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Israel attacks Lebanon, leaving many dead



  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by Fariic

    American extremists dont strap bombs to thier themselves and walk into the middle of a crowded market full of innocent people.  American extremists dont kidnap civillians and soldiers and use them in an attept to free other extremists to that they have more men to strap bombs to themselves.

    American extremists have Stealth bombers. And when they kidnap soldiers and civilians they do altogether different things to them entirely. 
  • ThomasHolmThomasHolm Member Posts: 34


    Still don't see anything in that quote about displacement of citizens. You made that up. I just read through the convention again, it isn't in there. Only some stuff about letting them evacuate if they want to.

    Read between the lines. It is inferred. An armed force cannot order a civilian population to leave. They can ask them to, but not order it. If th civilian population chooses not to leave, then the armed force must, within reasonable limits, work around them. They can't just say 'You were warned' and bomb it all to pieces.

    I think the Lebanese government would love to get Hezbollah out of Lebanon, they just don't have the means to it. They just ended 18 years of Israeli occuation followed by 6 years of Syrian occupation. The NYC Police is better armed than the Lebanese Army. Give their armed forces the physical means to remove Hezbollah, tanks, small arms, figghter jets, a navy, and they'll do it in full compliance with UN resolution  1559.

    They might then however ask that Israel then follows UN resolutions 106,111, 127, 162, 171, 228, 237, 248, 250, 251, 252, 256, 259, 262,
    265, 270, 271, 279, 280, 285, 298, 313, 316, 317, 332, 337, 347, 425,
    427, 444, 446, 450, 452, 465, 467, 468, 469, 471, 476, 478, 484, 487,
    497, 498, 501, 509, 515, 517, 518, 520, 573, 587, 592, 605, 607, 608,
    636, 641, 672, 673, 681, 694, 726, and 799, which Israel sofar all ignores.
  • TurddTurdd Member Posts: 47

    Things work differently over there there is no diplomacy and it is only used to slow an enemy down such as they use it against israel. They live with constant fear of bombs flying over to them and now they decided to protect their citizens and armed forces which saddens me that we did not do it against North Korea when they attacked our soldiers. I praise israel for doing what neds to be done and doing it fast, they're not going to wait for the U.N. to talk for a year and get no where they are taking action and doing it well I might add.

     If they don't act now they will just be attacked again and again like when they backed off and suddenly rockets flew into their city. I understand civilaians are dieing but then again this is war and there will be casualties. I think the most important thing people have to understand is that Israel is looking out for their lives first and others second which is what has to be done when leading a country.  And to those who claim its just terroist and not the country, how do you distinguish between a terroist or civilian? Do they have signs that I missed?

  • ShizofrenicShizofrenic Member Posts: 7

    Why doesn't the US do something to prevent war? I thought the US was "The biggest force on the earth" :S so why don't they send some troops in there to drive off the troops of Israël...?

  • vortigen7vortigen7 Member Posts: 116

    Originally posted by OneMuslim

    well there now you have it, Israel going on a rampage attacking everyone around them, and then they expect no one to retaliate, and whoever retaliates is deemed terrorist...

    I seem to recall it was Hezbollah whom crossed into Israel and kidnapped/killed some soldiers there, and that is what prompted this retaliation. Simply because Hezbollah doesn't hit Israel with an all-out attack does not mean that Israel has to endure it, much less retaliate in the same manner or capabilities of Hezbollah. Had Hezbollah the strength of Israel, they would have used it instead of resorting to the bullying and cowardly tactics they're known for. They chose to stir up the hornets nest, now let them be prepared for the stings as a result of thier actions.

    And as far as Lebanon's people being caught up in the middle, the Lebanese government should have not let Hezbollah create a haven in the south side of their country to begin with, nor allow Syrian/Iraninan influence to continue to funnel equipment down there. The indifference of the Lebanese in the south is just as much to blame for what's happened, because they tolerated the presence of Hezbollah in their country. They tolerated Hezbollah because Hezbollah could do what Lebanon could not, by remaining a thorn in the side of Israel. Yet now the actions of Hezbollah are backlashing on the population who harbors them. Too bad, so sad. If the people believed Israel would just sit back and take it, they learned otherwise, the hard way.

    This Hezbollah attack, it is well known, was a diversionary tactic from Iran, to move the world's attention from the nuclear issues there. The world, including most Arab nations, understand it was Hezbollah who overstepped their bounds, and are thus responsible for what has happened.

