Originally posted by ASmith84
why do games have to be so complicated and have so much stuff in it to be fun? Why cant there be a game that is just fun? In soccer all you do is kick a ball around yet people have fun with it. Why cant people just …
"Do you think SWG players got the shaft for the 5th Anv?" Frankly, when havn't players of this putrid piss poor excuse for a Star Wars themed game gotten the shaft?
/slap everyone still supporting this project.
Can't say I was surprised about these dropped features. But I will say that the way he has articulated his words, it hasn't done anything to the game but help it and ensure that the fun factor and its ultimate goal make a solid game come release.
I think it just has to do with the fact that the game was wrapped around the Star Wars IP. Star Wars is (in my opinion, and many others) one of the greatest stories ever told, and to have that embodied into an actual interactive atmosphere where tho…
Then with all due respect, don't play it and move onto something else like Huxley or other games that might offer twitch reflexes. I find it very intriguing that AoC allows players to physically move their avatar out of the way of incoming attacks--…
I think it's important to remember that the hype levels on this site in no way reflects the actual community-wide hype for games. That said, it will always be somewhat of a teeter-totter (sp?) between the colossal games.
To the OP, if you do not know already, there is currently a group of programmers and designers who have gotten together (with little funds other than donations) who are designing a server which will run Pre-CU game code. It will be like it was back…