether they're very effective in practice.
what server do you play on? whats your toons name? and how long have you played SWG? Do you currentlr or have you ever worked for Lucas Arts or any division of Sony? fixed
Having access to a billion $ IP - Billions of dollars.. Having access to a massive fan base of said IP - Even more Billons... Singly handedly alienating them due to stupidity - Priceless.
Originally posted by Aetius73 TH is such a crackpot lieing loser I find more informative and truthful information coming from this guy's mouth than I ever have from TH.
What are you talking about, that is TH. I met him at the Summit.
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
Originally posted by MX13 Originally posted by Aetius73 TH is such a crackpot lieing loser I find more informative and truthful information coming from this guy's mouth than I ever have from TH.
What are you talking about, that is TH. I met him at the Summit.
wonder what SOE had to pay to get him from Saddaam Hussein...prolly paying for Husseins lawyers thinking if they can free him then Hussein will be the next SOE VP for Smedley to have around...
We have enough Youth, How about a Fountain of Intelligence?
Originally posted by Edmonde Originally posted by MX13 Originally posted by Aetius73 TH is such a crackpot lieing loser I find more informative and truthful information coming from this guy's mouth than I ever have from TH.
What are you talking about, that is TH. I met him at the Summit.
wonder what SOE had to pay to get him from Saddaam Hussein...prolly paying for Husseins lawyers thinking if they can free him then Hussein will be the next SOE VP for Smedley to have around... Well, after the regime fell, the guy was unemployed. Guess he found a new role to fit right in.
And also I am glad that ppl that are so negative and with such hate are not a part of the SWG comunity anymore. Ehhh some ppl.
Is that what you think, dearie? I've seen what's left of the community, being smack dab in the middle of it again, thanks to my evil friends, and while I'm sure there is indeed a bumper crop of "u" spitting brain cases in the new majority on most servers, there are still a few oldtimers there with you. And some of us really do hate. Oh yes. The darkside is just flowing strong in some of us.
Originally posted by Kehn I appologize in advance, but I just can't resist.
Originally posted by Dessano ...I BOW before DEVS...
They prefer you bow in the other direction.
ROFL nice one.
Anyways, the guy likes the game so you all have to call him a dev or say he's creating new accounts or something. The game actually is fun, but probably not if you had to grind Jedi pre-NGE. That is the dividing line. Give the guy a break, so he likes the game, put away your tinfoil hats and let this thread die and support the bitchy ones.
Originally posted by azhrarn Is that what you think, dearie? I've seen what's left of the community, being smack dab in the middle of it again, thanks to my evil friends, and while I'm sure there is indeed a bumper crop of "u" spitting brain cases in the new majority on most servers, there are still a few oldtimers there with you. And some of us really do hate. Oh yes. The darkside is just flowing strong in some of us.
"Make your own case about who SOE / LA blames for their bad press and failures in game.."
Yea, went a little overboard there with the reply, my bad. I just didnt like the idea of us being blamed for that I dont see how any player could be.
I fail to see when a player asks for this or that in a game and the devs do the complete opposite makes said person responsible for the mistakes of the guy who thinks, well screwem, Ill just do it my way and if they dont like then...then we just take a loss to our playerbase. I would fire a guy like that if he worked for me. Which is basicly what the people at SOE/LA did, they took what people were posting on the boards how ever the amount of the complaint might have been and did something completely off the wall and nothing close to what the people were asking for in the first place.
Then turn around and try to say o well this is what you wanted?! Which is what smed is doing. No sorry. If a player says the Jedi grind is too hard then you raise xp % a tad or work with the grind time needed or requirements, if a player thinks pvp within the classes is unbalanced you work to balance the classes nad try to explain that each class is unique and serves its own purpose, when a player says this is too hard or that is taking too long you work with it thats what they pay you for, not overhaul the game.
First and foremost you DO SEND OUT EMAILS AND TAKE POLLS, you gather mass opinion from within the base ingame and via forums not take it all and think you can knock it all out with one stone. You DO NOT go outside the game and ask some random fool on the street who has more then likely never played the game or even likes it for that matter what he thinks, you find 10 random people then take what ten people say against what 250k subs want? Hell no you dont, but thats what they did and deny then turn the blame on the playerbase, no again SORRY cause thats exactly what it is, SORRY. Pure malarky, Im callin a BS!
