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  • Age of Empires is one of my all time faves, a beta key would be awesome!
  • I vote for shameless attempt to up your blog readers.  Kinda sad you can't give ANY type of specifics here in the thread you created about the problem that you say exists.  That simple facts means I would never read your blog or send anyone to it.
  • strange, I have tried from 2 different email accounts.  My email is mmo.player76@gmail.com if that helps.
  • I sent you a mail at your email address and would gladly take a friend invite, I will be picking up the expansion but nothing wrong with some bonus xp in addition. Thanks.
  • The worst part for a long time mmo gamer, is that you can get sucked in with good intentions.  Here is what happened to me: My soon to be wife is not a gamer, but plays all the facebook games I think.  She is particularly fond of Zoo World.  She w…
  • I played EQ2 at release and moved on after about a year.  I am considering purchasing back in with the new expansion.  When are you guys hoping to really get started?
  • Just because you can craft everything in Fallen Earth, doesn't mean the crafting system is any good, or that their is any point to crafting those items.  Fallen Earth was a fantastic game for about 3 weeks, then you realise there is nothing at the e…
  • Hate to tell you, but FE is not even remotely a sandbox.  And before you say I haven't played it, I have 2 45s and still subscribe to the game.  Like the game for what it is, somewhat unique atmosphere, lots of potential.  But to call it a sandbox i…
  • And to answer one of the original question, why it should have more content than any other game, Beacuase they want you to keep paying them 15 dollars a month.  I have no problem with buying a game for 50 bucks and I can play to the end as quickly o…
  • It will absolutely keep me from playing the game.  My family genetics cursed me with a severe motion sickness problem and playing in First Person makes me dizzy. 
  • For people saying they have played a long time and have top characters in their teens, you must play like 45 mins a day.  I will be the first to say I have an above average play time, but in 45 days I have 2 lvl 45s (both with over 1100 AP, so don't…
  • FE is an excellent game.... until you hit the level cap.   And yes I understand that the developers hope to get to level 150 eventually but the cap is 45 right now, and there is absolutely nothing to do at lvl 45.  Unfortunately if they don't come u…