I was one of the many disappointed players at launch. I have not been back so I really cant say much about how far the game has advanced since. But, imo, it would be best for the life of this game to model after DDO LOTRO.
It has been a very long time since I played this game. I would love to come back to the game. Since I am a pretty casual gammer, if some one could answer some questions first who is still playing I would appriciate this a great deal.
1. Hard to…
Nice article- Lets talk what they didn't do and could had made this list- the protection of the players accounts. There has been thousands of accounts comprimised since launched. With the amount off MMOs coming out- the first thing first imo is "W…
I for one is tired of looking at LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG LFG in the chat channels. Thus you NEED a dungeon finder of some type. Its going to be BAD enough to here the bull ^%$# kids talking anout their body parts and treating people like c…
WTF Who cares who is better as long as they are great games to enjoy- 2 each their own! I will be happy as long as Bioware dont do a Conan bomb on us! And both developers are good. I really don't think none of them really flopped in any of their…