From the sounds of things, the MMORPGs everybody wants now fall under the Open-world/Sandbox category. Or, in other words, instead of more WoWs we want more UOs (Ultima Online). I agree, a new Ultima Online would be the most awesome thing to happen …
To avoid sounding too pessimistic (but I think I'm too funny) I'll share what I used to help me stick to games longer. I'd have to agree the best way to stick into an MMORPG would probably be goals.
Whether it's a sandbox or a theme park MMORPG, g…
I'm not sure why I still play MMOs. The best MMO I will ever play came out in 1997 and so far nothing ever came close to Ultima Online. Star Wars Galaxies was pretty close, but it took Sony Online Entertainment even less time to screw up what they h…
Hmm, well I always had a couple of what-ifs.
One would be a Quest for Glory MMORPG. Players can complete hero school, and wander around Spielsburg and other locations and be the hero they think they are. But only to die in some obvious and humilia…
Dieing in an MMORPG. Teeth have to bite and claws must rake. Sometimes feeling the pain is a part of the gain. However, I'd have to say that MMOs are slowly ditching the pain and focusing entirely on the gain. When players complain about getting gan…