LOL no skill in group pvp? LOLOLOLOL i dont know what "PvP" games you have played but your completely wrong. All "PvP"(the few there are) are going to be "gankfests" if your running around solo. Every game i have played even if its a 2v1 thats consi…
Yea i was gunnaa ask about that someone said it took 10k to build a city? Thats not very muhc if you have a guild doing i could see them being up with in hours lol.
No ,i think it will keep them afloat for a few more days but if they cant get the eqiup to properly release the software and hold the client base that obvioulsy wants on, they can patch all they want
Heh yea i hear ya, i went to EQ for a while (well i say a while but it was more like years) on RZ(PVP) and that actually was fun for a while. Till POP came out and the devs let people come over from other servers geared =(. So it made me abit soft …
I dont want the Wowers to run off , i want the noob battles in hopes they will learn what a pvp game is about and get decent enuff to give real battles later on. Domination is great till there is no domination to be had.
Welcome to the light sir! I played Wow for a total of about a week.... But i was coming from SB/UO so you can imagine my bordem,from not know who maybe hot on my trail, to kill these 10 things and get a gift. Lame. But im glad it makes you sick now,…
All depends really.... If they actually test the patch and verify all the code works/implements correctly, and depending no how large of an update it actually is to the code; and if its not just a piggyback patch. I would say anywere from an hour to…
No because a boxed game denotes a finished product for the most part. Torrent DL's demote unprepaired, unstable, and most importantly an unfinished product. I wish this wasnt the case but it is.