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Israel attacks Lebanon, leaving many dead



  • tetsultetsul Member Posts: 1,020

    Originally posted by Anofalye

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm
    Europe is not on the same continent as the war. The Iraq war and the Israeli-Lebanon conflict are both in Asia.

    Turkie want to join the EU and has a border with both, the EU and the Leban.  Leban is on the Mediterranean sea as well as Israel.

    Israel and Leban where part of the Roman Empire while many members of the EU where never.  This conflict is extremely close to EU.

    Turkey doesn't share a border with Lebanon, it shares it with Syria. Not that it's an improvement.

    Now I'm leaving again because it's quite clear J0kerr is an idiot and I can't be bothered.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    You are a very paranoid person.

    Bush has nothing to do with why people don't like Israeli's.

    The reason they don't agree with the Iraq war is not because they want to get elected or hate Bush. (The Democrats were up for the Iraq war too).

    The Democrats are not willing to see America fall. Their methods may differ, but their goals are the same.


    The reason you use the word "hate" so much is because that's how you view world. Hate filled.

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by baff

    You are a very paranoid person.
    Bush has nothing to do with why people don't like Israeli's.
    The reason they don't agree with the Iraq war is not because they want to get elected or hate Bush. (The Democrats were up for the Iraq war too).
    The Democrats are not willing to see America fall. Their methods may differ, but their goals are the same.
    The reason you use the word "hate" so much is because that's how you view world. Hate filled.

    If Democrats are willing to compromise why  do they keep spreading lies about Bush and going against anything and everthing that he says? I am middle of the road, I am very liberial depending on the topic, or very conservative on other topics. I just see the Democrat party as a bunch of nay sayers who have no real plan for anything except to be united under their hatred for Bush and this country. They don't want to better anything they just want power.
  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248
    By saying I am a hate filled person is just a dismissive statement. Its an attempt to make me wrong without proving me wrong. I've seen that tactic before.
  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    I'll bet you have. When you come up with an argument worth reasoning with you might start seeing something new from people.


    Sorry Joker I don't have all the answers for you about Democrats, they don't look any different to the Republicans from where I sit. With regard to the lying, your 21 reasons for war are lies, so if the Democrats are refuting those just because they hate Bush, I would pay a little more attention to people who do things just because they hate Bush if I were you.

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Going to break this conflict down. I will list the two groups that are doing most of the fighting..i will tell you their tell me what they should do:

    Isreal - Survive and then have peace

    Hessbolah (sp) - Kill Jews and destroy Isreal.

    Both stated that these are their goals.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by J0kerr1

    Going to break this conflict down. I will list the two groups that are doing most of the fighting..i will tell you their tell me what they should do:
    Isreal - Kill Hesbollah, Survive and then have peace
    Hessbolah (sp) - Kill Jews and destroy Isreal. And then have peace.

    Both stated that these are their goals.





    What they should do is fight until one side has had enough and then learn to live with the result.

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by baff

    Originally posted by J0kerr1

    Going to break this conflict down. I will list the two groups that are doing most of the fighting..i will tell you their tell me what they should do:
    Isreal - Kill Hesbollah, Survive and then have peace
    Hessbolah (sp) - Kill Jews and destroy Isreal. And then have peace.

    Both stated that these are their goals.





    What they should do is fight until one side has had enough and then learn to live with the result.

    Let me disprove your adjustments.

    Disarm Isreal...what happens? Another holocaust. Hessbolah want to kill Jews and destroy Isreal. Then, as proven with the past, they will attack other areas around them to gain more land. Thats not peace.

    Disarm Hessbolah...what happens? Isreal stops fighting.

    Thats the simple truth of it.


  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Unfortunately another simple truth is that Hisbollah will die before allowing themselves to be disarmed.

    Disarming them isn't proving to be all that simple a solution.


    For the record the stated goal of Hisbollah at the beginning of this conflict was not to destroy Israel, but to get their comrades released from Israeli jails. They wanted to exchange hostages.

  • pistolierpistolier Member Posts: 91

    consider this, lives are far more important than saving face.
    and for you who are religious;
    i believe that your gods would reward you more for saving a life than saving your honour. the right thing to do is ALWAYS the hardest, ponder this a while before defending the actions of any party involved.

    and no, i am not the fountain of spewing virtue.

