yeah but its a ive away and the possibility of word of mouth increasing their revenue after the fact that they announce the / a winner in ( your country here ) has won would probly be alot more cause they are opening the opportunity for other compet…
it's not a shot at ... I read alot of their articles ... i'm just curious as to why the competitions are ony for a small majority of the world ... America is big but not that big that ever single person is subscribing to the website that …
Cheers guys,
seeing the date of this thread and the content of it ... I was deciding whether or not to start up my account again after a year of being away.
So looks like the little Dwarf Guardian who could is going to live again
Originally posted by Haiken
I agree they should let us keep our beta characters, I mean the fuck man, we are helping them by reporting the bugs, I think we deserver a little something... but they probably wont let us, thats why I dont report anyt…