    I am no friend, nor foe, of Israel, but I know that when someone hits you with the intent to do harm, that you hit them back even harder so they'll be incapable of hitting you again. You seem to forget, Israel is not a Christian nation, however Arabs, Jews, and Christians all have the same God. The Jews are the descendants of  Isaac, while the Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, and both were sons of Abraham. Yet, even so, the Christian God is still the same God as both of these...its only mans teachings and traditions which have differentiated them. My point here is that Israel's teachings are "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth", so if Hezbollah strikes Israel what did they expect in return? They believed themselves safe in Lebanon, hiding in thier holes...striking only as a snake when a child passes. However, this time they bit more than a child...but an angry father wielding a sword.

    To the original poster, next time leave political topics off game boards because we're not here to listen to what you think that others should do, feel, or behave like. Just as you didn't have anything to do with what occured in the Middle East, none of us did here either, so don't get upset when we don't feel or think as you do. As if anything said on this forum is going to make a difference over there.

  • vortigen7vortigen7 Member Posts: 116

    Just an off-note here, because I don't wish to edit/add to a previous post of mine but...why would the orignial poster even have a religiously conotated member name? Being proud of your religious belief is one thing, but showcasing it in such a manner is false piety and you're using is as a basis to be a spokesperson for the entire religion. You're really not that special.

    This is a game forum.

  • DabbleDabble Member Posts: 1,043

    yes, no one here gives a damn.

  • vortigen7vortigen7 Member Posts: 116

    Originally posted by OneMuslim

    I can understand where is everyone coming from, seeing islam as an intolerant religion, and a religion of war and such, these views are hardcorely taken from Iran, i understand that.
    however Iran only represents the She'a sect of Islam, which is around less than 30% of the total muslims.
    are the other 70% just like Iran? HELL NO WAY BABY.
    The She'a are an extremist sect, they teach to kill even their brother muslims just because they do not follow their ways.
    and from where do people ( westerners ) take islam from? from She'a, isn't this just sad?

    The USA gave power to the Khumainy, then people revolted against him, he escpaed to Canada and died there, that scumbag Khumainy, leaving so much confusion and misery, then the Shah came after him, and did no good, actually he did much worse, he totally destroyed the ideals of true Islam and instituted his own beliefs, the She'a beliefs, which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
    and all of this because of who? USA, UN, and their masters, why? to control the middle east in the long process, and who's paying the price? the rest of the innocent and peaceful muslims.

    There you go claiming the She'a are not Islamic, just because you are not She'a. You claim the She'a are the bad minority, so then why doesn't the good majority get rid of them? Duh. Obviously they're not the minority where it matters if they're the ones in charge, and thus they get the bad publicity.

    You lump all other religions together, so why should we think one Islamic sect different from all the others? There are different denominations of Judaism, as well as Christianity, but you group them all together and say Jews are bad or Christians are bad, simply because some of their number might do something you feel incorrect...and then instead of labeling them as individuals, you label them under the name of their religion or their country.

    Take your rhetoric elsewhere. As I've said before, this is a gaming forum.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm
    Read between the lines. It is inferred.

    Do not Read between the lines.

    It is not infered. The Geneva Convention is a deliberately worded article. There is no room in it for your personal inference. Every article is specified. Each signiture has given any specific exceptions that it will or won't agree to. Just read the words. If the words aren't written they aren't part of the convention.

    As for removing Hezbollah, I concur that the Lebanese cgovernment does not have the capability (even if it had the will), the best equiped force in the world to do that job is the IDF. And even they failed before. Maybe they will have better luck this time. Maybe not.

    Given that you invent Geneva conventions to reinforce your political point of view, I hope you will excuse me if I don't bother to look up any of your U.N. resolutions. I am willing to believe that both sides regularly fail to comply with them. But unwilling to believe one side does more than the other.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by Shizofrenic

    Why doesn't the US do something to prevent war? I thought the US was "The biggest force on the earth" :S so why don't they send some troops in there to drive off the troops of Israël...?

    That would be the Russians.
  • BiteyBitey Member Posts: 356

    Mabye this just me, but does anyone see the similarities between World War I start and the Israel-Lebanon conflict?

    The proxy war, system of alliances, the longtime racial and religious tentions, terrorist groups starting a conflict resulting in the destruction of the host country, the "blank check" response of the most powerful of the alliances and the massive retaliations against the "offending" country as a whole without real ultimatums?

