I personally think this is exactly what they were going for. This way they get a dry run of release day and get to mess with all the settings and fine tune stuff. Could it be poor planning? sure it could, but I think they knew what they were doing.
from http://www.zam.com/story.html?story=18313
"Press: Going off of that, is it going to keep the same format currently, where all servers are worldwide, or will it be split into territories?
SE: Yes, our current plans are to have the same type…
Originally posted by Stradden
The question now resounds, "Why not just make this an expansion to FFXI instead of calling it FFXIV if you are already using the same world?" Players have been debating this endlessly since fourteen was announced, …
lol great stuff cant wait for the next part. I never was involved in EQ1s endgame but boy did I hear alot of horror stories. And as far as DAoC I remember it declining quite a bit even before ToA... dying, no, but I do remember seeing the number of …
BEST: FFXI for sure. had a blast and met a lot of great players and helpful people.
WORST: Aion imo.... played on a couple servers (1 for elyos 1 for asmos) and was just amazed at how awful the community was on both. unhelpful, unfriendly, selfis…