You only need 2, 1 alchemist and 1 kinetic.
The other 3 are just there for their free amulet. We do this all the time for our guild until everyone has a full set for all their classes. Just need to have two player which have an alchemist and Kinetic…
Our Pantheon now has 121 members (11 clans of 11) and its so hard to make sure everyone is doing the pantheon missions.
This game does have a lot of cool things, but so many ANNOYING things. They really need to fix the pvp ques and chat channel…
As its open beta (soft launch, no more wipes) they have most of the game ready, but all the cool FLUFF has not been added yet but I am liking what it has so far
Also note, if you have a Geforce 900 series, the proformance is BAD but there is a…
One of my favorite experience was seeing Vision of Vox
Killing her in EQ was a blast and see what became of her in EQ2 and the whole quest chain to learn to speak like a dragon.....blow my mind
None are WORTH a sub at the moment
But the best of the three is ESO and I currently pay a sub for that game, but don't recommend it, but I have high hopes for it after the add the champion system, which will either kill the game or give it a reb…
V6 and V10 zones is where I look for honey and onions to make Invigorated Honey Pudding or Consummate Honey Brittle.
Just remember, some of the parts for V1-V10 provisioning you have to buy from the NPC grocery
Originally posted by Dragim Hmm..must just be me then!
Well I suppose that it is good that it isn't happening.
I have seen this caused by server lag
Youf client shows you inside and getting kicked by the enemy.
The other guy it shows you stil…
It appears lots of player are in PVP campains for easy wins not true PVP, so you will see three campains each 'owned' by one of the three factions.
Not sure how they can fix this, but we will see as more players get to end game and move onto PVP
When your 5 levels higher then the mobs, the player gets no exp and no loot, so they where not farming it.
No exp also means no fighters guild exp, so they where not doing it for that either.
So that only leaves the 'completion' update
As swimming allows the mob to 'reset' (runs back and full heals) then no, its not cheating.
But there are a few spots (jumping between two bits of land over water) that 'tricks' the mobs, so they do not reset, but they go on a long run and this all…
I promised myself I would not 'rush' this MMO and I would listen
ead all dialog.
But its so hard not run from place to place and bypass dialog in ESO
I have also burnt out (my own fault) and need to slow down. I got to L40 too fast, and I have tak…
Now if only they added a way to 'reset' the stats on your horse so you could reallocate them.
Got a new 'faster' starting stats horse, but I would love to reset my imperial horse to be all bag space..
Having a few bank alts help, but there are also having multi horses (one for running, one for bag space)
And there are also a few add-ons which quickly show you which weapons/armor you need to keep for research (saves having a excel sheet) and what…
Just look for the bot teams, there are a groups of them in every map past L25 (wish there was a way to remove them)
They are going between groups of mobs that re-spawn every 15 seconds. Its sad, but you can see they are getting a levels fast and…
This is why there is early access. If you want it to be bug free (or at least all the quests work), wait for version 1.2
Wait a month or two, THEN buy and play this game.
So far, ever bugged quest I have found, I have got it to work by logging of…
Originally posted by Castielle101 I loot's so annoying there is so much to OCD....sigh...
I have CDO (its the same as OCD but the letters are in the right order)
Originally posted by RhinoNZ Damn all these huge patch's
Do they think that everyone in the world has unlimited bandwidth? lol
Another patch & they would have patched out my cap for the month !
That's why in New Zealand I use the …