  • ZykeZyke Member Posts: 335

    Originally posted by Bitey

    Mabye this just me, but does anyone see the similarities between World War I start and the Israel-Lebanon conflict?
    The proxy war, system of alliances, the longtime racial and religious tentions, terrorist groups starting a conflict resulting in the destruction of the host country, the "blank check" response of the most powerful of the alliances and the massive retaliations against the "offending" country as a whole without real ultimatums?

    Nothing personal, but please not this again. If I had a (insert random small valued item) for everytime I had that, I'd have a lot more (insert item from above here) than I would ever know what to do with.

    It's a regional conflict. This isn't the first, and I highly doubt it will be the last.

  • BiteyBitey Member Posts: 356

    Originally posted by Zyke

    Originally posted by Bitey

    Mabye this just me, but does anyone see the similarities between World War I start and the Israel-Lebanon conflict?
    The proxy war, system of alliances, the longtime racial and religious tentions, terrorist groups starting a conflict resulting in the destruction of the host country, the "blank check" response of the most powerful of the alliances and the massive retaliations against the "offending" country as a whole without real ultimatums?

    Nothing personal, but please not this again. If I had a (insert random small valued item) for everytime I had that, I'd have a lot more (insert item from above here) than I would ever know what to do with.

    It's a regional conflict. This isn't the first, and I highly doubt it will be the last.

    Techincally, the conflict between Austria and Serbia was just a minor regional conflict as well. Many only thought it was just one-of-many Balkans conflicts. The balkans like the middle east was considered to be the powder keg of it's day.

    So using the loaded word "regional conflict" is meaningless.

  • KyorutoKyoruto Member Posts: 794
    You know since nobody wants to be smart and say hey lets think this through and talk about it. I really couldn't care less. Why do I say that? Because if people want to fight and kill civilians and call them collateral damage; then they don't deserve to be called humans. I mean civilians die in conflict, but most people don't go oh OK that's fine. Or target them and make up an excuse to of done so. If people want to be stupid and kill each-other without resolving anything. Then it has become their own fucking problem. Hating someone for a religion is ridiculous. That's why I don't believe in any one, but my own. There is a diplomatic solution to everything. It's ignorance that begets the destruction we see.

    Siehst du mich
    Erkennst du mich
    Ganz tief in meinem Herz
    ist noch ein Platz f?r dich
    Ich suche dich
    Ich sehne mich
    nach dem was ich geliebt hab
    doch ich find es nicht

  • ZykeZyke Member Posts: 335

    Originally posted by Kyoruto
    You know since nobody wants to be smart and say hey lets think this through and talk about it. I really couldn't care less. Why do I say that? Because if people want to fight and kill civilians and call them collateral damage; then they don't deserve to be called humans. I mean civilians die in conflict, but most people don't go oh OK that's fine. Or target them and make up an excuse to of done so. If people want to be stupid and kill each-other without resolving anything. Then it has become their own fucking problem. Hating someone for a religion is ridiculous. That's why I don't believe in any one, but my own. There is a diplomatic solution to everything. It's ignorance that begets the destruction we see.

    You have a giant problem with your idea. Diplomacy will NOT always work, and a good amount of times it won't. In order for diplomacy to work, both sides have to be willing to seriously negotiate. When one side says "Our requirements for peace are that you either A. Die, or B. leave every single inch of land you have" then it's not likely that diplomacy will work.

    And please, no crap about hostage swaps. If Israel releases prisoners for the hostages, all it will do is say "Hey, kidnap more of our soldiers, and you'll get your way!" To think otherwise is just, well, stupid.

    On an added note, Civilians get killed in war. Get over it. It's not a good think, but move on, it happens. It always has, and it almost certainly will. The idea is to reduce civilian casualties, but no one realistically expects there to be none, especially when one of the fighting groups hides amongst them routinely.

  • TurddTurdd Member Posts: 47

    Originally posted by Zyke

    Originally posted by Kyoruto
    You know since nobody wants to be smart and say hey lets think this through and talk about it. I really couldn't care less. Why do I say that? Because if people want to fight and kill civilians and call them collateral damage; then they don't deserve to be called humans. I mean civilians die in conflict, but most people don't go oh OK that's fine. Or target them and make up an excuse to of done so. If people want to be stupid and kill each-other without resolving anything. Then it has become their own fucking problem. Hating someone for a religion is ridiculous. That's why I don't believe in any one, but my own. There is a diplomatic solution to everything. It's ignorance that begets the destruction we see.