The average SWG player is filled with great suggestions for the game, but taking that suggestion making it off the wall and easier for you to work with and completely different is what happened if anything and its a sorry lazy excuse. Ive read posts about how Smed claims his devs are amongst the top and that he thinks highly of them, if they are as good as he claims then none of these things would have been a problem. their sloution to things like that were the NGE? man please...:/ I have 33 guys working underneath me and I need to dumb the game down because we cant handle it? That tells me he thinks the opposite of this team. I know some of the devs for a fact had jedi and played amongst the base so you KNOW they werent happy.
There isnt one player in that game who thought.. oh this is exactly what I wanted. if anyone is saying that now then that person is an idiot and more then likely doesnt know he's been shafted when he has.
Complaints were part of the game, we all know that, we all had had things we didnt like but for the 5 things we didnt like there 10 things that made it all worth while, worth waiting on a fix for,and finally just hope, HOPE which was what star wars was all about. There is no hope left, thats what people are pissed about, I hoped to be a jedi or a master crafter from being a small moisture farmer to something greater in the bigger scheme, a goal, now I can click on my goal. O.o
The people who played since launch, the people who learned from them and the people who did the grinds they had HOPE... they used it like fuel to go on. One more profession, 80k more xp, one more skill box, one more pearl for my saber...all hope, all determination, all love for the game gone in one week. SOE/LA could have handled this some other way.
Call me a faboi or whatever you want after reading this, I could give a rats behind but its the plain and simple truth IMO.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me. I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too. 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0
Originally posted by Rekrul Originally posted by Edmonde Originally posted by MX13 Originally posted by Aetius73 TH is such a crackpot lieing loser I find more informative and truthful information coming from this guy's mouth than I ever have from TH.
What are you talking about, that is TH. I met him at the Summit.
wonder what SOE had to pay to get him from Saddaam Hussein...prolly paying for Husseins lawyers thinking if they can free him then Hussein will be the next SOE VP for Smedley to have around... Well, after the regime fell, the guy was unemployed. Guess he found a new role to fit right in.
"There is no NGE 2... The infidel Pre-CU Crusaders are disembowled at the gates of Austin. There is also NO Bioware Studios opening at 6th & Central... I hope Julio willl prove this NGE to be the only NGE of Julio, all praises be to him... and SOE..."
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by Shayde I have to thank the OP for this funny post.
If he's serious, he has no taste.
IMO same could be said for those who play COH/COV . But each to their own I guess .
ya but at least COV/COH doesnt try to be something its not ...
you wont hear mass advertising por statements from the devs trying to tell you what the game is ...or giving you BS promises of where its going, that never transpire
sure its for casual gamers, sure it doesnt have the depth other mmorpg's have ( crafting or player housing or item hunting)
but its always been " you get what you pay for, you get what you see"
for soe its: " you get something different than we hype it up to be"
Originally posted by NeuroXl Originally posted by Malickiebloo Originally posted by Shayde I have to thank the OP for this funny post.
If he's serious, he has no taste.
IMO same could be said for those who play COH/COV . But each to their own I guess .
ya but at least COV/COH doesnt try to be something its not ...
you wont hear mass advertising fromt he devs trying to tell you what the game is ...or giving you BS promises of where its going ...
sure its for casual gamers, sure it doesnt have the depth other mmorpg's have ( crafting or player housing or item hunting)
but its always been " you get what you pay for, you get what you see"
for soe its: " you get something different than we hype it up to be"
I'm sorry but , Where did I say SOE is better in anyway ?
But COH/COV is a boring game imo , It is almost exactly like Matrix and that game is horrible .
Getting what you pay for wasn't my point , The point is any game where the character creation is more exciting than the actual gameplay is a boring game IMO .
BTw what do you mean by they advertise their game as something it is not ?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Wow... you're WAY off...
