Yeah, this would give me some time to get some things done around the house and maybe have some friends help me. My main problem is these spiders upstairs, they are bigger than my palm. I tried to take them out with a butcher knife but it didn't…
doesn't this sound more like something that belongs in a warhammer fantasy RPG:
nice vid's. I'm redoing this one, it's a clip before the first cut premiere..which I can't find atm. Sound wasn't edited in this one..the original (where-ever it's at) was 12 minutes. It went from a comic into paint and will come out soon as vector …
I would think that which-ever can utiliize a system such as this would be most successful: Granted they geared it more for an MMO.
(vague machinima idea)
he slurs, "yeah doc, I just need a little nip and tuck and these tattoos removed..nah, don't touch the hair"
..he glances at his watch on the surgical table. This was sloppy, he should've already been way out of town,…