Originally posted by vkayne
Originally posted by Thefivemagik
Im waiting patiently for GW2 or a decent game. Currently on Allods online beta when im bored. Can someone tell me a good F2P?
No such thing, sorry...
Dungeons and Dr…
I'm playing DDO right now, I think it's really an underappreciated game. I love the combat, It has great graphics, and the quest are fun. I even like the limited PvP. I think LotRO looks cool, along with Star Wars: The Old Republic and Star Trek Onl…
The fact that DDO has only 20 levels doesn't bother me at all, it took me longer to level up than in other MMOs, after two hours of DDO I was level 2 (rank 7) while after two hours of WoW I was level four.