Last, I'm not telling people to play. If anyhting I'd tell then to stay away. I was giving MY opinion, not yours.
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
In fact, forget the SWG!!!!
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
In fact, forget the SWG!!!!
I love SWG... I HATE what has been done to the game... They ripped stuff out without thinking about the impact on the game. They never said sorry for what they have messed up on.. They jsut continue to ask the people to give them time... How much time do we give? How many times can they LIE to us, mislead us, or blame us for their porblems?
I am pissed they destroyed the game I loved to play. What is more disheartening though is the fact they are bringing stuff back in and claiming its new content.. This is how low they have sunk.. Its pathetic...
They need to appologize.. Stick to their publish plan, and quit screwing over their player base..
They need to quit blaming their playerbase (or vets) for the issues they are having... If they want me to be optomistic about the game and write good reviews, then step up and give me a good game to play. They need to quit banning people for asking for answers on their forums about whats going on.
Having access to a billion $ IP - Billions of dollars..
Having access to a massive fan base of said IP - Even more Billons...
Singly handedly alienating them due to stupidity - Priceless.
I love SWG... I HATE what has been done to the game... They ripped stuff out without thinking about the impact on the game. They never said sorry for what they have messed up on.. They jsut continue to ask the people to give them time... How much time do we give? How many times can they LIE to us, mislead us, or blame us for their porblems?
I am pissed they destroyed the game I loved to play. What is more disheartening though is the fact they are bringing stuff back in and claiming its new content.. This is how low they have sunk.. Its pathetic...
They need to appologize.. Stick to their publish plan, and quit screwing over their player base..
They need to quit blaming their playerbase (or vets) for the issues they are having... If they want me to be optomistic about the game and write good reviews, then step up and give me a good game to play. They need to quit banning people for asking for answers on their forums about whats going on.
WTF? SOE IS BLAMING WHO?! Youve got to be kidding. If you have a post or link to what you just said proving they blame someone for thier mistakes or "issues" I'd like the link please. That chaps my ass. How the hell is the playerbase to blame for bs the devs do? That takes alot of gal on SOE'S part to do some crap like that.
Not one player asked for the NGE, Not one player I know anyways works as a programmer or designer for SOE, and we sure as hell arent concept artists or the president of that company so how in sam hell are WE to blame for THEM destroying the game? i dont recall throwing together a dump of programming and slapping it into live without telling anyone it was a gamebreaking change.
Not one email did I or anyone I know ever get asking me what I thought about the nge system or if i liked it, NOT ONE DAMN DEV sent me a tell ingame or in test asking my opinion on how things were or did I want this targeting system or cut in professions...and I sure as hell never asked for any of it, only thing me and any other player ever did was try to make the best of a broken incomplete lack of content game with a non existant support system and gameplay that was so bugged its more then likely considered the ant farm of mmo's bugwise.
How again is it our fault?
I love SWG... I HATE what has been done to the game... They ripped stuff out without thinking about the impact on the game. They never said sorry for what they have messed up on.. They jsut continue to ask the people to give them time... How much time do we give? How many times can they LIE to us, mislead us, or blame us for their porblems?
I am pissed they destroyed the game I loved to play. What is more disheartening though is the fact they are bringing stuff back in and claiming its new content.. This is how low they have sunk.. Its pathetic...
They need to appologize.. Stick to their publish plan, and quit screwing over their player base..
They need to quit blaming their playerbase (or vets) for the issues they are having... If they want me to be optomistic about the game and write good reviews, then step up and give me a good game to play. They need to quit banning people for asking for answers on their forums about whats going on.
WTF? SOE IS BLAMING WHO?! Youve got to be kidding. If you have a post or link to what you just said proving they blame someone for thier mistakes or "issues" I'd like the link please. That chaps my ass. How the hell is the playerbase to blame for bs the devs do? That takes alot of gal on SOE'S part to do some crap like that.
Not one player asked for the NGE, Not one player I know anyways works as a programmer or designer for SOE, and we sure as hell arent concept artists or the president of that company so how in sam hell are WE to blame for THEM destroying the game? i dont recall throwing together a dump of programming and slapping it into live without telling anyone it was a gamebreaking change.
