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  • KingleopoldKingleopold Member Posts: 26

    Sure some of the PETA people are way to demanding/ violent, but there's a lot of really unnessessary stuff out there that's going on.  Case in point.  Welch's grape Juice got caught slicing open the guts of animals and pumping them full of grape juice.  They wanted to see if anything went right (IE the puppy died slower), after the grape juice infusion.  Sure, if Welch's brand grape juice was a cure-all, the experiment would be worth it.  However, there's no reason at this time for reserchers to suspect it helps, thus the killing was a waste.

    PETA blew the lid off the experiements, and got them stopped.  Certainly this is ethical?

  • 94Z0794Z07 Member Posts: 112

    I have to laugh when you cite "A synopsis of a Senate Agricultural Committee report" without telling us just who made said synopsis. It was none other than Scripps Howard. Do you think they're a news organization that's fair and ballanced? They have taken a stand both financially and editorially as an advocacy group for envionmental concerns. Why not simply site PETA in support of PETA if you're going to do that? Scrips Howard fires people when they dare to take a biotech or agro-business friendly view. Scrrps Howard also funds the "Scripps Howard Institute on the Environment."

    Care to cite the actual Senate report?

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