Thanks for the post guys i currently tried the game dragon nest but it is in chinese it is a great game but would be great if the made an english version. But keep posting more games from this genre so i can decide which one i want to play
nahh not age of conan man doesnt look too good im downloading everquest 2 now hopefully its alright but still need more names of games so i get closer to the one im lookin for
yeah I mean AOE's bro. I've played 2moons and Cabal that had some awesome AOE skills for each class but it gets to gridy at higher lvls so i quit. Ill have a look at everquest but if you've seen videos of DragonNest, Tera, GW2, Rift games like that …
champions online doesnt look like somthing i would like and i really dont wanna pay for a game. and dynasty warriors looks to repetitive and seems like it would get boring after a while. I've been looking at a couple of games like Land of Chaos Onli…
dude i'd go with Battle of the Imortals its an awesome action mmo with griding and quests but there are tons of events which are all instance based which all give great rewards.
yeah i know what you mean man. Yeh i like the action pvp type mmo's i've played archlord before and that was pretty good havent played it for a while so might download and play that again thanks
hey dude i've got a couple in mind such as Cabal, Dekaron/ 2moons they all both have pretty big mobs you can kill in front of you with big AoE's and good graphics. Conquer Online but is 2D but is great fun with each class has very unique skills and …
Not a game that you stand there hit the monster and get hit back. Something like 2moons but with bigger mobs to kill, not 3 monsters per player and i want continous easy to follow fun quests not like the commition board on 2 moons where u…