Not one email did I or anyone I know ever get asking me what I thought about the nge system or if i liked it, NOT ONE DAMN DEV sent me a tell ingame or in test asking my opinion on how things were or did I want this targeting system or cut in professions...and I sure as hell never asked for any of it, only thing me and any other player ever did was try to make the best of a broken incomplete lack of content game with a non existant support system and gameplay that was so bugged its more then likely considered the ant farm of mmo's bugwise.
How again is it our fault?
Ok.. I am referring to their statments (Their referring to Sony Execs/Devs) in numerous interviews about how there was too much reading (McIntyre I beleive made this statment) in the game which is why they went with the NGE (along with the uncle Owen statment that people wanted to be heros and not moisture farmers). There were times where we were constantly referred to as the "Vocal Minority" with intentions that were just evil (evil being my word but they used this term in press interviews about why they were reciveing bad press).Recently, and I will try to find the Link, they made a statment about disgrunteled players I.E. Vocal Minority should not be listned to because we are just that, disgruntled.
I agree with you that this is all of SOE / LA fault... Im jsut saying they have made there case by blaming the Vocal Minority for their bad press. They also stated that they were receiveing a LOT of feedback from players about how the current (Pre CU / CU) systm was to hard, so they did the focus group who gave "us" the NGE. They still refuse to release any info about that group (I.E. current players, ages of people involved, how long they played the game, professions played etc).
By giving "us" the NGE, they claimed its what the Majority wanted... They go on to make statements that its the "vocal minority" who are more or less rocking the boat.
Make your own case about who SOE / LA blames for their bad press and failures in game.. I will try to get the links to back up what i'm trying to say, but its over the span of when the NGE first came out so gimme some time.
Having access to a billion $ IP - Billions of dollars..
Having access to a massive fan base of said IP - Even more Billons...
Singly handedly alienating them due to stupidity - Priceless.
Having access to a billion $ IP - Billions of dollars..
Having access to a massive fan base of said IP - Even more Billons...
Singly handedly alienating them due to stupidity - Priceless.
<ahref=""><img src="" width="450" height="34" /></a>
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
In fact, forget the SWG!!!!
wonder what SOE had to pay to get him from Saddaam Hussein...prolly paying for Husseins lawyers thinking if they can free him then Hussein will be the next SOE VP for Smedley to have around...
We have enough Youth, How about a Fountain of Intelligence?
wonder what SOE had to pay to get him from Saddaam Hussein...prolly paying for Husseins lawyers thinking if they can free him then Hussein will be the next SOE VP for Smedley to have around...
Well, after the regime fell, the guy was unemployed. Guess he found a new role to fit right in.
Some people indeed.
Kote lo'shebs'ul narit
this guy is posting the same post all over the place.
obviously a fraud.
you got outed bro.
SWG is an inferior PRODUCT ...look at the market for MMOS.... ther is NO denying this.
SWG and SOE are dying a long terrible death...and they are taking your money with them to the grave.
ROFL nice one.
Anyways, the guy likes the game so you all have to call him a dev or say he's creating new accounts or something. The game actually is fun, but probably not if you had to grind Jedi pre-NGE. That is the dividing line. Give the guy a break, so he likes the game, put away your tinfoil hats and let this thread die and support the bitchy ones.
"Make your own case about who SOE / LA blames for their bad press and failures in game.."
Yea, went a little overboard there with the reply, my bad. I just didnt like the idea of us being blamed for that I dont see how any player could be.
I fail to see when a player asks for this or that in a game and the devs do the complete opposite makes said person responsible for the mistakes of the guy who thinks, well screwem, Ill just do it my way and if they dont like then...then we just take a loss to our playerbase. I would fire a guy like that if he worked for me. Which is basicly what the people at SOE/LA did, they took what people were posting on the boards how ever the amount of the complaint might have been and did something completely off the wall and nothing close to what the people were asking for in the first place.
