Does mmorpg even know what p2w is? I swear the meaning has been lost and replaced over the years. It's not pay to win its pay to get things quicker. You are not buying power, you are just coverting playtime into money. And even if you buy your way t…
My favorite living story moment was when I faced the Marionette during Origins of Madness. It was fin having everyone there and a challenging experience. Then the being in complete awe when we all suddenly wiped.
Everytime they post anything about this game on this site its just people cry about how its not on PC. Get over it. PS3 could actually use some good MMOs for once. (DCUO makes you spend to much and gets boring)
But this uprising build is great, can…
Originally posted by Teilo
Originally posted by Zeroxin
Originally posted by darkbamy
Originally posted by purewitz
On the contrary, this is one of the best games I have ever play. May not be the best mmo, but it is definit…
This is going to be great.
But in my opinion I'd rather have BF3 players in this than COD players. Why?
"COD player"-"I dont like this, the maps are to huge, to many tanks"
Can't wait for this to come out, truly innovative.
Originally posted by BrodieBroos
Jesus what do you guys want a free mmo?! It's not pay to win its f2p. These items you can't buy off the store there is just a chance of a drop for THOSE OF US PAYING $14 A MONTH. You want a free mmo go play that mi…
Can't wait for this.
I rather be fighting on the ground than in some ship anyday.
There is even going to be Eve/Dust clan option added to the game. So it can add more of a long term point to the game where they can plan together when to attack …
This game will attract the ps3 fpsers, don't need eve players to jump on in. Besides we need their ships in space.
That's all there is to it. I am certainly looking forward to this game. looks like a mix of battlefield and starhawk. But original.…
This game just became more P2W. But figures. Its a good game but you need 70 cr to do the new raids. I only has 62. but ive managed to get this high without spending a single dime on this game.
Originally posted by Faelan I would love to play this. Enough to pay the regular full price that games cost these days without blinking. And I'm not a fan of shooters. In fact, I generally dislike shooters, so that really tells something. But buying…
SO much can I( a warrior) compete against this? I need to see the warrior preview >.<
Btw this game seems to becoming more violent, which i like.
Originally posted by MortisRex
Originally posted by Charas When are these people going to get that "doing it like WoW" doesn't work anymore?
If a game has "World of" in the name, I look the other way.
No it's not hate, WoW is the MMO I …
Originally posted by Master10K I'll reiterate what I've said elsewhere... I like the idea around the Traits and how they effect these new attributes, allowing my Dual Pistol Thief to not be exactly like that other Dual Pistol Thief. However I hope t…
(Away from Argument) I miss exteel. V.V
I don't think all of ncsofts games are grind fest, for example guild wars.
80 levels in GW better not take me more than a month or 2 to reach that.