Originally posted by Ren54
Originally posted by Donloko
I have been playing rift for the last 2 weeks and I think that most of the things that this game offers are cheap rip-offs from wow not nearly as well made , except the crafting syste…
If there is a problem on opening a new thread on this issue an administrator can lock it or delete it
Until then the fact that im not personaly attacking anybody and I try being constructive with the few people with even a diferent opinion from m…
I said I respect every opinion
But very few people have suported their arguments with facts
Half of the posters here acuse me for trying to bury rift
I dont give a #$&% if rift and wow survives or not or they population goes down
Originally posted by rwmiller
Originally posted by Donloko
The magic of the first months at wow launch will never come back…
Is Rift an amazing game with innovation dribbling from every pixel? No. Is it a bad game? No. It is wha…
I agree with most of the comments here , and myself I am indeed burned out of wow
But rift still misses a lot to come nearly close to wow quality standards
Which is fair because wow has been running for years
I just felt that It do…
There is 12 day trial go and check it out ,
Download from here
As for the rest of your questions check the forum there have been thousands of posts answering them.
Mate all i want to say is not take sho seriusly , you can find idiots in any game and in alla life in general , just smile and get back on It even create a new account and start from scratch
Ok we got it , we understood you feel sad , stop posting the same thing in every thread , crying here and there wont make any diference.
Welcome to the game mate hope you enjoy your stay.
Originally posted by Kaiserjager
Originally posted by Donloko
Plain simple for those that thinking of checking the game again , stop reading forums go patch the game and as soon you get in you got a 12 day trial period waiting for you no matte…
Plain simple for those that thinking of checking the game again , stop reading forums go patch the game and as soon you get in you got a 12 day trial period waiting for you no matter if you are a new or old player.
For the rest go play wow
Ok I didint predict when i made this thread that It will lead up to this dispute , ill try at least make It constractive.
I might have one post on the forums , but i read the forums here in mmorpg for over a year and never had reaaly something…
Thanks mate
I rolled a spanish privateer in Roberts server , after I deleted my french past
I always new that this game had grate potential and can become a success
Ive played many mmos and i think this one is very well made .