Then turn around and try to say o well this is what you wanted?! Which is what smed is doing. No sorry. If a player says the Jedi grind is too hard then you raise xp % a tad or work with the grind time needed or requirements, if a player thinks pvp within the classes is unbalanced you work to balance the classes nad try to explain that each class is unique and serves its own purpose, when a player says this is too hard or that is taking too long you work with it thats what they pay you for, not overhaul the game.
First and foremost you DO SEND OUT EMAILS AND TAKE POLLS, you gather mass opinion from within the base ingame and via forums not take it all and think you can knock it all out with one stone. You DO NOT go outside the game and ask some random fool on the street who has more then likely never played the game or even likes it for that matter what he thinks, you find 10 random people then take what ten people say against what 250k subs want? Hell no you dont, but thats what they did and deny then turn the blame on the playerbase, no again SORRY cause thats exactly what it is, SORRY. Pure malarky, Im callin a BS!
The average SWG player is filled with great suggestions for the game, but taking that suggestion making it off the wall and easier for you to work with and completely different is what happened if anything and its a sorry lazy excuse. Ive read posts about how Smed claims his devs are amongst the top and that he thinks highly of them, if they are as good as he claims then none of these things would have been a problem. their sloution to things like that were the NGE? man please...:/ I have 33 guys working underneath me and I need to dumb the game down because we cant handle it? That tells me he thinks the opposite of this team. I know some of the devs for a fact had jedi and played amongst the base so you KNOW they werent happy.
There isnt one player in that game who thought.. oh this is exactly what I wanted. if anyone is saying that now then that person is an idiot and more then likely doesnt know he's been shafted when he has.
Complaints were part of the game, we all know that, we all had had things we didnt like but for the 5 things we didnt like there 10 things that made it all worth while, worth waiting on a fix for,and finally just hope, HOPE which was what star wars was all about. There is no hope left, thats what people are pissed about, I hoped to be a jedi or a master crafter from being a small moisture farmer to something greater in the bigger scheme, a goal, now I can click on my goal. O.o
The people who played since launch, the people who learned from them and the people who did the grinds they had HOPE... they used it like fuel to go on. One more profession, 80k more xp, one more skill box, one more pearl for my saber...all hope, all determination, all love for the game gone in one week. SOE/LA could have handled this some other way.
Call me a faboi or whatever you want after reading this, I could give a rats behind but its the plain and simple truth IMO.
If he's serious, he has no taste.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
wonder what SOE had to pay to get him from Saddaam Hussein...prolly paying for Husseins lawyers thinking if they can free him then Hussein will be the next SOE VP for Smedley to have around...
Well, after the regime fell, the guy was unemployed. Guess he found a new role to fit right in.
"There is no NGE 2... The infidel Pre-CU Crusaders are disembowled at the gates of Austin. There is also NO Bioware Studios opening at 6th & Central... I hope Julio willl prove this NGE to be the only NGE of Julio, all praises be to him... and SOE..."
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
In fact, forget the SWG!!!!
"The man who exchanges Liberty for Iconic classes is a fool deserving of neither." - Me and Ben Franklin
But each to their own I guess .
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
But each to their own I guess .
ya but at least COV/COH doesnt try to be something its not ...
you wont hear mass advertising por statements from the devs trying to tell you what the game is ...or giving you BS promises of where its going, that never transpire
sure its for casual gamers, sure it doesnt have the depth other mmorpg's have ( crafting or player housing or item hunting)
but its always been " you get what you pay for, you get what you see"
for soe its: " you get something different than we hype it up to be"
But each to their own I guess .
ya but at least COV/COH doesnt try to be something its not ...
you wont hear mass advertising fromt he devs trying to tell you what the game is ...or giving you BS promises of where its going ...
sure its for casual gamers, sure it doesnt have the depth other mmorpg's have ( crafting or player housing or item hunting)
but its always been " you get what you pay for, you get what you see"
for soe its: " you get something different than we hype it up to be"
I'm sorry but , Where did I say SOE is better in anyway ?
But COH/COV is a boring game imo , It is almost exactly like Matrix and that game is horrible .
Getting what you pay for wasn't my point , The point is any game where the character creation is more exciting than the actual gameplay is a boring game IMO .
BTw what do you mean by they advertise their game as something it is not ?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson