I found this pretty interesting website that explains the
Ten DimensionsGo there and click on Imagining the Ten Dimensions.
Its pretty weird but from what he said it seems like there would be more considering the tenth dimension is a dot explaining all universes, but then there would be other 10th dimensions that would be the 11th dimension? Its pretty confuzing but check it out for yourself.
Oh and if the website doesnt load keep trying it seems as if the bandwhith is pretty low.
That was amazing. By the time I reached the 10th dimension, my mind was completely minced! It's explained really well, thanks for posting.
*favorites it*
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Awsome thanks for the advice this is the book right? The Fourth Dimension
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
There are two others that have 11 and 26 dimensions. I dont know much about them but im going to look into it on Wikipedia.
Well, I made it to the 10th dimension completely understanding what the guy was getting at....but now I don't know math anymore!
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Awsome thanks for the advice this is the book right? The Fourth Dimension
that's the one.
also since we're chatting about this stuff, try to get ur hands on a copy of "Not Knot", rare stuff, but good as well
-virtual tourist
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Awsome thanks for the advice this is the book right? The Fourth Dimension
that's the one.
also since we're chatting about this stuff, try to get ur hands on a copy of "Not Knot", rare stuff, but good as well
Great! thank you for the recommendations. Its perfect timing because i was just ordering some stuff off amazon.
The Elegant Universe
-virtual tourist
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Coming from a soon to be science teacher
That is pretty freakin' good.
This is something we have talked about in some of my science classes in college, the way he explained this was very simple to understand. How he used very simple examples in simple ways for some people who know absolutely nothing about science and they understand better than a professor writing all these complex examples on a chalk board.
Great post amigo!
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Very Cool. Simple to understand and it made sense... Thanks for the link!
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Currently M-Theory is the popular choice among physicists. It uses 11 dimensions. String Theory seemed very elegant, that these strings would vibrate like a guitar string and each "note" the string played would cause an effect. Problem was there used to be 5 different String Theories.
Super Gravity and String Theory were merged into M-Theory. The gravity being the 11th which made things fit better. The M stands for membrane, which oscillate like a string but they aren't a line they are a flat sheet (imagine like a bed sheet rippling). The thing about M-Theory is that it allows for Existance before the Big Bang.
Saw that on the Science Channel last week, very interesting it was.
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string thoery was untill recentley thought to be as crazy as witchcraft by the science community now it seems they are starting to come around to the idea they are 2 main string thoeries and its seems it going to re-right the physics text books
clicky and enjoy
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it's interesting and all, but one question that kept circulating in my mind.
is the guy/flash trying to prove the infinity of time? that everything existed for infinity?
there isn't ten dimensions.. theres 11.
quantum physics... live it learn it.
you can literally walk through a solid wall if you attempted to do it enough times. It would take you like a Millenia of trying before you even came close to succeeding but it's possible based on quantum physics...
Thanks for the link though, never seen the show.
The Elegant Universe
I just finished the 3 hour special and i have to say it was very fascinating. It was very easy to understand and it really shocked me on how small the Strings are. And after watching that i dont think ive ever understood gravity so well. Thanks for the link!
So everything is just beginning, as well as ending, and taking every variable possible this very moment - Infinite, infinite is happening, but we just can't see it?
Sounds like horse crap to me. Very fascinating though.
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