If Cryptic start again from scratch then I can understand but it's hard to believe that there wont be some BS that will bleed through from PE's original product.
All that they have used from PE is some art work. They have been working on th…
Originally posted by darwa
Originally posted by jinxit
If Cryptic go with there COX character naming policy with STO we wil probably see a lot of fleets being called GenericFleet_105.
That's along the lines of what I was thinking.
I hear you Baxslash. This game will be VERY different. This web site is a little behind on news. Go to www.startrekonline.com they have a couple of new screenshots and interviews from the last week or so.
The idea of everyone as "Master" of their vessal is the only way to go. What if no one else on your crew can play when you want to? You'd be left doing diagnostics and that would blow!!