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by baff

    Unfortunately another simple truth is that Hisbollah will die before allowing themselves to be disarmed.
    Disarming them isn't proving to be all that simple a solution.
    For the record the stated goal of Hisbollah at the beginning of this conflict was not to destroy Israel, but to get their comrades released from Israeli jails. They wanted to exchange hostages.

    One of Hessbolahs chants is death to Isreal. or Isreal will burn in rightoues flames. That would be stating that they want to destroy isreal and kill Jews. That is their stated goal.

    Who said I was religious?

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    I think you have them confused with Hamas.

     As far as I'm aware Hesbollah's goal has never been to destroy Israel it was born as a resistance movement against Israeli occupation of Lebanaon.

    Chanting death to the nation you are at war with is hardly something to get shocked about. Considering they are currently shooting eachother, I think we can take it as wrote that killing is their intention.

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by baff

    I think you have them confused with Hamas.
     As far as I'm aware Hesbollah's goal has never been to destroy Israel it was born as a resistance movement against Israeli occupation of Lebanaon. And the plan to acheive this how? Umm...Destruction of Isreal.
    Chanting death to the nation you are at war with is hardly something to get shocked about. Considering they are currently shooting eachother, I think we can take it as wrote that killing is their intention. They have been chanting ant-isreal and destory iseral chants for a very long time now. Its a theme in the arab world

    *edited for spelling
  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Israel isn't in Lebanon.

    I would imagine they intend to liberate Lebanon from the Israeli's much the same way as they did last time, kill as many invaders as they can until they go home.

    The reason they have been chanting anti Israel slogans for a very long time now is because they have been mortal enemies for a very long time now. And yes, Israel has many enemies.

    I don't find their chants anyway irrational. Quite reasonable in fact, since they actually have some personal motivation to hate each other. So much nicer to see than the blind hate of people with no connection to it.

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by baff

    Israel isn't in Lebanon.
    I would imagine they intend to liberate Lebanon from the Israeli's much the same way as they did last time, kill as many invaders as they can until they go home.
    The reason they have been chanting anti Israel slogans for a very long time now is because they have been mortal enemies for a very long time now. And yes, Israel has many enemies.
    I don't find their chants any more disturbing than I find yours. A lot more reasonable in fact, since they actually have some personal motivation to hate each other.

    If Isreal isn't in Lenanon...and Hessbolah wants to liberate Lebanon from Isreal...well, isn't that done  now. Why is Hessbolah still attacking Isreal?
  • ThomasHolmThomasHolm Member Posts: 34
    Israel has just committed a major blunder.

    A UN observation post was, mistakenly or deliberately, bombed by the Israeli Airforce. Four UN observers were killed.

    It has now been reported, and confirmed bu the IDF, that said observation post contacted their IDF contact at least ten times, warning them about the bombings in the area and confirming that the IDF knows the position of the UN observation post. Still they got bombed.

    That really has me wondering what's going on there. UN observation posts are usually well-marked in white and blue. This one had even confirmed its location with the Israeli armed forces. So for Israel to bomb it... not looking good.

    Also, one of the killed observers was Chinese. China is now shifting from its neutral, not-interested position regarding the Middle East and has begun warning Israel.

    Not the first time Israel attacks foreign observers that might have seen too much. In 1967 Israel attacked the USS Liberty, a US Navy intellgence ship, killing 34 US Navy sailors and injuring 173 more.

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm
    Israel has just committed a major blunder.

    A UN observation post was, mistakenly or deliberately, bombed by the Israeli Airforce. Four UN observers were killed.

    It has now been reported, and confirmed bu the IDF, that said observation post contacted their IDF contact at least ten times, warning them about the bombings in the area and confirming that the IDF knows the position of the UN observation post. Still they got bombed.

    That really has me wondering what's going on there. UN observation posts are usually well-marked in white and blue. This one had even confirmed its location with the Israeli armed forces. So for Israel to bomb it... not looking good.

    Also, one of the killed observers was Chinese. China is now shifting from its neutral, not-interested position regarding the Middle East and has begun warning Israel.

    Not the first time Israel attacks foreign observers that might have seen too much. In 1967 Israel attacked the USS Liberty, a US Navy intellgence ship, killing 34 US Navy sailors and injuring 173 more.