    You have a giant problem with your idea. Diplomacy will NOT always work, and a good amount of times it won't. In order for diplomacy to work, both sides have to be willing to seriously negotiate. When one side says "Our requirements for peace are that you either A. Die, or B. leave every single inch of land you have" then it's not likely that diplomacy will work.

    And please, no crap about hostage swaps. If Israel releases prisoners for the hostages, all it will do is say "Hey, kidnap more of our soldiers, and you'll get your way!" To think otherwise is just, well, stupid.

    On an added note, Civilians get killed in war. Get over it. It's not a good think, but move on, it happens. It always has, and it almost certainly will. The idea is to reduce civilian casualties, but no one realistically expects there to be none, especially when one of the fighting groups hides amongst them routinely.

    100% true Israel is doing what needs to be doen in order to protect their country and their lives. I am sadden that civilians are dieing but it is happening in Israel too it happens in war all the time and can't be avoided. Their life over there is completly different, you can be killed by a bomb any time of the die unlike in America where I doubt we will se a bomb fall out of the sky anytime soon.
  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    I'd take that "routinely hides amongst civilians" with a pinch of salt if I were you Zyke.

    They say the same about us on Al Jazeera. Our troops give out sweets to keep the kids close, you will hear alot about mosques and schools being used by soldiers. Take note that our own snipers take positions in schools because they are the most defensive buildings in the average village. The most defensive buildings in most communties are churchs and schools. They have room for large numbers of people and clear fields of fire. High points, thick walls and all the rest. Of course the usually omit to mention that there are no children in these schools at the time. IDF use family members for human shields when raiding peoples homes. Smart tactic, they tale a lot of prisoners this way.

    If ever we blow up a civilian the enemy makes a great propaganda victory out of it.



    Only they are not the only ones who know to use propaganda to their advantage in war.

    The pictures of Hisbollah rocket launches I saw on TV today were all outside centres of population. Unlike invading armies, those civilians our enemies are reputedly hiding behind are their own families. Be careful what you buy into. The media war is part of the battleplan.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm

    Originally posted by baff

    Sneaking back on topic I have actually been quite impressed by Israeli discipline and targetting so far in this engagement. I'm not sure how long it will last but I thought they had recognisably not lost the plot so far. Of course this may degenerate over time, especially with the inclusion fo reservist troops at the frontline.

    Personally I'm not too impressed. The destruction of the newly built Beirut Lighthouse on the Corniche, the Beirut harbour promenade, is a good example. No military function, says who? almost purely built as a sign of Beirut's renewal after decades of civil war and to serve its yacht harbour, yet the Israelis destroyed it on day one. They may claim dual-use (military and civilian), it doesn't fly for me. No offense, but the Left takes sides with the Muslims all the time, so I am going to assume you are a military hating Democrat (left).  So therefore you are a Democrat second guessing military matters.  I don't know what is funnier, Democrats taking sides with Muslims, Democrats giving scientific advice about scientific matters (Global Warming), or Democrats giving their opinions on military matters.  It is known that Democrats study liberal arts and not science, it is known that Democrats would rather run to Canada then join the hated mlitary.  If there is a constant in this world it is that you don't listen to hysterically emotionall people about logical and/or scientific matters.  If Syria is supporting Hezbollah, they'd do so by land, not through a harbour that is watched by the Lebanese Chrstians and Druse as well. Same for Beiruts newly-built airport.  Democrats theorizing about tactical matters, oooh, that smells.

    As for the Israeli claims that they are warning the population to move away from the warzone, that too is both deeply ironic and border-line war crime. Ironic, for how exacly is the civilian population to withdraw into safety when the roads, railraods and bridges have been bombed to impassability? Border-line war crimes, because displacing civilians in war is illegal under the Geneva Conventions.   Democrats theorizing about strategic military matters (holds nose).  That stinks.

    Terrorism is a crime., not an act-of-war. Arrest them, put them through the mills of justice like any other criminal and incarcerate them for life. Until the terrorists kidnap your soldiers and demand that you release the terrorists in your jails.  By declaring them military targets you glorify them and their actions as brave resistance against whatever. By executing them you glorify them as martyrs for the faith.

