Tried VG a few days ago, and although the game might be good, the animations are so bad, and in some cases missing, that I just couldt force myself to play it. I feel like controlling a omnidirectional vehicle detached from the ground. Try to move f…
Originally posted by Czzarre
I dont thiik many players want too much realism. Also, I believe that the majority of players dont want to craft. Sure they will craft a little, but they dont want to be fully dependent on it.
This game isnt fo…
Lets just hope that in the future someone could make a game this advanced without going bankrupt. Too bad games have become so mainstream and popular. Every new MMO is a atempt at World of Clonecraft, and no one dares to try new consepts. (Not badt…
Originally posted by Reklaw
Maybe in 5 to 10 years when tech is able to produce something you explain we might see it, don't expect something like this any time sooner, do you have any idea how much tech this will cost, forget that lets focus on …
Havent tried Ryzom. Usually dont like "f2p" games beacause of crappy production quality. However I will try it in 30 min when it has finished downloading I dont care about graphics, but if the playermovement gives me the feel of driving a omnidirec…
Its no more a crafting game than a game about politics and war. Leave your life in the settlement behind to live on a big playermade ship and explore the world. Join a pack of thieving nomads who steal whatever they want. The posibilites are endless