Will you be able to name thralls? Perhaps similar to minecraft which you can use nametags to name animals and other npcs, could we perhaps have a collar that is craftable to name thralls, or the to be added mounts? Thanks for your time!
I don't have the best internet, it just qualifies as high speed. I LOVE what I've seen so far of Wildstar. I have concerns about the action combat, however. Are you all keeping those of us who aren't in major cities, who have less than ideal inte…
I think there many causes for as you put the tear down mentality and no one factor can be blamed. One I don't see touched on is firstly people spend years getting kicked around in one way or another by some MMO developers. Sometimes it's small …
I am thrilled about SWTOR. My friends and I were screaming and cheering on vent when the pre-orders dropped. We experienced the excitement of anticipation together!
Do I like everything about it, nope. Do I think it …