    I suggest (totally serious) we take these actions to make the Democrats wake the hell up.  And if they don't wake up, well all is good, the world is better off without them.

    1)  Randomly shell DNC meeting areas with artillery.

    2)  Place IED's in DNC meeting areas, and blow up prominent Democrat cars.

    3)  Arrest Democrats and behead them.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm


    I am not familiar with any Geneva convention against the displacement of citizens, If you don't mind, I'd like to call you out on that one. I've had a little browse on Google but come up blank, any chance of a link so that I might educate myself better.

    Protocol I, Art. 50 & 51, condensed

    The civilian population comprises all persons who are civilians. (Protocol I, Art. 50, Sec. 2)

    The civilian population is protected under the Geneva Conventions and these protections are not affected by the presence of combatants in the population. (Protocol I, Art. 50, Sec. 3)

    These protections include the right to be free from attacks, reprisals, acts meant to instill terror, and indiscriminate attacks. Civilian populations must not be used as civilian shields. (Protocol I, Art. 51)

    I agree, Israel has the right to be free from terrorist attacks, reprisals, terrorist acts to instil terrorism, and terroristic indiscriminate attacks.  Yes, Terrorists should not use Civilian populatoins as human shields.  *yawn* 

    Protocol I, Art. 50 & 51, condensed
      The civilian population comprises all persons who are civilians. (Protocol I, Art. 50, Sec. 2)The civilian population is protected under the Geneva Conventions and these protections are not affected by the presence of combatants in the population. (Protocol I, Art. 50, Sec. 3)These protections include the right to be free from attacks, reprisals, acts meant to instill terror, and indiscriminate attacks. Civilian populations must not be used as civilian shields. (Protocol I, Art. 51)I agree, Israel has the right to be free from terrorist attacks, reprisals, terrorist acts to instil terrorism, and terroristic indiscriminate attacks.  Yes, Terrorists should not use Civilian populatoins as human shields.  *yawn* 

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm

    Originally posted by Fariic

    American extremists dont strap bombs to thier themselves and walk into the middle of a crowded market full of innocent people.  American extremists dont kidnap civillians and soldiers and use them in an attept to free other extremists to that they have more men to strap bombs to themselves.


    One name: Timothy McVeigh.

    Timothy McVeigh didn't strap bombs on himself, walk into crowded markets.  Timothy McVeigh didn't kidnap anyone.  Little details.
  • ZykeZyke Member Posts: 335

    Originally posted by Nerf09

    Originally posted by ThomasHolm

    Originally posted by baff

    Sneaking back on topic I have actually been quite impressed by Israeli discipline and targetting so far in this engagement. I'm not sure how long it will last but I thought they had recognisably not lost the plot so far. Of course this may degenerate over time, especially with the inclusion fo reservist troops at the frontline.

    Personally I'm not too impressed. The destruction of the newly built Beirut Lighthouse on the Corniche, the Beirut harbour promenade, is a good example. No military function, says who? almost purely built as a sign of Beirut's renewal after decades of civil war and to serve its yacht harbour, yet the Israelis destroyed it on day one. They may claim dual-use (military and civilian), it doesn't fly for me. No offense, but the Left takes sides with the Muslims all the time, so I am going to assume you are a military hating Democrat (left).  So therefore you are a Democrat second guessing military matters.  I don't know what is funnier, Democrats taking sides with Muslims, Democrats giving scientific advice about scientific matters (Global Warming), or Democrats giving their opinions on military matters.  It is known that Democrats study liberal arts and not science, it is known that Democrats would rather run to Canada then join the hated mlitary.  If there is a constant in this world it is that you don't listen to hysterically emotionall people about logical and/or scientific matters.  If Syria is supporting Hezbollah, they'd do so by land, not through a harbour that is watched by the Lebanese Chrstians and Druse as well. Same for Beiruts newly-built airport.  Democrats theorizing about tactical matters, oooh, that smells.

    As for the Israeli claims that they are warning the population to move away from the warzone, that too is both deeply ironic and border-line war crime. Ironic, for how exacly is the civilian population to withdraw into safety when the roads, railraods and bridges have been bombed to impassability? Border-line war crimes, because displacing civilians in war is illegal under the Geneva Conventions.   Democrats theorizing about strategic military matters (holds nose).  That stinks.

