Talos.. Tasos..
Star Vault, Swedish
Aventurine, Greek
Looks more like random coincedence that their nicks are similar, also I can't find any similar names on people who work in Star Vault and Aventurine, so unless they say something about i…
I'm not gonna wait 3 months maybe 1 but not 3.
Who ever sayed that is crazy and i'm not gonna sit here and listen to it
so stop me if you can cause i'm going to WAR
Martin S
Deakn Street
Ok maybe some reasons where bad but yeah it takes time to learn i know that and i have though of playing EVE when i get my own credit card, but of what i've seen on screenshots and movies, trailers and what i have read then EVE sounds like it was ma…
The reasons why i don't play EVE is
1) Too advance controls and not very easy to remember shortcuts also almost every letter on a keybord is a shortcut of some kind and i already have a hard time to remember Star Wars Galaxies shortcuts hehe.