    Oh my god, Isreal made a mistake and hit the wrong target. Not an uncommon thing in war. It does happen. You just want to make Isreal the bad guy. Good try, try again. Loser.
  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by J0kerr1
    If Isreal isn't in Lenanon...and Hessbolah wants to liberate Lebanon from Isreal...well, isn't that done  now. Why is Hessbolah still attacking Isreal?

    They don't have TV where you are from then?

    Israel has invaded Lebanon, they are currently being repulsed by Hisbollah. They are not attacking Israel, Israel is attacking them.


    Hisbollah provoked this invasion when they kidnapped two Israeli Soldiers whom they hoped to ransom in exchange for any two of the thousand odd Hisbollah men kidnapped by Israel. I think a large factor in this provocation was the sympathy felt for the allied cause of Hamas and the beating they were taking for their own kidnapping of an Israeli soldier. I think Hisbollah just wanted to stir things up a little.

    This was a massive miscalculation by Hisbollah and they are paying a heavy price for their stupidity.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm
    Israel has just committed a major blunder.

    A UN observation post was, mistakenly or deliberately, bombed by the Israeli Airforce. Four UN observers were killed.

    Big deal, if you are going to observe wars from the middle of the front lines, what do you expect?
  • ThomasHolmThomasHolm Member Posts: 34

    Originally posted by baff

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm
    Israel has just committed a major blunder.

    A UN observation post was, mistakenly or deliberately, bombed by the Israeli Airforce. Four UN observers were killed.

    Big deal, if you are going to observe wars from the middle of the front lines, what do you expect?

    Actually, this is a big deal. The UN observers are mandated to stay there and to remain there, amongst others by the US and the UK too. They are non-combatants, thus to be excluded from all combat actions. Something made easier by said big markings. A targetted attack on such an observation post is a major blunder.

  • jerryharvey5jerryharvey5 Member Posts: 26

    Yes it is a big blunder but wars are filled with them. Look at Iraq's "Weapons of Mass destruction", A war after the revulutionary war that is very little known was a blunder itself. It was started because Brits were attacking American ships. We went to war with them about a week after they signed a paper saying British ships cant attack american but because of low news rate we got creamed but still won. And in Vietnam war USA droped a very deadly gas to try to wipe uot the chinese and hit our own guys. My grandpop was hit by it and had a coupole other things and white bloodcell count in the hundred and was in medical terms dead and amazingly recoverd and is still alive We also made a lot of mistaks by giving Iraq weapons to fight another country and Iran, ii think, uranium to make a nuclear "reactor" or what ever they are calling it ofr energy. But its probable being used for weapons. That thing that heppened in the Isreal/Lebanon war is sad but wars are full of them, and if wars arnt like that and had peace everywhere they would happen even more frequent.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm

    Actually, this is a big deal. The UN observers are mandated to stay there and to remain there, amongst others by the US and the UK too. They are non-combatants, thus to be excluded from all combat actions. Something made easier by said big markings. A targetted attack on such an observation post is a major blunder.

    Having a mandate to stand in the middle of a hail of bombs doesn't mean you should. Even if the U.S. and the U.K. say it is OK for you to do so, it isn't. They aren't anything like the only non combatants to get targetted and killed so far. (There will be plenty more to come). And it won't make a blind bit of difference to the outcome of this war. (Although it might sell a few newspapers).

  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by baff

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm

    Actually, this is a big deal. The UN observers are mandated to stay there and to remain there, amongst others by the US and the UK too. They are non-combatants, thus to be excluded from all combat actions. Something made easier by said big markings. A targetted attack on such an observation post is a major blunder.

    Having a mandate to stand in the middle of a hail of bombs doesn't mean you should. They aren't anything like the only non combatants to get targetted and killed. And it won't make a blind bit of difference to the outcome of this war. (Although it might sell a few newspapers).

    Drink deep of the cool-aid.
  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457
    I bet you hate cool-aid.
  • J0kerr1J0kerr1 Member Posts: 248

    Originally posted by baff
    I bet you hate cool-aid.

    I only like the cool-aid I make....not the cool-aid I am told to drink that is made by others. And that damn annoying glass guy busting through my wall, I hate that.  "OH YEAH!!!"
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