    Terrorism is a crime., not an act-of-war. Arrest them, put them through the mills of justice like any other criminal and incarcerate them for life. Until the terrorists kidnap your soldiers and demand that you release the terrorists in your jails.  By declaring them military targets you glorify them and their actions as brave resistance against whatever. By executing them you glorify them as martyrs for the faith.

    I suggest (totally serious) we take these actions to make the Democrats wake the hell up.  And if they don't wake up, well all is good, the world is better off without them.

    1)  Randomly shell DNC meeting areas with artillery.

    2)  Place IED's in DNC meeting areas, and blow up prominent Democrat cars.

    3)  Arrest Democrats and behead them.

    I don't consider myself a Democrat or Republican, I vote for whoever seems to have the better candidate. You, however, are an idiot.

    Not all democrats are the same. Oh wait, but you're obviously a republican. That means your a shotgun wielding-lawyer shooting- christian fanatic- oil company bitch who has plenty of balls but lacks that thing called a brain.

    See, I can flame and stereotype too. Not all Republicans are as I described above, but some are. Most aren't in fact. Same applies with democrats.

    Oh, and just because some are against the war or Bush's policies doesn't mean they are pro-muslim and anti-American. Personally, I'm very pro-American and very pro-bomb the crap out of our enemies. That doesn't mean I ridicule those with other opnions though. I only do it to you in response.

    As for the science comment, it wasn't just one guy going around who put together some movie with facts that he made up. As much as you like to hide in your hole and try to make the bad things go away, chances are Global Warming is real. Suck it up. Either way, we need to get rid of oil dependancy, which even *pretending* Global Warming is real will do.

    But wait, you're a republican, so you're one of the oil companies' bitches and won't do anything that could possibly hurt their profit.

    Stop being an idiot.

    (Normally I don't flame, but I figured this one was called for).

    Just for the record, I also disagree with ThomasHolm's post, and I have a post somewhere above this or on a previous page as well disagreeing with it. I try to be civil though and not act like an idiot. You should try too. If you can, anyway.

  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by vipjerry

    Originally posted by Fariic

    American extremists dont strap bombs to thier themselves and walk into the middle of a crowded market full of innocent people.  American extremists dont kidnap civillians and soldiers and use them in an attept to free other extremists to that they have more men to strap bombs to themselves...

    I hope its not all Americans that stupid. This article is 10 years old.

    Learn more about your history first.

    Democrats love Timothy McVeigh.  They say that they don't like him, but deep down inside and privately they thank Timothy McVeigh for giving them rhetorical ammunition to use against Israelis and Conservatives.  Basically Timothy McVeigh gives Democrats strength as they conspire with Muslim terrorists.
  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by baff

    Originally posted by Fariic

    American extremists dont strap bombs to thier themselves and walk into the middle of a crowded market full of innocent people.  American extremists dont kidnap civillians and soldiers and use them in an attept to free other extremists to that they have more men to strap bombs to themselves.

    American extremists have Stealth bombers. And when they kidnap soldiers and civilians they do altogether different things to them entirely. 

    ^^^One day we are going to have to make a choice.  Freedom of speech/religion for these freaks on one hand, or terrorism.
  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by vortigen7

    Just an off-note here, because I don't wish to edit/add to a previous post of mine but...why would the orignial poster even have a religiously conotated member name? Being proud of your religious belief is one thing, but showcasing it in such a manner is false piety and you're using is as a basis to be a spokesperson for the entire religion. You're really not that special.
    This is a game forum.

    You are talking about Democrats here.  There is no action too low, no lie too big, no life too small, for the great DNC.
  • Nerf09Nerf09 Member CommonPosts: 2,953

    Originally posted by Zyke

    Originally posted by Bitey

    Mabye this just me, but does anyone see the similarities between World War I start and the Israel-Lebanon conflict?
    The proxy war, system of alliances, the longtime racial and religious tentions, terrorist groups starting a conflict resulting in the destruction of the host country, the "blank check" response of the most powerful of the alliances and the massive retaliations against the "offending" country as a whole without real ultimatums?

    Nothing personal, but please not this again. If I had a (insert random small valued item) for everytime I had that, I'd have a lot more (insert item from above here) than I would ever know what to do with.

    It's a regional conflict. This isn't the first, and I highly doubt it will be the last.

    Pay no attention to these ignorant boobs Bitey.

    Yes the similarities to ww1 is astounding.

This discussion has been closed.