No matter how much people complain about it, there will only be a first person mode. It has been like that from the start, and is one of the main features of the game. Telling them to add a 3rd person view, could most likely create some balancing …
I have only being part of Role-playing in games. I started experimenting with RP in World of Warcraft, but never actually got into it.
The first real RP I did was in Age of Conan, and really enjoyed it. So now I am addicted, and slowly getting …
Originally posted by trancejeremy
Maybe if you play on the European servers, but the American ones really blow (at least Landroval). People are very very stuck up and snobbish. No one ever wants to group or even talk to you. If you aren't in thei…
So far I have really enjoyed playing this game. The community is great, and helpful; Fellowships are easy to find most of the time (I know some people say they can't find any, but maybe I have been lucky..)
I have also seen lots of people Role-Pl…
I agree, people in this game are much nicer to each other, and are actually willing to help with no questions asked. It was very easy for me to get started playing, and I am enjoying it a lot more than other MMOs I have played. Fellowships are ver…