MMOGULs sucks. It has been the stupid idea of a stupid man who should have know better. Just the same - it is not tied to Stargate or CME despite what MMOGUL's idiots claim. I spoke with MGM - I just asked one of their legal minions about MMOGULs…
Agricola1 - do you want CME to end or Whiting to end or both - not clear from your posts? You are by far the most entertaining person on these forums - but if it is CME you want dead - why? If it is Gary - then you have lots of company.
Agricola1 would kill me in a Troll Fight. He is good at what he does - I am a novice and clearly don't know what I am doing. I kneel down to his superiority.
I have a good contact at CME and I think I can answer most of Kyriesunset's questions:
* MMOGUL's was opposed by everyone at CME that is why it is not part of CME. Whiting thought it was a great idea and would generate cash to save SGW - when …
Wow! these forums are great. A whole bunch of people who know part of the story and make up the rest. Be assured that the facts are stranger than the fiction and the real story will be even more outlandish than the made up version you find in the…
The speculation has gone far enough - time for some facts. Gary Whiting controls many entities probably over 30. A lot of companies he owns indirectly through other companies. Check out the Arizona and Nevada corporations site and you can figure …
I can confirm that - Stargate has not lost 100 employees - if they did they would have been gone long ago - most of the devs want to stick it out and build the game - but getting paid has been a problem - the economy sucks.
I don't think MMOGULs had "missing funds" . Whiting took them - they weren't missing - Jeff and Bret both knew this and they didn't like it. Whiting had control of the funds and used them elsewhere. But these funds didn't come to CME.
CME is ii…
Whiting is spread so thin with all the different companies he is involved in that none of them get much of his attention. MMOGULs failure or success has little impact on CME. No CME money has ever gone to MMOGULs or to any or Whitings other compan…
I think investors had the option of investing in just Stargate or in the parent company. While I think the Stargate game was the biggest draw, most investors were looking to invest in a company with multiple games - that is why most invested in CME…
I think the Stargate Worlds business plan is only about Stargate, CME planned on opening other studio and building other games - I think the other studios and games have their own business plans.
Whiting is an entrepreneur - he has started up more than 20 businesses. But from the track records - he is not a businessman. MMOGULs is another one of Whiting start-ups. He wanted to use a highly commissioned direct sales force or MLM (multi-lev…
Larger investors are skeptical about investing in a one-product company, so CME has had more success fundraising with multiple products - that is how they raised the $40 million - they could have never done this for Stargate alone.
Don't know for sure, but I think the original strategy for CME was to raise a little of $100 million and open 10 studios - only one is building Stargate Worlds. Stargate Worlds is the largest project and fundraising and development was going on sch…
I think Kyriesunset had it right for the most part. I am not sure where she got her facts regarding some bad investment - Whiting is involved in lots of companies - but none of the CME money went to anything but buidling games. Regarding her SEC c…
Management, the dev team, the economy, Whiting - they are all to blame - it just more complicated than saying it is just Jenson and Whiting - they all had a part in the screw-up - no doubt.
Also I know that CME has vendors across the country and it had offices in Boston and Los Angeles. MGM is in Los Angeles, it has an engine provider in Australia - I think someone picked up on Jenson only being in Arizona two-three days each week and…
Who knows - where do all rumors come from. I do know that on average CEO's are at their headquarters less than 50% of the time. They are traveling to remote offices, to visit clients, customers, trade shows, etc. I CEO that is always in the offic…