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I enjoy various MMORPGs and have played a majority of the most popular. Currently, I'm actually interested in game programming, game art and all things related to clean, optimized XNA code.


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  • If "FaceBook" were a small part of the game, that would be begrudgingly fine. But, as FaceBook is required, it's a waste of time. Pick another social network, or at least create your own, before creating a useful little game. Are there any screens…
  • One game you dream of won't fix everything. How are developers supposed to add exciting and unique features whilst appeasing a crowd of traditionalist gamers who're in love with the way things are? It would certainly be a feat I'd give applause ov…
  • I understand what you mean. But there are many players who'll go for "brands"; they will sign up for a game without hearing anything about it simply because it's made by their favourite company. Lots of people remain loyal to a certain franchise o…
  • I've found many MMO games to be lonely and would love to see games where there's a larger focus upon community; not just joining a guild for convenience, but to actually have interaction with other players mean something. For now, I must admit tha…
  • Please note: I would rather not disqualify a game before testing it, much like judging a book by its color, however I cannot see myself getting into this game. But, my personal interests involve browser-based MMORP games or MORP games: I'll at leas…
  • Perhaps this person was not actually a game journalist; adult players aren't likely to act in such a way unless they're extremely frustrated and at the end of their rope, but MMORPGs allow one to be whoever they'd like to be. Obviously, this is part…
  • I'd choose a good, strong PSU with a very quiet fan, so that it wouldn't interrupt my gaming. The mouse would likely be a Microsoft optical mouse; they've never steered me wrong in the past. As for keyboards, I recently bought a Logitech wireless …